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Wednesday, June 21, 2023


The man in the center - Dr. Grant Colfax - when Barbara Gracia was fired, he got her promoted - how he surrounds himself with folks from New York - who have created pandemonium - one worse than the other. The SF Health Department enjoys a $3 Billion budget - and has nothing much to show - but wasting millions and taking 18 months to fill much-needed positions.

It is shocking to hear the San Francisco Health Commission - conduct their business - a CABAL - hold a long, convoluted presentation - to muddy the waters - the SF Health Department has failed San Franciscans.

At one time, we revered Laguna Honda - its nurses trained as skilled nurses and in sub-acute care.

Some 15 years ago - San Francisco - its Board of Supervisors, the Mayors, and the City Administrator - decided to move chronic and dangerous " drug addicts "   - to Laguna Honda - to terrorize our beloved Elders.

San Francisco took an evil opportunity to bill the Federal government - saving the City and County of San Francisco millions - destroying the peace and tranquility our beloved Elders - enjoyed at Laguna Honda for over 100 years.

The SF Health Commission has failed San Francisco - and Doctor Derek Kerr, MD - was forced to reveal the utter nonsense happening at Laguna Honda. The SF Health Commission acts like a CABAL - and it is time will audit the SF Health Commission and learn more about how they conduct business.

Dr, Grant Colfax is cocky and pandering to the SF Budget and Finance committee - the worst SF Budget and Finance committee in 40 years - we are heading for a $900 million deficit in 2024 and more in 2025. In total, over $1.5 Billion. 

One-third of the financial district has about 40 million square feet of vacant - commercial space; 71,000 units are vacant in San Francisco, and two thousand plus workers have been let go - thousands of families leaving San Francisco. Our population used to be around 840,000 and is now 810,000 and spiraling.  

Shooting and killings are on the increase, as assaults by those who are high on drugs, hundreds dying from Fentanyl and other dangerous drugs flowing from China and India.

The Mayor wants to convert office space to residential - it is too expensive to do - one would have to spend $49,000 to 70,000 per square foot - that is a waste of money. 

Nordstrom, COCO, Navy, Whole Foods, Safeway - hundreds of other high-end stores - are leaving - they do not want to deal with the looting - mostly done by thugs that the SF Police Department knows about - about cannot do anything about.

Artificial flowers don buildings and hotels - these cheap decorations show that the City and Couty of San Francisco are hurting -  the City and County of San Francisco - the City Administrator Carmen Chu, the Mayor London Breed, the interim Director of the Department of Public Works Carla Short - the other heads of department - pussyfooting around.

San Francisco has a workforce of 33,000 that should be reduced to fifty percent -  we need yearly assessments done of the crew - and an audit of the operation of each department - this can be done by using Artificial Intelligence - (AI) - the results will be perplexed and confounding.

Mayor London Breed has failed San Francisco - taking junkets and coming and reporting to us - that she said this and that - it is not about talking - it is about good action - her actions are not well planned - not a single action that is viable and sustainable. 

Dr. Derek Kerr, MD, to the San Francisco Health Department and won his case - the only person so far - defending himself and winning hands down.

Dr. Derel Kerr, MD,  no longer works for the SF Health Department - he is an astute journalist - and has all the goods on the very corrupt - SF Health Department.

It is a shame that San Francisco has the most significant case of Tuberculosis in the Nation. California, too, has many Tuberculosis cases - most San Franciscans have no clue - how dangerous this is - and how we all are put in harm's way.

The State of California has a report on Tuberculosis - 2021.

Doctor Grant Colfax and his lackeys have been milking the taxpayers - Dr. Grant Colfax makes over $600,000 - and has nothing much to show for that considerable compensation.

At the last presentation I attended, the virtual meeting was a long, drab presentation revealing that Dr. Phillips intends to hire more experts to address some health concerns.

Many slots still need to be filled - and we need an audit to find out why?

We found during the COVID-19 pandemic - that it took 18 months to hire nurses.

I managed one hub at 1800 Oakdale in San Francisco - per diem and travel nurses - helped at this hub. It all started - when a link sent to the citizens of San Francisco was dysfunctional - and created confusion.

I was approached to find a solution and found one - but I also helped many Elders and other vulnerable get their vaccinations.

I also provide good coffee and pastries - the only hub to do so.

While - the SF Health Department - the authorities at Third Baptist Church in San Francisco, and other churches - were pussyfooting around. Some received the links - sat on them - and the pandemonium surged - confusion of the highest order.

I had no problem getting folks vaccinated - I had Captains list the names of those in dire straits, provided transportation, and made good things happen.

Doctor Grant Colfax visited the hub - he met me - he knows what I am talking about. 

Initially - these idiots had a hub - all ready to go - with ulterior motives - but failed to do the best outreach to cater to the San Francisco community.

What is more, when many were anxiously waiting to be vaccinated - many vaccines were not stored properly - and had to be disposed of.


The Federal Emergency Management Agency - knew about San Francisco - early on - transferring Covid infected persons - from a Navigation Center to the Moscone Center - the headquarters of the City and County of San Francisco - Emergency Center.

Imagine transferring COVID-19-affected persons to the SF Emergency Center without knowing protocol, logistics, and baseline hygiene. Such are the jerks we have to deal with.

Later removing, these infected persons were housed at the Moscone Center - the Emergency Center - in hotels leased with Stimulus money. Right now, San Francisco is waiting to be compensated - millions of dollars - having failed to submit the bills properly the first time.

The Moscone Center  - had to be sanitized at great expense. Those infected with COVID-19 were removed elsewhere. Many died. Most were indigent. Do you think these buffoons care?

San Francisco is full of Bull Shit.

Later, I discovered that others who did nothing - received commendations - at the South Room at City Hall  - purporting to have played a holistic role in helping San Franciscans get vaccinated.

Some of us who worked hard - did not get paid - volunteered, and the SF Health Department took us for granted. 

The same happened in the Mission - someone I know - a woman, did the same - worked hard - and no thank you from the Department of Health.

In November 2023 - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) - will be held in San Francisco - millions of tainted money - will be doled out. Mayor London Breed has yet to learn about APEC - much as she did about COVID-19 - barking that we should get masked - while she was having dinner at the French Restuarant - unmasked and as usual. Anyone can talk the talk - but to walk the walk - is something else.

Protesters will come from all over the world - China may send President Xi Jinping - Russia will send a representative - of course.

Vladimir Putin will not come - if he does, we could have him arrested. If Donald Trump is incarcerated, they could have a grand time - three meals in the house.

Back to the corrupt San Francisco Health Department - which has a budget of $3 billion. I have stated about the increase in Tuberculosis. 

The SF Health Department does not have empirical data about San Francisco - referring to Asians - then pointing to Chinese and folks from Vietnam as those segments of the population have latent Tuberculosis - contributing to more cases - that have shown up in recent years.

This is utter nonsense - Indians from India, folks from Burma, others from Haitii - and more segments of the population have Tuberculosis. The health statistics are flawed - it should be more DNA-centric - and an organizational chart should be created to pinpoint equity among the races - bringing in nationalities.

Folks from Thailand and Cambodia are different. Folks from China and those in Indonesia are different too. 

Right now, Artificial intelligence and other vetted algorithms are used in most standardized hospitals - but not the SF General Hospital - where lifestyle appointments are made - which has ruined health care. People are rewarded for being other than straight, which is a crying shame.

Black nurses, technical technicians, and other people of color at SF General Hospital are treated with disdain.

As I said, the idiots do not have access to empirical data - no precise outreach they have paid for. 

They take the statistics from other sources, use them, and make them part of the presentation - pretending it is theirs - when it is NOT.

Statistics - must be gathered from patients at SF General Hospital - some doctors and so-called experts - are wasting their time - shooting arrows in the air.

I also know the homeless have many deaths resulting from Tuberculosis - and one way to find out - is to get some data - from the SF Morgue.

We can ask for the information - but will not be given any - apparently, some State of California law - prevents us from getting any info - linked to the deaths of the indigent and others - and how they died.

The report I posted mentions the indigent - and was put together in 2021.

San Francisco has a budget of $3 Billion - wastes millions - needs Full-Time Employment (FTEs) that need to be filled - and there is no one to take these jerks to the task. There needs to be more accountability and transparency, and Dr. Grant Colfax's salary is over $600,000.

Given an opportunity to present - by the SF Health Department - the presentations are lengthy and convoluted.

No one can fool all the people - all the time.

San Francisco does not have any recent documentation - a survey taken of the San Francisco population, some 840,000 strong - has taken information from other sources - and the woman who gave the Tuberculosis presentation needed to have the current data - we need an audit.

Fentanyl is tied to Tuberculosis cases - we have many dying from Fentanyl.

What is San Francisco doing - little.

We also had cases of Monkey Pox  - and the chances of those getting AIDS in also increasing - other Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Chlamydia is, increasing - but Dr. Grant Colfax knows this - but will not speak about such facts.

According to one recent April 13, 2022 report, we have 976 Chlamydia cases in San Francisco. 

The same with STD - Gonorrhea. The SF Health Department does not have a digital platform - does not have a website - where we can access - find out the empirical data and comment.

I tried to make a point at the last virtual meeting - held by the CABAL - but was stopped - this is against the Brown Act.

STOP - messing with Public Comment - it is sacrosanct - of course, those who play with fire - do not get this.

The Big Crane was used at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - once the giant crane - to build and repair - submarines, ships, and other large equipment - as part of World War II.

Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - Depleted Uranium was tested at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

The land at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is filled land - most rubbish, waste from various entities - chrome plating and working in small companies - around Hunters Point and Potrero Hill - polluted and toxic construction material, tires, and what have you - dumped as part of the poor landfill - at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

We know that the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is contaminated land - prone to severe liquefaction and flooding.

As I said, Depleted Uranium and other very toxic elements - were buried all over Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. Sandblasted from atomic tests - contaminated ships that took part in and around Bikini Island - where several tests linked to the " Atomic Bombs " that were tested.

The contaminated ships were brought to Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, and large animals were exposed to the Atomic Bomb - experiments.

The contaminated sandblasted from these ships - was collected - and dumped all over Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. This was the same with large animals - horses, cows - buried all over Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

The land is a very poor landfill - we now know that the contaminated water - some ten to fifteen feet below the " poor landfill and very contaminated " is evaporating and has and will - adversely impact those who live in and around Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

The SF Health Department knows this Drs. Phillip, Grant Colfax - many others are privy to this information. The CABAL - also known as the San Francisco Health Commission - rubbing stamping - and conducting their meeting convolutedly - mudding the waters. 

The SF Health Commission is a CABAL pushing ulterior motives and linked to the MACHINE.

As I have mentioned in this blog, the strangers who came here to Turtle Island brought all sorts of diseases that did not exist in this land of the Great Spirit.

They polluted San Francisco - as you have read at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. These evil people are about GREED and tainted MONEY - let us see how far they go.

They now want to build thousands of homes - on very contaminated ground. We, the people united, will not be defeated.

Today they prepare presentations - cheat and lie - our Elders have advised us, please  " do not listen to those that speak with a forked tongue. "

San Francisco has gone to the hogs. 

Most are groping in the dark - in fact, in the dark - they have fun - and make us pay for their mistakes - lack of hygiene, playing with fire - and making statements at Press Conferences -  at SF City Hall. 

You will fall on your face. Aho. 


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