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Sunday, October 21, 2012


Often times we human beings are so arrogant; that we defy the higher standards, in the name of greed and ulterior motives.

We bend so low and sit so low - that we wallow in the cesspool of corruption - and in defying high standards - betray our ignorance and commit crimes that cry to heaven for justice.

The trees at the Columbus Triangle in San Francisco have been there for a long time. The triangle itself is a landmark. With the fountain and the grass; the Open Space - many take solace in this small park - while all around them - heavy traffic, tourists, and the daily hustle of everyday life - passes by.

The birds sing from the high canopy of the tall trees - providing much need shade. I stood there many times waiting for my bus - after doing some shopping at STELLA's and buying some fresh bread and cold meats that I savoured at one time.

I visited and patronized many of the stores in the area - but, I always returned to the Landmark Triangle - the tall trees that provide much needed shade and a cool breeze - in the middle of hustle and waited on my limousine - the public transportation MUNI.

Some years back Brian O'Flynn mother owned the property. He and his mother went to the process of getting the City permits - to develop their land.

Aaron Peskin's; the then SF Board President of the City and his wife and some other neighborhood advocates - wanted to keep the land free from development. They pressured the City to use a mean and evil tool - Eminent Domain.

The Government makes an excuse and takes your land. It happens even today - it use to happen all the time in the early 1960s. It happened in the Western Addition and as I said - evil people use this tool to soothe their evil desires and aspirations.

The City and County of San Francisco then took the land under Eminent Domain - and many advocates; in the City that seek fair play and justice were astounded and shocked.

In the end the City used its almighty power; Eminent Domain and won.

Brian O'Flynn fought the City in other ways - helping us in a major way fighting SF Redevelopment and making many major and historic inroads - initiating a Ballot Measure to get rid of SF Redevelopment Agency and its unsavory actions more in the Southeast Sector.

We collected 33,000 signatures from all over San Francisco - and this credible action; enabled us to showcase the blatant corruption of the then San Francisco Redevelopment.

Now dead - and buried the former SF Redevelopment Agency.

That victory in large measure - was initiated by Brian O'Flynn and a few of us; ardent opponent of injustice and against the very corrupt and evil former SF Redevelopment Agency. This agency raked in millions using tools like Eminent Domain, High Density, and crooked fiscal ploys and operations.

This property at Columbus - the Triangle as we call it - spurred us all to take on the corrupt, what most ordinary people thought was not possible - calling the corrupt SF Redevelopment Agency; invincible.

San Francisco Redevelopment Agency; as I said loud and clear is "DEAD" now.

The City Attorney not satisfied that we collected 33,000 signatures. Not fully satisfied that: " We the People " were granted a certification by the San Francisco Election Department - and we did, indeed have the 33,000 signatures from decent voters all registered - all valid - nullified the collection of the signatures.

The corrupt Dennis Herrera - stated that we did not inform and did not have at hand the general map and related documents to show those that signed our petition - when we gathered the signature.

We did that - and we did that first by consulting some experts - more than four experts in this matter - knowing that we were dealing with crooks like the MACHINE. We also ran the matter by the then San Francisco Clerk of the Board - Gloria.

The City Attorney; pressured by Mayor Gavin Newsom and others targeted us for all the wrong reasons.

I state this fact here to remind the readers about the blatant on going - corruption in this once - fair City - the City named after Saint Francis Assisi. Today, evil to the core.

Again, on Parcel A - Lennar a Rogue Developer used a Rogue individual to cut down over 400 mature trees - without a permit. The then head of the the Department of Public Works - was the present Mayor Ed Lee. Mohammed Nuru knows about this fact - because I made sure - I ran it by him.

This great City once had some conscience - no more.

The City trampled on Brian O'Flynn's and his mother's rights - when they intimidated them and took over their property. Brian and myself are good friends - and to this day - we think of all the misery this fair City - put the Flynn family - through.

So, the City stole the property - nothing new - all of San Francisco was stolen from the Ohlone. Of course the thieves - will look at you with a straight face - and say: "finders, keepers".

There is a God and there are principles that are not written down.

Today, this City of San Francisco has become corrupt - and the wrath of God will fall on those - that have with intent harmed so many.

It is simply wrong to cut down mature trees - when we have laws on our books.

Yet, I have seen this happen again and again. We grow trees at taxpayers expense and we do not maintain them.

Today, the City has turned over 30,000 trees to the property owners - and told them at short notice to take care of the trees.

The City has become nonchalant - the Mayor, the City Administrator, the City Attorney, many heads of Department - raking in the millions - for all the wrong reasons.

These idiots will brag about some Carbon Footprint - not fully having a complete and holistic idea - what the Carbon Footprint is all about and how one can make genuine - calculations.

The millions of vehicles. The many construction projects. The hundreds of acres of landfill spew Methane Gas into the atmosphere - over 200,000 in the Southeast Sector alone - one ton of Methane Gas equals twenty two tons of Carbon Dioxide.

You will not hear Mayor Ed Lee speak about the contamination, pollution, the fake Carbon Footprint - because lying and cliches are common - and those that have numbed their conscience - will do the devil work - it is as simple as that.

No one should have touched the Landmark Trees at the Columbus Triangle. Whatever evil is planned in and around the Columbus Triangle will FAIL.

In the past much before anything happened I predicted the end result. I took on Lennar, the Rogue Developer and they are wallowing the cesspool of their own creation. Lennar has no place in San Francisco and less in California and Kofi Bonner must comprehend this - quickly and leave San Francisco.

I predicted the fall of the San Francisco Redevelopment and it fell flat on its face. Tiffany Bohee is raking in the thousands - pretending to keep the Successor Agency afloat that will NOT  - happen. There is more to come - and I will proclaim loud and clear.

I predicted that when you gang against someone - just for the sake of ganging up against someone - much; as they did against Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi - this City would fall on its face - it did.
They are still reeling from that defeat that they brought on themselves.

The City in the last ten years has polluted our City, harmed trees, and created a mess - and it is all documented. We have the empirical data.

Yet, the inept leaders focus on animosity, revenge, dog eat dog mentality - and this will not take us anywhere. We must change our way - or forever hold our peace.

The City has over 50% Seniors that are suffering. Our population about 805,000. We have over 28,000 City Employees - for every 29 constituents of San Francisco; not all but most lazy - City Employees - they take forever to deliver something - that can be done in hours and days.

76% plus of our children will not go to college - the City knows this but cannot do anything about it. We need to get rid of Hydra, Kim and the other fake ass so called Board members - that seat on the SF Unified School District Board - has fallen prey to blatant corruption and lie to us all the time.

Recreation and Park is ripe with corruption - with the Fishers and their ilk - taking control of our playing fields.

Raking in the millions. Backed by Diane Feinstein, Richard Blum, Phil Ginsburg and a host of corrupt folks - many heads of Department from the City and County of San Francisco.

This land is Ohlone land - and over the years you bastards destroyed the Muwekma Park and Sanctuary, you cut down over 400 mature trees on Parcel A at Hunter' Point, you cut hundreds of trees at McClaren Park, you cannot take care of over 30,000 trees that reduce the Carbon Footprint - all over our City and County of San Francisco - now.

You lie, steal, and kill people slowly. 

You have no regards for decent, straight families.

You favor deviants and perverts.

You now kill trees and the trees that cannot defend themselves - but there is a higher force that will get you - folks that have with intent killed your conscience - you are put on notice.

The Central Subway Project started at $600 million it is now $1.8 Billion and all for a measly 1.5 miles underground subway.

If you study the Blue Print - Seniors and the Physically Challenged will have to walk further - often stranded - as happens over and over again with the T-Line - the first phase of the Third Street - T-Line that is not working.

$700 million was expanded to built the T-Line that does not work. Noisy, dirty, the stations and all. Seats broken and grafitti  all over the coaches. It starts at 4th and King and ends in the middle of nowhere - Visitation Valley. That was Phase one - a White Elephant in a minority community.

Now comes Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi's Phase II - we must get rid of these two hags - they do not represent us - they are a disgrace to anything - decent.

$1.8 Billion for just 1.5 miles - with AECOM and other raking in the millions - and filling the campaign coffers - of the political - corrupt.

Wake up San Francisco and time to vote the corrupt out - the likes of Scott Wiener and Malia Cohen - others who lie through their teeth - thinking they can get away with murder in broad daylight. Your time has come. You read it here - first.

As for the Main Media it keeps pandering to the corrupt - with no investigative reporting at all.

Washington Square a better know area is a stone throw away from the Triangle - go and check the area for yourself:

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