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Saturday, January 9, 2021


The Capital Hill under attack January 6, 2021

the British did the same in August 14, 1814 - then the British

were our enemy today the White Nationalists - scumbags.

The  current White House has tarnished the good name of the United States of America. While thousands are dying from the COVID-19 pandemic - this demon - ignores death, has no empathy and absolutely no compassion. DT is a disgrace to the human race.

When many of us saw the Confederate Flag at Capitol Hall - the Racists White - know to us for 401 years - despicable to the core - who think this land Turtle Island is theirs - when most of their folks - named strangers - landed on these shores - without documents - seeking refuge and now think they own the land.

Here you see some buffoons - call will cited -
each of them will spend an inordinate time in jail -
in most circles - they are called White Trash -
the have not read the Constitution, fanatics to the core -
they worship DT - the demon from hell.

The security on most levels was compromised at Capitol Hill - our democracy was compromised - some laid their lives in defense of democracy - other will be traumatized for a long time.

We must acknowledge the tenacity and fortitude for those gathered to count and certify the Electoral Votes - the progress interrupted - deciding under no circumstance they would stall the process - gather again and finish the business at hand - the wee hours of the morning January 7, 2021.

When the Senate gathers - we saw pandemonium -
above you see the White scumbags - despicable to the core -
most of them ignorant, arrogant, and racists - they think they own Turtle Island - for 401 years - they have continued - to behave in this manner -  now is the time to send them to the gallows - they are modern day terrorists, traitors - treason is in their blood.

These idiots who think they are privileged - consider themselves autocratic following autocrats such as " DT ". 

The followers are fanatics - shallow, inept, unethical, weak in the knees, and the most despicable element in any society - they must be weeded out - and where necessary sent to the gallows. 

Here is the United States we are a Republic and a Democracy.

In any election we have winners and we have losers - Americans in large measure - are decent - and law abiding - we should NOT tolerate folks who practice license - there is freedom and there is license - abuse of freedom is license.

It will takes years to heal and more to remedy and fix all the many problems created by DT. The Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, those that despise us - because they cannot stand freedom as we understand - are talking about us in a disparaging - manner.

There is NO society in the entire world as resourceful as the United States of America. Again and again in our history - when things were not going well - we used our fortitude and tenacity and came to the rescue of the world and on occasion our own rescue - here on Turtle Island.

America will rise up - stand on its feet - and move forward.

America will get to the bottom - those countries who think they had it good to harm our Nation - will be dealt with - for sure Russia and China. But there are other nations too - too many to name - all will be warned - this time if you cooperate and behave - you may be spared - or else you will perish - as you with intent - want to play with fire.

The deranged jackass must go - fade into oblivion.

The Democrats have now an opportunity to do right.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris must now roll their selves and do right.

The Republicans have brought disgrace to their Party and it will take them years - 10 to 15 years - for Americans in large measure to have some little confidence with the mostly conservative Republicans.

Times have changed - and in reality the Independents are in the majority - and so now we the Independents to have an opportunity - to create a platform to invite the other two parties - the better elements of the Democrats and Republicans to see the good - in a new third party - to bring about change and lasting progress.

For sure we cannot tolerate the Commander in Chief - doling out pardons, some other Smithsonian elements - the Electoral College come to mind. The 25th Amendment can further be amended to serve the unique needs of our contemporary Society.

Twitter, FaceBook, and many other instruments of Social Media - must be visited - with meaningful deliberation - to address privacy, the spread of misinformation, disinformation - and more.

We cannot permit Social Media to educate us with information that is tainted. We must have the ability to discern with sound education - to filter the best and then educate ourselves - to learn the best of everything.

Social Media has invaded our homes - with tainted information - with FaceBook, Twitter, Google - other social media forums and platforms having a field day.

 It is a shame in 2016 we saw this Social Media moguls - pander to Russia and other nations - our enemies - all because they could make billions of dollars.

Harlan Kelly has resigned and will face criminal charges.
The Manager of the SF Public Utilities Commission - an
agency that is so corrupt it stinks to high heaven - Juliet Ellis
another scumbag has left - now we will have to deal with 
Michael Carlin and Masood Ordikhani - time will tell.
San Francisco is not only a Racist City but suffers from
chronic corruption of the worst order.

Shamann Walton a jail bird - not to be trusted -
has taken millions from Lennar Urban, other 
dubious entities - and has managed to elect himself 
as the President of the SF Board of Supervisors - shame on
those who have NO clue what the man is involved with.
He has used every gimmick to give himself some false publicity -
no ethics, less morals, no standards - and a crook of the highest order.

Dwayne Jones has used Community Benefits - 
to foster the worst type of corruption - decent, San Franciscans
are kept in the dark. Young Community Developers has
received million though Dwayne Jones - Community Benefits. 
YCD has hired Dwayne Jones as a consultant - if this is 
not Conflict of Interest - what is. These crooks use tax payers
money to buy homes, bribe, and do what most hardworking,
decent, moral, ethical - those have standards - would not stoop to do.

While we brag about the corruption going on in Washington DC - it is the same here in San Francisco. In the middle of the pandemic the essential workers - asked for a small raise - Mayor London Breed refused to help the essential workers.

In the middle of the pandemic she gave herself a raise - she earns $400,000 and has nothing to offer - but hot air. We are taking this pandemic seriously. Mayor London Breed congregates - at a party held at The French Laundry Restaurant - and fails to apologize. She did this weeks later and showed her true colors - a hypocrite and one that cannot be trusted.

We have 12,000 homeless in San Francisco.

40% of the population of San Francisco are symptomatic and Mayor London Breed has not said a word - not her sidekick who is sick - Dr. Grant Colfax.

In District 10 the plight of those who are suffering has reached saturation point. Food security is a real problem - one in three Seniors have no food - three in four children suffer from Food Security.

Testing is District 10 is less than 5% -  and those eligible for vaccination less than 0.5%.

Shamann Walton - the President of the SF Board of Supervisors - is the District 10 Supervisor - and has failed his District - yet in he thinks he will handle the entire City and County of San Francisco.

Shamann Walton is a jail bird - who has no remorse - he is out tear down our Juvenile System - the System that tried to reform him - and deep in his DNA he is filled with hatred. A hypocrite who favors Cannabis Clubs, and other nefarious activities - and thinks we do not know his true colors.

Shamann Walton will tarnish the little that is left - of the good name of our City and County of San Francisco.

This is the land of the Muwekma Ohlone - not once has he acknowledged the First People of San Francisco - proving he is a scumbag of the first order. He plays one group against the other.

Shamann Walton - has managed to fill his campaign coffers and his own pockets. No one who is decent trust him - and many call me and want me to do something about this corrupt - politician of the worst order.

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