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Thursday, September 9, 2021



The first Commercial Plane - flown by Qatar Airline - takes off from Kabul, Airport - carrying stranded Americans and Canadian - other nationalities with valid documents - a sign of hope. 

There is a ray of hope - the first commercial plane left from Kabul, Airport - thousands are stranded more Afghans who have documents to leave - Americans, Canadians - and others having documents - and this process to evacuate - is cumbersome - Anthony Blinken - singing the blues - Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), NATO nations, United States Veterans - doing God's work.

President Joe Biden has no clue - the mess he has left behind. He also has no clue about the mess that is coming his way - it is called Karma.

When you make a promise to help thousands who laid their lives to help our soldiers and our institutions - the last 20 years - and just like that - make a hasty exit - with a viable and sustainable plan - Joe Biden as a leader has failed miserably.

Some of us who love the Afghans - and there are many worldwide - will do what we can. Today we have many on the ground- risking their lives - to protect many - who are on the many Taliban manifest to be executed.

Their only crime working for the Americans - American contractors - any foreign entity - just to put bread and butter on the table.

Afghan Mother and daughter - the hospitality of the Afghan are well known- the disparity between the rich and poor - wide.

For twenty years, plus children in Afghanistan in the countryside should have received more - we spent $3 trillion - women and girls made some stride - however, poor children in the countryside -  suffered the NGOs must now step up and help the children. 

Many do not fundamentally that while Afghans who live in the Cities can earn a little more - too many, the majority earn less than $2 a day - the warlords and many others ply the drug trade heroin, hashish, and so on - and make millions of dollars. 

For the last twenty years, the United States has not bridged the gap between those who have and those who do not. 

The Americans have left Afghanistan in a mess - the COVID-19 surge - the fourth that can be counted, lacking food security - the United Nations calling nations to pool $600 million to address the famine and upcoming dire starvation.

Not long ago - many women contributed their best - in the assembly speaking up for women, education, health, safety, transportation, communication, and the internet - in short Quality of Life issues - today the Afghan interim government - has chosen to the educated women out - and the women cannot speak out - yet, chose to protest on the streets and lay their lives - the women love AFGHANISTAN. 

Women and girls have been deprived of freedom - the thug Taliban - talk a good talk, but they are cowards - they prey on women and those that are vulnerable. 

Imagine threatening parents to marry their daughters to uneducated Taliban, unkempt, mannerless?.

Afghan - parents have decided to flee Afghanistan - go to nearby Tajikstan, Uzbekistan, foreign counties - rather than have their daughters given in marriage to some fanatics. 

The Taliban purport to know the Sharia Laws -  laws that they only know superficially - using Sharia Law as a ploy - they chop heads, murder, kill, maim, rape, and terrorize anyone that comes in their way.

Farahnaz Fortotan is a woman journalist - who must now be very careful what she writes - adversely impacting true freedom - recently two journalists - at a women's rally - were severely beaten - such atrocities take place daily - so are beheading, shooting, killing, maiming, jailing, rounding by anyone that the Taliban want to make an example of - no world government or nation - should have anything do with renegades - no manners and less etiquette.

The free press in Afghanistan - that once enjoyed freedom - can no more practice sound journalism. There is no room to disagree with the Taliban - again, and again - they will tell you that they will not tolerate those that have anything to do with Western values.

The brain drain has been immense - doctors, engineers, professors,  computer technicians, qualified bankers, government officials, and more are all afraid of their lives. 

The fear of the Taliban and their fanatical ways - can be compared to the Third Reich - everyone who knows something about the Taliban knows that they want the money - they are anxious to have money from the World Bank.

In the past, 80% of the money to operate came from contributions from nations who had empathy towards the people of Afghanistan - nations like Sweden, Germany, Italy, England, Canada, the United States - others like Japan and many others.

This Afghan waiting in line for some food - women have worked hard to keep the family united - educating themselves - even those in the late fifties and sixties. Young girls have embraced education - and now have to adhere to a Taliban curriculum - you can imagine what that curriculum will consist of. 


The Afghan National Front has soldiers who have engaged with the Taliban and other unsavory characters - these hardened women are a force to be reckoned with - the Taliban will not have anything to do with them - but we do - those who love freedom.

Education is paramount to building any nation - you cannot do this by not respecting young girls, women, and more our Afghans - men and women who have wisdom - the Taliban are brash and coupled with utter ignorance - this mix is a timebomb waiting to explode - the Taliban will fall flat on their face.

This Qatar Commercial Airplane - waiting to take off - with some more stranded passengers - the ongoing mess - is the creation of Joe Biden - the buck stops at his desk. This mess started in Doha, Qatar - the role of the Qataris must be investigated - their role in harming children and others - in Yemen. Donald Trump made this sordid deal - and those in power today - know they screwed themselves in the bargain. We are a superpower - that must know better - President Dwight D Eisenhower - President Franklin D. Roosevelt - General MacArthur - General James Mattis - you know where I am going.

Abdul Ghani Baradar - he calls the shots.

In 2001, we witnessed bombing on the Tora Bora mountains - supposedly our 5000 lb bombs - one 21,00 tons bomb - were going to weed those we were targeting. Did we succeed?. 

 History will reveal the details - once the facts - the empirical data is there to review - in the meantime, our Main Media can feed us with lies.

We must be educated on issues - we must speak truth to power. This is the land of the Native Americans.

The flag of the United States of America.

The United States must seize this opportunity - and STOP the current chronic divisiveness - Joe Biden - keeps allowing his old Senator friends - spew diatribe, Joe Biden stall does not have the guts to get rid of the Filibuster -  flush that tool Filibuster - down the commode.

As we begin to recoup and get ready to remember - an event - that we must recall with all its horror.

The -  loss of life - the Environmental Protection Agency - stating again, and again asbestos, lead, mercury - was not in the air. Seeing is believing - the liars must be held accountable - we know - today walking Scott-free.

Thousands died first response warriors - thousands of others died - we must analyze the issue at hand.

The insurance companies that profited - the banks such as Citi Bank - the many so-called Government Officials - hand in glove with crooks of the first order - none charged - to this day.  

Many who were inflicted - cried tears of blood - it took Jon Stewart to attend the Congressional Meeting - and plead in favor of our firefighters - he brought some relief to many victims - fathers, mothers, sisters, brother, family members, friends, supporters - our Nation played hell with these victims of 9/11.

Our politicians are scumbags - they must apologize for the harm done - the 9/11 incident - letting the Saudis go Scott-free - mention the real culprits of 9/11 -  then shut their mouths and sit down.

Imagine an egoistical maniac - on 9/11 giving commentary at a boxing match - that is how slow the scumbag, treason-loving jackass have stooped.

They have no remorse - no respect for our U.S. Constitution - linked to their sordid action on January 6, 2021.

Now, the egotistical maniac their leader - wants to pooh - 9/11 - typical of a deranged person - Donald Trump.




  1. Thanks Francisco, Five Presidents did this. Just as there is no exit, there was no apparent need. Getting Usama was nothing. This was false flag (inside job) terrorism. Twin towers plus bldg 7 were brought down by US US bombs deliberately. Attacking 5 countries for 20 years was also deliberate. Those countries have vital resources worth trillions of $ and thousands of lives. Many lies were told and repeated as if they were true, but Truth Will Be Told. The truth of the Criminal Bombing and the Criminal Wars will be told
    many years from now. Very Sad.

  2. Very Sad, but nothing new or unexpected. Look at the Truth of California Missions. Look at the Truth of the California Gold Rush, Look at Red Cloud's Treaty, Mt. Rushmore. Truth will be told, and maybe by Teachers in Chinese Schools.
