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Tuesday, January 17, 2023


The Supreme Court went bonkers - corporations are people too. Guess what - they embrace " dark money. "  The Supreme laid a low blow to women - " women control their own bodies " - get that right and get it now.

Two autocrats, Vladamir Putin and Xi Jinping. Both are involved in dirty politics, dark money, and selling drugs like fentanyl. Stealing and hacking proprietary information. - Flexing their muscle in the air and our oceans and sea. Stop messing with our free and well-trained - armed forces. All the while - as the FREE world - stays cool as a cucumber. Stop pushing it - stop testing our will - you are put on notice.

Millions of innocent and decent people have been impacted by the atrocities. Inflicted by Vladamir Putin on Ukraine.

As human beings, we feel the pain - our Elders, children, youth, women, and men - die when they have nothing to do with the autocrats - who deem it their right to attack without provocation. 

Millions of Russians who disagree with Vladamir Putin have left Russia - they will return only when the devil dies. 

The same Xi Jingpin - created a situation where millions are dying - lockdowns that made variants and expedited stress of the worst order. The pandemic in China spreading like wildfire - the place where it started in the first place.

Wearing the mask and giving sound vacations could have better served the Mainland Chinese - who have no freedom and cannot own land in China. Most are treated like robots - millions of inferior housing built but not occupied.

The Real Estate situation in China is spiraling - young adults have college degrees but have no work. Women are treated with disdain - and families now stick to one child - even though the government offers incentives. 

It does not take a rocket scientist to understand the situation - who loves Freedom as does Vladimir Zelensky from Ukraine.

The United States, at the start of the Ukraine invasion, offered Vladamir Zelensky succor -  Vladamir Zelensky said, " he does not need the ride - he prefers ammunition."

The Patriot missile system can slow Putin - maybe take him out  - for all his talk - he is a bully - that the free world can - STOP.


Both Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin must understand that autocracy does not work.

All over the world, human beings treasure their Freedom - and anything that smacks of autocracy - stinks to high heaven.

Xi Jinping understands that he cannot allow the targeting of the Ughgurs who are Muslim - and have not been hostile to anyone - but are treated with disdain - this type of intrinsic Chinese hate - must stop.

Vladamir Putin must fully understand that Ukrainians are hard-working and very intelligent - we have over 2 million Ukrainians in the United States, and the Ukrainians - have contributed a lot to the United States of America.  

We have millions of Chinese in the United States who work hard and love the United States - own homes and large real estate, which they could not and cannot do in China.

The sordid dynamics happening in Mainland China and Russia are testing the Free World.

The Northern Alliance Treaty Organization and the United Nations have been lenient to autocratic governments.

The United Nations - are looking away because both Russia and China stall and have been defiant. Time to sound the clarion call - and remove both nations from decision-making and adjudication.

The FREE WORLD has been tolerant - the FREE world has allowed the two rogue nations, Russia and China use the VETO power in the United Nations.

Both China and Russia - time and time again - use the VETO power for ulterior - purposes.

The other three, Britain, France, and the United States - have, in recent years - spoken truth to power.

Backed other nations that belong to the United Nations.

Nations that practice democracy - to stabilize democracy, Freedom, focus on the quality of life issues - and restore stability and peace of mind.

The FREE world must unite and keep nations like Russia - which has an autocratic government and an egomaniac - like Vladamir Putin. 

The flag of the United States

The Founding Fathers.

We have a population of about 340 million - have vast lands - that were stolen from the indigenous people of Turtle Island - you would not know this - when many Whites talk from both sides of their mouths.

The United States is some 3,317,812.8 square miles.

Let us get to the chase - one-third of our population - purport to be fanatics - who have made up their mind - and do not believe in our Constitution.

You have to watch the present Congress - it took 15 rounds in 2023 - to elect a Speaker of the House - Kevin McCarthy - a Republican.

Our Founding Fathers - chose to create a government - they called it an experiment.

This experiment is now teetering - the middle class has eroded - we have the filthy rich and the very poor.

The middle class keeps the balance - it is that glue that one can depend on when it comes to semblance. 

Politicians, by enormous measure, lie, steal, and hoodwink - and there is no transparency or accountability.

This experiment shows that the Founding Fathers were men of faith - I say this because they decided to have checks and balances - at all levels.

Again and again, they fought for the separation of the Executive Branch with checks and balances - no President could be a traitor - one has to check to hear the oath of any President of the United States.

If one is deemed a traitor - that person may be the President of the United States  - the penalty is death - in bygone days - hanging.

The Legislative Branch has its own checks and balances - however when you have Republicans who do not believe in bipartisanship - and Democrats who think they know better - there is NOT going to be any progress.

The Supreme Court is now stacked because of politics - and when the Supreme Court courts " dark money " - is in your face with statements that "corporations are people too - and wants to control the bodies of our women - it is time that the Supreme Court Judges have term limits.

We know each State plays a role - we see each State contributes to the Federal government - California sends more money to Washington DC - and gets some - and that is how it is - our Republic.

We cannot govern the United States of America - if we have NO unity

We cannot control the United States if our hearts are not right.

We cannot govern well if we have no leadership.

Good leaders know the way, show the way, and go the way.


Frederick Douglas (1818-1895)

At times like this, we recall President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

October 14, 1890 -March 28, 1969.

Frederick Douglass, an abolitionist once a slave - self-educated a genius who was respected by President Abraham Lincoln.

Frederick Douglass encouraged President Abraham Lincoln to allow the slaves to fight in the Civil War - this one act - when one does a sound needs assessment - favored the Union Army and the rest is history.

The Negros are now called Blacks - who should be addressed as Americans first - so should all of us who are citizens of this Nation.

We all citizens contribute in unison to the mandates of the Constitution - and serve our Nation as best we can. 

President Dwight D. Eisenhower was the 34th president of the United States. He served as Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe. 

President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a five-star General with wisdom who would never tolerate the ongoing nonsense we are experiencing today.

We all witnessed the insurrection on January 6, 2021 - the sordid election we went through - fifteen rounds on January 7, 2023. 

Just like Donald Trump - Kevin McCarthy is a loser. He will go down in history as the clown with no balls and less leadership that counts - he sold the store - his ship is sinking.

The Republican Speaker of the House rolling back $80 Billion appropriated to address the backlog and other issues linked to the Internal Revenue Service - its first bill in the majority House.

Our military swears their allegiance to the Constitution - not to any President - any institution - any faith - any group of individuals - the United States military - professes and pledges allegiance to the Constitution.

Retired General James Mattis.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
General Mark A. Milley.

All citizens must be educated on issues - if you have yet to read the Constitution more studied - all the various amendments and their requirements and impacts - stop talking and start educating yourself.

It is a pity how many Americans know what is happening worldwide - the plight of those with NO freedom in sight.

The plight of those who have suffered from drought for three and four years.

Millions have died because they lack good health services - more in this pandemic - nearing three years.

Our Nation, once known as Turtle Island, belongs to the indigenous.

Those strangers who came here from Europe and elsewhere - better learn to respect the indigenous.

If you do not respect the indigenous tribes - you will fall flat on your face - makes no bones about that. Aho.


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