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Sunday, September 17, 2023



Sean Elsbernd has been at SF City Hall - wasting his time - making decisions that have taken our once great city - the City and County of San Francisco - down the drain - into the cesspool of his own making - he will drown in it - and leave NO - legacy.

As difficult as it is to say " San Francisco has gone to the hogs " - it has and in a big way.

The Chief Advisor to the Mayor, London Breed - owes his allegiance to the MACHINE.

The MACHINE is Lucifer itself and its den of thieves - they have no mercy, no empathy, no concern - about the poor and the indigent - they only care about those - evil to the core - who wheel and deal - and have taken our values - linked to Saint Francisco of Assisi - and trashed the values and cast them in the dust pin - of the disgraced.


There is a new word, " BIPPING " - stealing, looting, grabbing, home, business, car break-ins - and the idiots at SF City Hall - room 200 cannot do much - except blame others.

We are supposed to have an SF Police Force of 2000 - in reality, we have around 900, and these members of our SF Police Department - are burned out and nonchalant - the morale is lost - and what was once a City and County of San Francisco - and got some admiration - today -  no one in their right mind - cares about San Francisco.

Daily, the business, car, and home break-ins are so many that many do not care to call the SF Police Department.

The Dispatch Center will tell you that they cannot guarantee when the SF Police officers will arrive to take a report.

The head of our Department of Emergency Department - for starters, we do not have a single helicopter - and recently, an attempt has been made to restore the sirens that once were working and then shut off. The SF Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin fought to bring the Emergency Sirens back. The Maui fire - inspired Aaron Peskin to do this.

The Dispatch Center is broke - and the head of this department, MaryEllen Carroll, should be ashamed of herself. 

The Mayor London Breed should have fired her a long time ago - but this good-for-nothing individual has no experience and honestly does not know how to address any emergency situation is an oxymoron.

Where do we find and tolerate such jerks - who repeatedly have failed us - are we waiting for the Big One to strike us - and then, as usual, make excuses.

Juliet Ellis, the former Assistant General Manager of the SF Public Utilities Commission and Chief Strategist ( a title she gave herself ), stole, cheated, doled, and has yet to be charged and indicted - wasting millions of dollars - all SF taxpayers' money. Time to wipe that smile from the ugly face.

Mayor London Breed - corrupt to the hilt. 

Rudolf Dwayne Jones - a transplant from Los Angeles - how did this scumbag steal millions and deprive our infants, our children, our youth, our beloved Elders, those with compromised health -  more the mentally and physically challenged.

For over twenty-one years, Dwayne Jones, head of RDJ Enterprises, acted as the go-between  - pandering to the wishes of the former Mayors Willie L. Brown Jr., Gavin Newsom, Ed Lee, and, of course, our present good-for-nothing Mayor, London Breed.

Why do we in the Bayview Hunters Point permit thugs to enter the community and do as they please?

Where are the OGs with balls - why did they choose to take bribes from Dwayne Jones and harm the community?

In the last twenty years, over $400 million of Community Benefits have not trickled down to the community - thugs have chosen to take the money and use it as they please.

No one has had the balls to call them out - and now, at last - everyone is saying - " wow - I did not know Dwayne Jones was that bad" - he is indeed a scumbag of the worst order.

Driving a Bentley in the East Bay and a Honda bucket in the Bayview - managing rogue businesses the likes of Urban Equity Group, Urban Ed Academy for young boys, and, of course, Dwayne's own business - at the top of the very corrupt chainlink - RDJ Enterprise.

The folks in District 10 have been hoodwinked in broad daylight.

Dwayne Jones also created the Consortium For Equitable Partnership at 1485 Bayshore in San Francisco. 

The same office was once operated by Calvin Hayes, who acted as the point person for past Mayors of San Francisco - helping the community.  Calvin Hayes would not allow a scumbag like Dwayne Jones to tarnish his name and work - working hard for the community of Bayview Hunters Point.

Here is one article by Susan Dyer Reynolds - she deserves our thanks forever - for taking a stand and speaking Truth to Power:

The Editor of the Marina Times, Susan Dyer Reynolds (now retired)  -  joined other journalists - and put a lot of thorough investigative reporting to expose Dwayne Jones, Harlan and Naomi Kelly, Juliet Ellis - and several other crooks who harmed our City and County of San Francisco.  

Why do we tolerate the utter corruption from those who can do right but choose with intent to do - wrong?  

The former editor of Marina Times - Susan Dyer Reynolds, took the lead, followed by others - however, having followed the corruption for over 40 years - I will vote for Susan Dyer Reynolds - the Joan of Arc - award.

These sordid thugs must pay for their evil deeds - make no bones about this utter nonsense. They have the blood of innocent infants, children, youth, young adults, our beloved Elders, and those with compromised health.

At this time, I want to honor the many Black grandmothers who went unsung and took care of the infants and children with whatever they had.

Millions of dollars - taxpayers' money was available to help the community a thousand times over - but the sordid crooks, like Juliet Ellis, Harlan Kelly, Dwayne Jones,  and others - with intent chose to do wrong and must be brought to book.

SF Police Chief - Scott Williams - could have brought some of these thugs to book - he tolerated their nonsense - even today - he could initiate the nonsense - wheeling and dealing going on in District 10 - if the Federal Bureau of Investigation knows about it - he knows about it he and so does his lackey Diane Aroche.

Each of these characters sold he Bayview Hunters Point - the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard must be clean to Residential Standard - let this be clear to those who want to build homes on very contaminated ground. The signing of Parcel A - linked to the Shipyard - many condominiums bought by the Communist Chinese - leading the pack - all those you see here. One shakes like the reed blowing any which way - another - senile - Karma!

Dwayne Jone and his failed enterprise of sorts - Communities Of Opportunity - Change Starts Here - said Rudolf Dwayne Jones - time to put a red ball on his nose. Hoodwinked the community and wasted over $3 million - taxpayers money.

For all the talk about affordable housing - no housing for those making under $80,000. It has become too expensive to build in San Francisco - 60% of the construction workers have NO work - those that find work are from outside San Francisco- we have NO compliance - and for all the talk - NO walk. The San Francisco - Contract Monitoring Division - a JOKE.

These characters have used the community - and filled their coffers - none of them should be in office - corrupt and sordid to the hilt.

We have over 38 million square feet of commercial space vacant - this does not bore well for San Francisco - and the more we see Mayor London Breed - barking up the wrong tree - the more we will see the spiraling of San Francisco - those that created this cesspool will drown in it - makes no bones about this fact. 

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