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Saturday, October 28, 2023



Hundreds of locations were bombed in Gaza. This utter nonsense must STOP now. The United States must not allow our taxpayers' money to be used to kill innocent infants and children in the thousands, as much as four thousand in GAZA - right now, and the number - growing.

Thousands march on Market Street in San Francisco, California - millions march worldwide - Israel is put on notice - you must stop the killing and bombing - in Gaza, now.

How many innocents have to die in Gaza to satisfy the anger of those making decisions in Israel?

STOP the bombing of GAZA:


The United States should not be bullied. The entity that keeps Israel afloat should advise and bring about peace.

Let - Israel STOP the bombing and save the hostages. 

A deal was made to rescue the hostages in exchange for ending the bombing for four days.

A deal stands today - release the Palestinians held in the Israeli jails, and Hamas will release the hostages - Israeli and others.

There must be a clear plan - but more than a clear one- we need sound leadership.

We cannot have and must not have a " warmonger " like Benjamin Netanyahu - as part of the equation. One person who would agree with me would be Golda Meir.

All human life must have equal values - there is no special privilege being a Jew or Christian or, for that matter, an Atheist.

In 2023, we cannot act like barbarians - we cannot go back to the days of Genghis Khan -  we cannot go backward - we must go forward with the best intentions - our hearts in the right place.

My main concern - is who will speak for the infants and children - the decent women and men from Gaza. Who will say for the beloved Elders from Gaza - what have they done - but see atrocities for the last 75 years from the Zionists and Israel.

The recent bombing of a hospital in Gaza by the Israelis - has further confirmed that Israel does not want to abide by standards and, what is more, International Law.

We live in a civilized world - we cannot deprive anyone of food, clean drinking water, medical help, and sound housing.

Free movement of citizens who are not involved in violence and want to sure their wives, children, and aged Palestinian parents - right now, Israel does not give a damn and keeps bombing schools, hospitals, and homes for sure - over 4500 infants and children are dead - " crimes against humanity. "

Soon, the International Law Enforcement and Institutions will reveal the details of the atrocities committed by Israel - and this does not bode well for the Jews - violence against Jews is surging - and Benjamin Netanyahu bears full responsibility.

Benjamin Netanyahu has many cases pending before the Israeli Courts - he wants to distract the world - his time is coming - with added charges - crimes against humanity - the monster must go to jail for a long time.

Anyone who aids and abets Benjamin Netanyahu is complicit and will have to be ready to appear before the Courts in Israel - as well the International Courts - one by one - those charged - will be adjudicated and charged.   

San Francisco citizens demonstrated in favor of Gaza and against the surge in bombing of innocent Palestinians in Gaza. San Francisco, you have done yourselves - proud - Kudos!

By the Embarcadero in San Francisco - the Palestinian flag flies high - even as we hope the bombing is stalled by the Israelis - Hamas is ready to free the hostages, some 231 - in return, Israel must free all the Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails - among them children, youth, women with children - men - most on trumped up charges.

How many burials must take place - the innocent dead - for no crime committed. Except they live near some target, the Israelis purport decide to attack - knowing that innocent people live there - with the intent that innocent people are targeted.

Millions of human beings - have spoken - worldwide - they want the bombing to STOP - if this is done, 231 hostages will be freed. If Israel wants to hold to its personal intentions - seeking revenge and hostility - using American jets and bombs. Who is fooling whom? 

The Israelis disagreed the last time the peace agreement was proposed. Even today, the agreement is there for the asking.

The negotiators on the other side who worked hard the Qataris, Egyptians, Red Cross, and others - were shocked at the mentality of those in Israel - more the cabal led by Benjamin Netanyahu, who is a "warmonger " who is hellbent on killing and destroy Hamas in toto.

This will NOT happen - Hezbollah is ready for the proper time to leash out - thousands of long-range missiles - just a quarter mile from Israel's border from Lebanon.

The military experts have discussed this situation. Israel fighting on two fronts.

At this juncture - the U.S. may have to give the green signal to our aircraft carriers to engage and provide necessary help to Israel. 

Joe Biden bragging about our rock-solid relationship - talk is cheap - action is another - the world has changed - and so have contemporary war tactics. 

We can go to the Ottoman Empire and down the road - and see how, again and again, the Jews have been adversely impacted.

This time around, we can set the record straight - daily monitoring the adverse impacts - who is responsible for the day-to-day bombings and harm done to the Palestinians.

Today, murdering thousands of innocent folks from Gaza - is not Kosher - so let us seek peace - that is the best way to get out of this mess.

Only cowards will use depriving food, clean drinking water, and medicines. 

Cutting all communication,  bomb building, knowing well innocent citizens from Gaza will be killed.

Israel has shown its true colors - and this fight using United States jets and bombs - paid for by U.S. taxpayers' does not bode well for the cowards. 

Over 4,000 innocent children have died in Gaza - what do you think the world will think and feel about this sordid deed - despicable to the core - the scourge of the world. Karma!

A Palestinian woman mourning for someone dear to her. Why are we allowing this bombing to go on - without any empathy shown to the people of Gaza?

It will be a herculean task - to neutralize the many sordid atrocities committed against the people of Gaza - this one fact - is essential for the success or failure of Israel - going forward.

A peace gesture - is needed - and those in authority in Israel must step up and look forward to progress - with standards and the spirit of Shalom. 

Netanyahu should be ashamed of himself - the many atrocities will come to bite him in the butt.

Benjamin Netanyahu - the mastermind of this " crime against humanity " - can be put on par with the Third Reich - he is a monster - who has lost his mind - and has no soul.

All over the world - the resentment is growing by leaps and bounds - and soon, there will be protests and disruptions.

That - that is putting it mildly. We must stop and realize - millions of decent humans all over the world - see what is happening and are for the people of Gaza.

Do not think that people worldwide have no empathy.

Let it be heard loud and clear - this bombing in Gaza using American weapons must STOP now. 

Decent Americans in the millions disagree with the bombing - let us make this very clear.

The communication that has been inoperable in Gaza - must be restored so that emergency service - ambulance - and others can do God's work.

Elan Musk has promised to help the hospitals, the doctors, and others that can use his connection with satellite companies like Sterling - much as he has helped the Ukrainians. 

The Israeli warmongers are afraid Hezbollah will use the communication Elan Musk offers - and use it to harm Israel.

We know someone cannot have all their way - it is time they learn to play the game fairly - millions worldwide - know that Israel has crossed the line - and must now realize - that enough is enough. Karma!

We cannot treat the Palestinians with disdain - do not harm innocent infants, children, youth, and the beloved Palestinian Elders.

Men and women from Gaza - who have nothing to do with the atrocities committed by some with whom the Israelis - backed in years gone by. That relationship has gone sour.

We already have a war in Ukraine, and we have several wars in Africa and elsewhere.

The cabal in charge in Israel has sent a wrong message - that of revenge - America cannot endorse the heavy bombing and destruction of thousands of homes in Gaza.

The abject suffering endured by the Palestinians has long reached saturation point.

Someone has BLOOD on their hands for sure, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Pope Francis can gather the leaders in the ecumenical spirit - world leaders Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists,  Sikh, Jain, and others - this is the time for those who have their hearts in the right place - to speak truth to power.

President Joe Biden has failed us Americans.

Worldwide, America and others favoring the bombing of Gaza - are in the minority - who is fooling whom? :

Not long ago, we saw President Joe Biden fail us miserably in Afghanistan.

Millions died - infants, children, youth, young adults, our beloved Afghan Elders, women, men - those with compromised health - the United States under Joe Biden - exited Afghanistan - without a vetted blue plan.

America left over 8 billion dollars worth of military equipment that fell in the hands of our enemies, China and Russia.

At Abbey Gate, thirteen soldiers were killed - a terrorist blew himself - innocent Afghans were killed, and hundreds were injured - no one came to their rescue - and history repeats itself  - today. 

We keep sending our American soldiers to be used as fodder - we cannot mess with Hezbollah; they are waiting for us to fall into the trap.

Hezbollah in Lebanon is less than a quarter mile from Israel. Hezbollah has thousands of missiles, among them long-range missiles - what is it that we do not - comprehend. 

Gaza is now a battlefield. There is no communication, so Israel is saying to hell with the hospitals - ambulances cannot be sent to rescue anyone - this is a scene reminiscent of Vietnam.

This house-to-house engagement - hand-to-hand fighting - in the tunnels - will bring about the deaths of many - first hundreds and leading to thousands.

Even as Gaza is being engaged on one border with Hamas - Hezbollah is waiting for the right time - and will send hundreds of long-range missiles - creating havoc in the region.

We do not want this escalation - we do not want a war that impacts the world.

Decent human beings do not want to waste money and much-needed resources - just because Israel and the Zionists - wish to flex their muscles.

Listening to the facts - the Western Media - keep spewing diatribes and lies that defy decency and standards:

The world does not want to see scenes like this - too many innocent people from Gaza have died, and these atrocities must STOP - now.

The U.N. will do a deep dive into the atrocities perpetrated by Israel - it will reveal - " crimes against humanity ":

Listen to aljazeera and fact-check the contents:

At the U.N Security Council - more and more nations want the bombing to STOP - America still favors Israel - and is in the minority favoring Israel - America sitting on the fence - and talking from both sides of their mouth - Joe Biden.

Someone said Israel is suffering from a " War Psychosis," whatever that means.

I know warmongers never win - no good comes from War - bombing, killing,  and so on. 

There is a word called "proportionality,"  and even in war - we must value - international policies when nations go to war - as we see in Ukraine.

Before this mess, over 100,000 children suffered from stress and trauma - living in Gaza created this situation. 

The non-stop bombing, the killing and shooting, and the very loud tanks firing thousands of rounds have adversely impacted millions of decent Palestinians in Gaza. 

The United States has failed when it comes to its policies worldwide - more and more, we are NOT a viable and sustainable - Superpower.

America cannot call ourselves a " Super Power " with a weak in the knees - Joe Biden and his lackeys - confused and confounded.

Israel has crossed the line - and its reckless actions - putting thousands of Palestinians in harm's way - many dying - is totally uncalled for. 


Listen to facts and what you can prove and fact check - stop listening to the Western Media - fact check what they say - it is shocking what they want you to believe - more when it comes to thousands of infants and children dying - over 4500 plus:

Aljazeera adheres to ethics - and fact checks:

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