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Saturday, May 1, 2021


 Crooks from Vallejo and Fresno - others from Oregon - and still others embedded in our community from Los Angeles - scumbags - have come into our community - parasites.

These jerks want to eliminate Community Benefits and have succeeded. They have NO empathy - they have BLOOD on their hands.

Now they want to prey upon  - 1800 Oakdale - the Southeast Community Facility Commission Building - emphasis on the word 
" C O M M U N I T Y ". They want it all - but they will get - nothing - I assure you - their time is coming.

In the last 35 years and 40 years to be precise - I never, ever saw one of them - fighting for the community in the trenches. These vermin prey on the vulnerable - those that most need help - from which dark hole - do these parasites come from?

The people that matter knows - who fights for them at SF City Hall - who comes to their rescue when they need help.

The City and County of San Francisco are racists - more racists with Blacks in charge the likes of Sheryl Evans Davis, Shakira Simley, Shamann Walton, DionJay Brookter, Malia Cohen, London Breed, Linda Richardson, Elouise Patton, Oscar James, Doris Vincent, Veronica Hunnicutt - all scumbags of the worst order.

We can take some examples - to show the readers - how I have endured the utter nonsense for so long.

 I used all the experience from my days working at the Presidio of San Francisco - having established the Infrastructure Group, the Maintenance and Technical Support Group, and finally the Real Estate and Property Management Group.

I took time to understand - and learned from the best - what all the above categories entailed - more, in serving the community at large.

We advocate fought for Alice Griffith - the one for one, replacement - those asked to vacate their unit - given a better unit - once a new unit was ready for the tenant to move in.

Prior to that utilities were free - for example - the tenants did not pay Pacific Gas and Electricity (PGE) - in 1996 all this changed - and the tenants had to pay PGE. 

Many tenants were evicted - and the SF Housing Authority - did not serve the community.

I remember attending the meeting on Turk Street fighting for the people and did my best to represent them on many levels.

Crooks are now managing Alice Griffith - the units are not maintained, the ventilation fails again and again. 

The stench from the nearby State Park - inundates the entire area - smelling of urine, feces, rotten garbage - it is a health hazard.
I was notified about the atrocities and emails those that could do something about the situation at hand. 

Then only something was done. This is a crying shame.
In the vicinity, the Tabernacle Group - Faith Pastors - mostly known as Poverty Pimp Pastors - have failed the community. 

The District 10 Supervisor and his lackeys - kicking the can down the street. 

Working on taking their cut - on high-density buildings - we are watching them like a hawk - at Visitation Valley, Mission Bay, at other places - even the Navigation Center - at Caesar Chavez.

Navigation Center has no place linked to congregating situations - the poor suffering and Community Benefits - stolen from those that most need help.

What has Arelious Walker done for the community
lately? Not to be seen - while so many are dying - slowly.
He made his millions - driving fancy trucks - and moved
out to some paradise - enjoying blood money.

Promises were made - none kept. Some are dead 
and gone - others have jumped ship - who will take
charge of the situation at hand - who will bring about justice?
The poor the indigent keep on dying slowly - while the crooks
have pocketed million - they know who they are - you will
be brought to book.

Where is Theo Miller? I asked him several times -
to meet me pre-pandemic - so that I could hear first hand
from the horse's mouth. The horse has left the stable -
fled to pastures - and will be followed by the authorities.

By the way, where is Theo Miller who managed all that housing - in and around Alice Griffith Public Housing - also known as Double Rock.

The many nefarious activities - prevailing - the tenants treated with disdain. These high-density housings do not favor the present climate - Novel COVID-19 virus - and no one seems to care.

The once Alice Griffith Public Housing had bigger rooms - there were more three and four-bedroom units - the rehab saw some new units.

Most of the units failed - to meet the standards - poor windows that let in the cold air, ventilators that fail and take months to repair - the tenants who complain - were targeted.

I received hundreds of complaints - and in the middle of that mess - a security guard was shot and killed. 

There were many other shootings and killings - one the SF Police Department chasing - some Black men - and shooting and killing him - very near his home at Alice Griffith.

How many funerals should I attend to address the situation at hand - and here we have some Black entities talking about Racial Equity.

A small circle of very corrupt folks Sheryl Evan Davis, Shakira Simley, Shamann Walton, London Breed - have access to millions of dollars - some $25 million.

Again and again, it is always about money - and hoodwinking the taxpayers.

In the middle of a pandemic the Mayor London Breed - gives herself a $400,000 salary.

I attended the Town Hall meeting -  held after the shooting and killing at Alice Griffith - the culprits the SFPD.

Demetrius Williams standing next to me - Arelius Walker the pastor of True Hope church - pandering to the SF Police Department - Chief Scott William presiding. 

That meeting is a meeting I will never, ever forget. Why do they have the town meeting - to open wounds and beat around the bush.

What happened to the Amare Jackson case, what happened to the Joseph Taeatui case - better know at Jungle. A reward of a measly $25,000 offered - in the case of Mario Woods - $400,000.

This divisiveness - pity one community against another must STOP.

Now we have the situation of the Asian Community - millions of dollars given - to distribute flyers - how about - improving the housing situation - ten and fifteen folks living in small units - many have died in China Town.

Many of the culprits attacking Asians - mentally challenged - no one seems to make a " needs assessment " - it is not as if all Black is bad and attack Asians - when the " needs assessment " is done - those attacking viciously are mentally challenged - and most happen to be Black.

On San Bruno we now have Chinese folks - mentally challenged - shouting and screaming - when we see such incidents we call the police - and they take their time to come to handle the situation - but that is all we can do.

All in all - all over the City - Quality of Life issues have been compromised. In the Bayview Hunters Point more - Shamann Walton is a joke.

Recently he accompanied the SF Police Department to see for himself - the situation - on Egbert Street - between Egbertr and Jennings. Shamann Walton assumed it was the homeless.

The once creating the problem for the last 2 years - drug dealers - who move from place to place - at one time they were hanging on San Bruno Avenue and Paul Avenue.

These young adults - need help - they need counseling - they need good jobs - they need to take their vaccination - they need to wear a mask. They need to understand the adversely impacting businesses - is not favorable to the community.

At Palou - they sit down from 7 am to 10 pm. How can anyone - sit down on that concrete circle - for so long - selling some drugs - trying to survive - no one can survive - selling small quantities of drugs - and survive.

At the SF Police Commission - Malia Cohen is now the Chair - and DionJay Brookter - also a Black man on the commission - another Black Paul Henderson.

All three  Blacks - who talk in circles - the SF Police Commission - needs to be cleared of the Chaff and the seats filled with those - that can address Quality of Life issues.

One plays with his dog - another plays with her baby - what a mockery - and the meetings last from 5 pm to 1 am in the morning.

The paradox while at the eleventh hour some notice went out to hold the Town Meeting - at the Church of Good Hope - to discuss the shooting and death - no one bothers to notify the parents of the Black man killed. 

His mother in bed suffering from cancer - a relative of Demetrius Williams.

How much of this utter nonsense can we take - how many youth and young adults have to die. How many parents and loved ones have to suffer - toxic stress and trauma of the worst order.

We have so called representatives hoodwinking us
in broad daylight - time will tell. STOP using
the community as FODER  - enough is enough.

Stop trying to focus on building - high-density building -  with the Novel COVID-19  pandemic - we will see a " surge" and most of those living - in those high-density buildings - will bring this racists city down.

High-density living - is not the norm. No money can STOP the virus - not this COVID-19 pandemic - it will bite you all corrupt - in the ass. Your arrogance will bring you down - you will fall flat on your face.

STOP fucking with the poor and those that cannot defend themselves. 

STOP this barking up the wrong tree - London Breed, Malia Cohen, Tyra Fennell, DionJay Brookter, Shamann Walton, Sophina Maxwell - no one can fool all the people - all the time.

The water is rising and the rats are fleeing for their lives - the rats did not expect this Tsunami.

The Tsunami - it is at their door - and those that were laughing all the way to the bank - cheating, stealing, deceiving, hoodwinking - now are shaking and sweating and there is more to come.

We have the living dead - those, that do not care to be educated on issues.

STOP - selling out the community.
You know who you are - scumbags of the worst order.

The crooks - spiritually bankrupt - they will be dealt with - sooner than later - the Great Spirit sees it all.

San Francisco is now being told to think - politically correct - some crooked ones using lifestyle to promote myself and corruption. If you are straight and you are corrupt - you must be called out.

We the drastic changes in SF City Hall - the corrupt positioning themselves - the Democrats at the White House - giving the scumbags a pass - corruption is corruption - and it must be called out - now.

1 comment:

  1. Francisco, can you email me at and tell me what is the best fix to this situation, or phone me at 415-771-2814 for a longer conversation. I would like to help.
