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Sunday, January 1, 2023



Captain Michael Healy

Captain Healy worked for the Revenue Cutter Service. 

This arm of the government collected revenue for the United States from the many industries on and off the Alaskan Coast and beyond. Later the U.S. Coast Guard was formed, and the rest is history.

In those days, the late 1790s to the late 1890s,  thousands of seals and whales were killed - for their blubber, and the Revenue Cutter was in charge of collecting the revenue. 

The men who worked on these cutters - who plowed through the thick snow were rough, killing and murder rampant. 

It was survival of the fittest in the wilderness of Alaska and Siberia.

Captain Healy, accompanied by his men, represented law and order on the seas and on land on behalf of the United States government.

Captain Healy was in charge of the Revenue Cutter - name Bear.

As you may imagine, the rough seas, the turmoil, and the many problems Captain Healy endured took a heavy toll on all those who worked on the - Bear.

This is the modern and well-equipped cutter named after Captain Michael Healy, and there is more.

We are interested in Captain Healy because he was a man of color who looked White.

All his siblings passed as Whtie and did well. Captain Healy knew he was Black and hid this factor, and in hiding his true colors, he suffered much.

Captain Healy worked hard and could navigate the rough seas - he was known as a First Class Captain - and was respected all over Alaska and beyond.

Captain Michael Healy lived in San Francisco with his wife and children.

Captain Micheal Healy was well known - he had rich friends - but he also had enemies - more, because Captain Michael Healy - took to alcohol and inebriation.

Captain Healy handled the rough and uncouth sailors - no mean feat - the sailors respected him, and he respected them.

There is another dimension to Captain Michael Healy - he noticed the dire straits - the poor, starving Aluit tribe and other locals - he found solutions - addressing their concerns. 

Captain Michael Healy decided to transport and introduce reindeer from Siberia to Alaska - he saw that the reindeer were domesticated so that the local tribes could now have their protein in their diet.

The local tribes fell on bad times - and many were addicted to alcohol - he saw that the natives were taken care of and inebriation kept at bay.

Paradoxically, Captain Healy fell prey to alcoholism - too.

In San Francisco, he suffered - the taunts of the Temperance Society and others.

Captain Michael Healy was stripped of his Captaincy for four years. He was also accused of being rough on his men.

Captain Micheal Healy and his wife lived in San Francisco. His wife had to endure the turbulent times - today, we take many things for granted - it is good to pause, ponder, and follow in the steps of the young children from New York - who petitioned the name of a Coast Guard cutter - in honor of Captain Michael Healy. 

April 23, 1790, the U.S. government ordered 10 Cutters be built.

On August 4, 1790, the Revenue Cutter was formed.

Years later, the Coast Guard was formed in 1915 - from the famous Revenue Cutter Service - captained by Captain Micheal Healy.

To this day, the U.S. Coast Guard respects the work of those who sailed the rough seas and their yeomen service - the famous Revenue Cutter named the Bear.

In 1995 some children from New York petitioned Congress and had the modern Coast Guard Ship named after Captain Michael Healy.

This is a state-of-the-art cutter - which will continue to keep the memory of Captain Michael Healy - alive for a long time.

The Coast Guard and those who respect men and women who have contributed so much to the United States - Captain Michael Healy did his best - the now famous Berkentine Steamer named Bear from 1886 to 1895.

Our children in the United States and others should learn and read more about warriors - women, and men like Captain Micheal Healy.

Our children should learn more about the Buffalo Soldiers - who served our Nation well - over 500 Buffalo Soldiers are interred at the Veterans Cemetery - the Presidio of San Francisco. 

We must remember the Japanese all-American citizens who were removed from the town and cities they lived in America and sent to camps - during World War II.

We must honor the Chinese Americans who worked hard and built the railway - contribute in many other ways to the making of the United States - today.

The Latino community - who endured lynchings and other atrocities by the Whites who discriminate against the innocent - stole their property and left a sordid history.

I have a website site and while surfing my website came across the article that I am posting below:

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