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Tuesday, March 8, 2022



Thirty years ago, Ukraine gave up these missiles - please read the fact sheet below. If attacked, it was promised help by the United States and other nations. No one - at the time - believed Russian - would be the one - under an autocrat - Putin the Puto. 

Thirty years ago, Ukraine was the third-largest number of nuclear weapons and other nuclear facilities.

With the break up of the Soviet Union - Ukraine agreed to give up its nuclear missiles and other nuclear weapons. In an agreement signed by Russia and other countries, the United States and other nations would rescue if Ukraine was attacked.

Please read the facts - to get a better idea of what we are dealing with - why Ukraine must be helped at this late date - and Russia must be stopped in its track:

Thirty years ago - missiles that you see above - were handed over to Russia - after the break-up of the Soviet Union. For thirty years - Ukraine, enjoyed its own sovereignty - moving towards the West - and Democracy.

Suffice to say - when one looks at the past - we know who started World War I and who started World War II.

In recent times we know more about the Korean War, the War In Viet Nam, the many wars in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, and now in Ukraine.

Not to mention the ongoing wars in South America - and China threatening Taiwan and more in Africa, the Middle East, and elsewhere.

The Super Powers can stop this ongoing war in Ukraine - based on the Resolution passed by the United Nations and the General Assembly.

One hundred and forty-one nations voted against Russia - and its invasion of Ukraine with any provocation from Ukraine. 

Only four rogue nations - voted for Russia - Syria, North Korea, Belarus, and Eretria. 

President Joe Biden - is weak in the knees. President Joe Biden still thinks he is in the U.S. Senate - dealing with some old farts. Vladimir Putin is a staunch KGB agent - he will never go back on what he says - has got away with the murder of the last 20 years. We must go for the jugular that is the only language - Vladimir Putin - comprehends.

The flag of the United States.

The demon himself - Donald Trump.

The United States failed badly when we signed the agreement below - created by Donald Trump - that  President Joe Biden had NO business signing - that was the beginning of the end:

The United States is a Super Power - it lacks a strong leader.

Before President Joe Biden - we had an egoistical maniac - he weakened NATO - Donald Trump.

DT made enemies with the European leaders, signed an agreement with the Taliban, killed thousands in the United States - during the pandemic - now nearing three years.

DT made enemies with China - pussyfooting with North Korea - he opened his mouth and shoved his dirty foot in - he lied and lied - and there was no end to his lying.

As I said at this late date - one-third of our population still listen to his nonsense. The KKK is stronger today than it ever was. 

The January 6, 2021 invasion of Capitol Hill - still reeks to high heaven - people are charged - the process moves at a snail's pace - and this is wrong.

The ordinary layperson is confused, and it does not help - more in the middle of this pandemic.

Donald Trump never paid his taxes - when it comes to his assets - he overestimated all his properties - on an average two hundred percent upwards.

Today - the courts - have put a lien on all his properties and bank accounts. Charged his family - all have participated in the many crimes - all of them should be ashamed of themselves.

We seem not to understand - that one-third of our population - 350 million - still want to listen to Donald Trump.

We have a population that is not educated on issues - who cannot discern.

Poorly educated - many swallow the bitter pills are thrown out to those that listen to him - primarily creating - divisiveness.

Once, the United States government embraced bipartisan government - Congress and the Senate - no more.

We have a weak leader in President Joe Biden - an air-head in Kamala Harris. 

The woman cannot even make a speech - that is impressive - giggling and making nonchalant statements.

What does she understand about Poland - and what is she doing in Europe, having no understanding of war and international policies.

The laymen cannot play an essential role in the war - more in the European theater - both President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, his side-kick - have no fortitude and less tenacity.

We are getting arms and missiles, and all this is good - a little too late - better late than never. Fighter Jet Migs on the way - and all this and more - will help - Ukraine - some.

Long Live Ukraine.

This is not a time to talk and talk - this is a time - to act.
President of Ukraine - Zelensky - is fed up with the slow process - good leaders - make sound assessments - quickly with plans - A, B, C, D, E - each complete and in detail - with short and long time goals. Here we have President Joe Biden - singing the blues.

President Zelensky fighting for his people - in the trenches.

Today, March 8, 2022, President Zelensky addressed the British Parliament a few minutes ago.

A speech that was heard - and applauded - now is the time to act - his speech a clarion call to the world.

We must STOP the lunatic Vladimir Putin in his tracks - now.

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