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Monday, January 6, 2020


The Tomb of Cyrus the Great -
I visited this tomb in person.

King Cyrus the Great
530 BC

When Donald Trump - who has little to reveal when it comes to diplomacy - clearly with his silly twits - show signs - being a borderline if not truly - deranged person.

The United Nations clear has mandates signed by the United States and other eminent Nations - forbidding targeting historic and cultural sites - that tell the story and open our hearts, mind, and soul - to the civilization of the human race.

I admire Cyrus the Great - one of the most revered Persian Kings - who helped the Jews to build the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

A fact that is not well known to the world and must be stated - for all the world to know, ponder and reflect of the current actions of the military in Israel and the know hawk - who have contributed little to world  peace.  

The long history of the Persian Kings and people - towards preserving and protecting - our human civilization is the pride of the Iranian people.

One has just to visit Iran and meet with its people - the most hospitable people in the entire world.

It was simply wrong that because Donald Trump chose to get out of the Nuclear deal - with Iran and other nations.

Because Donald Trumps chose to use  his whims and fancy - that he declared sanctions that adversely impact - millions of innocent Iranians - who are suffering and slowly dying.

More -  infants, children, women, Elders - those who need much needed medicines -  all this and more - for nothing but the idiocy of one man - Donald Trump.

Donald Trump must be charged and brought to court - the crimes brought forth " Crimes against Humanity " - taken to the Hague and the Geneva Convention mandates exercised - to full charge this one of a kind rogue person.

When the Persians ruled the world - Donald Trump and his ancestors were barbarians. 

Donald Trump is the most uncivilized person  -  I have encountered - a chronic liar, a chronic cheater, who hoodwinks in broad daylight - a deranged person - not to be trusted.

The ruins of Pasargadae -
founded by King Cyrus the Great -
a wise and noble King - revered by the 
Civilized world.

If John Bolton is given an opportunity to testify - the truth will come out. 

Once and for all the world will see - who we really are dealing with - Mitch McConnell then shut his mouth and resign - if is a man.

Donald Trump will be licking his " chops " - for all eternity. 

John Botton's request to reveal facts - this one opportune moment is something - that should clear the " dark clouds " - and impeach the son of a gun - once in for all.

Right now Donald Trump has no place to hide.

The recent 200 emails reveal more than is needed to " impeach " Donald Trump - who has totally disgraced the office of the President of the United States.

Senate leader Mitch McConnell is losing this  sordid battle.

Donald Trump has failed this Nation -
he has NOT made America Great -
he has tarnished the fair name of the 
people of America and is a disgrace -
to the human race.

The sooner " we the people " - speak up and Congress exercise our power - given to them to represent - the better.

The people are "  simply fed up " -  one important reason being - most U.S. tax payers are working two and three jobs - and are in survival mode.

The one tenth of one percent that control ninety five percent of our Nation's economy - is something NOT discussed.

One single rogue person that participated in exacerbating - the current serious issues adversely impacting our economy is Donald Trump.

The current tariffs are hurting this economy.

The  rise in oil prices - is already impacting the economy of many nations.

Our Nation's debt is over $2 Trillion - and not a whimper on this one singular fact - by rogue Donald Trump.

The timing was bad -  the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani - has opened a can of worms.

It came at a time - during this " season of peace " - a devil - who lives in the White House - chose with intent - to be selfish - to divert our minds - all hell has broken loose.

The audacity of Donald Trump to ask Iraq to pay for the airport in Bagdad - threatening sanctions.

In the first place we had no business going there - where are the so called " weapons of mass destruction " the Republicans have yet to reveal the fact and admit their nefarious role - invading a sovereign nation.

Donald Trump recently tweeted - that the United States is in Iraq to spy on the activities happening there - only a buffoon would say something like that. Wake up America. 

Such silly talk is simply - uncalled for - and all this and more - numbs one's being - if one is a decent and intelligent - human being.

Our debt ceiling is never discussed by Donald Trump it has reached  a all time high of 22 trillion - the highest it has been.

As one who worked with the military - and studied the situation at hand - made seasoned and qualified " need assessments ". 

Participated in Desert Shield/Desert Storm - the first time non-active - and reservists played such an important role - know more than I want to know about war.

The paradox Desert Shield/Desert Storm lasted a little over 2 months - but the adversely impacts to our soldiers - both women and men - haunt us to this day.

These picture of millions attending -
the funeral ceremonies -  paying their respect -
to General Qassem Soleimani  - mind boggling -
but more the determination of the Iranian 
people to wither the situation - come what may.

In the days to come - we all will learn more - how the United States worked hand in glove with General Qassem Soleimani - in our common fight to bring down ISSIS.

You heard this right - so suddenly for State Secretary to go out of his way - to side with the nonsense of Donald Trump.

Utter things without revealing the deep relations  State Secretary,  Mike Pompeo had with some Iranian operatives - all this and more will soon be revealed.

Now we know that Secretary of State - Pompeo has a vendetta agains General Qassem Soleimani - time will reveal the details.

Donald Trump is a coward and cannot make good decision - if  Mike Pompeo pressured Donald Trump - to carry on the drone attack - then - we must study the facts - and State of Secretary, Mike Pompeo - must pay a price. Again time will tell.

The Donald Trump and his sordid Administration - is the worst the United States has ever had.

Time will tell.

The fact that Israel had a lot to do with this assassination - is another fact.

These cloak and dagger operations are known to some - and the lay person is kept in the dark. 

There is more to this sordid story - and in the days to come - the Truth will come out.

Donald Trump made many glaring mistakes - doing what he did without consulting Congress. 

Always boasting that he knows best - failing to hear to 38 Psychologists and Psychiatrists - that he is mentally incompetent to be the President of the United States.

Secondly the assassination on land that Iraq has jurisdiction -  sovereign nation.

Besides assassinating General Qassem Soleimani -  the relationship between Iraq and the Unites States - has reached an all low status. 

The Iraqi Parliament has passed a resolution - asking all American troops to leave Iraq.  All this and more the creation and madness - of Donald Trump.

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