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Monday, July 3, 2023




China is flexing its muscles on our international seas in Southeast and other areas where we have mutual interests.

There has never been another nation in recent maritime history - that has acted as China - bullying the Philippines and taking control of an atoll that comes under the jurisdiction of the Philippines - and expanding the atoll into a military base - and taking charge of the entire expansion.

Further canceling all trade with the Philippines - adversely impacting the Philippines - in the last five years. The Philippines is suffering - after enjoying years of prosperity.

Recenly Chinese war ships dared challenge the Philippines Coast Guard - protecting Philippines fishing ships - in water that come under the Philippines jurisdiction. China always bully some entity that cannot protect themselves - David and Goliath. 

It GDP may differ from many European nations and the United States - the little the Philippines makes - it is sufficient to stay afloat.

China has done the same with Australia - increasing tariffs - and challenging Australia - because Australia spoke up and brought to the notice of China - the many atrocities in Hong Kong, the Ughurs in China, Covid-19, and where it may have started - the right for all to speak truth to power.

China is an autocratic country - and is in bed with Russia. Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin agreed to come to assistance with each other. 

Such are the mannerisms of dictators with NO soul - they kill, lie, cheat, and do whatever they want to achieve their selfish goals.

The United States made a grave mistake - giving China free trade status.

This trade with China is one-sided - and the more one delves into the details - the United States has been taken for a wild ride.

The Communist Chinese dump cheap trinkets, clothing, shoes, and cheap products that cannot endure the smelt - test.

The Communist Chinese have no etiquette, no standards; they steal, lie, bluff, and have stolen proprietary information - from the United States and the free world.

Communist Chinese spies have stolen blueprints linked to our jet fighters, ships, machines, computer technology, and what they did not have - they now have - because it is all stolen.

The bastards even hacked into the United States Office of Personnel Management. 

They compromised the " security clearance " of over four million federal workers - and to this day - none of us will trust the bastards.

When will the United States learn not to trade with autocratic counties more regarding medicines and technology that can be used against us? 

When will we learn to monitor the large plots of land Communist China is acquiring all over the United States - next to our military bases - to eavesdrop?

In Communist China, no one can own land.

All the land belongs to the Chinese Communist Party.

Most of us do not know this. 

There is no freedom in China - if the Communist  Party says something - you do it. If not, you could lose your life.

In the United States, every life matters - not so in Communist China and most autocratic countries, Russia, North Korea, and Iran; it is the same - you get the picture.

The United States must upgrade its assets - starting with the United States Navy. We should have at least 30 nuclear-powered carriers.

More ships can aid them in bringing in ammunition, fuel, food, and other necessary amenities.

The United States Airforce is the world's best - airforce. It is a pleasure to witness our " Blue Angles.

It is a pleasure to shake the hand of every jet fighter - women and men. Each one of them is well trained, and each one of them - takes their mission - very seriously.

We treasure our diversity in the air force, our united states navy,  our navy seals,  our Marines, our special forces, our Army - other assets we have that can accomplish almost any job.

The United States must maintain its superiority in the air.

The United States must maintain its superiority in space.

As we look at the situation in space - satellites will play an important part. 

I have listened to the leaders that lead the Space and Missiles Center. They are very astute leaders with a vision second to none. The Space and Missile Center - will play an important role - and it is left to the United States - to do all in its power - to give this Center - all the recourses they need.

Communist China is trying to compete with the United States - even as it has landed on the dark side of the Moon - to establish a hub of sorts.

Communist China has been playing mischief in space - trying to grab satellites, and there is more. 

However, the United States is watching the ploys for now - we shot down the Chinese spy balloon - that was sent over to our Nation to spy.

In like manner, we can capture rogue satellites  - for now, we are watching the rascals. 

Today - the United States is challenged by Chinese jets who stand no chance against us when our fighter jets fly over international waters.

There is international protocol - the Communist Chinese jet fighters - are oblivious to etiquette, rude, and belligerent.

No - decent nation can tolerate - blatant interference in international space - coming a few feet from our higher jets - it is just a matter of time - some action will be taken.

Twenty years in Afghanistan and an exit plan defied logic - we cannot waste trillions of dollars - taxpayers' money and then look around and blame others. 

We lost 11 Marines and 2 Soldiers, and  - we let the enemy take advantage of our generosity. This must STOP.

We cannot afford to go into a situation with no vetted EXIT plan.

We owe to the Afghan people and more the children, girls, boys, women, Elders those with compromised health - millions are slowly dying - and we are a nation of love and empathy.

Here in San Francisco, we must be leery of the situation - the many spies that operate and the many properties purchased with dark money.

Folks come to our SF City Hall meetings - each repeating the same nonsense - bused to speak and paid to say something that means nothing.

The speakers mostly speak Cantonese and want to enjoy their Freedom and say they are preyed upon. Complain about drugs and needles on the Streets of San Francisco.

Over $400 million have been set aside to reduce hate crimes -mostly committed by people with mental problems.

About ten percent are thugs - who make a living stealing, breaking into cars and homes, assaulting the innocent on the streets of San Francisco - and target everyone, not only Chinese - who love to create divisiveness.

Chinese businesses will not employ others to work at the businesses they operate - the one factor that is never discussed - they love to be selfish, and this factor - further exacerbates -  the situation at hand.

All over San Francisco - at the Centers that serve the public at large - you see the Chinese line up hours before the food distribution is done - many a time - no other community is standing in line - except the Chinese - hundreds of them.

The paradox is the same Chinese go to other food security hubs - this selfishness comes to them naturally - and Americans love to share and have empathy. 

Further - having collected the food doled out for free - these Chinese will gather by the United Nations Plaza by 7th Street in downtown San Francisco and other places and sell the good they got for free. This is not the American way; someone must end this utter nonsense.

Having NO clue that Fentanyl and other very harmful drugs come from China - precursor drugs material sent to Mexico - pills made manufactured with Chinese-made machines.

All this and more is oblivious to the mostly San Francisco Chinese speakers at public comment - who have not read the Constitution - not read our SF City Charter - and have no clue they are making fools of themselves.  

I have many Chinese friends, and for over forty years - when no one cared for many Chinese families in need - I went out of my way to help them. Always taught them the American way - having my friends do the translation.

Many Chinese politicians know me well - so do some key Chinese who help in important positions at City Hall, San Francisco, and Sacramento. 

The time has come to educate the Chinese that need help - what is right and wrong. Teach them to be educated on issues - and not be selfish.

One could go to China Town and one person of color - Black is employed at hundreds of businesses, and the Chinese think nothing of this factor.

Even though in the 1950s and 1960s, many Blacks lived in Chinatown.

It is the same on San Bruno Avenue - for the last forty years - not one person of color - Black - has been employed by the Chinese Businesses.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin - you must do a thorough needs assessment - with focused plans - in Alaska, South Korea, Japan, Guam, New Zealand, and Australia. We do not want another Pearl Harbor.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - Mark A. Milley - today, we are witnessing unprecedented signals that can trigger the use of nuclear warheads. We understand Communist Chinese - want to make communications worse - by not picking up the red phone. We also understand you can speak to your counterpart - a blessing. History repeats itself - any communication - by you and your partner in Community China - may be all left to save an inferno - never, ever witnessed - before.

The United States Army had been our backbone on land - in areas where the United States has engaged other nations - at times with cause and at other times - " looking for weapons of mass destruction " found nothing."

Our long presence in Afghanistan - our entry into Iraq and Libya - our confrontation with Syria - our intentions sometimes harm the United States. 

Moreover, it has cost the Nation and the taxpayers trillions of dollars.

We could have used our money to upgrade our NAVY and built twenty nuclear carriers with that money - spent the money on needed - Research and Development (R&D) and created assets - that could have come to our rescue and saved our lives.

From days immemorial, we have loved our MARINES - our backbone. 

Our Special Forces have performed well - and brought to our attention - that they are ready and on the mend.

Our Navy Seals are world-renowned, and we must give them the latest resources - two-thirds of the world - is the deep Oceans and Seas - and they need the wear with all to do a good job.

While the so-called World Powers can say what they want - at this time, we cannot mess with " Nuclear Weapons. "

China and the United States must learn that no one wins this time.

The United States and China must be able to communicate - each knows that in this game - no one wins - and what is important to note - communication - can save humankind  - or else life will be annihilated. 

China can try to bully some in space that it does not comprehend much. 

World War II brought the United States to come to the assistance of Britain and Churchill - then came D-Day - various battles - we had to use Atomic Bombs - and get that war to some end.

Paradoxically - today, we have Guam, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Alaska, and the United States in the Pacific Ocean - monitoring the devious atrocities - that China deems to provoke - and thinks it will get away with murder in broad daylight.

The United States submarines are vigilant - and as long as they know more about the Chinese assets - our satellites - can aid us today - in unique modalities - let us say no more. 

China has been pussyfooting with Europe - Germany.

Many -  African nations - have been taken for a wild ride - China steals resources - rare minerals - and buys agricultural products for cheap - exported to China - and dumps cheap plastics and trinkets - for the Africans to buy - but not for long.

The Chinese build the same design - stadiums built all over Africa by the Chinese for free - and such gimmicks, frolicking, and shenanigans have been used wherever the Chinese plant their seeds.

There has been a growing uproar in most African nations - they want the Chinese out. 

Much as some like the Wagner mercenaries out - this is another type of Colonization - like that of Holland, Belgium, England, Spain, Portugal, France, and others who participated in the slave trade - African chiefs and Arab traders. 

The sordid history has to be read - investigated - to learn more and comprehend better the history of slavery. 

Many Chinese have a harem in Africa - and the children - born by African women, the fathers Chinese - are becoming a liability.

Hostility in the villages - the time will come when these children - Afrochinese will be deserted - and such are the ways of those with no standards, fewer ethics, and no conscience. 

Taiwan has superior jet fighters that can keep the Communist Chinese at Bay.



The world must know that Taiwan had a seat at the United Nations. On July 23, 2007, the then Secretary-General of the United Nations - Ban ki-Moon, rejected Taiwan's membership citing Resolution 2758 - acknowledging that Taiwan is part of China.

Taiwan has a standing with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - may not have the voting power at the United Nations - but has some character - as before it was dethroned - it could vote.

The emerging African nations that gained independence played a role in this mischief - today, some of them regret their vote to get Communist China in.

As we have seen, the United Nations is not a force to reckon with - it is neutralized by the Superpowers who have nuclear weapons and threaten to use them.

We have seen this with Urkarine. 

How can the world stand by and watch while thousands of  Ukrainian infants, children, women, Elders, and those with compromised suffer - many have died.

Russia circumvents the sanctions by sending millions of petroleum barrels to China and India. These two countries sell the stuff on the open market - and keep Russia afloat.

Communist China keeps threatening Taiwan.

The United States has stated clearly - if Communist China dares invade Taiwan - for all the gimmicks and flexing its wings like a chicken - we, the United States and free people of the world - will address - the situation at hand.

Today news warns us Americans not to visit Communist China.

China has decided since the United States has adjudicated not to sell high-end computer chips that China needs to accommodate its military assets.  

China will decrease trading rare metals like Gallium and Germanium to the United States.

This - tit-for-tat serves no purpose - China controls over 80% of some rare metals - and the United States - must be self-sufficient in all areas - and was caught napping. 

One in five Chinese graduate students has yet to work - this has been going on for the last four years. 

There is dissatisfaction growing in the cities. Young women and men - apply for jobs, each one hundreds of applications - waiting for months and some for years - for an interview.

The young adults are moving to Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and New Zealand to get educated, and most want to stay behind - knowing if they return to Communist China - they will have the wither on the vine.

China just made a deal with MODERNA, the vaccine manufacturer that the United States and taxpayers - shelled out our dollars - to create the MRN vaccines - that saved millions of lives - linked to COVID-19.

China has cut a deal for one billion dollars - for MODERNA to open a pharmaceutical plant in China - China that started the pandemic and does not have the decency to admit that it caused millions to die - all over the world.

If we continue in manner - the United States will compromise its security. 

The paradox is the United States must use - the many well-informed citizens - to plan our future - with strategic models - to keep Communist China and those that aid and abet - Communist China at bay.

Check this article on rare metals and Chinese policy:,silvery%20metal%2C%20similar%20to%20aluminium.

As I said, the economy of China has been spiraling downwards. 
Many Chinese graduates need help finding jobs in China.

There are over 380,000 Chinese studying in many American colleges, universities, and other institutions of learning. 

Less than 400 American students study in China.

What does this say about us selling our educational prowess to a Communist nation? 

At a minimum, we have at least 3000 Chinese spies. This one factor does not seem to bother those who should keep our Nation safe. Many of them are here in San Francisco.

On another level, we waste our time discussing equity instead of equality.

Asian is a loaded word - they may hail from Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myramar, India, China, Mao, Hong Kong, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Siri Lanka - our Universities and colleges do a disservice and discriminate catering to those who live in the United States - many naturalized others having a green card.

These students coming from abroad are embraced - because the institutions can ask them to pay higher fees - and money is no money for the Communist Chinese - they are looking forward to these students - pandering to the wishes of the Communist Chinese authorities.

Something is happening behind the scenes - and most Americans are unaware of the Paper Tiger - trying to teach us a lesson. Communist China has been working diligently to destroy our Freedom - by planting seeds of discord and divisiveness.

Donald Trump has set us back - years back, a third of the nation - fanatics - we have a population of 840 million - we are in deep trouble.

At home, our Nation is divided - the fanatics and those who love their Freedom - but do not understand the difference between Freedom and license.

Abuse of Freedom is license.

Those who lie, cheat, the filthy rich who have been doing business with China - better realize - pay your taxes - and do not think we do not know how you made your money. The likes of Donald Trump.

Now, on a war footing, all our pharmaceuticals must be manufactured in the United States - not China and India. 

I hope we learned from the many mistakes linked to the pandemic - and are fully prepared - for the new variants - making inroads - that could compromise our health.

We live in a free world - must treasure our Freedom - and speak truth to Freedom.

We must fine-tune our moral compass - our heart in the right place - only then - can we take many to a better place. Aho.



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