French President Emmanuel Macron and Donald Trump.
Nothing happens in a vacuum - what we are witnessing today took place long ago.
In my opinion, started with Bill Clinton, and as the other presidents came in, more, the Democrats created an environment for narcissists to go in and carry on pandemonium.
Donald Trump is not an intelligent person - no one can be a competent person when they lie, cheat, rape, and do not pay their taxes - Donald Trump is an egoistical maniac of the highest order.
Recently, we saw Emmanuel Macron, the French President, correct Donald Trump as Donald Trump was spewing a diatribe of the worst order.
Bragging that the United States has spent more money than any entity, Emmanuel Macron tapped Donald Trump, who, after being reminded that this was not so, gave a detailed description of how the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) gave Ukraine more in money and military assets—over sixty percent.
Donald Trump agreed - and that is the first time - I have seen Donald Trump give in and say that " yes " - Emmanuel Macron was right.
Donald Trump is a liar, cheat, rapist, does not pay his taxes, and has created a team of thugs to decimate all the work within the federal system.
Donald's purpose is to make decent human beings suffer - as he watches the pandemonium with glee.
Donald Trump is a narcissist.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Today, Friday, 28th of 2025, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will meet Donald Trump at the White House. Anything Donald Trump touches turns into rubbish.
For starters, Donald Trump is NOT a deal maker. Donald Trump is an egotistical maniac and a narcissist of the worst order.
Ukraine has a long history and has contributed a lot to our world - not so the United States, which is a young nation - and with Donald Trump as a leader - a fake leader - who is out to make billions for himself.
We, the United States, were part of a deal when Ukraine handed over 1600 nuclear missiles to Russia - the key players, the British, Russia, and the United States.
Most of us have forgotten Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan - few of us know about Vladimir Putin - and making important decisions. As a KGB agent - Putin will always find a way out - and will NOT adhere to any promise - giving up land to Ukraine and keeping any promise.
Donald Trump has met with President Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Keir Starmeir. We do not know how many lies Donald Trump has told them - as we all know Donald Trump is a chronic liar.
We do not know much about rare minerals and other precious metals that Ukraine has - we have no empirical data.
This ploy with Donald Trump has something to do with China and Russia - the United States - taken for a ride by Donald Trump - Donald Trump is not about America, American citizens, he is about himself - selfish to the core and not to be trusted.
This is not the first time that Ukraine has suffered - they suffered a couple of times before, and for decades, suffered and stood united to save Ukraine.
Ukraine has a rich civilization has produced poets, musicians, writers, and artists of all kinds. Ukrainians are well educated. Putin knows that, and judging from his evil deeds, he is despicable.
Here we have Donald Trump, a liar - and Putin, who the International Courts have charged with crimes against humanity.
Today, Donald Trump chose to side with Putin.
He ganged up on Volodymyr Zelenskyy - who held his ground - with JD Vance making a fool of himself.
Ukraine - has saved many free countries - kept the autocratic KGB Vladimir Putin - a thug, a murderer - and a good for nothing - despicable asshole - at bay.
Donald Trump is an agent working for Russia.
Americans must be leery of an autocrat, such as Putin.
We love our freedom, and Donald Trump has desecrated our Constitution.
The United States position has consistently sided with Democratic countries, and today, February 28, 2025, has sided with the worst autocrat, Putin. This is a crying shame - that puts all that the United States stood for - set aside as if it was not a legacy - by a buffoon - Donald Trump who is a known maniac.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy has stood up for his people - while thousands of Ukrainains have laid down their lives - Russia has chosen to use mercenaries from Syria, India, Nepal, Mynamar - other countries like North Korea - and Russia has decided to send Russian soldiers - many of them did learned at the eleventh hour - they were being used as fodder - on the frontlines.
In recent weeks, millions of Americans have been traumatized - families put in harm's way because of Donald Trump's egoism - who wants to pay high dividends to the filthy rich - by reducing federal workers, who are the backbone of the federal government.
Donald Trump brags about Making America Great Again - and an idiot like Donald Trump - has failed again - and in less than a few weeks - using the Project 2025 report - devastated all federal departments.
Today - we are in a mess and many Republicans are now the victims with no jobs - grant cut in red states - and those who voted for Donald Trump are sorry - it is too late - Donald Trump is a selfish, maniac of the first order.
America with Donald Trump in the White House is the laughing stock of the world.
The courts and judges have now realized that our Constitution is in dire straits, and just like that, we wonder what happened.
Well, be educated on issues - and learn to smell a rat like Donald Trump - if you do that - you can nip the nonsense in the bud.
Putin cannot be trusted - ever.
Donald Trump is a felon.
Who is fooling whom - we Americans must be leery of Putin.
What are we witnessing today in America - America on all levels - is being destroyed - thousands of federal workers fired - a judge has stated the firings are illegal.
More than ten judges have ordered injunctions favoring the federal workers.
A judge has stated the Office of Personnel Management cannot under any pretext fire federal workers - no matter what category.
Millions of Americans are stressed - the economic under Donald Trump is the worst ever compounded by the stress of what is happening - who is making America great - a felon, a liar, a rapist, a person who does not pay his taxes - a selfish man and a disgrace to the human race.
Even as our FBI and CIA are being dismantled - the Russians are busy plotting how to take control after most of the Russian spies were sent back to Russia in the last fifteen years.
Donald Trump and his lackeys cannot guarantee the safety of the Americans here in America.
It costs millions per FBI agent, and for that matter, other Law Enforcement, and getting rid of these vital assets—firing them—is uncalled for. All the training and tools they learn are thrown to the wind.
Donald Trump and his lackeys have given the best opportunity to China and Russia and others - make no bones about the opportunities Donald Trump has been given our enemies.
In fact, Donald Trump is NOT fit to be President of the United States - nor a citizen of the United States - he does not care about respecting our Constitution.
Long Live Ukraine!
We must pray for Ukraine - the thousands of infants, children, youth, the Elders, the men and women - and thousands who are challenged by mental fatigue and physically challenged.
Donald Trump is a liar and not to be trusted - Americans know what is right and what is wrong - Americans are with Ukraine.
Long Live Ukraine.
British Prime Minister Keir Starmeir.
The British and the United States have deep relations with Ukraine.
This goes back to the time of President Ronald Regan and Mikhail Gorbachev - when Britain, the United States, and Russia - agreed that they would protect Ukraine - if Ukraine handed over 1600 nuclear missiles to Russia - so that the treaty signed - could have some semblance - that has come to bite Ukraine in the butt today.
Our Main Media today is all over the place. It has not once - chronologically laid out how Ukraine was made vulnerable - with Putin, a KGB agent - around - ultimately Vladimir Putin, a thug - had Mikhail Gorbachev under house arrest - until his demise.
Putin is still here, while many serious mistakes have taken place in the United States of America.
As much as we think the Democrats are capable of running our United States government - that is not so - I have posted a link that gives those who are ignorant and arrogant - some idea - both the cult Republicans we have today - and what has become of the Democrats.
Check this out - can the Democrats come to our rescue - get rid of the Republicans - who are a cult?
Project 2025, with Russel Nought and Stephen Miller executing the contents of the over 900 pages - has been executed - at high speed and has caught many guessing, confused, confounded, and perplexed.
The bastards started by removing or firing - Attorney Generals and judge Advocates that play a key role in our military, targeting the USAID, the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Office of Personnel Management, the Department of Defense, EPA, FEMA, the many other agencies that one should and can review - to find out - and learn for themselves what is really - happening.
It is nauseating and disgusting how low Donald Trump has stooped.
How demeaning is the asshole Donald Trump - who brags he wants to make America Great Again - when the opposite is true.
Donald Trump is trying to take Ukraine for a wild ride—he will fail. At this juncture, Ukraine does not need to be bullied. Donald is no deal-maker; he is a loser. We all remember that the first impeachment involved Ukraine. Donald asked Ukraine to lie so that Joe Biden would get into trouble.
Donald Trump wants to have the rare minerals that Ukraine has - and wants it for free.
Ukraine should focus on joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as soon as possible.
Of the 50 nations that NATO consists of, the united can deal with Russia - and Russia knows this, but does not fully understand - that the NATO nations will reduce Russia to smithereens.
The people of Ukraine have suffered a lot more infants, children, youth, young adults, Elders, women, and men, those that have compromised health.
Over two million Ukrainians are living in the United States.
Ukrainians in the United States and worldwide are primarily well-educated and determined to serve Ukraine's best interests.
The Russians who left Russia have no intention of returning to Russia - not under Putin - anyway.
The majority of Americans support Ukrainians, and rightly so.
Russia continues to reduce Ukraine to rubble.
The people of Ukraine have suffered a lot - time to stop the senseless war that has taken a heavy toll on both sides - more Russia.
The children of Ukraine are suffering.
Long Live Ukraine!
Ninety percent of what one sees and listens to what the mainstream media shows on the screen - is garbage.
Those who are not educated on issues, and do not know how to make a needs assessment, using empirical data, find themselves brainwashed, and that is how a cult is created.
Those who follow a cult are primarily those who are termed fanatics.
Once the nonsense is grilled into these poor souls, it erodes their judgment, and arguing with fanatics wastes time.
More than one-third of the United States are fanatics.
The Republicans have been focused on these ploys and machinations for a long time, first seeing that Governors are elected in all the States, and they did this quickly, but no one was paying attention.
All sorts of sordid legislations were voted on - most targeting the vulnerable - forcing all to believe that specific segments of the population must be shunned, and this very thought is disgusting.
The Democrats and others, such as Nancy Pelosi, Zoe Lofgren, and Chuck Schumer, knew what was coming, but when the Tsunami arrived, it was too late.
Frederick Douglass
Chief Sitting Bull
Chief Joseph
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Harriet Tubman.

It is a shame that the United States has yet to honor and respect the indigenous tribes here in the United States.
These strangers came here - and landed on Turtle Island - where indigenous tribes lived for thousands of years.
Even though they fled - from where they had no freedom - today, they claim that Turtle Island is theirs.
The Elders remind us, "Do not trust those that speak with a forked tongue. "
Our Founding Fathers created the Constitution as an experiment. The experiment did not have guardrails to protect against someone like Donald Trump.
This year, 2025, marks the start of the erosion of the Constitution, and there will be bloodshed. No change comes without bloodshed. We saw this on January 6, 2021, and thought nothing of it.
We saw how the thug was released and their felon records erased, and all this and more is a disgrace to the human race.
Please do not take anything for granted.
Our security is at stake, and no help will come from the sky.
Each one who cares about our freedom must stand up and fight for it - keep Donald Trump and his thugs at bay.
The flag of the United States.