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Sunday, January 17, 2021


Someone - has tallied all the major lies "DT" has uttered over 30,000 - and most of us American - allowed that to happen. Few spoke out - because we assumed that other entities, institutions, would tackle that situation.

The Truth be told - each one of us citizens - if we are educated on issues - are responsible - to bring the " situation at hand " - to the attention of any individual, any entity, any institution big or small - that is our Right - as a constituent, a taxpayer, a citizen of the United States of America.

Again and again I must remind - the land every square inch belong to the indigenous people. To be precise 3, 717, 812. 8 square miles. Today we have a population of 340 million.

Indigenous people honor and respect Mother Earth - something foreign to the strangers who came to Turtle Island and screwed things up in less than 250 years.

Indigenous people have lived in the Americas for over 15 thousand years - and done well - protecting the land, the water, the watershed, the air, the forest, the flora, fauna and all that Mother Earth has blessed us with.

Paradoxically - even though indigenous people today make up only 5 % of the world's population. The indigenous people protect 80% of the Earth's biodiversity.

Those monitoring climate change, the depletion of the forests, the contamination of the oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, wells - reveal to us that indigenous people - help protect the vast forests, rivers, watershed - as best they can - the indigenous people protect 80% of the Earth Biodiversity - even though they are only 5% of the Earth's population.

Who will speak for our indigenous children ?

When one studies how the strangers did all in their power to brainwash the indigenous people.

Horrific, horrendous, despicable - shame on those who did all in their power - to tarnish and brainwash the innocent - forcing them to speak English and punish those who spoke their native language. 

Crimes against Humanity.

We pause, reflect, listen to our Elders and their Wisdom - we arrive at one word " EVIL " -  and evil is closest to the "devil ".

Our Elders in their wisdom - listened well - and after deep thought and reflection -  told us " do not trust those what speak with a forked tongue ".

The strangers came asking for help and were aided. 

They asked for food and were nourished.

They were given seeds to grow food and learned the ways of growing things - the indigenous did this and more in good faith.

Once they regained their health - they bit the hand that fed them.

Nothing much has changed - with "DT" we have witnessed the DEMON himself - proclaiming himself as the center of everything.

When - in reality - he is nothing - a liar, a loser, a scumbag, and a good for nothing - piece of trash.

He - " DT " - and those who are his minions - are a disgrace to the human race.

My first description of " DT " - an egoistical maniac - it remain to this every second. Soon he will be gone - hopefully fade into oblivion.

Respect for indigenous women.

Our indigenous women can stand tall and represent.
Warrior women second to none.

Indigenous women have already played a key role in the deep history of indigenous people all over the world and here on Turtle Island - today, known as The United States of America.

Deb Haaland of the Pueblo of Laguna Tribe and
also Jemez Pueblo heritage - a warrior woman.

Indigenous women in the United States have been disrespected for decades - not anymore,

We - will have a sworn in Secretary of Interior from the Pueblo Nation - Deb Haaland - of the Pueblo of Laguna and also Jemez Pueblo heritage.

Her father was a U.S. Marine - mother a nurse in the U.S. Navy - she understands discipline and more standard operating procedures. She is very familiar with the United States military - had the experience and skills - to be at the table - and bring about solutions.

Deb Haaland will be led by the Great Spirit - and deal and meet the Department of Interior sordid policies.

Deb Haaland - a warrior woman - will reveal to those that have harmed her people - as the head - the Department of Interior - the many lies, deceit of the highest order - and hopefully bring solace to many tribes - here on Turtle Island  - federally recognized and those many waiting in line - to be recognized.

President-Elect Joe Biden
will be sworn in January 20, 2021.

Soon  the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris administration will be sworn in - from day one - we will mandate - a fresh look at the history of this Nation - Turtle Island now known as the United States of America.

With the first hundred days - we the indigenous people - mandate a Blue Print to address Quality of Life issues - linked to the indigenous people - the many reservations lacking clean drinking water, electricity, suffering from food security.

Indigenous people must have access to sound education - the true history of Turtle Island - not the fake history taught and more. We will be monitoring the Joe Biden Administration - like a hawk.

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