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Friday, January 29, 2021


Go to your library and look at the maps of San Francisco -  find out how much of the land - is landfill - then, learn about liquefaction and 
severe - flooding.

Most folks in the Southeast Sector know about the above facts - not so the political goon - caught up with greed - they pretend to represent.

Compounded with the above mentioned facts -  Depleted Uranium - tested at locations - before and during World War II.

Now some politicians - want to build homes  - on contaminated land.

We have a team of doctors - headed by Dr. Ahimsa Sumchai who is doing some Bio-Monitoring - a work acknowledged by experts and other doctors and experts.

Patients are tested and many are suffering from exposure to toxic elements - the empirical data has been sent to the City and County and to Shamann Walton - instead of help the doctors and their work - the despicable politicians including Shamann Walton - are putting hurdles in the way.

For all his talk - more being a nutritionist - Shamann Walton is a fake - corrupt to the core - and must realize that we know that is not sincere - and has NO business to put hurdles in way of doctors - more Black doctors who are doing God's work.


Shamann Walton and his lackeys think they can fool all the people all the time - no way - the FBI is on his tail - and soon the man will realize his sordid ways will be revealed for all the world to see.

When anyone thinks they can build homes for human beings - on the contaminated ground - they must be charged " Crimes Against Humanity". 

As I stated One such site in the Southeast Sector of San Francisco is Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Another site is Candlestick Point which is in close proximity to Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

 We have the empirical data - empirical data that Depleted Uranium was tested at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - full understand the adverse impacts caused to any living beings.

Again and again - we, advocates - have to prove to very corrupt politicians the likes of  Shamann Walton, Hillary Ronnen, Sophie Maxwell, Malia Cohen  -  others new to politics - who think they can pull the wool over our eyes - in broad daylight.  

We have over 12,000 homeless in San Francisco - and SF Mayor - London Breed - has been barking up the tree - doing nothing much - each time she opens her dirty mouth - she spews diatribe - despicable.

London Breed talks in circles - she does not have one single plan that has sound goals and timelines. Keeps shouting when she speaks - prepared remarks - that mostly make NO sense.

California - is last in the Nation when it comes to administering vaccines - and as far as San Francisco - we are lagging behind too.

San Francisco has failed when it comes to testing - failed miserably. London Breed keeps blaming other - no one trusts her - more the doctors and essential workers. Talk to anyone sensible and they will reveal to you - about this despicable person.

It does not help the long, useless virtual meetings conducted by London Breed has with her sidekick Dr. Grant Colflax.

Dr Grant Colfax - who lacks the right information - and is always promising the constituents of San Francisco - to do better - and all we are dealing with today - are surge after surge - COVID-19.

We have two new variants to deal with one from South Africa and the other from England. In San Francisco we have poor testing - so the two variants are spreading like - wild fire. Time will tell.

The Southeast Sector of San Francisco is the last remaining land mass that lies vacant - but as I stated above is very contaminated.

The SF Board of Supervisors (SF BOS) and the Mayor London Breed have failed to address contamination and the health of our infants, children, youth, young adult, our beloved Elders - those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically, challenged.

We the people do not want any homes built on contaminated land - and if the SF BOS do not take us seriously - we will sue them - and reveal the empirical data that we have : " Crimes against Humanity ".

We also know the City and County of San Francisco - past Mayors have taken millions of dollars.

Millions of dollars given to help the Southeast Sector - and millions of dollars were used t for something else.  Most of it to pay lackeys and the politicians to fill their coffers.

The past Supervisors Doris Ward (since deceased) Sophie Maxwell ( past District 10 Supervisor - a sellout) now on the SF Public Utilities Commission.

 Malia Cohen ( past District 10 Supervisor and now on the SF Police Commission - another sell out).

 Shamann Walton the present District 10 Supervisor - who thinks he can hoodwink us all - and we know the FBI will be visiting him soon.

This nonsense where the SF Police Department and the SF Sheriff Department has contributed 21 million to the Racial Equity Office must be vetted.

We in San Francisco want to know - how the money will be distributed - and how Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islander, LatinX - other in need - will be served. 

Right now Blacks form 2% of the population - and make the most noise.

Over - 50% Blacks are incarcerated in San Francisco.

Many Blacks and others are released  from jail more Blacks are involved in car break-ins, home break-ins, stealing, robbing, killing, maiming - and undermining Quality of Life issues - all over San Francisco. The data speaks for itself.

Plans are afoot to tear down the Juvenile Hall and build housing. 

The new Navigation Center in the Bayview - cost millions - and cannot be used - as it was intended to. 

Navigation Centers - are not the norm - congregate methods lead to more cases of COVID-19 - and death.

We - know this - but not the corrupt and crooked politicians the likes of Shamann Walton.

Shamann Walton gravitates where there is money - we know this and the FBI is following the money - two more months - and the world will know what I am talking about.

Suffice to say Harlan Kelly has resigned - will appear in court and will be charged. 

Juliet Ellis spilled the beans - has resigned - but the FBI will circumvent and get her sordid - ass.

It is simply baffling how many Blacks love to break the law Derf Butler, Harlan Kelly, Dwayne Jones, Shamann Walton, Malia Cohen - many more - one worse than the other.

The people are kept in dark and millions of dollars - used for nefarious activities.

The  FBI had to step in to follow the money and show us all - how these scumbags lie, cheat, steal and fill their private coffers.

The SF City Attorney and the SF Controller - were provided empirical data - but kicked the can down the street. These two have failed San Franciscans and must be ashamed of themselves. 

We are in the middle of a pandemic - thousands are sick - many despondent - other committing suicide.

Still -  others dead from COVID-19 -  these political scumbags - think it is fine to steal, cheat, and fail to represent. 

We the tax payer pay their salaries - and these scumbags think they can get away with murder - in broad daylight. Enough is enough.

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