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Thursday, June 29, 2023



The skyline of San Francisco - the once great City and County of San Francisco - has gone to the hogs.

San Francisco is called the City and County of San Francisco - at one time, it stretched from San Francisco to Palo Alto.

San Francisco has played an essential role in the development of California and, of course, the Bay area - becoming a financial center - and a City with some well-known gourmet restaurants, places for high-class entertainment, and the capacity to hold large conferences - among them the Moscone Center.  

San Francisco is known for its colleges, the University of San Francisco, Golden Gate University, San Francisco State University, and more.

Of course, we have many five-star hotels - and in recent months - we have seen the Hilton decide to close its doors.

San Francisco once attracted many tourists - they could go to Union Square and shop - and nearby Westfield - Nordstrom, and other stores are leaving us - and all this talk of closure - has dampened many tourists - and San Franciscans.

It is safer for San Franciscans to go to Stonestown and shop than downtown San Francisco. 

No one wants to be assaulted by deranged folks, see the dirty streets, the used drug needles - the stench of urine and feces.

We San Franciscans have been hoodwinked by the Mayor London Breed and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in broad daylight. 

Where is the affordable housing - where is the incentive for the City and County of San Francisco to help with the down payment - for those who have lived at least 10 years in San Francisco - where is the empathy and the uplifting.

San Franciso has its Department of Planning - which also has the Department of Building Inspection. Both these entities need to be revamped - both have failed San Franciscans.

Recently both the SF Planning and the SF Department of Building Inspection have had their software upgraded - and both Departments have improved their public relations.

However, regarding permits, the red tape is too much for many. Leading many to go to expeditors who can help for a hefty fee.

San Francisco Planning had to jump many hoops to get its Housing Element approved by the State of California.

The Housing Element spells out the details - to attain 82,000 housing units from 2023-2030.

San Francisco must establish focused groups in each district that focus on housing, education, transportation, safety, food security, mental wellness, Eldercare, Childcare, and incarcerated individuals released, helping them contribute to Society.

We had a great opportunity from 2008 to 2011 to buy homes that the banks took over and sold to folks - not from the community.

We remember those years - and the spiraling of our economy - and how the nation's principal financial institutions were baled out - and the citizens all over our nation - screwed over. 

Right now, we are in the same dilemma - those that most need help are led astray - those at the SF Planning Department, the Mayor's Office of Housing, and the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce - have failed us all miserably.

Millions of dollars were given to the SF Mayor's Office of Housing, Millions to the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce - we, the people, demand an audit - of how all the millions were spent.

One-third of the Commercial Space is vacant in downtown San Francisco. Sales Force has thousands of square feet vacant - other Property Managers, such as Boston Properties, are suffering. If the focus groups I have mentioned can meet those interested in getting the best feedback, we can attain a win-win situation.

In recent months we have had a lot of talk about Artificial Intelligence.

Those behind Artificial Intelligence have been taken to court. The reason is simply - those behind AI - steal information - for example, I know my data has been stolen - the articles I write. There is nothing I can do.

These scumbags steal artwork, anything they want - photoshop and use it for whatever they want. Leading all the nations - is China.

Communist China does not believe in copywrites - it does not believe in property rights. In China, no one owns the land - the land belongs to the Communist Party.

Much like many condominiums - one can buy your condominium - but the land on which the condominium stands - belongs to the developer or private owner - here in the United States.

Artificial Intelligence is dangerous - because it does not have empathy - try AI on any subject and see for yourself - if the product you read - has compassion, empathy has all the human frailties that make us all - human.

FUCK Artificial Intelligence - that has not been regulated.

It is fitting that right now, some are challenging Artificial Intelligence - I attended the TEDx conference held at Berkeley and heard the speakers - all of them - did not favor stealing or cheating that AI is known for. 

Mayor London Breed brags that AI will play a key role - it will not. AI is an anathema that needs to be reined in - now.

The Supreme Court has ruled that Corporations are people too. Now just yesterday - it ruled against affirmative action. Artificial intelligence is just that - artificial.

To live decent lives, all of us must be educated on issues. 

Let me put it in simple language - we need good nutrition for our bodies.

We need to educate ourselves with the best facts - learn to discern and filter the best information - that is, sound education.

It is a shame that the current Budget and Appropriations Committee has cut funding to the most vulnerable - to those who suffer from food insurity - our infants and children - dipping into Baby Proposition C - our immigrant that are in dire straits.

All those SF City employees making over $200,000 our taxpayers' money - have their salaries cut thirty percent.

Finally, we have a Spirit that in fine tuned and our moral compass m be fined tuned -  our heart in the right place.

Those who are my good friends - from all walks of life - know me as one that embraces all. If your heart is in the right place - I will treasure you forever.

As an advocate, an environmentalist, a philosopher, a theologian, an educated, as one who has traveled all over the world - at age thirty-five - I attained all I wanted to do.

At the age of two - I had polio - my entire left side was paralyzed. I overcame poliomyelitis - and today suffer from atrophy of the left leg. I wear a sophisticated leg brace that allows me to move pretty well, play contact sports, and more. 

My challenges allow me to have empathy - and when I see that someone needs help - and I promise to help them - I will do whatever to help anyone - that has been my way of living.

I have thousands of friends worldwide - youth who want to know more - children who are confused about the pandemic - that I help by listening to and assisting them.

I post on Twitter, FaceBook, and Tumblr - this way, I know those that can read some and contact me if they want to learn more.

I do not appreciate those who think - I am interested in a relationship, posting adult photographs and trying to satiate their lust at my expense.

I know how to remove them - and will. 

We all can shine - and make all feel fine.

Indigenous women are strong - tenacity and fortitude.

The Great Spirit has given us the wisdom to know right from wrong.

Simple and Majestic.

The simplicity and grace of the indigenous.

In recent years, indigenous people worldwide have come to San Francisco.

Here in San Francisco, we have the Sacred Shell Mounds - where the indigenous were interred.

Many of these Shell Mounds were destroyed - the Whites disdained the indigenous. Up until 1927 - Whites could fetch $5 for a scalp. 

California Governors sent edicts to bring back scalps on the indigenous, no questions asked.

While the indigenous was buried - the entire clan had rituals - for months on end - mourning their own - more for those with a higher rank in the clan. 

As the clans gather among other foods - Abolone was one of them - the Abolone Shells heaped up for years - accumulated - hence the words Shell Mound. 

While Anthropologists and Archeologists call the area where the Sacred Shell Mounds are " Middens " - literally dump sites - we know better - and call the area Sacred ground.

The United States, also known to the indigenous as Turtle Island, was stolen - millions of acres.

The women and children raped and killed - this history must be recorded factually and taught in our schools and colleges.

There must be an apology - or else what goes around will come around. Make no bones about that.

To date, this one glaring fact - stealing the land from the indigenous has not been acknowledged - we have nationwide - 574 tribes listed and acknowledged as Federally Recognized.  

California has the most prominent Native Tribes - some 800,000, about fifteen percent of the entire Native American population.

San Francisco has been behind the times - having stolen the land - the San Francisco Planning Department has yet to learn about the true history of San Francisco regarding the clans that once lived here in San Francisco.  

For starters, in San Francisco, the Native Americans must be recognized, each accommodated with sound housing.

The current Housing Element makes reference to accommodating Native Americans -  for starters - this is moving in the right direction.

California must mandate teaching the true history of the Native Americans who have lived here for over 15,000 years.

Our children, youth, and young adults must learn the truth - and be taught to speak truth to power.

The City and County of San Francisco can do the right thing - but they have chosen not to do so - making Acknowledgement Statements that make no sense - on behalf of the indigenous people.

San Francisco can reference its General Management Plan and learn  - it chooses to muddy the waters.

It is the same with Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein - let us see what happens.

Now going back to housing - we can have focus groups in each of the eleven districts and find out what the people truly want - regarding the quality of life issues. Aho. 


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