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Monday, February 22, 2021


 Judge Merrick Garland a nominee to fill the post of the U.S. Attorney General. We look forward to restoring - law and order.

We are a Republic and we treasure our Freedom.

This - at a time when for the last four years - the last two U.S. Attorney Generals - worked as the lawyer for the man in the White House - that we the people got sent packing - away from the White House - forever.

America today stands at odds - fanatics, maniacs, racists of the worst order, domestic terrorists  - some 70 million strong - confused - want to destroy our democracy. 

Thousands from this large group - assaulted our Capitol Hill - January 6, 2021 - prior to that a large crowd were encouraged to attack Capitol Hill - by none other than DT - a despicable person - who happened to be our Commander in Chief.

We treasure our Freedom and we the people do not believe in License.

There is Freedom and there is License - abuse of Freedom is License.

These fanatics - that I have mentioned above - steeped with conspiracy theories - trying to decipher signals sent by A-Anon and other lackeys encouraging destruction and other vile concepts.

We must ask ourselves what has happened to the United States?

Why do we favor a certain segment of the population - who invaded this Nation - once called Turtle Island - who did not live here 500 years ago.

Most came to this land without documents - and most important to note were NOT invited - they came there uninvited and have since been like parasites - greed to the core - and they think they are the masters - truth be told - they are the scum of the Earth.

These followers of conspiracy theories - have divided our Nation.

Once divided it takes a long time to heal - the healing must begin - but again and again we see impediments put before - holistic plans - to help our citizens - more in this pandemic - that has killed over 500,000 that is half a million people.

More people have died today from the pandemic - put then those who died in World War I, World War II,  Korean War, the Viet-Nam War - and yet we still have some sordid politicians - that will stall sound legislation - and polices to help one another.

Today - Americans are confused, perplexed, astounded, confounded - and at a loss for words. 

Too many decent Americans are shocked and we must do all in our power - to bring about healing in a meaningful manner.

Besides the raging pandemic - today we are dealing with natural disaster - today Texas is in a mess - no electricity for days on end - no clean drinking water - even after some electricity has been restored.

Thousands of homes inundated with water - from burst pipes and heavy snow and more - our Nation is being tested on many levels - mostly adversely impacting - the poor and those that have little.

Most of our Citizens suffering - have worked hard - have pride in their work - but now for over a year - we have no good jobs to offer those who took pride in their work.

Thousands of small businesses have gone out of business - they will not come again - there was a time - these small businesses were promised monitory help - it did not come.

Large Corporations - big businesses got the Stimulus Money - and those small businesses that need the money most - were left to fend for themselves - they spent all their savings - and finally closed their operations. Never, ever to open their doors and do business.

Capitol Hill

Never, ever did we think we would see fanatics crash Capitol Hill - fanatics scaling the walls - all of them White - entering Capitol Hill - destroying and stealing property.

Many of these scoundrels defecating and urinating - and yet they want to call themselves Americans. They are not Americans and for sure they are not mannered citizens.

The above incidents must be adjudicated - the U.S. Attorney General - must set standards and norms that can deal with the pandemonium we have all witnessed.

Many of us shocked - many wondering if America - will ever rise from the ashes - like the Phoenix - get back on track.

In the past we have seen regimes the Third Reich - and Adolf Hitler in Germany. Kill millions and bring misery to millions all over the world.

The Brown Shirts and Mussolini in Italy.

Chairman  Mao in China sending millions to camps to be brain washed - and in China the government owns all the land.

Other dictators in South America, some dictators in Africa - these dictators - each one of them left a stench.

These dictators murdered, maimed, brainwashed fellow citizens - and all of them failed - miserably.

Today the Supreme Court ruled that the Supreme Court will not stop any court from ordering and subpoenaing - tax forms - and will reveal the very essence of the man DT.

DT  lived in the White House - for four years - and ordered the destruction and normalcy of our Republic. He sent the fanatics to STOP the transfer from one administration to another - January 6, 2021.

Our Republic is bleeding and one factor that stands out the death of over 500,000 victims of COVID-19 pandemic.

All 500,000 victims we hold dear - and we must remember these lost lives - all the days of our life. 

In America we serve our Nation as best we can - and when it come to American lives - each one has a duty to stand up and uphold our Constitution - life, liberty, justice, equality, honor and respect.

The recent natural disasters keep hitting our Nation and revealing - flaws - our Nations infrastructure in peril and disrepair.

Texas - will take years to weatherize its GRID - and has failed us and more Texans.

Today the victims in Texas who suffered so much - have received electric bills - amounts in the thousands of dollars - when before these bill were in the hundreds. 

Such are the evil ways of private companies and corporations - who leech on innocent people - and all this and more must STOP.

Today it is Texas - tomorrow - it will be California.

When the peaceful transfer of our government is in danger - hurdles put forward - by fanatics - screaming and shouting - " hang Mike Pence ".

Others - shouting vulgar language - all these by hooligans - storming Capitol Hill  - crowding the corridors of Capitol Hill - destroying property - planting the Confederate Flags - the flag of our enemies - stealing information from the meeting rooms and more. 

Fanatics and hooligans - trying to stop the peaceful transfer - from one Administration to another.

Wake up America we must put a STOP to this nonsense - nip the nonsense in the bud.

Thank God 230 of these hooligans and scoundrels have been arrested.

We must be fully aware that they are 70 million others - who do not want peace and want to attack those that do not believe and agree with those that are fanatics - and believe in conspiracies.

Those Democrats, Independents, others wondering - what is going on in America? 

Who are these forces who are not with us and do not respect our shared values - embedded in our Constitution?

Domestic enemies - terrorists - who must be severely dealt with. 

Nominated for U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland.
We look forward to his being appointed and putting things back on track - he has bipartisan support - we wish him well.

Our Justice Department has been torn asunder - stellar and astute Civil Servants - Career Professionals - left the Justice Department never to return - again.

I hope and pray Attorney General Merrick Garland and his office will heal the wounds and put things back on track.

Blacks and other segments of our population - have NOT been treated fairly - that is putting it lightly. 

The time has come to revisit the 12th, 13th, and 14th Amendments. 

In  the context of Equality and Justice - the U.S. Attorney General can play an important role.

The current Administration for all the talk can address the chronic situation and bring about healing - more so when millions of decent "people of color" - voted for President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris.

We the people are NOT going to give any entity a pass - to do they they will and fail the citizens who have voted for them - and are now - dragging their legs.

We support Rep. Deb Haaland - she will be the very first United States  Secretary of Interior. We know she will speak Truth to Power. 

We are following  the hearing and have so far seen the Great Spirit guide Rep. Deb Haaland. We know our time has come - and we are ready to do and contribute to progress - as was done for thousands of years. Aho.

What we are stating very clearly is that one can talk about Equality and Justice - but it is quite another thing - to exercise and adjudicate.

For too long have we witnessed situations like what happened to Mr George Floyd and others like Oscar Grant in the Bay Area.

We are fully aware of the lynches and terror by the KKK and others.

The Justice Department can monitor the discrimination at work - opportunities denied - the list is long - more, now during the pandemic. 

Over 3 million women do not have jobs - because of the pandemic.

Millions - of our infants, children, youth, young adults - Elders are suffering -  we must reach out and some of us are doing so.

Our economy must  be restored - much as we have done and did in 2008 and 2009.

America is strong because its people are valiant and have never, ever given up. 

We have the tenacity and fortitude - second to none.

This is the moment to allow " people of color " - to participate fairly - put NO hurdles just because of the color of their skin.

Given the opportunity without hurdles - anyone can perform - the problem lies in depriving decent, hard working, people of color - getting the opportunities.

Equal pay for women and men - for the same work done - be it people of color - or anyone.

This is the moment to Federally Recognize all the Tribes in America - once the land was called Turtle Island - today the United States of America.

There can be NO unity - unless our indigenous people are honored and respected. 

President Andrew Jacks he has blood on his hands.

We must as a Nation apologize for the criminal deeds of some one like President Andrew Jackson a scumbag and a coward.

This man took upon himself to burn villages, rape, steal, and move indigenous people miles aways - trials and tribulation - that cry to heaven to this day. We do not forget such atrocities - we must seek restitution and more - from those that still condone such - horrific actions.

The United States must treat the Sovereign Nations the likes of the Lakota Nation - with respect - more - respect Mother Earth.

The Six Nations and the Iroquois Confederacy - who influenced the Constitution of the United States. It is time we publicly acknowledge this fact.

Our Tribes in the United States are the glue that keeps our Nation together - the Great Spirit sees it all. 

America is experiencing Climate Change - we keep polluting and contaminating the land, the air, the water, the forests, the water-shed - in short Mother Earth.

For over 15,000 years the indigenous tribes lived and protected our land and its resources. 

That was until the strangers came and screwed things for all - even to this day.

Greed Corporations do not own the land we live on - Turtle Island also known as the United States of America.

It is wrong that one tenth of one percent own ninety eight percent of all the wealth - we must address this chronic situation.

We must re-create the Middle Class - and those that have more money - more money that they can spend - must pay their taxes.

We have a narrow window of opportunity - we worked hard to put this administration in place - we must not beg - we have stated our platform - it is as clear as can be laid out. 

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