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Saturday, April 13, 2024



The Digestors, the Bio-Solids, the Headworks.

Promises made and none kept:

It is infuriating to read the audits by the San Francisco Controller, which reveal that millions of dollars—almost a billion—have been frittered away, and those who are supposed to champion standards, ethics, accountability, and transparency are instead lamenting incompetence.

It is imperative that we, as residents and stakeholders, equip ourselves with knowledge on pertinent issues. 

We now have the empirical data at our disposal, and it's time for everyone to do their due diligence. 

Again and again, some loudmouthed individuals muddy the waters. Life chaff will fall by the wayside.

For decades, the " crab mentality " has interfered with some of us - African American leaders - staying laser beam-focused and proceeding forward - and has not been encouraged by all.

We take our time to study the issues and have a viable and sustainable plan.

Spirituality matters to us - so those who have nothing spiritual to offer - have no empathy for our infants, children, women and men, our Elders, and those with compromised health - if you can offer your assistance and stand shoulder to shoulder with us - you are welcome.

Some of us meet regugarly - and encourage the Elders to share their wisdom. 

The others on our team who have acquired much-needed experience share their wisdom, always keeping the community in mind. 

Our present strategy calls for restitution and consideration - for a long time, the hard work of African Americans and others has yet to be acknowledged.

We are not asking for anything that we have not earned. 

Let us be serious about this fact. We documented the sordid history of those who have wasted millions of dollars.

Even as you read this blog - things are falling apart.

We, the community, are educated on issues, and we will not tolerate sellouts on the take - the likes of Juliet Ellis, Dwayne Jones, and some still working for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

In the future, it will not be business as usual. 

We have a vetted strategy that can be operated with high standard checks and balances, capacity building, and what is essential to remember achievable goals.

The Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant

Please read the SF Controller audit and judge for yourself:

The project, known as the SF Sewer System Improvement Project, was initially capped at $6 Billion.

Most San Franciscans were shocked. Over time, it became apparent that many were unaware of the actual cost, and they simply went with the flow.

As often happens, if the adverse impacts are far away from one life - most do not care.

The Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant is a dual system that receives eighty percent of the SF City and County sewage, rainwater, and other flows. 

Today, the project, initially capped at $ 6 billion, has skyrocketed to a staggering $12 billion.

Please read this audit very carefully - it has all the evidence - that anyone needs - to deal with utter nonsense that has been going on - with no sanctions, no penalties, no change for the better:

One has just to read the audits that the SF Controller has initiated - time and time again warning the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission about the many sordid - discrepancies - and time and again - those in charge - pay no attention.

In 2016, a task force of community members was created to address " Community Benefits." Five percent of the project cost - which at that time was $6 billion - the Community Benefits amount to $300 million.

The project has reached $12 billion, bringing the Community Benefits to $600 million.

Not long ago, Mayor London Breed came to a meeting, and I told her that our Bayview Hunters Point community was in peril.

I told her what we could do - and she agreed with me.

Truthfully, we asked for a meeting, and while the Mayor's Office made every effort to schedule it, weeks later, we have yet to hear from Mayor London Breed.

Sophie Maxwell, who is on the SF Public Utilities Commission, is stepping down. Sophie Maxwell has chosen to campaign for Aaron Peskin, who is running for Mayor.

The SFPUC has failed the Bayview Hunters Point - pandering to lackeys and failing to address the plight of infants, children, women, men, our Elders, and those with compromised health.

All the empirical data is available at the San Francisco Health Department - the surveys taken and the millions received in grants have not been used to help the Bayview Hunters Point community.

The Bayview Hunters Point Environmental Justice Advocacy - put our best foot forward - and all this and more is documented:

The gatekeeper, Rudolf Dwayne Jones, has been indicted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This man decimated Bayview Hunters Point, and others continue to do so. When will the abject corruption STOP?

Promises made none kept:

The SF Controller was provided with the sordid plan—how the community was fleeced and why, back in 2018, nothing much happened to Dwayne Jones. The Emerson Document defies us all and lays down the plan for all the world to see - conflict of interest. Why are we still accommodating those who are selfish and work against the community?

Harlan Kelly - he could have done better.

I repeatedly warned Harlan to do right - he chose to do wrong. The charges that have led to his jail sentence - should have included the harm he did supporting Dwayne Jones, Young Community Developers - working against the Bayview Hunters Point Community. The many other sellouts - who today find the well - dry. Millions of dollars meant for the community were wasted by entities detrimental to our Bayview Hunters Point community in the past and now.

Juliet Ellis - she worked hand-in-glove with Harlan Kelly.

Juliet Ellis placed herself at the SF Public Utilities Commission - working with Gavin Newsom.

When the position of Assistant General Manager for External Affairs became vacant, he stepped down as SFPU Commissioner took the position and gave herself the added title of Chief Strategist. The rest is history.

San Francisco is one of the most corrupt cities in the United States. Anyone who knows how deep the corruption in San Francisco is and many good people know that - agrees that the entire system needs to be scrutinized and the very corrupt removed.

For the last five years, the SFPUC Contracting Center has been underutilized, and while the community can operate it and we have a plan, we have to jump through hurdles to do it right. 

The Center was created by me so that that community would benefit from career jobs - not pre-apprentice jobs - and that it is a program that does a little good and more harm.

We are a UNION city, and all training should be done by the UNIONS. City Build is a JOKE.

We witnessed the signing of Parcel A by the City and County of San Francisco, which in turn handed the parcel to the SF Redevelopment Agency, which in turn handed it over to Lennar, the Under Secretary of the United States Navy, for a measly one dollar.

We witnessed the sellouts break contaminated ground - Depleted Uranium was tested at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

We collected 33,000 signatures—those who wanted to harm us know this—and we are a force to be reckoned with. We managed to put ourselves on the ballot measure and proved capable of standing our ground. 


Black Panthers stood by the people - the people united - and will never ever be defeated.

We all remember Dwayne Jones and his hoodwink in broad daylight—banners - Communities of Opportunity. The only opportunity we know is that Dwayne Jones pocketed millions. He now can spend time in jail, reflecting, pondering - those who steal, cheat, and deceive go to prison.

This large serpentine rock was blasted, and asbestos structures flew everywhere. This rock is hard to break. We have it at Hunters Point, Potrero Hill, and the Presidio of San Francisco.

Sophie Maxwell she stepped down from the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

Former Mayor Ed Lee at Double Rock Public Housing.

Please read this document on Environmental Issues - how the SFPUC is mandated to address the pressing issues - and has not when it comes to jobs, training, in short, quality of life issues:

Promises made None kept:

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