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Sunday, December 22, 2019


More and more - in the last 5 years - many of us who value our Constitution - the  salient and pertinent amendments  - that make a difference.

More - dare to challenged us to be citizens of the United States - putting our Republic Nation first - and the Party that we belong - where it belongs - first things first.

At the time the Founding Fathers were in debate - often arguing - some of them insisted on some notion they held dear - then other argued their position and won them over. It is from such deliberation that the Constitution was created - not prefect but it has stood the test of time - 243 years.

We must remember 4 million slaves were freed - some of the Founding Fathers - had slaves - they had so weigh heavy on the conscience and speak Truth to Power. Some did and others did not.

The Founding Father visited the Six Nations - the Iroquois Tribe - studied their form of government - the Log Cabin - the Matriarchal form of government - and learned more.

They fought the British - and the very thought of having a King was totally unthought of - we cannot put ourselves in their shoes - but we can read history - more the Federal papers - but often in my conversations - I meet those that have NOT even read the Constitution. Not even today - with all he deliberation - people tend to listen to the commentator on television - and this is a sad commentary.

We are now at last awakening to International Politics - which most Americans - do not care too much. Even though we are talking so much about Ukraine today - most Americans know little about Ukraine - and to be truthful about Russia too.

Our Founding Fathers for sure would have no foreign government interfering in our affairs. The egoistical maniac seems to have an affinity for dictators. 

Publicly calls upon Russia to provide some information - and has NO clue that as Commander in Chief - he has failed miserably - must step down and fade into oblivion.

No one worth the salt makes any deals - nor permits those that do not have the best interest of our Nation - much less our enemy Russia - that has been doing so much damage - and even now as we await our next elections - 2020.

No President ever in the history of our Nation - has called upon the enemy to provide us information - and no President has invited our enemy to the White House - and belittled our Federal Bureau of Investigation and our Central Intelligence Agency.

I could say more - this scum bag - has to go.

Our Founding Fathers - challenged to form a new form of government - were very clear that they did not want a King, nor a dictator .

One-  would not know that - listening to the jackass you see above - who resides in the White House today - I called him and continue to call him - an egoistical maniac.

38 qualified psychologists and psychiatrists signed a document - stating clearly the above mentioned person you see - it not fit to govern - less be the President of the United States - over two years ago.

The man you see above is a born chronic liar.

He says things that divide the Nation, racists bastard, that some still adore - and listen to his diatribe - spewing hot air - and barking up the wrong tree - any opportunity he get when throngs who listen to him - fall prey to his nonsense.

The founding Fathers - researched many forms of government - and settled on a Republic. 

The Legislative branch, the Executive branch and the Judicial branch - share power - and for sure NO one person - can do and say as one pleases - break the law - and go Scott Free.

Listening to diatribe of the Egoistical Maniac from day one - he spoke like a dictator, acted like one - and today wants some reprieve - a lying dog more a pariah dog - those who voted for him betrayed their ignorance.

When one dares to attack the Media - called the Fourth Estate - the Fake Media.

Dares to challenge our system - the inherent checks and balances - such a person - who dares to break the laws - must be put on notice.

The  utter nonsense - using Tweets - emitting from this moron - in  the wee hours of the morning - tweeting in acmes of three hundred tweets - something is truly wrong - he indeed is a egoistical maniac.

No one - not even the Commander in Chief - can do things as he pleases -  without following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) - such a person - is a disgrace to the human race.

When one dares with intent to imprison children - put infants and children in cages - and dares challenge our conscience.

We the people should have revolted - the paradox is that because this man is White we gave him a pass - and the time has come - to get rid of this cancer - he and his family.

On another note the Democrats - are paying with fire - hold on to the Articles agreed upon - be it partition - further creating consternation - and confusing the situation at hand - trying to rush through a process - and now sitting on Impeachment Articles - the indictments - are for the Senate to determine - with a Judge from the Supreme Court - monitoring the process.

I personally do not trust Nancy Pelosi - her ties with the Mafia - and her manners that defy  good manners and etiquette.

Dereliction of Duty - as the Speaker of the House. 

Time will tell.

This land all of it - every square inch belongs to the Indigenous People.

Above you see the photograph of Chief Siting Bull - he took on the United States Government - and with his Lakota Tribe - defeated the U.S. Army - a fact well known - but not spoken off - today the bulling still carries on - and the time is come - for a remaking - complete legal restitution.

Yet most of us - do not dare go to the source of the situation at hand - to understand more comprehend - that the many so called treaties with the Lakota Nations and other Nations within the United States -  which have NOT been adhered to.

Hence the saying " do not trust those that speak with a forked tongue ".

Do we as citizens put our Nation first - and believe in equal rights for all - Black, Brown, Yellow, White, Red and god alone knows how we came up with all these colors - and use a judicial system - that is unjust.  Do we have justice - or as some say " just his "?.

No other Nation is the world imprisons so many of its citizens - a full 10% of our population -  our population some 340 million.

Today one tenth of one percent - controls 95% of the wealth - we have the most billionaires - and we have a lot of land - all stolen from the indigenous people - an area 3, 717, 812.8 square miles.

I have visited the indigenous people - and witnessed the hardship of those who land this is -  most of them are treated - like second class citizens - if this is not a crying shame - I do not know what is.

Can you imagine hundreds of Tribes - whose land this is - are NOT on the Federal Registration.

Here is San Francisco the Muwekma Ohlone were on the Federal Register and then illegally removed in 1927 - by a rogue Bureau of Indian Affairs agent - L.A. Dorrington.

The corrupt in San Francisco - do not have one single legal  document  - where the Muwekma Ohlone has signed this land - we called San Francisco and the neighboring areas - to anyone - it was all stolen - every square inch.

Among all those Tribes who respect the Elders and more the Great Spirit - honor and respect must be given to the host Nation - in this case the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe - we are watching the situation at hand - like a HAWK. Aho.

President Andrew Jackson -
he and the present egoistical maniac -
share mannerism - evil in nature. 

This egoistical maniac who lives in the White House - and President Andrew Jackson - share many mannerisms - both should be brought before the International Courts - in the Hague and those laws - mandated by the Geneva Convention.

These two rascals - Andrew Jackson and the other scum bag living in the White House -  others too  - have not been charged - by those in authority - these crimes cry to heaven for rapid - justice and adjudication.

The authorities  - look at the color of their skin -  steeped in implicit biases - look at the the color of their skin  - being White somehow give these scum bags impunity.

In reality  - they should be charged to the full extent  " Crimes against Humanity ".

If you visit the statue of Liberty - and read the poem - line by line - you understand - truly - what this Nation now called the United States of America is all about:

Give me your tired, 
Your huddled masses,
Yearning to breathe free, 
The wretched refuse of
your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
tempest - lost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

Emma Lazarus
November 2, 1883 

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