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Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Some advocates take the time to address the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), which is famous for kicking the can down the street.

The SFPUC continues to defy the citizens of San Francisco by failing to meet standards. Audit after audit indicates that millions of dollars—all taxpayers' money—have been wasted. 

After dismissing four sitting SFPU Commissioners - and filling the seats with three and only one remaining from the five past SFPU Commissioners, the present Chairperson - who worked for the SF City Attorney's office.

The present manager of the SFPUC and the assistant general manager also worked for the SF City Attorney's office.

Every commission has a City Attorney, and this SF City Attorney monitors the happenings at the many Commission meetings with minimal guidance and correction.

Let us get to the point - none of the Commissioners paid attention to the Raker Act - which helped Congress to allow the City and County of San Francisco to dam the Hetch Hetchy dam - adversely impact the Tuolumne River - and bring about the demise of the Salmon - that flourished in the Tuolumne River for thousands of years.

Over the years, Hetch Hetchy water—some of the most pristine water on Earth—stored between substantial granite rocks has been doled out to filthy computer companies for cooling operations, making chips, and other products.

Water has been doled out to all sorts of institutions and entities that were never envisioned, with a thorough needs assessment and one sole purpose: to make vast amounts of money.

Over the years, folks in San Francisco have been conserving and saving clean drinking water - the SFPU Commission - has been charging more, and recently, an audit - way more than they should be charging - and has yet to give the ratepayers what the SFPUC has stolen.

Over the years, there has been no meaningful dialog with the Indigenous tribes living in and around the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir - Yosemite - linked to cultural issues - and, most importantly, the demise of millions of salmon - now practically extinct.

On the Westside of San Francisco, a $100 million taping water from the watershed lies stagnant.

The plan was to tap the water and add it to the clean water we receive from Hetch Hetchy—no matter if this water stinks or is foul.

Never mind—the citizens of San Francisco are not given detailed facts, and Juliet Ellis and other lackeys are nowhere to be found.

 The problems lie with PG&E - the SFPUC jumped ahead with plans that were not vetted - and permits from Pacific Gas and Electric - have stalled for years.

The SFPUC is known for not doing their work and presupposing they understand their energy needs. Not so this time - and you will see in the future, too.

If a significant fire surge happens in the Sunset, also known as the Avenues, all hell will break loose.

I told the SFPU Commissioner as long as they pander to the rich and sell the clean drinking water from Hetch Hetchy - for cooling and other such operations - they are not fulfilling the obligations linked to the Raker Act - the uncalled action will come to bite the SFPU Commissioners in the butt.

Who are these Commissioners?

Why are they pussyfooting at the SFPU Commission? 

When will they realize that the laymen and women are far more knowledgeable than these folks who are there, much like a gadfly on the wall?


Judging from the deliberations at the many drab SFPUC meetings - the blatant statements made - false statements - and with no transparency and accountability. 

The present SFPU Commission is unaware of the Raker Act or the mission of the SF Public Utilities Commission.

We are in 2025, yet the SFPUC continues flushing clean drinking water from the Hetch Hetchy reservoir - down millions of commodes - the idiots do not seem to care about this atrocity.

For thousands of years, the indigenous tribes in and around the confluence where the sacred river waters meet have respected and honored the river. As a token, the Indigenous share the water—any Elder and one they respect gets this water, and those who receive the water feel how deeply the Indigenous care for the river, the water, and the salmon.

Those who are greedy - will never understand how deep the insult is - flushing millions of gallons of Sacred Water - down the commodes and thinking nothing much - typical of the Greedy - the Elders told us - " do not trust those that speak with a forked tongue."

We repeatedly see the SFPUC waste our time at the many SFPU Commission meetings held on each month's second and fourth Tuesdays. 

When we speak truth to power, they do not feel any shame and continue their drab conversation. They deprive the taxpayers of standard services and charge them an arm and a leg for sewer, clean drinking water, and electricity - charges.

Take some time to study the many projects undertaken by the Department of Public Works and the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

I have been monitoring the project - based on these Flickr photographs for many years - I have been with Flickr since 2007 and before.

The photographs create a lovely collage and give us a sense of what is happening in our once-great City and County of San Francisco.

This project, which aims to tap into the Watershed and add water to the Sunset, aka Avenues, has been stalled for years. It is a large project with a budget of over $100 million. 

PG&E has been stalling on permits, causing untold hardships to decent, hardworking citizens. However, there is a war between SFPUC and PG&E when the two entities are supposed to work as a team.

In San Francisco - when it comes to the many hydrants - some are painted black at the top of the hydrants, others painted blue at the top of the hydrant, and others red in color - we see them - but we know little about these hydrants.

When one digs deeper - we cannot find documents linked to the Hydrants - when were they tested - what were the results - do they have the necessary pressure - if there is a large, surging fire, and other questions that the SFPUC refuses to see to an answer.

Then we have the Cistern - some 200 of them - large wells that can hold as much as 75,000 gallons - we know little how many have been upgraded - if large generators can aid in the pumping of water - if water can be transported by large trucks with tanks - to areas that are difficult to rich - and where the hydrants - lack sound pressure.

In the past, we have had problems with communication - the SF City and County of San Francisco have their own Emergency Management - that is not up to par - we have seen them fail before and cannot wait for a large fire and the Emergency Management Office - lag behind.  

We need several Sterling Systems - we need state-of-the-art generators that we do not have today - we have no sound Blue Print that the SF Fire Department, the SF Police Department, the National Guard,  the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the San Francisco Emergency Management has in place, tested, and vetted.

San Francisco does not have a helicopter, so we need several just because of the terrain, the many hills, and the strong winds we receive occasionally.

In recent years, we have had flex pipes - made in Japan - help bring water directly and safely - to places like the San Francisco General Hospital.

We must prioritize right now without delay - and stop making excuses - to have ready and on-the-go operations and assets to deal with a large fire in San Francisco. 

As I have mentioned before, in 1989 - I was alive and saw what really happened and how unprepared San Francisco was - nothing much has changed - in terms of state-of-the-art assets - needed to stop and fight a large fire.

The SF Fire Department must demand that the essential assets be provided. Having them helps us and others when the need arises. 

We need more transparency and accountability regarding the occurrence of large fires - and sound safety of the citizens of San Francisco.

We must be mindful of large areas in San Francisco - prone to liquefaction, earthquakes, and the many natural gas lines that can give way and start large fires. There is more—the experts can sing the blues.

The SFPUC could post a map on its website showing the significant areas in San Francisco prone to severe liquefaction and other adverse factors.

Hetch Hetchy Reservoir.

Not long ago, the San Francisco Legislative Budget Aide revealed in a report that several audits—linked to several large projects—were conducted without transparency or accountability.

Middle management and some SFPUC employees are not well-versed and trained in how the projects are run. 

Countless change orders - all of which reveal - that the entire SFPUC system lacks standards.

This system of bidding low and getting a contract—then making change orders—must stop. For too long, this method of low bidding has fostered the worst type of corruption, and part of that is the bribes those in charge receive—pay to play.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Center, which I designed to handle Career Jobs, was scheduled for the contractors to come at the eleventh hour to check the blueprints and read the hard copies linked to the many contracts.

The Contracting Center was closed throughout the Covid pandemic. It opened after a two-year closure, and some of us who used the Center were left in the dark.

For the last two years, some of us Elders, determined to help the community, have volunteered and gathered at the Contracting Center to understand chronologically what has become of our community. We meet on a Wednesday from 11 am to 2 pm. We have to reserve the conference and have it for three months at a time.

During the last two years, from 2022 to 2024 - we witnessed the SFPU Center being underutilized - even though we are doing good work - we have our Wednesday booked -  to entities that book it on the other days - but someone tries to put hurdles in our way.

Some of us attend the SFPU Commission and give our input during public comment - two measly minutes given - and we try to do our best.

As much as we ask for a presentation on the number of miles of clean water and sewer pipes that have been replaced, we, the people, are not listened to and left in the dark.

At least when Harlan Kelly was there, we could do and speak to him personally, and he gave us access to information.

We now a Cabal - who do as they wish - and give a damn to the concerns of those who speak up - and think they know it all - making promises and not keeping them - kicking the can down the street.

The Contract Center should be available every Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. We occasionally use it until 4 p.m., but that is very rare.

We, the people, would like to get a presentation on the Task Force document that was created to address Community Benefits. The Task Force was dismissed, and its contents were kept secret. 

Even today, little information is available to us who ask for pertinent and relevant information.

Soon, some information will be released about Dwayne Jones, who wasted millions of dollars—taxpayers' money. We still have some who cooperated with Dwayne Jones—one or two testified in court—but the fact remains that these folks who now still work for the SFPUC are complicit.

The fact remains that Juliet Ellis, Julie LaBonte, Susan Leal, AECOM, and the Joint Venture ploys still need to be investigated.

The EMERSON document I have mentioned several times - reveals all the ploys, machinations, and shenanigans.

The SF Controller must hand over the EMERSON document to the recently created Inspector General Office - and the crooks who stole the money in the millions - brought to book.

Stop trying to fool us - pulling the wool over our eyes - thinking that we are not aware of the deep corruption - that fosters right to this day. Taxpayers' money must be accounted for - and it is not.

The SFPUC has failed regarding large contracts linked primarily to the Sewer System Improvement Project - (SSIP).

The Sewer System Improvement Project started with a budget of $6 Billion in 10`6 - is now $12 Billion and heading to $20 Billion - and no one who is someone seems to care.

Former General Manager Harlan Kelly.

Dwayne Jones - fleeced SFPUC - millions of dollars.

The SF Controller has often stated that every audit on a large SFPUC project reveals blatant mistakes and adds to that corruption of the worst order. 

Two individuals have been indicted: Harlan Kelly and Dwayne Jones.

Paradoxically, those who provide empirical data revealing the SFPUC's misdeeds are ignored. 

If the FBI had not followed the money, the SFPUC would have drowned in a cesspool of its own creation.

Dennis Herrera is the present General Manager of SFPUC.

Dennis Herrera, the last SF City Attorney, was appointed to fill the seat created by the firing of Harlan Kelly, the former Manager of SFPUC, by the former Mayor London Breed, the fox guarding the chicken coop.

The corruption in San Francisco has reached a saturation point - and most of the corruption continues - although SF City and County has many attorneys who fail to maintain standards.

We will have an Inspector General for the first time this year, and time will tell.

The raging fires in Southern California.

The City and County of San Francisco have appropriated millions of dollars to upgrade our clean water pipes. Many of the old pipes are 95 years old.

The plan was to report to the public - a presentation given - the last one was given to us five years ago by Karen Kubick.

It is the same with thousands of miles of sewer pipes—95 years or older—that need replacing. The money is there, appropriated, but used for other things.

We have yet to see a presentation that promises to be shown twice a year. 

This gives us a sense of the connections between replacing the clean water and sewer pipes, hydrants, huge water tanks to aid firefighting, and 200 plus cisterns in San Francisco—each carrying 75,000 gallons—giving access to our firefighters.

If we ask for documentation, such as when the cisterns were checked, when their contents were checked, and whether any tests were done, we will not receive any information. 

Those - who know some are told not to speak and to keep the information secret.

We, the people, need to know how many of these assets have been upgraded - and how many times they have been tested.

An entire block on Thomas Street in the Bayview burned some years ago. The hydrants had low pressure and failed to extinguish the fire, as did the University Mound Reservoir,  a few miles away. 

However, only when the hydrants are tested can we determine whether they produce the necessary pressure.

Only engineers can help us understand more - the present General Manager is an attorney, and his deputy came with him from the SF City Attorney's office.

The SF Department of Public Works has received work orders to repair pipes and hydrants and upgrade cisterns in the past. 

From 2020, SF Public Utilities do the work, including taking inventory, monitoring and maintaining the assets, and ensuring the tests are done and everything works. 

This has not happened; we need to see the documents if it has. 

Climate change is here - in Northern California, closer to Yosemite National Park and Hetch Hetchy - we have had big fires - the Paradise Fire is one of them.

The SFPU Commissioners and those in charge are nonchalant and do not accept suggestions. 

They think they know it all. 

Wait until we have a fire here in San Francisco—more on the west side, known as the Avenues.

Homes will burn and topple down - mostly poorly built wooden frame homes - most of them have no sound foundation - laid on sand.

All it takes is an earthquake that ignites large fires from broken natural gas pipes or humid conditions—hot weather and strong winds—that favor a large fire and rapid surge, covering thousands of acres. 

I was there when the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake - a five-story building in the Marina District prone to liquefaction - became two stories, and fires burnt many homes.

The hydrants did not work, so a Fireboat was used to pump water from the Bay and aid the firefighters.

The City and County of San Francisco were caught off guard - they did not have an Emergency Office or teams to address the situation.

Today, our SF Fire Stations upgraded their assets. However, we are not fully prepared for a massive fire and must not wait until the eleventh hour.

We need to hold a presentation and a convention from time to time to share with the citizens of San Francisco what works in place and how our assets will be deployed.

Also, how our taxpayers' money is spent and what is done to inform and keep some of the training going—training citizens to deal with situations to help and uplift one another.

We hear during Fleet Week about some of this training with our SF Emergency Office - the SF Firefighters - and other Law Enforcement - however, climate change is here - and more is needed to address the many emergencies.

Finally, we need to stop the fireworks near residential buildings. 

It is ridiculous to see fireworks right in the middle of a residential area, and SF Law Enforcement is not speaking up and doing their job.

An ordinance stating that fireworks will not be tolerated near any residential, commercial, school, church, or other institution must be passed. The Ordinance should include hefty fines to set the tone and put those who choose to use fireworks on notice.

Those who like to see and enjoy fireworks can go to locations where legal fireworks are permitted and monitored and enjoy themselves—safety comes first.


Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Those who voted for an egoistical maniac should be ashamed of themselves. America today is the laughingstock of the world.

The Democrats, for the longest time, had all the opportunities to reach out to the working poor - the blue-collar workers - those who genuinely care and love our nation.

The Democrats failed to reach out to those who valued hard work, ethics, and standards. They made countless sacrifices, only to be thrown to the wind.

The Democrats blew it and will never, ever recover - getting back on track.

In less than two years, the present government we have will collapse.

America has failed to honor and respect the Indigenous people of Turtle Island.

There is a saying that the Indigenous Elders keep saying, "Do not trust those that speak with a forked tongue."

The only segment of our population that can discern who can and cannot come to Turtle Island is the Indigenous Tribes.

Strangers come to this land for a better living - many fleeing from the cartels who kill and maim.

Rap and commit all sorts of atrocities - again, only the Indigenous Tribes who lived here for over 20,000 years on Turtle Island - can say who ought not to enter this land today known as the United States. 

The Indigenous respect and honor all humans and have an ecumenical sense of solidarity.

It is entirely wrong to involve our active military in arresting and deporting immigrants - most of them are not criminals.

I know for a fact Donald Trump is a criminal.

A proven felon, a rapist, and has hired criminals to do his bidding - all these charges and more have come before the courts - and on all counts - he has been indicted and is waiting to be charged.

Donald Trump sent this Afghan emissary to sign a treaty with the terrorists Taliban. No one in their right mind signs a pact with the terrorists. The treaty set a convoluted timeline, and Joe Biden was trapped into pulling out of Afghanistan - based on a treaty created by Donald Trump.  Anything that Donald Trump touches - turns into a cesspool.

Americans have standards and keep their word - we promised the Afghans who helped our troops in Afghanistan - interpreters and others who served Americans in Afghanistan - to allow them to come to the United States. 

The United States State Department under Antony Blinken, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer  -  kicked the can - rather than keep their word to help the Afghans who helped us - one worse than the other.

Those of us old enough - to see the many atrocities connected with the Banana Republics in South America - one-of-a-kind killing and assassinations of heads of government.

Executive Order 11905 is a United States Presidential Executive Order signed on February 18, 1976 - by President Gerald R. Ford to reform the United States Intelligence Community, improve oversight of foreign intelligence, and ban political assassination.

We see the essential positions of the United States Secretary of Defense, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Director of National Intelligence being replaced with unqualified people to further the cause of Donald Trump and his lackeys.

We all owe a lot to the indigenous tribes of Turtle Island - the government of the United States today is rogue - backed by billionaires - each having their own hidden agenda.

Plans are afoot to tax those making under $100,000 to give massive breaks to the rich and filthy - others - who want to go and live on Mars after ruining our Earth - the worst polluters China, Russia, India, the United States -  Donald Trump does not believe in Climate Change - so much for the buffoon who now lives in the White House. 

The Democrats will now repent for failing to reach out to the working poor and listen to them. Failing to provide affordable housing - addressing food security, safety, sound transportation, and health insurance - and failing to provide education at all levels.

We once had a bipartisan government and did not have the divisiveness we see today. This forces many to arm themselves to deal with the fanatics. 

This notion of everything based on merit - is reminiscent of the time when some owned slaves - the owner had all the privileges - and this remained firmly until 1970 - the Civil Rights led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and others of 1964.

Donald Trump has fired 12 Federal Inspector Generals without giving them a 30-day notice - this action is despicable - and adversely impacts every federal worker - some standards and mandates must be followed.

Such maniacal actions coming from the White House tarnish the name of our nation - it is a shame - that Donald Trump does not follow sound mandates and ethics and is a loser.

What were the fanatics thinking when they voted for Donald Trump - the man is out to destroy all that is decent and becoming - stooping so low - that his action borders on being demonic.

Donald Trump is a racist, a narcissist, an egotistical maniac, and a man who will use his power to destroy all the good that we have built.

Today - have no leaders like the likes of Fredrick Douglass and Dr Martin Luther King Jr - it is sad that Nancy Pelosi, Zoe Lofgren, Chuck Schumer, and others, all Democrats, created Donald Trump - a man who will go to any length to take revenge.  An Asshole.

Chief Joseph.

Frederick Douglass.

Statue of Liberty - New York.

For anyone to deprive anyone of the opportunity to be here in the United States - we have to look at the Statue of Liberty - the poem on the pedestal that says it all - for sure, the President is a felon - and has no clue about what America is all about. 

This land, Turtle Island, was stolen each and every square inch - the land is guarded by the Great Spirit - a maniac such as a person who lives in the White House - has no clue that he is a thief - and will never change - a narcissist to the core. 

The Episcopal Bishop who addressed the maniac looked him in the eye and spoke truth to power at the Episcopal Church in Washington, DC.

Millions of decent human beings agree with the Bishop: The time has come for those with standards and ethics to confront the demons who think they are above the law.

No one is above the law - and anyone who breaks the laws of the land - and disdains the Constitution - must be brought to book and duly punished.

Those who caused damage to Capitol Hill - those who harmed others - atrocities caught on tape. 

The  United States Judges have seen the atrocities repeated again and again by fanatics who are with the maniac.

While the United States President has been given powers - we have never had a President who has been indicted as a felon, a chronic cheat, a rapist, or someone who does not pay his taxes - there must be some process to keep out such vermin from becoming a President.

Failure to do so - will bring any democracy to a halt and utter stagnation and cause immense harm and death to us all who are citizens and Americans. 

An immigrant was denied access to the Southern border.

Thousands were denied access to enter the United States.

The Statue of Liberty welcomes all to the United States.

True Americans welcome all to the United States - even those who flee here - fleeing from dictators, cartels, war, and all sorts of atrocities.

In America, churches, temples, mosques, synagogues,  large charities, and foundations have aided refugees worldwide for decades.

Americans are respected - worldwide, and the charity, the sacrifices, the building of homes for thousands by former President Carter and Habitat for Humanity - followed by others to many to name - all have done what they do best - Americans - their heart in the right place.

Today, those in power - evil to the core - the authors who follow the Project 2025 - Presidential Transition Project - 1 900 pages policy - full of vitriol and hate - are out to destroy our nation headed by a President who is a felon.  

The Democrats were fast asleep in the cockpit - the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Zoe Lofgren, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris - pussyfooting around.

Plans are afoot to build detention camps that could cost the United States government - millions of dollars - reminiscent of the incarceration of American Japanese during World War II.

The maniac thinks nothing of spending billions of taxpayers' money - primarily those making below $100,000. 

The filthy rich will be given breaks - and this behavior is typical of a maniac - more narcissists. 

Those who voted for this idiot should speak up - his behavior is monitored worldwide - America is now the laughing stock - and the world wonders - how and why a maniac was voted as the President of the United States of America.

No one should disparage General Mark A. Milley, who served as the 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. No one should cast doubt and spew a diatribe after a great man has left office, having served his country and retired in good standing.

One hundred fifty high-ranking military personnel signed a petition to send the clarion call about what would happen to our nation if a demon were permitted to enter the White House.

Only a coward who lives now in the White House would order the removal of the portrait of General Mark A. Milley from the Pentagon hallway.  

This one act speaks for itself - the hatred the narcissist who lives in the White House - should be ashamed of himself.

The White House is determined to implement the policies mentioned in Project 2025 and divide our nation.

Millions of Federal workers will lose their jobs. 

The Office of Personnel Management, the Department of Justice, and the United States Supreme Court are involved and do not know how to deal with the issue. 

Our Founding Fathers knew nothing about the Office of Personnel Management or the Department of Justice. Congress keeps staying away from making relevant and pertinent amendments. In the last session, no single bill was introduced in Congress, moving our nation forward.

Millions of innocent families will be adversely affected if one or more members of their families work for the Federal government.

All these changes are made by outsiders—people without knowledge of standard operating procedures. As a result, many hardworking Federal workers are stressed and in danger, and many with over 30 years of service are adversely impacted. 

Imagine a felon who happens to be the President of the United States - calling the maniacal shots - putting our nation's security in harm's way?

A so-called maniacal leader who knows nothing about Democracy -  behaves and acts insanely - we are talking about someone - who now makes his abode in the White House.

For sure, all his actions are those of an autocrat.

An autocrat who is a felon has raped women, is a chronic liar, does not pay his taxes, has decimated the Republican Party - bears no responsibility whatsoever, and is an anathema to the human race. 

The billionaires will now call the shots - we have lost our middle class - we now have the filthy rich and the working poor. The filthy rich will be favored, and the working poor will be heavily taxed.

America was complicit - in the destruction of Gaza. We provided the laser-guided bombs, jets, tanks, and ammunition to Israel.

Firefighters from Mexico are helping to douse the flames.

California is in dire straits - and San Francisco will be hard hit - we think we will be able to deal with the egoistical maniac - who is in the White House - that will be like pulling the hair and teeth.

Newsom has failed San Francisco, and so has London Breed. They are two good-for-nothing individuals who pander to developers and are selfish.

We have a new Mayor, Daniel Laurie, who is still groping in the dark. Even as he sees a little light at the end of the tunnel, he does not know what is in store for him.

Corruption in San Francisco smells of Sulphur to high heaven.

Most department heads at SF City Hall are sweating. Dr. Grant Colfax, from the SF Health Department, is one of them. He has a salary of over $600,000.

Tumlin is out - he headed the Municipal Transportation Authority - his yearly salary is over $430,000.

Another would be Dennis Herrera from the SF Public Utilities Commission - his yearly salary is over $500,000.

Yet another one is City Administrator Carmen Chu - her salary is over $450,000.

The San Francisco Controller's Office conducts audits. The audits clearly show the millions wasted by many SF City departments; however, it is business as usual—taxpayers' money wasted.

Even after the audits are completed, Dwayne Jones will soon be further investigated, and I hope his property managers—lackeys—are put on notice. Millions of dollars doled out by Dwayne Jones - all taxpayers' money.

We notice the lack of attendance to give public comments at SF City Hall - the first sign of the collapse of any organization or system that lacks sound representation of the people.

The people were denied time to speak - and all sorts of hurdles were put in the way of free speech.

The people united - will never be defeated.

Our San Francisco Sunshine Task Force is dysfunctional, and our San Francisco Ethics Commission is impotent. 

We are left with the SF Controller's Office, which cannot charge or indict. The audits are read, and the can is kicked down the street.

There is only so much one can do with the crooks.

San Francisco's City Hall.