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Sunday, May 28, 2023



President Joe Biden tried his best - but finally had to play second fiddle - Kevin McCarthy - is now at the mercy of those far-right Conservatives - that will be out to get him - any which way.

History of Debt Limit and Why it Matters:

Today's politics in the United States has reached a saturation point - defying logic, the Democrats and Republicans - putting their petty politics first and the interests of the citizen, the constituent, those in dire straits - the poor and indigent - last.

The debt ceiling has nothing to do with the level of future expenditure.

The debt ceiling should be about what Congress has spent - and how best to keep its books in order.

The United States incurs debt when it issues Treasury Securities to fund between the amount of money it receives in taxes and other revenues versus the amount it spends on defense, welfare programs, the interest it pays on its current debt, and more.

The United States' debt right now stands at $31.47 trillion.

Over three-quarters of the total national debt is public debt, including Treasury holding by foreign nations.

Japan is the largest holder of public United States government debt; it owes the United States $1.I trillion in debt as of January 2023.

China is the second largest hold of public U.S. government debt. It owes the United States $859 billion in Treasury holdings as of January 2023.

Next comes the United Kingdom's holdings of U.S. debt, $668 billion as of January 2023.

Belgium held $331 billion in U.S. debt.

Luxembourg is the fifth largest holder of U.S. debt, which is $318 billion in U.S. Treasuries.

United States banks, investors, state and local government, mutual funds, insurance companies, and pension funds comprise about a fifth of U.S. debt.

As of May 25, 2023 - $24.6 trillion of the national debt is public debt.

The Speaker of the House could have done better - he cannot - he cannot gather the majority - in the Republican Party to agree -  the fanatics in the Republican Party - do not believe in the Constitution much as they do not care - about the health of the Economy.

These two men are kicking the can down the street. It is time we hold their feet to the fire. It is time we mandate that they treat the citizens, the constituents, the people that matter - more the poor and those who cannot defend themselves - with respect. It is time these two men - invite the indigenous to the table - learn to respect Mother Earth - listen to the indigenous Elders - and learn to have their hearts in the right place.

How can we focus on those in dire straits and on making those who are unhealthy and suffer from mental challenges work?

If one does a needs assessment - we want to know how will these vulnerable populations be accommodated in the workforce?

The homeless, the Veterans suffering from mental illness, and more of the adverse impacts of the current - prevailing - pandemic.

We all know that if this debt ceiling was not increased - it would adversely impact our dollar - and so far, the American dollar - matters worldwide.

For this reason, Japan, China, the United Kingdom, and other nations invest in our U.S. Treasury Bonds and other investments.

In the future, trillions should be set aside to compensate the Native Americans - the millions of acres stolen, the crimes against humanity committed by thugs like President Andrew Jackson - the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and other U.S. agencies that are unfair to the Native Americans - to this day.

Every Native American tribe must be Federally Recognized. The action taken to compensate the Native Americans - you stole the land, killed the Native Americans, raped the women, forced the children to go to boarding schools, the atrocities are many - now, it is the time to pay those against whom crimes against humanity were committed. The stolen land is the equity preserved and protected for thousands of years - then stolen from the Native American Tribes.

Do not take for granted - that when you stole the land - thinking we would look the other side. We want our land back - lock, stock, and barrel. The thieves think they can steal, cheat, rape, kill, and do as they please. Well, we know what will become of them - we already see the diseases they die from - and the poor state of affairs - when it comes to their spirituality - and evil ways.

We are watching you - those that speak with a forked tongue. Our time is now - and we want to know - what is your agenda - now that you have pussy footed with solving your debt ceiling? Can we have a needs assessment on the millions of acres stolen - the many tribes that once lived in harmony that you destroyed.  The rivers you dammed - the salmon you depleted - the lakes you polluted, the old-growth forest you cut down, the clean air that now is contaminated - the millions of Buffalo that are no more. Can we sit down and find out whose land this is - Turtle Island?

We want to know why you cannot keep your promises? Why have every treaty you have signed - defaulted? We want to know - if the Constitution you speak of - protects and is fair to all - or just those who lie, cheat, and are GREEDY?

What population segment loves to build walls - to protect what they have stolen? What population segment - bite the hand that feeds them. The Indigenous know that they have been here for over 15,000 years - so why do the strangers that have been here a few hundred years - claim they know more - and justify what they have stolen to be theirs?

The Great Spirit sees it all - we must speak truth to power - do not fear the cowards - who pick on those that cannot defend themselves. Educate yourselves - nature teaches us more than books; living a decent life is vital to a healthy mind. We know what to drink and eat and what best suits us to nourish our body, mind, and spirit. Nature is there to learn and teach us - the trees, the birds, the frogs, the fish, the rivers, the lakes - they all speak to us - if our heart is in the right place. 

Family comes first.

The wisdom of our Elders is passed down the line - and we adhere to the guidance of our Elders - our time is now.

Stop exploiting our resources - gold, silver, uranium, lithium,
cereals, Buffalo, and more.

The Shoshone lived in peace for thousands of years - until the strangers came and screwed things up.

Our young adults are educated on issues - and know more about those thugs who think they would get away with murder in broad daylight - repent, do what is right, and change your evil ways.

Our infants are our treasure - the Great Spirit sees it all. Our Elders must gather and speak Truth to Power again until those evil trembles and know the day of light.

We walk in peace - even as we see the evil around us.

Chief Joseph - Nez Perce Leader

1841 1904

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