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Tuesday, January 5, 2021


Micheal Carlin the inter SFPUC Director

is suspect - and must not be allowed to carry on

the sordid legacy of Harlan Kelly and Juliet Ellis -

more so with his side-kick Massood Ordikhani.

The  San Francisco Public Utilities Commission has failed to focus on what it provides us Clean Drinking Water to the citizens of San Francisco and the Bay-Area our partners.

The SF Public Utilities Commission has not taken any meaningful measures  - to stop polluting our Bay with dangerous chemicals such as PFOA and PFOS - adversely impacting our health.

What are PFAS? Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that include PFOA, PFOS, GenX, and many other chemicals.

PFAS have been manufactured used in a variety of industries around the world, including in the United States since the 1940s.

PFOA and PFOS have been the most extensively produced and studied of these chemicals.

Both chemicals are very persistent in the environment and in the human body. Truly speaking they do not break down and they can and do accumulate over time.

There is strong empirical data and evidence that exposure to PFAS can lead to adverse human health effects.

Here are two basic reports that will provide any reader - how our industries provide lack of information - corporation sell toxic products - innocent people use them.

The result - our infants, children, youth, young adults, our beloved Elders, those with compromised health. More our physically and mentally challenged - slowly die and no one seems to care.

Here are the reports that will open your eyes and hopefully bring you to stand tall and represent - come to to the table - educated on issues and speak Truth to Power :

Here us San Francisco we have many individuals with degrees - in chemistry and in fields of bio-monitoring - who try their best to represent.  They are few and hurdles they face are enormous - Corporations like Clorax make billions - and give bread crumbs as charity from time to time.

Millions of innocent people are kept in the dark - here in San Francisco - the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - keeps hoodwink us in broad daylight - they send millions of gallons of secondary effluents into the Bay - the Regional Water Board is aware of this fact.

Non-Profits like the Bay Keeper and other do something - but in order to bring the demons down - ore needs to be done.

Sordid individual the likes of Michael Carlin, Harlan Kelly, Juliet Ellis, other too many to name - one of them Masood Ordikhani - has NO clue what they must do to represent - they are caught in a web of corruption - and their time is coming.

Masood Ordikhani is a Racist and several Blacks have reported to me - Masood calling them N***ER - today he has been appoint as the head of Racial Equity.

Want proof of what I am saying - there is one brief - that spells everything any decent percent wants to know:

San Francisco Public Utilities Commission  authorities - with intent - have harmed hundreds - ruined the career of innocent people - just because they wanted to do right - and were told to do wrong.

Much like I put Harlan Kelly, Juliet Ellis, Dwayne Jones others too many to name on notice - I am putting Michael Carlin and Massood Ordikhani on notice. 

Both of them having been having a field day - sending emails praising each others behinds. All that and more will come to the fore.

Take it from me nothing much has changed at SFPUC - rampant corruption is still being fostered - as long as Michael Carlin has connections with Susan Leal, Julie Labonte, Dwayne Jones, Masood Ordikhani, other crooks who the Federal Bureau of Investigation is full aware - and will get their ass - very soon. 


This one slogan - beautifully Harlan, Juliet Ellis, Dwayne Jones, Susan Leal, Julie Labonte and others - they created 

the cesspool and must lie in it - sooner or latter.


The SFPUC has over 2000 employees - racism is rampant - and often time someone who is decent, honest, hardworking - stands tall and represents - are targeted and adversely impacted.

Here are some innocent people who suffered Tony Flores, Karen Kubick, Mark Harris - I have a file and can give you over a hundred names. Michael Carlin is aware of all the cases - now pretending he is innocent - Michael Carlin has BLOOD on his hands.

STOP depriving the SFPUC workers from accessing my active Blog - 

The blog has exposed a lot allowing the and Doug Comstock - the and Susan Reynolds to come to our rescue - the expose all these cockroaches - the likes of Harlan Kelly, Naomi Kelly, Susan Leal, Julie Labonte, Dwayne Jones and many more.

Again, we know who has been  lying in broad daylight - having failed us on pertinent and salient issues linked to the  Hetch Hetchy Reservoir and the Tuolumne River.

Michael Carlin the representative of the SFPUC lying in Sacramento -  kicking the can down the street -  this and more must STOP - once Michael Carlin is given - early retirement.

He many even be subpoenaed and retire sooner to be a baker.

I have a entire rap sheet on the scum bag  - much as I exposed Juliet Ellis, Harlan Kelly (after warning him), Dwayne Jones, Julie Labonte, Susan Leal - the same crooks - lying low and raking in the millions.

Millions of Community Benefits have been spent - meant for the Bayview Hunters Point area - sip codes 94124, 94107, 94134 - those who are in the know - about the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant.

More those who have followed the chronologically what has been happening from 1955 to now - know best.

The Sewer System Improvement Project started with a proposed budget of $6 Billion dollars - it is now nearing $12 billion - and by the time the Digesters come on line - it will totally - $20 billion. Who is fooling whom?

The SF Public Utilities Commission meets every second Tuesday of the month and every fourth Tuesday - of the month.

Discusses the agenda at hand - the SFPUC talk in circles and this has been going on for decades.

The word " PUBLIC" should mean something but it does not - to those that have " hoodwinking" us the constituents, the citizens, the taxpayers' - enough is enough.

All of you the SFPU Commissioners and those I have mentioned must be charged under the RICO Act.

In 2002 a ballot measure mandated the Clean water issues and the waste water issues be dealt with - this ballot measure passed - and after it passed some $4.8 billion - the largest capital improvement project:

Here is some pertinent information:

The SF Public Utilities Commission decided NOT to address the sewer issues but stick with the clean water - naming it  a fancy name -Water System Improvement Project (WSIP) in 2002. 

This arbitrary decision was illegal - failing to abide with the Ballot measure that passed November 2002 - against the explicit will of the San Francisco taxpayers. 

Shame on the SFPUC.

I spoke about this clear dereliction of duty to the citizens of San Francisco - before the SF Public Utilities Commission - many times - speak to the empirical data - to no avail.

August 28, 2012 another ballot measure was put to hoodwink the citizens of San Francisco - this time called the Sewer System Improvement Project.

As I said it started with a cap of $6 billion and is now in the year 2021 nearing $12 billion. Heading for a total of $20 billion.

Today two former General Managers sit on the SF Public Utilities Commission - Anson Moron and Ed Harrington - the Chair is Sophie Maxwell.

Sophie Maxwell has no clue about anything worth the salt. 

Each time she opens her mouth - she shoves her foot inside.

 Recently using foul words - disagreeing with another Commission Paulson - for reason best know to her.

She is a sellout of the highest order. She is not trusted by the community.

For those that want to know more the following may be useful :

Harlan Kelly  - the General Manager of the SFPUC recently resigned - he was nabbed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation - caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

If charged he could spent 30 years in jail - released after 20 years for good behavior.

His sidekick Juliet Ellis who accompanied him as they both shared an hotel room - rather than have two rooms.

Taking junkets at taxpayers' expense  - charging the taxpayers' for their food and drinks - one making over $400,000 - that is Harlan Kelly.

Juliet Ellis - she is NOT smiling anymore.

No more junkets - no more cloak and dagger activities.

Harlan Kelly singing the blues - wishing he had listen to those that told him - if he played with fire - he would perish with fire.

Juliet Ellis  - his sidekick makes over $300,000 with benefits - all this  and more well known to many - was investigated - by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and there is more to happen - soon.

Juliet Ellis has left the SFPUC - after spilling the beans.

These are the types of folks that linger around the SFPUC - wheeling and dealing - and betraying one another - dog eating dog - mentality.

Juliet was the Assistant General Manager of External Affairs and added her own title Chief Strategist.

Her strategy failed miserably and now she will repent for the rest of her life.

 She was on cloud ninety nine - now drowning in the cesspool of her own - creation.

Juliet Ellis - managed to take the General Manager down the drain - into the cesspool of their own creation - disgracing the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

Disgracing San Franciscans and we will never, ever forget the witch that is no more - NO smell of Sulphur around anymore.

We have over 1100 miles of clean water pipes some as old as 110 years - and they have to be upgraded. 

There is money set aside to do the work - but the work is slow - hardly 10% of the entire 11000 miles - clean water pipes - have  been attended to - the work progressing at a snail pace. 

In San Francisco we have 1000 miles of sewer pipes they too are as old as the clean water drinking pipes. 

The sewage leeches into the ground - in many locations - adversely impacting the watershed. 

No one seem to give a rat's ass.

Not once has the issue of per-polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) a group of man made chemicals - very dangerous - that includes PFOA, PFOS, GenX, and many other similar dangerous chemicals - never, ever - addressed by the SF Public Utilities Commission.

We will take them to Court - the rascals - and expose them for their stupidity.

They will have to pay for the harm done to millions - directly and indirectly.

We are watch the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - like a HAWK.  Aho.


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