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Saturday, April 6, 2019


This Safety Meeting was held at 
Willie L. Brown Jr. Middle School -
April 6, 2019 - from 10 am to 12 noon.

Valerie Tulier welcomed all and took charge of this meeting - where community members living in District 10 and others came - to discuss some pressing issues - each table had about 10 seats -
and two tables formed one large group to discuss the following:

     1.  General Issues that anyone had pertaining  
          to the Bayview Hunters Point.

     2.  General issues regarding Safety in District 10.

     3.  Each one had an opportunity to offer solutions.

Valerie Tulier set the tone for the meeting -
and an Elder Oscar James was called upon
to give an invocation - Shamann insisted 
that Oscar give the invocation even though
Valerie has requested me to give the invocation.

Right from the beginning - Shamann Walton a jail bird and a crook that we must NOT trust - set the tone - animosity.

He thinks because he is the District 10 Supervisor - he can hoodwink us all.

In the past - " we the people " - have had such meetings - everyone told to seat around one table - then larger groups formed - each group had a moderator or facilitator.

Each one says something - notes are taken - and then at the end - each group - states to everyone what was discussed - in short such shenanigans have been going on - for the last 40 years.

Promises made - but never kept - this time these crooks have millions to play with - " Community Benefits "  and keep doling millions to the inner circle - Ali Baba and the Forty thieves.

Here is one group - consisting of 
two tables - and each one spoke what 
they felt was right and needed to be done -
all in general terms - with a promise 
that some document will be created -
and as usual these document in "draft "
or the final will collect dust on the shelves.

When it comes to Black in particular - we all remember two 
singular documents - the first one the " Unfinished Agenda " and the second the Our Immigration of Blacks - both documents collecting dust on the shelves.

In the past we have had Black sellouts - as the article posted below well reveal - I have been in the trenches for 40 years -
and seen it all. Read this article that I posted on IndyMedia -
where was Shamann Walton then - no where :

Here is another group -
another moderator taking notes -
all of which was reported at the end -
we had three such large groups - and 
each moderator revealing what their group had discussed -
at the end. Missing in all of the deliberations -
facts, empirical data, blue prints already created -
all talk and no walk.

Twit and Cheeko were on duty 
they represent Street Violence Intervention Program-
their presence meant a lot to many -
daily they keep the peace - and are an 
integral part of the Bayview Hunters Point community -
I turned over my office at 5 Thomas Mellon Circle
some 3000 square inches - to stabilize 
Street Violence Intervention Program -
sponsored by HealthRight360 - what has
Shamann Walton done for Joseph Taeotui,
Terrell Blay, Taiepisi Gutu, Amare Jackson -
others too many to name - all shot and killed.

Our community has had some stellar leaders - in the Bayview at one time - no more - all we have are the sellouts - I have named them before - and will not - as it does no good.

As the years pass by - we who are living - have seen the ploys,  machinations, and shenanigans - promises made and promises NOT kept.

We the people, we the tax payers, we the commons have the power and must keep these crooked, evil, corrupt to the core, weak in the knees, uneducated on issues politicians -  honest.

Foremost Shamann Walton - change your ways - or else step down - now.

Shamann Walton spoke a lot - but most of what is said is hog wash. He is not from the Bayview Hunters Point area - he is conditioned by Vallejo and that area - where it is business as usual.

We once went from the Bayview to rescue Vallejo - but now we have some one from Vallejo - messing up with our affairs:

Every  year for example Young Community Developers gets $4 million for workforce and has yet to reveal to us - how many " career jobs " - Young Community Developers (YCD) have created. 

We and will demand complete with the names of the individuals that YCD has hired  - youth and young adults - women and men - we want to know and can get the information using the Freedom of Information Act.

YCD has been milking Community Benefit with the help of Dwayne Jones and other - while hard working advocates and others that need help - have NO access to the Community Benefits. Time will tell.

The Sewer System Improvement Project is a $ 10 billion project - and 5% of this - "Community Benefits " -  some $500 million is available for the community.

This money can revolutionize the community - the Bayview Hunters Point community.

While BayCat, Girls 2000, Hunters Point Family, Young Community Developers - have access to this large " jackpot " - others are suffering.

Community Benefits is for the community - not for the crooks to spend the money - as has been happening since 2103.

Gwen Browne  in red - I knew her father -
who helped the community - more the youth -
he passed away but will not be forgotten.
Jason Kaulave an OG - was at the meeting -
listening to everything that was happening.

Percy Burch an aide to Shamann  and Dion Jay Brookter -
Dion who is a Police Commissioner -
hopefully these two can instill some sense-
in someone - who makes statements -
when he has the mike - I will deal with him
at City Hall - and shame him in front of all -
we do not need idiots to be representatives -
and the fact of the matter - we have one in District 10.

Yet another group -
participating mostly listen to hot air -
as I said - no one can fool all the people all the time

Here you have another group -
one of the participants giving her opinion -
Star Miles standing - the moderator.

As part of the discussions today at the meeting held at Willie L. Brown Jr.  Middle School - April 6, 2019 - mention was made of the shootings and killings.

Jungle far right -
he left a legacy -
even in death - he must be totally respected -
do not throw some bread crumbs -
some $25,000 reward when we know the 
killer is walking the streets - respect !

Last August we had the shooting and killing of Joseph Taeotui - better know to us as " Jungle " - the shooter is on the street - free - while the SF City and County after 8 months - is offering a measly $25,000 reward. 

This is an insult.

Most rewards offered to such crimes - started with $250,000.

We have had other killings and shootings - and Shamann Walton has not been serious about this very serious incidents.

He keeps reminding us that he was a " jail bird " and did not like his stay in jail. We do not care about that - we care if his heart is in the right place - and today - he showed me - he is a loser. He is not fit to represent - and he must step down.

Whites getting $300,000 to open businesses - while we are suffering. We fought for the " Community Benefits " - and we are being shafted.

Outsiders and mostly Negro sellouts - are receiving money - the used to be on a pay roll - until the SF Controller's Office stopped the nonsense.

We have the empirical data. We have sat before and laid down the plan - we need " rap round services ". We need those who fought in the trenched to be consulted.

We need our youth to be involved - on all levels.

We need our Elders to be respected - the Ohlone were here - before anyone else - and I represent them.

It is a shame we allow - corrupt, evil, weak in the knees, despicable - so called - uneducated politicians - to take advantage of innocent, decent, tax payers.

This is a clarion call to all - unite and get rid of the chaff.

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