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Sunday, February 21, 2021



Dr Charles Chu is a microbiologist - sequencing is his forte

what is mind blogging in San Francisco  for all our

talk we are short on our walk - Dr. Charles works in SF.

The current pandemic is playing havoc with those who purport to be experts - very little sequencing is done in San Francisco. When it comes to testing - far below - what is needed.

Mayor London Breed for all her talk - is NOT a leader. 

She is a barker - and those that bark up the wrong tree - are of No use to anyone.

London Breed has NO manners - and most of what she says - is mundane. 

London Breed opens her mouth - and within seconds - she is all over the place - talking utter - rubbish. 

The United States once had some standard and status when it came to sequencing -  all things DNA - we are now 34th in the world.

Far - below England, Germany, France and many other nations including India and China - who are contributing to testing new variants and quality - sequencing.

Vaccines are critical to build some resistance -  many experts want all of us to take the first vaccine for now - and if one is lucky to take both the vaccines needed - all the better.

I got my first vaccine and soon will get my second dose. 

I wear my mask, maintain strict hygiene - and go out - only if the work is essential.

We must face this pandemic is a manner where as intelligent human beings are in control - not, the other way around. 

Stop bitching too much - we have little time for that.

Take the vaccine - wear the mask properly - eat right - meditate and go to places where you fell comfortable. 

If you can uplift someone - all the better - we are in this mess together - stop - pointing fingers - look at the glass - half full rather then half empty - all the time.

A Senior getting his first shot - so many 

other Seniors - waiting for their shot - we pray and hope.

Once you get your vaccination - most get little reaction - linked to the first one.  I did not get any reaction - so I cannot speak on that count.

The second one may bring some fever -  some get flu like symptoms - that force them to sleep and some even get a fever. Mostly within a day or two - this reaction - goes away.

The experts say the body is fortified and when the second vaccine triggers the alarm - the body is ready to fight the virus - this is a sign that the vaccine is working. I read this from the experts.

Some who react from the vaccine - mostly the second one  - are forced to stay at home - unable to stand and feel giddy and all this and more is a bit of a nuisance. Again I have witnessed this from the ones close to me.

Having something light like soup - helps - and drinking water helps.

 Most important rest and have positive thoughts - the reaction is needed to know - if the vaccine works. All will be well.

All in all  - what is important to note - one's has a fire wall -  one's body builds much needed resistance - to the COVID-19 virus.

The COVID-19 is here to stay - the variants are many - and so far - the scientists are many some headway - but there is a lot to know - and time will tell.

Sequencing and testing is critical - to find new variants -
and stay ready to help each other - the experts whisper -
they do not have the resources -  the money - and 
the Biden Administration - is ready to help  -it is a new day.

We are living in a world where with Climate Change, Natural disasters - like huge fires, Earthquakes - pandemics will adversely all human beings worldwide - we have seen it in the United States with c - 500,000 deaths. That is half a million - plus.

128 million plus are exposed to COVID-19 virus in the United States.

Deaths in Italy, Spain, Brazil, Russia, Peru - China, India, Nigeria, Guatemala - in many other countries.

 The poorer Nations - cannot afford vaccines - the United States has pledged $4 Billion, and so has England, France, Germany, China - and other nations. 

The Great Master said " blessed are the poor for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven ".

We must remember we are in this all together - and this is not a time to waste billions on arms and ammunitions. 

Jet fighters and other missiles costing over a million dollars each - missiles that can be sent to any target from hundreds of miles away.

We need world leaders who have empathy and compassion. 

Those that do not - will fall on their face - we haver no time - but to lead and make good stuff - happen.

The United States has wasted trillions of dollars - nations like Saudi Arabia has been buying our weapons, our jets and using them on Yemen.

We keep punishing Iran - the people of Iran are innocent .

I do not know much about the current Clerics in Iran - and that part of the equation - even though I visited Iran in the 1970s.

I know the innocent people will revolt - and the blood shed - will be horrendous.

Innocent, hardworking Iranians and others that are taken advantage of  - people can only take so much of the nonsense - and then all hell will break loose.

It is NOT right to punish the innocent people of Iran.

Iran has a rich civilization going back thousands of years - it did not help that we reneged and got out from treaties signed with Iran - and now may want to join the party - it does not work like that - really.

Much like we got out of the World Health Organization - and now are back - Americans at home are confused - and more the world - who think we American have lost our mind.

It does not help watching fanatics - climbing our Capitol Hill walls - pillaging, defecating, urinating, mostly Whites - who lost their mind - and have created the worst type of divisiveness - ever.

Turtle Island - what is now the United States -
the strangers came and screwed it all - 
stole, raped, pillaged, and continue to cheat and steal -
to this day - foster discrimination and more.

The Founding Fathers and the Constitution.

The Founding took time to under Democracy and learned it from the Six Nations - indigenous tribes.

The Iroquois and others who practiced Democracy - in a Matriarchal System - where indigineous women leaders - led and led wisely. Matriarchs who had wisdom.

Here is some information that puts the facts into some meaningful context - how the U.S. Constitution - came to be :

It is a shame that we took the best from the indigenous people of this land and now the strangers - behave as if they all deranged.

Imagine  the Founding Fathers - seeing their own kind - climbing the walls of Capitol Hill. Failing to abide by the Constitution - the Constitution as it was created - for the times it was created.

Going into Capitol Hill and destroying what most of us revere and respect.

This is what happens - when idiots start believing people who have lost their mind. Fanatics are hovering all over the place - much as they did around Mussolini and the Brown Shirts - Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich.  

Fanatics have always tried to destroy what is good - we saw this before and we will see it - in the future.

If we are NOT educated on issues -  if we do not stand for what is right. We will fail and those that are demonic in nature - will destroy all - and slave most - slave their mind - and slowly but steadily - their being.

Much as we see in China to - everyone is watched - most must do and act as they are told to. No one owns land or property as we do here in the United States - in China. There are other places to Russian is one - and you can find the rest of the Nations - we must learn fast - and act fast - to save our FREEDOM.

There is freedom and there is license - abuse of FREEDOM is LICENSE.

Soon one in every 160 Americans will die. It fact is is a really the COVID-19 virus is here and taking life.  Think about that.

Not long ago we had an "idiot " who told us the sun will come out and the virus will go away.

Thank God the "idiot " has gone away.

Missing is this equation millions of women have lost their jobs - over 3 million. Strong women who have been the back bone of our economy - under paid and most of what they do - not recognized.

We seem to under our economy - but for some strange reason - women are not paid - for equal work - done by men.

Missing in this equation our infants, children, youth, young adults - our Elders and those with compromised are suffering and slowly dying.

Over 3 million children have been exposed to COVID-19 here in the United  - many slowly dying. 

Once you fall prey to the current Pandemic - no one knows how badly one suffers.

Each -  human beings is different - and each human being - suffers - that must we know. 

God bless America and the world. Aho.

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