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Thursday, February 6, 2020


The United States of America.

We are a Republic - the Founding Fathers - did not want to have anything to do with a King, a monarchy, dictatorship - the present incumbent who lives in the present White House - does not want to be a President as we comprehend that office to be  - for all practical purposes - Donald J. Trump behaves like a dictator.

No one in their right mind - wanted to "impeach" anyone who holds the office of " President of the United States ".

Yet - our Representatives in the Congress - had no other solution - to STOP - the present incumbent of the White House.

But impeach Donald J. Trump - leaving a stench, a scar that will remain with Donald J. Trump - for the rest of his sordid -life.

No President in the history of our Nation - has cajoled with dictators -  as has Donald J. Trump.

Oh Yeah !
Short lived triumphant - Trump.

No other President of the United States - has aspired to be a dictator - stating clearly that the 2nd Amendment allows any President to do as he wants. 

No one is above the law - and that includes the President of the United States. Donald J. Trump must remember this - or else he may be the only President to be impeached for a second time.

The Founding Father thought about a " rogue President " if ever one was in the White House.

The Founding Fathers - incorporated into the U.S. Constitution - language linked to " High Crimes ". They defined high crimes - and one was colluding with our enemies - in this case Russia.

This President - Donald J. Trump - is a chronic liar, a chronic deceiver, and a pathetic - egotistical maniac.

God forbid we have such a person - ever - choose to lead our Nation. This Nation has belongs to the Native Americans.

The most despicable President of the United States -
ever to set foot in the U.S.  White House -
God forbid we have another demonic individual as this one.

Each of the Founding Fathers - are turning in their graves.

The behavior of Donald J. Trump is despicable to say the least.

The present " failed impeachment process " has proved what we did not want to hear and accept - the Republicans - failing to stand tall and represent. 

We all now have to swallow the bitter pill - for better or worse.

Senator Mitt Romney - a lone Republican - laid his case - and declared that President Donald J. Trump had coludded with our
enemies - and as such deserved to be impeached.

Impeachment is not  a process - that most of us are familiar with - and even the politicians - must acknowledge this is the only the Third Time - it has been exercised to its fullest extent.

This singular process - called " impeachment " has been brought forth - to adjudicate the behavior of a President of the UNITED STATES. In this case an egotistical maniac - Donald J. Trump.

The process is a long and tedious process - that calls upon the conscience of the Nation, the House that is Congress,  the Senate, and the Judicial Power of our Nation - to follow a long and tedious process - to adjudicate the situation at hand - using impeachment as a tool.

The process is archaic - it has NOT kept with the times - it never was created to judge a demonic person such as Donald J. Trump - who has no ethics, less morals, and for sure no standards what so ever.

For the rest of the life of Donald J. Trump - he will be known as a rogue and impeached President of the United States. 

All over the world this President is looked upon with disdain.

He is disliked and not respected by Canada, Germany, France, NATO, in short any Nation worth the salt.

Our enemies who target our Nation - Russia, China, and some others nations ruled by dictators - such as Turkey, North Korea, seem to work with Donald J. Trump - a pathetic individual - a human being - who is not to be respected - a disgrace to the human race.

Our Nation that has a population of 340 million - is spilt - those decent citizens of the UNITED STATES that favored the " impeachment process " and those citizens of the United States - that did not. Time will tell.

Never has our Nation been so divisive - never has there been so much infighting.

I have notice this - for the last three years - on many fronts - forcing me to go to the Constitution - and make long statements - to educate some who have never, ever read our Constitution.

Truly speaking we have more Independents who vote in the United States - the other two categories being the Republicans and the Democrats have a lee way in the elections.

Independents who are the majority must play " second fiddle " - independents are rallying and must do more - to bring a solution to the existing madness - our Smithsonian Election System of sorts.

The Electoral College a remanent of the Feudal System - the Popular Vote is kept at bay.

The  Electoral College - brought to the front - there by asking us all - what are we all going to do about the very core principles of or current Election System  - our government and more?

We must change this and give better opportunities to the Independents - to contribute their best - to this Nation.

The two party system - has become " stale and foul ".

If one looks at the inherent problem - each party does not trust the other - no more - do we have a bipartisan understanding.

It does not help NOT to have term limits - encouraging some who must go away but linger - and do nothing - but propagate that which is stale - and fail to open the windows and doors - and bring in the fresh air. Time is running out.

There was one historical impeachment - when President Nixon was impeached and Nixon agreed to resign. 

We had another unique impeachment - when President Bill Clinton was impeached and the Senate agreed to " forgive him " - and his extra curricula sexual activities.

In the case of Donald J. Trump - the Senate leader - Mitch MacConnell  deceived the Nation - and will forever be remembered as the architect that permitted " a rogue President, Donald J. Trump " to go Scott Free.

Be it releasing a lot of Sulphur into the  air - a foul stench - that most will remember - history will record the deed of the worst President to date - God forbid we have another one.

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