Donald has lost his mind - our nation is in jeopardy.
Tariffs will ruin our economy - the economy is somewhat stable at the moment, - it will be ruined - Donald and his lackeys are out to destroy America.
Thousands of decent American federal workers have been fired - without cause.
Congress is fast asleep in the cockpit - do something before it is too late.
We have the corrupt Executive branch - headed by a felon - Donald Trump that is out to destroy the United States of America.
We have Congress - waiting - waiting - waiting for Godot.
The Senate thinks they can do something - but the Republicans in the Senate will repent siding with a man who has lost his mind, and is supposed to be the President of the United States.
It is a shame a superpower is siding with Putin, a murderer and a narcissist of the first order.
Donald Trump has blood on his hands - allow Putin to have free access to sending missiles, drones, and bombing - by NOT allowing Ukraine to have access to the Sterling satellite and other information the United States provided Ukraine - to better serve their defenses.
Should I mention the Supreme Court, the Judicial branch? They are the laughing stock of the world.
No one is above the law, not even the President of the United States.
The Supreme Court sent the wrong message to Donald Trump when it sent a convoluted message that the President of the United States has impunity when he is in office - when he commits a crime that needs indictment.
We must remember Donald Trump is a felon- the only felon who has lived in the White House - and that once his present term ends, he will have to report to the Court before a judge - to be indicted on the 34 serious charges - that will be opened for indictment.
Donald Trump is a angry man - and a felon, rapist, liar, cheater - a pain in the ass - and in now ruining our economy - with his tariffs which is a bluff - and the bluff has been called out.
Simply put, the tariffs will increase prices, and the customer, the citizen, will have to pay more—25%, 50%, 100%, and in some cases, 250% more for the electricity Canada provides us.
Suppose we do not pay the electricity bill that Canada provides us.
In that case, the electricity will be shut off and large areas will be without electricity - Donald Trump does not care if innocent people suffer.
It will be the same with the steel and aluminum that Canada has long provided us and many other products it supplies the United States.
The United States provides Bourbon whiskey to Canada - and they buy a lot of Bourbon - that will stop so will other products that the farmers sell Canada - and Donald Trump the idiot - does not give a rat's ass.
Tariffs worked once, when trade was not as complicated.
Today, the tariffs are messing with everything. Stocks and Shares are spiraling, and Donald Trump does not care.
Millions of Americans in stress - while this buffoon makes a fool of himself - the entire world laughing at this clown - Donald Trump.
Thousands of federal workers fired without cause - Congress fast asleep in the cockpit.
Here we go again. European nations were forced to take action—they issued tariffs on the United States, clearly stating the amount of the tariffs on the United States' products entering the European nations.
Here comes Donald Trump threatening 200% on European products - the European nations will stay put - and let the dog bark up the wrong tree.
If we continue using tariff ploys daily, the United States will lose.
Here is the same dog barking up the wrong tree, saying he will make America Great again.
In the few weeks, Donald Trump has been in the White House - millions of decent Americans - who hate Donald Trump - and did not vote for him - are suffering.
This is the first person from the White House given the authority to do good, destroy all we fought for, and link to standard operating procedures.
Congress has failed the federal workers and that is a crying shame.
Joining those are fans of Donald against Donald Trump are millions of fans that once thought Donald Trump would save them and offer them better prospects - that has not happened - they are all drowning in the cesspool that Donald Trump has created and making things worse - each and every day.
Tariffs hurt customers. They are long-term stupid ideas that, like chaff, fall on the ground and do not improve our spiraling economy. We are heading for a recession.
Donald Trump is anathema and selfish to the core.
Millions of families are suffering - the economy is a mess - our neighbors Mexico and Canada - are wondering how good Americans can tolerate an idiot - a crazy man - what can we say?
There is pandemonium all over the United States, with thousands protesting. Is this a way to make America Great?
Donald Trump is aiming to rob those who pay their taxes to give it to the filthy rich - we knew this from day one - do not test the ire of the people.
Donald Trump, the supreme idiot - has failed us all - in many respects - thousands of federal workers laid off with cause - the Office of Personnel Management must stand for the federal workers and has not.
It is the same with Congress, which appropriates the money and controls many Federal Departments—fast asleep in the cockpit.
Donald Trump and his lackeys are thugs and are now busy stealing our taxpayer money - the central brain behind this nonsense are two very corrupt individuals, Russel Vought and Steven Miller.
It has been months now these thug many are not federal workers - and have no right to enter any federal office - they do not have any authority to invade federal workers - under the pretext that they are saving money - when all the time - they are stealing information and trying to decimate law and order - setting fires here and here - and using stolen data and valuable information to carry on farious activities.
Millions have gathered all over the United States to protest - Donald Trump and his thugs are now afraid - and soon they will flee - do not play with fire - it will burn you and incinerate and convert you to ashes.
We are a nation of laws - we have a Constitution - we have our military that is watching the thugs. Many citizens are armed, and this time around, there will be a revolution much before we have a recession - the cowards will flee, and America will be free - of the thugs who lie, cheat, steal, are not educated on issues, and think they can hoodwink us all in broad daylight.
Their leader is a felon, cheater, liar, raptist, indicted 34 times - and once his term is over - he must appear in Court and hopefully jailed for a long, long time.
Stop this nonsense - using privilege even though most of the fanatics are White Trash - and Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion - is better.
All over the world, people of color were civilized - the white trash lived in caves, slept with sheep, and to this day, have nasty habits - part of their ancestral DNA - who is fooling whom.
Greed is the center of those with no etiquette or morals—they talk but cannot walk the walk.
These land belongs to the Native Americans - these white trash racists of the first order - should understand we know better.
America was always great - we do not need a felon, an idiot with his tariffs, lying, cheating, hoodwinking to lead us.
Jackass - go fade into oblivion, you white trash that occupies the White House - that was built by people of color.
Get that straight before it is too late.
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