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Friday, July 21, 2023



Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

In the Democratic Republic of Congo - rampant abuse of child labor is prevalent - and while China leads in mining Cobalt and contaminates land - the toxins slowly kill the people - and the world looks the other way.

The continent of Africa has always been exploited - the many rulers bribed by the colonial thugs before.

Recently, China, Russia, the British, and others have been mining Cobalt and poisoning locations like the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Cobalt is a by-product of copper and Nickel, and China controls 80% of the Cobalt needed in producing batteries, computer chips, petroleum production, and many other vital products.

China today is challenging the world with the United States, Germany, England, South Korea, Taiwan, and other countries that manufacture vital components linked to electric cars, computers, satellites, and other high-end technology - where Cobalt is required.

The mining of Cobalt and other rare metals attracts China not so much to do good - but rape the Earth to pollute and contaminate and deplete the Ozone layer - that lets the sun in and warms the Earth.

In the interim, the Whites and those rich countries primarily make money not so much to better the world and humankind but to foster avarice and abject disdain for those from the third-world counties - also known as the under-developed nations.

Europe has no clue how African nations are suffering.

African mothers have to see their children die - the cattle, the camels, the goats, the sheep, their chickens die - then when the wells in their villages dry - they move - only to be abused by mercenaries,  in Darfur the light skin Arabs who - still think they are superior and have disdain for the dark skin Africans.

The Chinese use money to bribe the chiefs of the villages and the heads of African governments - while those who work in the mines - at the end of the day, make a measly - two dollars.

The Chinese live in gated communities - have harems - four and five African wives - and all this will soon come to a halt.

The Chinese dump trinkets and cheap plastic goods - most inferior - and buy the harvest of the villages - but even this cannot be done - because drought has visited many African nations in East and Central Africa - back to back for three years.

The rivers are contaminated - the waste from mining copper, Nickel, and other rare metals is heaped - and the dust spreads everywhere - when the wind blows - polluting the rivers, the forest, the land, the villages - and no one seems to care.

The audacity of the rich nations to talk about Climate Change and bypass mentioning the countries of Africa - that have suffered the most. The white advocates - must go live in the villages to see firsthand - the atrocities the African villages - have to endure - there is compassion and empathy.

With empathy comes action - an action that uplifts those that suffer the most - anyone can talk the talk - walking the walk - matters most.

The African infants, children, youth, young adults, the beloved Elders, and those who suffer from physical and mental - challenges - need help from the World Bank - the European Union, Russia, bleeding Africa working with Communist China for sure the lead bleeder.

These children and other workers earn $2 a day - while the Chinese sell Cobalt for over  $60,000 a ton - and no one is paying attention to the abuse, the pollution, and the dire health of the population from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The Chinese move thousands of rare Earth - also known as Cobalt Hydroxide by train from South Africa to the port of Durban - from Durban to China. 

Years ago, Indian expatriates, Lebanese traders, and others found that Heterogenite, an ore that can be refined to create Cobalt.

Copper and Nickel were found in plenty in the Democratic Republic of Congo - the Chinese got wind of this news - and all hell broke loose. 

Copper and Nickel are needed to create Cobalt - and the process requires a lot of energy.

China uses coal - and spews the air with pollution and contamination. China is the leading nation that sends Carbon dioxide into the air and the leading nation that depletes the Ozone layer - contributing to Climate Change. 

The greedy and corrupt Chinese intrusion - in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other locations in Sudan for petroleum, Angola for diamonds and other metals - brought in other nefarious entities, including the Russians -  the Wagner Group, and other mercenaries.

Today the Chinese control Cobalt from precious resources - that they have amassed from the Democratic Republic of the Congo - used in batteries to prevent fires.

Also, in combination with lithium - the technology is being refined as we speak - and the price of Cobalt has skyrocketed.

Again the greed of the Chinese and Russians knows no bounds.

China and Russia want to have their own currency - and create their own brand of financial ploys - creating an entity called BRICS - consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

So far, the dollar has been reigning supreme - the United States still holding the first place - as the world's leading economy.

California is the world's fourth leading economy.

India is trying to better itself and position itself - on the economic pyramid - but India's dense population - suffers from very high density - contributing to unhealthy conditions.

The younger Indian generation seeks opportunity elsewhere in Europe, the Middle East, and the United States -  Climate Change - and worsening conditions in India linked to climate - forcing thousands to move to other places within India - and eventually all over the world. 

China is suffering - one in five young educated Chinese do not have jobs.

Its real estate is a mess - no one can own land in China.

The real estate is built by large companies - the likes of Evergrande are tanking - over $81 billion loss in the last two years.

These real estate entities entice the Chinese to invest - much like stocks and shares - in huge cities built - and not occupied.

All sorts of gimmicks with fake stores like GUCCI where folks can take photographs - wedding photographs were taken on locations - depicting places in Europe and elsewhere - baffling gimmicks.

These large cities generate carbon dioxide and other pollutants contributing to Climate Change.

The Chinese workers leave their villages - for better opportunities - most live in despicable conditions - while working on these large projects. Many go back to their villages - in poor health - after living a hard life - slaving.

The pandemic took a heavy toll on these Chinese - who were deprived of vaccines - millions died - and all this and more Communist China does not care to mention or address - casting the working poor into situations dire - fodder.

Today MODERNA, the pharmaceutical company that American taxpayers funded - to create the mRNA vaccine, has agreed to produce vaccines in Communist China - paid $ 1 Billion.  

Tailings from the mining process - are piled sky high  - the rains and the dust pollute the rivers, and the villages with dust that are contaminated, leading to all sorts of chronic diseases. Mainly respiratory in nurture - and no one gives a damn. The local folks from the Democratic Republic of Congo - earn a measly $2 a day.
The Chinese do not respect the Africans, and this behavior will backfire when it backfires. The world will see it from a distance, and the situation will not be pretty.

Climate Change has created. Epic floods in Pakistan, severe floods in northern India and South Korea, drought in East and Central Africa, here in South West United States of America, floods in Germany, and now scorching weather all over Europe. Lack in many places in South America - in other areas, floods. The Ozone layer is being depleted - lets in excessive sun rays - and all this and more creates warm weather with record heat levels worldwide.

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