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Saturday, May 6, 2023



There is an SF Court ruling - give sufficient notice to the poor - the SF Police Department - should refrain from duties that do not fall within their preview. Suffice it to say the SFPD has failed in areas that need their presence - do not abuse over time - and do not waste the SF taxpayers' money. 

No one can arbitrarily shoot some numbers in the air  - and say it will cost Two Billion Dollars to address " Homelessness " in San Francisco.

Stop hoodwinking us in broad daylight. Stop demeaning the homeless - blessed are the poor, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

There is a Federal Law in place - the City and County cannot and must NOT remove the tents without giving those who live in the tents that have precious heirlooms, the medication, and what they consider precious - bulldozed - this must NOT - happen.

It is not for the City Attorney who can appeal what the Federal Court has mandated - do not adversely impact the indigent, the poor, more those mentally challenged. 

The Mayor London Breed should be ashamed of herself - she has taken our great City and County - ten years back.

Suffice it to say London Breed -  is into initiating many half-baked programs, all of which have fallen by the wayside.

City Attorney David Chiu and Mayor London Breed do not have their hearts in the right place. You must have your heart in the right place to take people to a better place.

Krystal Erickson came to her tent - only to find it gone - with it, her precious belongings. Let us not repeat this mistake - that has been made before - the Mayor of London Breed should apologize - no wonder we see Nordstroms closing shop, the flagship Wholefoods closed by 8th and Market - over 40 million square feet of commercial space vacant -  London Breed has failed us all - and must fade into oblivion.

I have been to Erie Street to see things for myself and help many folks who fell in bad times. We must realize that anything can take one down, and anyone can fall on bad times - the sooner the authorities understand this, the better.

The authorities at SF City Hall and the 33,000 employees - need to figure out whose land this is? The City Administrator Carmen Chu, a transplant from Los Angeles, is a JOKE. David Chiu, the SF City Attorney, a transplant from Taiwan - better adjudicate - he replaced Dennis Herrea, the former SF. City Attorney - now General Manager of the SFPUC. We understand the musical chairs game - placing unqualified folks. Folks like the Mayor of London Breed cannot make a sound needs assessment.

Most poor people in San Francisco are in dire straits - food is scarce - and it is not common to enter stores - with a large garbage bag and stack it with whatever they need to survive.

San Francisco is a concrete jungle - the City and County have built tons of market-price housing - but nothing is visible and available there regarding housing for the poor and the working poor.

I have seen some thugs wipe out an entire shelf -  and was shocked.
I have read many Walgreens close their stores.
I also know for years, Walgreens and other pharmaceutical stores - have sold OPIODS to addicts - without screening the prescriptions. 

Walgreens and other stores like CVS were taken to court and charged. 

The Walgreen Security guards should be given some direct orientation - about the general food security in San Francisco.  

Walgreens has paid the fines, and the City and County have received millions and want to use the money for other issues - and not abate and mitigate the situation at hand - food security.

Mayor London Breed is a JOKE - and it is just a matter of time - a movie is created on here - lacking comprehension - barking up the tree every time she is given a mike to speak. Pathetic.


The Security guards are outsourced, mostly individuals who have yet to learn about the situation. We have youth who have no food to eat, no place to sleep, no place to shower - more those who have no next of kin. Others who are disadvantaged - are the physically and mentally challenged. I see them, talk to them, help them, and know their condition firsthand. I see the pastors talk - more Black pastors - talk is cheap, we want action - and the SF Board of Supervisors - the Legislative Branch is slow to build homes for those youth that most need help - now. Time is running out - you idiots are playing with fire.

When the many youths came to SF City Hall - Room 250 and spoke to the SF Board of Supervisors, those Supervisors who favor Mayor London Breed - perhaps found out how shallow Mayor London Breed is - London Breed has no clue what is coming - the youth cannot and will not tolerate this nonsense anymore.

San Francisco has a budget of over $14 million - five years ago - I requested to build a facility for our youth - the homeless youth - foster children who are given a few dollars - and they go out into the world - and cannot find a home - cannot find a job - our city has no conscience - San Francisco is going to the hogs.

The Mayor and the SF Board of Supervisors Connie Chan, Hilary Ronnen, Shamann Walton, and Asha Safai have blood on their hands.

I was watching these scoundrels at the SF Board of Supervisors meeting. 

While the youth lined up to speak at Public Comment were begging for help. Most SF Board of Supervisors were nonchalant and pretending to hear - with no empathy, sorrow, or compassion in sight.

Do not take the youth suffering and slowly bleeding to death - this abject and pathetic situation - having disdain for the disadvantaged youth - cannot and will not be TOLERATED.

The First People of San Francisco won this land that was all stolen - every square inch.

Before the Whites came - there was no abject poverty - no diseases like syphilis and chlamydia - no heart attacks, no obesity - no rampant mental challenges, and no addicts we see today - every single day in San Francisco, three or four from Fentanyl overdoses.

No decent person can walk the streets of San Francisco without witnessing or being a victim of assault.

Our homes are broken into - cars broken into - rampant shootings and killings - need I say more. And here you have the Mayor, the City Attorney, and some other parasites - prey on the poor.

At the Walgreens at Fourth and Market, Banko Brown was shot in the back - and the SF District Attorney was quick to adjudicate the case without looking at the store video, revealing the facts.

Within 24 hours, the Security Guard - who used his gun to murder  Banko Brown - was released - someone who murdered an innocent human being - what has happened to this City and County of San Francisco.

I was the first to write about Oscar Grant - and again, I was the first to write about Mario Woods. There was a time - we knew what was right and wrong. Slowly but surely - we are now reeling into the cesspool of our creation.

Some come out with gimmicks - no one can fool all the people - all the time?

Most of these Security Guards that work in San Francisco have no supervision - in fact, the SF Police Department - once in 1972, had some ordinance to follow - but no one knows why it is not - in operation and followed.

Anyone who looks at San Francisco today - San Francisco has gone to the hogs.

Soon the City and County will be over one billion in the red - already, it has reached - $900 million.

San Francisco has a 14 billion dollar budget - you would not know this - from all the dirt and filthy - the increase in homelessness - the San Francisco Board of Supervisors - spewing diatribe - that tongue has no bone - or else their language would snap.

Foremost at the SFBOS Hillary Ronen and Connie Chan.

Let us remember who lived here for 15,000 years plus.

The ancestors will protect the warriors. Do not trust those that speak with a forked tongue. Stand tall and represent. Stay united - our time has come to shine. The Great Spirit sees it all.

Those of us who have studied a warrior, a medicine man, a leader one of a kind know that GERONIMO left his imprint on Mother Earth. Do not fear those who lie, cheat, rape women, kill those who cannot defend themselves - our time has come. 

Too many indigenous people died for no reason - many were taken to boarding schools and brainwashed. Our SF Planning Department - has chosen to incorporate vague language in the current Housing Element  - I have spoken about this issue - at one of the SF Planning Commission meetings
 - linked to the indigenous people and housing in San Francisco. Do right, or you all will fail flat on your sordid - faces.

The time has come to shine - the wisdom is with the Indigenous. There is vague talk of robots and Artificial intelligence. The knowledge of the Indigenous - incorporates " emotions " - Guidance from the Great Spirit - good actions - no lying, no cheating, it is a shame to harm a child, a woman who cannot defend herself - those with the forked tongue must be kept at Bay - do not go near the cesspool.


We must stand united to save those missing. We must devise a plan to address this severe issue on a War Footing - we can do it - we must do it - we cannot let this happen - ever.

Today we have digital platforms - we can be creative and communicate - our unique wisdom - going back 15,000 years. We understand the smoke signal - we know communication. The indigenous as no one else achieved - in World War II - and even today - we can communicate and win.

When it comes to that unique flare - we can be there too.
My good friend - a blessing to you all - my love for the
indigenous knows no bounds - Chief Sitting Bull, 
Chief Joseph, Gernomino, and many more. Aho!

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