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Wednesday, May 12, 2021



Justice will win - and when it does -

the rats will flee - even as they see the rising waters.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - more since 2004 - has failed San Franciscans - the City and County of San Francisco - hoodwinking thousands in broad daylight. 

The letter dated March 16, 2021 - the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission ( SFPUC) signed this agreement pursuant to Section 28 of Agreement No. CS-165 " Program Management Services for the Sewer System Improvement Program ". 

This between the City and County of San Francisco and AECOM/PARSONS Joint Venture dated June 28, 2011.

These documents are mandated to be accessed to the Public at Large - we the taxpayers - who fund and pay the salaries of the projects and more.

These scumbags refuse to comply with the law - and many SF City employees - refuse to follow the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco.

Have no clue about the Brown Act less about the many ordinances - that is the law - in our books - openly these City employees break the law - and this nonsense has been going on - unimpeded - but, not now - the waters are rising fast - and the rats are fearful for their sordid lives.

Several Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests have been sent to SF Public Utilities Commission - and to AECOM/PARSON - requesting that these two entities provide the Joint Ventures minutes -  for the AECOM/PARSONS Joint Venture Board Meeting that took place on February 26, 2019.

Several requests were stalled and when some documents part of the entire minutes was released the content was very heavily redacted. 

On March 31, 2019, after nearly three years - back and forth - the SF City Attorney Dennis Herera involved, the SF Controller Ben Rosenfield involved - others involved including two requests sent by me.

One singular response that was given to me by Juliet Ellis - who asked me to directly ask the Joint Venture minutes and the amounts I enquired connected to the many ploys - to directly request Harlan Kelly, the then General Manager - to accommodate my request. 

The audacity of Juliet Ellis to address my FOIA request in this manner - breaking several laws - not only the FOIA mandates but the Brown Act too. 

Where is Juliet Ellis now? Where is her partner Harlan, now?

Juliet Ellis, she spent time - traveling and spending time - in a room shared by Harlan and her - and she figured out wrong - no one could track - her down - the FBI has the records - they can and will follow the money.

If wired - complete with the conversations - the moans and the groans and more.

The jerks from the East Coast - and here from Fresno and Vallejo - other jerks the like of Dwayne Jones - from Los Angeles - vermin - who come into our community - and contaminate anything they - touch.

Over two years ago the SF UNIONS - those representing the Trades - got involved and they too were denied any viable information - linked to the Joint Venture minutes.

We gather some information - mentioning that Julie LaBonte, Susan Leal, Dan Donahue,  Tracy Zhou, others attended the meeting. We also have proof - lies told in public and the many SF Public Utilities Commission meeting - denying any wrong was done. 

Again and again, the very corrupt SF Public Utilities Commission was put on notice. Two SF Commissioners Francesca and Caen jumped ship - too hot in the kitchen and too close to Juliet Ellis.  

The present SF Public Utilities Commission has two former General Managers - Ed Harrington and Anson Moran - nothing much has changed. 

The Chair of the current SF Public Utilities Commission -

she has NO clue how deep the corruption is -

she will sink with the ship - inundated with bandicoots. 

The Chair of the SF Public Utilities Commission - went on tirade praising the organization  - SF Public Utilities Commission - failing to mention what is evident to the entire world.

The Joint Venture minutes reveal the dark side of the situation at hand. Millions funneled to entities that had nothing to do with Community Benefits. 

5% of $6 billion - some $300 million - half set aside for Outreach controlled by Juliet Ellis who work for SF Public Utilities Commission as the Assistant General Manager of External Affair and her added title - Chief Strategist.

Dwayne Jones a point person for AECOM/PARSONS debarred by the City and County from doing business - now controlling $150 million - supposedly for WorkForce. The man as formerly as Director of Young Community Developers - was audited several times - and each audit - has huge holes.

He then left YCD and worked for the City and County of San Francisco - mismanaged $3 million and was fired.

He then went to work for - Platinium Consultant  -was audit by the Internal Sevice Revenue (IRS) and fined - a fine that he paid.

A few years later Dwayne Jones joined AECOM as a point person and shortly later AECOM/PARSONS - same snake different head. 

The Community Benefits linked to the community at large - and benefits connected with the Sewer System Improvement Project - has been totally misused - in your face blatant haughtiness and abject disdain for Transparency and Accountability.

David Anderson Federal U.S. Attorney General for  entire Northern California

It took a man with guts - to focus on the MACHINE - 

which will come toppling down - from AECOM/PARSON -

the many scumbags who leeched on Community Benefits -

mostly Black who should be ashamed of themselves -

too many in the pipeline - looking for succor - they will be dealt 

with - one at a time - like Gadflies on the wall - down!

It took the Federal Attorney General for Northern California - to charge a few rotten apples - over 30 more in the pipeline and over 80 in all - linked to the many ploys, machinations, and shenanigans.

I have been monitoring the situation - for 35 years - and have a track record - distributing the information - so that all may be educated on issues.

We the United States and all citizens and others - have to read the Constitution - there are checks and balances.

The same holds true at the State and Local levels.

San Francisco is very corrupt - the Federal Bureau of Investigation  (FBI) came for Mayor London Breed and Dwayne Jones. 

The FBI will get them on the rebound.

The adverse impacts emitting from this one crooked individual who is still on the rampage - wheeling, and dealing - must be brought to a standstill - in the interim too many are suffering.  The Directors of Dwayne Jones - Non-Profit - have all jumped the ship. 

Over 200 people on his payroll. Go Figure!

All this while thousands are suffering their Community 

Benefits stolen and doled out to crooks.

We are now gathering the empirical data - linked to the Joint Venture minutes - which should have been released four years ago - were in place on June 28, 2011 - ten years ago - for a decade the crooks have been wheeling and dealing - Dwayne Jones, Julies Ellis, Harlan Kelly, Naomi Kelly, Malia Cohen, Shamann Walton, DionJay Brookter, Sophie Maxwell and London Breed.

Elosie Patton, Oscar James, Veronica Hunnicutt, Linda Richardson, David Gray, Toye Moses, Sheryl Evan Davis, Shakira Simley, Masood Ordikhani - and many more.   

In the interim our infants, our children, our youth, our young adults, our Elders, those with compromised health, more our mentally and physically challenged.

Given a holistic plan - prior to the Novel COVID-19 pandemic - we had an ample amount of Community Benefit to put in place - many focused and holistic programs for those who have been adversely impacted and many have died. More our children and Elders.

Our SF City Attorney had let us down and now want to guard the chicken coop - what a JOKE!

Our SF City Controller had all the empirical data and decided to kick the can down the street - it will come to bite him in his butt.

Our Mayor London Breed talks too much - and most of it barking up the wrong tree. She has not seen the light of day - she will be charged - and has no escape - what is more she will leave No legacy.

Suffice to say - we have a jailbird as the President of the SF Board of  Supervisors - and no jailbird - who has failed to reform- deserves to call the shots.

 There is a God and justice will be done - sooner not later.

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