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Saturday, May 13, 2023


Thousands of immigrants in dire straits - forced to endure - trials and tribulation. Added enforcement when it comes to documents - many fleeing hostile government - others have walked for months and weeks to see HOPE in the United States.

The United States, in the last 50 years, has failed to create a sound immigration policy.

The Statue of Liberty invites all to the United States - the U.S. Immigration Policy is so broken that the State Department has no clue what it is doing.

When the former egoistic maniac Donald Trump enforced Title 42 - a law mainly dealing with Health and Emergency - his main focus was to keep immigrants out - build a wall - and anyone who believes in borders and barbwire - is out of sync - and must have their heads examined.

Title 42 ended, and we now have the old Title 8 that was full of loopholes - and now has been made all the more difficult - amending Title 42 - forcing an immigrant to show that they were denied immigration statutes - by another nation.

Creating other hurdles - the immigrant is forced to fill out an application - the application is difficult to download - the immigrant - more those with children are slowly dying, and no one cares.

We must go to the year 1986 to read and comprehend how long ago - a comprehensive Immigration Bill - was passed bipartisanly.

The bi-partisan Immigration Bill of 1986.


Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce Leader - the indigenous tribes have lived on Turtle Island - for over 15,000 years.

Andrew Jackson was a despicable and ruthless U.S. military leader who removed thousands of indigenous tribes from their ancestral land - raped women, murdered children, stole millions of acres of ancestral land - and today honored his ugly face on the $20 note.

Many of us have NO clue that our immigration laws and so convoluted. It is simply wrong not to have worked harder to streamline our failing immigration law.

The politicians have chosen to kick the can down the street - and when challenged to do right - most of the politicians - look the other way.

Our immigration system has detained infants and children - at the many borders - more, the southern border - and sent them to places - without documentation.

Under the previous administration - the one before Joe Biden's - Title 42 was created and has now ended. The old Title 8 - served its purpose.

Title 8 has been amended - even as Title 42 sunsets - and the following article focuses on the adverse impacts - enjoy:

We pause and ask what Lady Liberty would say - today - and why has the United States - become so hostile?

The U.S. State Department - must understand that its immigration policies are inept, outdated, and a source of immense hardship and trauma to immigrants - we saw this with Afghanistan; we now see it on our Southern border, Ukraine, and African nations - India - different strokes for different folks. 

The indigenous are welcome to Turtle Island, not the thieves who stole the land - an area of 3,717 812. 8 square miles - they call it the United States. We call it Turtle Island.

The Indigenous never believed in walls to keep human beings out. The Indigenous, to this day, do not discriminate. The Indigenous have their hearts in the right place. The greed of those that make these convoluted laws is mind-boggling and traumatizing. When you read Title 8 - and the stupid amendments made - we wonder what has happened to justice and fair play.

The beauty of the indigenous knows no bounds. The strangers are greedy and have no empathy. To the strangers who are not indigenous  - this is NOT your land. You entered Turtle Island without permission. You stole the land and abused the hospitality of the indigenous tribes. Corrupt as you are - who enter the land under darkness - much like a thief. Corrupt as you are, you must stay out as you are a nuisance. You have yet to keep one treaty signed with the indigenous people - here on Turtle Island. The hundreds you -the United States - have signed - everyone you have broken, much like amending Title 8.

In San Francisco in the 1980s, some of us fought hard to make the City and County of San Francisco - a " Sanctuary City. "

At that time, we focused on the plight of those fleeing El Salvador - the cartels murdering innocent people. Earlier, the United States - interfered and messed with the government of El Salvador.

Years later, the United States has had to deal with other nations - most fleeing their homeland - because they have no freedom to speak their mind - denied access to work, to live as any decent human being should.

Much of what has happened in South America is linked to the Banana Republics.

The United States interfered in these nations - and even carried out assassinations.

The United States Congress - had to put in place laws - to prohibit assassinations and invading other nations.

We have just to witness what happened in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Guatemala, Honduras, Argentina, and many other nations - we trigger situations - that are despicable - and then deny having anything to do with these nations.

We all witnessed firsthand - what happened when the Taliban - a terrorist group to this day - overran Afghanistan - and forced thousands to flee.

The Donald Trump administration dared to sign a treaty with the terrorists Taliban. The Taliban is not a recognized nation - they are a bunch of thugs - much like Donald Trump is.

Here is the treaty signed by the Donald Trump Administration and the terrorists - Taliban - and know this, we still allow the thug Donald Trump to move freely:

Billions of dollars of military equipment and other sensitive paraphernalia were stolen from the United States in Afghanistan and landed in the hands of the Chinese and other notorious entities.

The United States stayed for over 20 years in Afghanistan - once Afghan women could attend schools, colleges, and universities - no more. They must remain at home - and be accompanied by a male - at all times. The Taliban are thugs who rape, steal, and commit atrocities - they follow no law and accept the devil's evil ways.

The Taliban - thugs of the first order.

We promised the translators in Afghanistan freedom and an opportunity to come to the United States, only to hoodwink them in broad daylight. 

Some receive the status of " Parolees " - convoluted - " other so-called - Special Immigrant Visas. "

Some flights took off from Afghan airports - and took Afghans to some nations close by - they are still lingering in Albania, Qatar - and other places - waiting for some sign - remain for years - waiting to come to the United States.

The United States must stop - turning their back more when they make promises. They have done this to the Iraqis that help us - of course, the Afghans who are now dying from starvation - and more young girls and women - treated with utter disdain in Afghanistan.

None of us wish to be in the shoes of these immigrants - treated with disdain - these atrocities known by President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris - have not done justice to humanity - they are close to being charged - with " Crimes Against Humanity. "

We honor Geronimo - remember him - and his fight for his people and those who love freedom.

Joe Biden, for all the talk, there has been no walk.


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