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Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Headquarters - San Francisco Public Utilities
Commission - at 525 Golden Gate Avenue -
San Francisco  - the wheeling and dealing -
abject corruption - knows NO bounds.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) has lost several important cases against Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E). More, cases on the way - without doing their homework - SFPUC again and again - fall into the trap - wasting millions of dollars - losing so many court cases.

At the many SFPU Commission meetings - the SFPUC Commission goes into " close session" often to discuss its many lost Court Cases to PG&E.

The Public is kept out - and when the session begins - the SF Public Utilities Commission - all consent NOT to disclose anything to the public at large.

This nonsense has been going on for years. 

We the tax payers pay our taxes, the salaries of these corrupt folks - these vermin waste our hard earned taxes - there is NO transparency and accountability - the SF Public Utilities Commission is an anathema. A disgrace to the human race.

PG&E has a monopoly over electricity and natural gas - in Northern California.

It has also in recent months incurred horrendous damages to its equipment, overhead high powered transmission lines, and operations.

The two main large fires - that made National News - impacted thousands - known as the Napa Fire and the Butte County Fire.

SFPUC has failed the tax payers and constituents of San Francisco and in recent years the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) - when it comes to steady distribution linked to clean drinking water - and agreements signed that cannot be kept.

It has been over two years - from time to time  - in many areas - we experience foul smell.

An access of chloramine -  the taste of the once Hetch Hetchy clean drinking water is no more.

Along the way from Hetch Hetchy - water is added - and in some locations - ground water - that is subject to contamination and a higher detection of Lead, Mercury and Nitrates.

SFPUC has not maintain standards linked to the Water System Improvement Project (WSIP).

Wasting millions on Mountain Tunnel - even after millions were spent on an initial inspection by Jacobs - in recent times over $140 million plus will be spent - to fix cracks and crevices.

The  Calaveras Dam - millions of dollars over the above the budget.

The Irvington Tunnel Project - more millions - hoodwinking the public in broad daylight.

The many clean drinking water pipes are old - over 90 years old and have not been replaced. Millions of gallons of water leech - and as much as I have been stating this fact - no one wants to deal with the issue at hand.

Daily millions of gallons - clean drinking water are leeching into the ground - and  no one want to deal with this issue.

We have too many skyscrapers in San Francisco - all these dense building and other buildings - use clean drinking water to flush their toilets. 

Juliet Ellis - charged by the 
Fair Political and Practices Commission -
she was fined and mandated to return 
$200,000 to Green For All - 
a non-profit that she worked out and was
on the Board of Directors.

We are in the year 2019 and no one - wants to address this fact. These jackasses can talk from both sides of the mouth - and have failed to maintain standards - they must step down - now.

More some one like Juliet Ellis.

The two Assistant General Managers the primary one linked to the Infrastructure and Construction the secondary linked to External Affairs and and added title Chief Strategist - her name is Juliet Ellis - have failed the tax payers.

Again and again the drab presentations - present by the SFPUC staff -  do not reveal the truth - and the recent presentations have been pathetic - to say the least. 

Some SFPUC presenters are bold enough to lie - and when the Freedom of Information Action is used - they authorities that be - created all sorts of excuses not to shed light on the many nefarious activities - and the SFPUC hide under the dirty rug.

Barbara Hale once worked for the 
California Public Utilities Commission -
she was brought to SFPUC -
by Susan Leal and has failed to serve the tax payers.

Barbara Hale has just realized that she cannot handle PG&E and it just a matter of time - before she throws the towel and fades into oblivion. 

San Francisco Clean Power is going No where.

Mostly - because SF Clean Power had to work with PG&E to provide its service - and for some time has been able to hoodwink the public but not at this moment.

PG&E in recent months have sent several important notices - warning all customers that it serves including SF Clean Power customers - that it will - turn off its main electrical power - at the many sub-stations - to avoid fires such as we witnessed at Napa and Butte County.

Further more PG&E has stated that to turn on the power - it may take days - and that San Francisco per se - could see total " black outs " for days on end.

Now, this has not happened in a long time - we have had some " black outs " for some hours but not for days on end.

Also PG&E has revealed a general plan - where the power will come on gradually - so as not to " impact the circuit breakers " keeping in mind - the likelihood of fires - from surges that are not monitored.

The SF Public Utilities Commission staff - leading the charge Barbara Hale - make general statements - the increase in SF Clean Power accountants - other vague statements.

We wait for the time when we experience the  " black outs " - and need emergency services. 

Also when PG&E increases its rates and the SF Clean Power increase the rates too.

A time will come - when SF Clean Power - will not be able to provide the services - and more handle the huge operation expenses.

Right now on many fronts the SF Public Utilities Commission is in a flux - they talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.

The Sewer System Improvement Project is moving at a very slow pace.

The Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant has had several Notice of Violations (NOVs) none of them have been discussed at the SF Public Utilities Commission. 

Watch out for Greg Norby 

Greg Norby the Assistant General Manager linked to the Waste Water Enterprises - has replaced Tommy Moala - and does not know how to handle the situation at hand. More the many Notice of Violations - that mandate the plant be shut down.

It is the same at the Ocean Waste Water Treatment plant - the entire Computer System shut down. It took the SF Public Utilities Commission three days - to fix the antiquated computer system and the " software " that has to be up graded.

Harlan Kelly the General Manger makes over $350,000 a year, Willian Carlin over $260,000. 

Juliet Ellis over $230,000 with benefits, so does Barbara Hale, and a host of other corrupt and crooked SFPUC employees - we all pay their salaries.

In the private industry - all of them would be fired - taking into account the standard of work executed - too many cost over runs.

The Sewer System Improvement Project started with a $6 Billion sum - and now will cost over $12 Billion and more.

Again the SFPUC Staff come before the SF Board of Supervisors - before the SF Public Utilities Commission and hoodwink the public with presentations - that are full of lies - and fake projections.

1 comment:

  1. What happened to Karen Kaiser? Also note the one year (likely more) delay to biosolids digesters project, the largest of SSIP jobs, $1.3 billion at outset. If this job goes as did Calaveras Dam, same percent overrun, it will cost ratepayers an added $7-8 per month for thirty years, I estimate. (Calaveras' overrun exceeds $300 million.) The largest Headworks project is also delayed early on, 6 months, for now.
