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Tuesday, May 18, 2021


 Many nations all over the world -  supported Israel - for the long time possible - listening to it lie - at world forums - at home in Israel - Israel think it could fool all the people  - all the time.

For starters, no one needs to be a rocket scientist to understand - that Israel faces a multitude of " crimes against humanity " - treating the Palestinians with disdain.

For over 70 years children - innocent Palestinian children have been treated like second-class citizens, Palestinian women treated with disdain. Palestinian men treated like animals.

Today, the world has billions of data - billions of documents - and we can in a nanosecond prove that Israel has NO support - too many nations are disgusted that Isreal - has failed to take warnings after warnings - now, many nations are done with Israel.

Israel is a nation formed under dubious and nefarious conditions - there is nothing holistic about being a Zionist - a fanatic -  living in Israel. 

Nothing holistic in 2021 -  bulling the Palestinians - believing a tooth for a tooth philosophy holds good - today - nothing can be further from the truth.

Israel is on the shit list at the United Nations.

Here in the United States, all over the civilized world Germany, Italy, France,  the Scandinavian nations,  all over Africa which is a continent, South America, Canada, Mexica, all over Southeast Asia, Australia - any nation that matters - have very serious doubts about Israel, its origins, and its very existence. 

I left out the dictatorial nations - because if Israel wants the support of Russian, North Korea, the other nations that I will not name - all dictatorial - they can have them.

 Israel has a very narrow window to change its ways - or else it will face the IRE of the world nations - that matters in today's world.

This notion that Isreal can kill people at will - treat people with disdain, think it can take people land that does not belong to them - that is can pussyfoot with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, other nations that are willing - to prostitute with Israel - is short-lived - and doomed.

The United States must stop delivering arms, ammunition, jet fighters, other equipment that we the taxpayers are paying for - and giving them to Israel on a platter. Fuck that - enough is enough.

The Palestinians have suffered for too long - and long is the time - to segregate Israel - let them feel the pain - let them feel the disdain, let them feel the wrath of the nations - that have tolerated too much nonsense - for too long.

How can anyone in Israel - look at the full picture - with proven empirical data - and think for a nanosecond that they are - right?

If Israel feels it is surrounded by enemies - it is because it brought that situation on itself. Check the DNA of the Zionists - their East European culture - their half and half sordid mentality - that their shit doesn't stink - everything about these fanatics is flat - WRONG.

I have traveled the world and had this discussion way back in 1973 Vienna, Austria  - a key place where the Israelis do their dirty work.

In Germany today there is a resurgence and anyway one looks at it Israel stands to lose. 

In the United States - there is a resurgence and anyway one looks at it - Isreal stands to lose.

In Europe - the disdain for Israel cannot be questioned - bombing and bring down buildings - occupied by journalists, bombing buildings, and killing innocent Palestinian children - we can compare pomegranates to pomegranates - and verify the data we have.

The present head of Israel who favors war Natanayu is a JOKE.

The man is a crook, so corrupt - he is using these sordid attacked to divert our minds. Natanayu must be charged - CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

Here is have many Jews who are looking at the situation - and saying nothing.

It is the same when the folks in the Bayview Hunters Point are suffering - while the owners of the Bayshore Business Center on old Bayshore - and making money.

It is the same at SF City Hall - when others suffer - these so-called Zionist prone Americans - do not say - one single thing - no comment - they keep - mum - and we know this - and we call them cowards. 

We have four of them on our SF Board of Supervisors - and we will take them to the task.

We have AECOM/PARSON involved with Community Benefits using corrupt Blacks - the likes Harlan Kelly, Dwayne Jones, Juliet Ellis, Veronica Hunnicutt, Naomi Kelly, Linda Richardson, DionJay Brookter, Shamann Walton. 

Eloise Patton, Toye Moses, Sheryl Evans Davis, Shakira Simley, London Breed,  Oscar James - others too many to name - all Blacks - wheeling and dealing - and we know who supports them - and who gives them cover. 

Here is an article from the Guardian - as the newspapers here in San Francisco  - is worth reading. Israel is determined to bomb Gaza - thinking its actions will be tolerated:



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