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Monday, July 29, 2019


525 Golden Gate Avenue -
the den of thieves - embedded -
to cheat, hoodwink, and waste millions -
leading the way - Juliet Ellis who must be fired
hard earned tax payers money - 
the Sewer System Improvement Project - 
is a debacle that prove once again the 
SF Public Utilities Commission - has no
accountability and less transparency.

One would think - seriously - the stench the Bayview Hunters Point has to endure - and has endured the pungent smell of Sulphur - for the last 50 years plus.

It is time - some focused attention - to deal with the on going stench - that pervades around a 3 mile surrounding area - the stench of pungent sulphur - would be addressed on a War Footing.

Let it be known that with folks like Juliet Ellis and her minions - nothing much is happening.

Juliet Ellis is busy adding titles to her sordid name. The latest - Chief Strategist - when in fact she is a moron - cheats, lies, hoodwinks - and must be fired. She makes over $230,000 plus benefits - all tax payers money and this nonsense must STOP.

At the last SF Public Utilities Commission she invited some Interns - who were sitting at the back - and heard the sad affairs - prevailing at the SF Public Utilities Commission - she love to waste tax payers money - on mundane projects to win browny points.

Use our Community Benefits money to sponsor 2000 Summer Jobs - to win some Brownie Points - always trying to get her 2 minutes of fame - while all the time - she is divisive and has ruined the careers of many - who detest her selfish - ways.

In the interim our infants, children, youth and young adults, our Elders, those with compromised health - more, our mentally and physically challenged - are slowly dying.

At the last SF Public Utilities Commission held at the City and County of San Francisco - Room 400 - I made it known to the SF Public Utilities Commission - that the many presentations - linked to the Sewer System Improvement Project - do not tell the true picture.

For starters the cost of the project will double - from the initial price tag of $6 Billion to $12 billion and more.

In the interim our infants and children are dying - no one seems to care about life. As I asked the SF Public Utilities Commission - including Sophie Maxwell - can we put a price on one single child. Now - add the number of infants, children, youth other - that have died - linked to the contamination and pollution - and no one seems to care.

We have seen this in San Francisco the Central Subway started with $600 million and now is nearing $2 Billion.
We know the primes - in this case Tutor Perini- has been making too many change orders - and yet we have dealings with his corporation and the cheats that hover around him.

The Tutor Perini corporation is worth $4.7 billion plus - 
and constantly defies the authorities in San Francisco - the corporation had problems at the SF Airport, then again with MUNI - the nonsense goes on and on - constant delays - causing adversely impacts to businesses and the citizens:

The Sewer System Improvement Project has several project - that are dubious in nature - one of them is the Emerson Project - with Dwayne Jones and his minions - doing the outreach. This inside job - giving the contract to Dwayne Jones for a period of 10 years plus - is something no one is looking into.

Dwayne Jones lives in Oakland -
makes his living cheating and hoodwinking -
there are a number of investigations 
that have led to the same conclusion -
a crook of the highest order -
he calls himself a Philanthropist and Businessman -
he uses Community Benefits money - he is a crook.

The same Dwayne Jones who calls himself a Philanthropist and the Gate Keeper in the Bayview Hunters Point - he is using Community Benefits money - to carry on his nefarious activities.

Dwayne Jones - must be removed - denied any contract in the City and County of San Francisco  told to stay away from any participation dealing with tax payers money in San Francisco.

Debarred - from visiting  525 Golden Gate Avenue -
where he and others like him - folks like Susan Leal - have been embedded for a long time.

The man has been fired from Platinum Consultants - was fined by the Internal Revenue Service - yet he has dared to enter into contracts at Pier 70 and even the SF Airport - the man is a crook - and right now there is sufficient evidence to send him to jail - for a long time.

Dwayne Jones was debarred doing business with the former SF Housing Authority - the SF Controller has this information, the SF City Attorney has this information, the  SF District Attorney has the information - who are you all waiting for? Waiting for Godot .....

The Bayview Hunters Point is invaded by charlatans - the latest " gimmick" the African American Arts and Culture District.

There are NO African Americans left in the Bayview Hunters Point to justify an African American Arts and Culture District - any meaningful assessment - with come to the conclusion.

In our jails - over 50% are African Americans - and most of them from the Bayview Hunters Point - what does that tell the group that is determined to form  - the African American Arts and Culture District?

The African Americans in the Bayview Hunters Point need help - our infants, children, youth and young adults, our Elders - those with compromised health - more those who are mentally and physically challenged.

The Community Benefits are for the community.

The Community Benefits are NOT for Art and some Culture that is fading and waning - who is fooling whom?

Those behind this recent ploy must be investigated and if need be the Mayor's Office Housing and Economic Development - that has done a very poor jobs - and must be totally revamped - the known crooks wasting tax payers money - told to go elsewhere.

STOP this shit - favoring life styles.

More and more keeping those that have families at bay - wife, husband, and children are left out.

Those with sordid life styles - are embraced - the community at large kept in the dark.

Outsiders given $300,000 grants - to open restaurants - while those residents who need support - shunned. This has been going on for years. Who is fooling whom?

The time has come for the community to open their eyes - and if need be - warn the crooks - and if it is necessary tell them to go else where and commit their sordid - crimes.

Vermin who use tax payers money - to hog and fatten themselves.

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