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Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Corruption in the City and County 
of San Francisco - knows no bounds -
more, Room 200 at SF City Hall.

San Francisco is a Racist City - in recent years - more, the last 22 years to be precise. 

The City and County today has a budget of over $12 billion - and with all the talk - daily Quality of Life Issues in San Francisco have been compromised.

We have our Elders sleeping on the streets and the SF City and County of San Francisco - look at the indigent and poor with utter disdain. The " homeless business " is a $600 million business - with the Homeless Czar making in excess of $230,000 with benefits - and thinks he can fool - all the people all the time. Time to get rid of him.

Muwekma Ohlone Warrior

This is Muwekma Ohlone land - and I have restrained myself from inserting myself in the corruption  - prevailing at all levels in San Francisco - more, under Mayor London Breed - who talks a good talk - with intent walks a  shady walk.

If you analyze her inauguration - you could see - the vermin surrounding this Mayor - who lacks experience - is weak in the knees, has NO wisdom - and is a known - abject panderer. 

Naomi Kelly -
the City Administrator playing second fiddle -
our poor and those in need - slowly dying.

It does not help that Naomi Kelly the City Administrator who has decided to play second fiddle.

At this time she is playing it safe - trying to run out her special contract - a 10 year contract - with special salary - over 350,000 with benefits - every single year.

It is this type of contracts - that have special privileges - and those that sign such type of convoluted contracts - sell their souls to the " devil ".

The people united -
will never, ever be defeated -
San Francisco is being held hostage 
by Room 200 and crooks of the worst order in SF.

San Francisco has a population of about 830,000 and in recent years - more the last 5 years - over 80,000 families have left San Francisco.  Never, ever to return.

It is simply too expensive to live in San Francisco - and those who should represent the tax payers, the citizens, the commons  - look at those who need help most with utter - disdain.

The political whores and pimps - talk at SF City on all sorts of mundane subject - they fail to address the real issues - the issues that matter - Quality of Life issues.

Recently we had the shooting and killing of two youth - one Polynesian youth Taiepisi Gutu - there has been no reporting by the Main Media - and more information suppressed by those " snitches " who work for the POPOS.

Similarly with the shooting and killing of Terrell Blay a Black brother who worked for the SF Conservation Corps - nothing much revealed about this killing - no Town Hall meeting - no nothing - what is happening with our Safety - and the protocol set to address such cases.

Mayor London Breed is all talk - and it a shame - she has on pay roll hired " thugs " to protect her - former jail birds - all under the watchful eye of the SF Police Department - what a shame.

Each one of the crooks above -
have failed our City and County of 
San Francisco.
Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is contaminated -
more, with high radioactive elements.

Daily the congestion on our roads is getting from bad to worse. 

There is not an area all over San Francisco - where the roads are opened up and remain open - adversely impacting mostly those who are Elderly and those that are Physically Challenged.

Of  course the Heifer in Charge - who dwells in Room 200 at City Hall -  has nothing to say about this situation.

The Carbon Footprint all over this City and County has increased - by 400% - the amount of concrete, aggregate, increased vehicles on our roads, the rampant congestion - millions of vehicle spewing dangerous particulates more PM 2.5, and our Heifer smiles her cockeyed smile - shouts at the mike - says one thing - but truly means another.

SF Police Chief -
Scott Williams 

Paradoxically the Chief of Police is Black and more and more we see assaults, shootings and killings, more citizens of color.
As protocol demands - we have had NO Town Hall meeting on Joseph Taeotui aka Jungle.

We have had no Town Hall meeting on Taiepisi Gutu - we have had No Town Hall meeting linked to  Terrell Blay. We understand - an arrest has been made and a Town Hall Meeting - will be held at Willie L. Brown Jr. Middle School - this Saturday - May 6, 2019 - no deep outreach done - by the organizers.

Recently, one shooting and killing on Quesada Street a man who was working for the San Francisco Conservation Corps.
His name Terrell Blay.

We demand justice for Joseph Taeotui -
better known as "Jungle ".

We have not forgotten the ambush and killing of Joseph Taeotui - better known as Jungle - the shooter roaming the streets.

While those suppose to uphold justice  poke fun at the advocates and decent citizens demanding justice.

We all have to deal with with rampant corruption and more racism of the worst order.

I was at the SF General Hospital - where I got reports from reliable sources at the SF General Hospital - while the doctors were working hard - to save to the life of Joseph Taeotui - better know affectionately as " Jungle".

It was shocking for me to be told that Joseph Taeotui was pronounced " deceased " - by some fake bulletin sent out by the SF Police Department.

I brought this one singular issue - before the SF Police Commission - a body that is drab, shallow, and must be totally revamped. 

To date we the people have NOT had a Town Meeting on what exactly happen linked to the premature death of a legend on the street - " Jungle ".

The  jackasses think that we will forget - we will NOT. 

We have too many jackasses and wannabes pretending they know something about Safety - when the opposite is true.

The Safety of decent San Franciscans is in peril. It is time we arm ourselves - these idiots just talk about gun violence - but as I say - it is time we are ourselves - if we want to protect ourselves and our dear loved ones.

The City Attorney's Office recently revealed - corruption linked to the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - contract given to Local Union 261.

Local Union 261 - that has a track record of corruption - more when Mayor Edwin Mah Lee was the Mayor. 

Nothing much has changed with Mayor London Breed - who wills suck any sordid nipple - to fill her campaign coffers.

We still have Juliet Ellis and Dwayne Jones - doling out money - to entities to operate Cannabis Clubs.

Other, outsiders who favor a certain life style - $300,000 grants given to these corrupt outsiders - to run Cafes and Restaurants on the Third Street Corridor.

The Sewer System Improvement Project is a $10 Billion project which is going no where.

The singular Headworks and Digestors - have been delayed for two years - and this simply means - change orders - and where there change order - there is the smell of a rat - change orders - favor crooks and all this and more stems from Room 200 at City Hall.

All monies - Community Benefits - linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project (SSIP) some $500 million. 

A corrupt individual who does not work for the SF Public Utilities Commission - Dwayne Jones - manages $250 million for Workforce - which he has NO expertise, less he is NOT in touch with reality - our infants, children, youth, young adults, our Elders, those with compromised health - more our Physically Challenged and Mentally are suffering - slowly dying.

Dwayne Jones - 
Businessman and Philanthropist -
or so he says - but what he says is hog wash.

This stud Dwayne Jones is playing with fire - has been doling thousands adding to million - to nefarious entities - and the SF Controller's Office is looking into the situation at hand. Time to implement the RICO ACT - and send this corrupt person to jail for a long time.

Dwayne Jones call himself a Businessman and a Philanthropist which is NOT - he is not from San Francisco - and implant from Los Angeles - those minion that support this corrupt person - are put on notice.

Plans are afoot to tear 1800 Oakdale, much as the Nurseries have been torn down - other projects in the wing - much as at 1550 Evans on land prone to liquefaction - with the spiraling Black community - which will be non-existent in a couple of years - a brand new building - is planned - all without proper planning and more transparency and accountability.

Juliet Ellis -
she is in charge of doling Community Benefits 
and favors those that pander to her
Girls 2000, Hunters Point Families, Baycat -
to hell with those advocates who 
fight for the community at large

Shamann Walton -
the District 10 Supervisor 
he must step down - before he goes to jail -
steeped with " dark money " 
he is now bringing to the attention of others 
who do not know the details -
that I am targeting him - he is rude - crude -
 cannot meet me face to face 
so that I can tell him the Truth -
I speak Truth to Power.

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