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Sunday, July 14, 2019


The Blackout in New York -
paradoxically 42 years ago -
on the same day - there will be a similar blackout -
here in San Francisco - San Franciscans will experience -
a similar black out - if it does -
are we fully prepared - I doubt so.

Recently - we have had complete outage creating complete and total  " blackout " - complete blocks - and yesterday Manhattan and that included New York and its famous entertainment center - Broadway - in complete darkness.

How well is San Francisco prepared is the question?

PG&E has declared - it will at short notice - order black outs to entire areas - in San Francisco - to prevent fires in other areas - we have heard this warning - but to date - no one have notified the tax payers - the rate payers - about the Blue Print to address this pressing - concern - entire areas with electricity in San Francisco.

fire engine coming to the responding -
hundreds trapped in elevators -
and other emergencies.

Here in Northern California many of us are NOT aware of an independent agency - California Independent System Operator - a Non-Profit that maintains control of our GRID - and keep real time statistics - on the demand of the energy.

Learn more about California Independent System Operator :

Often you will witness the demand is more - and the amount of energy that is there to share is less. 

The CAISO deals with such situations - and has done a great job - over the years. But now anymore - with the decision made by PG&E and others - who have to deal - with plans that included - shutting out power to large areas - to prevent fires.

CAISO headquartered in Folsom, California near Sacramento.

I have - over the last 35 years visited the headquarters - to speak - Truth to Power -  also understand how the system really works.

It has been my pleasure to meet some of  the key leaders - over this time - many have retired and some still continue to work hard and serve us all - when it comes to energy issues.

Here in San Francisco - the entire distribution of our our electricity is distributed - is controlled by Pacific Gas and Electricity (PG&E).

SF Public Utilities Commission wants to make inroads - but the matter of fact is that PG&E has full control of the Transmission Lines - SFPUC may pretend it will own a line or two - but that is will not matter - when the Big Decision are made.

The Napa Fire and the Butte Fire - other fires - have impacted the resources of PG&E in Northern California.

PG&E has decided to play it extra safe -  on days that they know there will be heavy demand - energy will be distributed on need basis - and large areas - that are not on the priority list - deprived of power - some short notice will be given to those that will be deprived of electricity.

The California Public Utilities Commission - has made some decision favoring PG&E - and so far we tax payers will bear the brunt of the rates increases.

Shortly we will see $10 per month on our Electric Bills and over the next three years $20 or more.

We have seen this before - so even with organizations like TURN and other advocates - PG&E is a force to be reckoned with.

Locally we have SF Public Utilities Commission - a dwarf trying to play with the Big Boys.

Playing with the big boys are women like Barbara Hale - a paper pusher who came from CPUC - some years ago - and does not know what the hell she is doing.

Backed by Juliet Ellis and other women - who have NO clue what they are doing - San Francisco is being put in  harm way.

PG&E  - will deny energy to large areas - in San Francisco - to save the GRID from adverse impacts - and all with the help of CAISO.

Those in authority like Mayor London Breed knows about this but she can do nothing. The City Administrator Naomi Kelly know about this - all she can do is sing the blues.

Barbara Hale - 
she keeps lying - but all this will stop - soon.

Barbara Hale is at her wits end - when asked who controls the Transmission Lines - she will not utter a word. Her fake statistics that 40% of the San Franciscans - use Clean Energy - is dubious - we have yet to see the statistics on line.

We want to know about the stacks and how clean they are?

No one can fool  - all the people - all the time.

If downtown is impacted - there will be a hue and cry - skyscrapers that have their elevators running - will come to a STOP.

On the streets - traffic lights will NOT operate.

Think about those in the thousand hooked on equipment to breathe and other health reason - we must take these issues - very seriously - the impacts linked to liability - is real.

I am not going to paint any situation that will take place and impact thousands in detail.

I leave it to the imagine of the reader - to think deep.

The role PG&E will play - more to stop their overhead high power electric lines - aka transmission lines - from catching fire - and causing more harm. That is now there first priority.

In the meantime SF Public Utilities Commission has yet to figure out - how to provide stable electricity to the brand new Digesters - a $3 billion project.

The SF Public Utilities Commission - has been hoodwinking us - but I will let the cat out of the bag.

We saw Karen Kubick leave - she could not deal with the cesspool. We saw Tony Flores leave, Mark Harris, Tommy Moala, Surjeet Singh - others too many to name - time will tell.

The new surrogates brought on board - are groping in the dark - it is a joke - when the SFPUC paid NO attention - to institutional experience and memory.

Way back in 2004 the SF Public Utilities Commission compromised the Main Force a 8 foot people by Pier 80 near Marin Street by Third Street.

The stupid SF Public Utilities Commission decided without conducting " soil tests " - to drill four conducts - under the Main Force Pipe - carrying millions of gallons of secondary effluents - the Bay.

The Main Force was compromised - and the Muwekma Ohlone Park and Sanctuary compromised.

Harlan Kelly was  then at the Department of Public Works and Sophie Maxwell was the District 10 Supervisor.

To this day - those that brought about this incident - a adversely impacted thousands - cost the City and County million of dollars.

The matter was brought to the attention of  the Controller's Office - a complaint was initiated - an attorney took the report - we have not been contacted - and this and more - is totally uncalled for.

Susan Leal - she was fired -
she was determined to place 3 combustion turbines
using fossil fuel - by 3rd Street and Marin St -
we advocates shot the plan down - 
and few know about his - and this is the TRUTH.

When Susan Leal was the General Manager of the SF Public Utilities Commission - the plan was to place 3 Combustion Turbines - using Fossil Fuel - and generate energy that the SF Public Utilities could use. 

The entire project made no sense - including using secondary effluents to cool the power plant - with 3 huge Combustion
Turbines - using very expensive fossil fuel - contribution to the Carbon Footprint.

Susan Leal is embedded at the SFPUC - 525 Golden Gate - often making her rounds - distributing donuts - to  the inept, unethical staff - the likes of Juliet Ellis.

This entire project was stopped by advocates like myself - and the SF Public Utilities Commission - finally understood that hey made a fool of themselves. 

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission continues
to make a fool of themselves - and cannot be ever, trusted.

Naomi Kelly is not an engineer - 
she is the City Administrator - trying to buy
PG&E assets - having NO clue about maintenance -
and liability issues - that will impact San Francisco -
she keeps talking about energy issues -
and has not said a word about 
a new transmission line - proposed by
SF Public Utilities Commission  -
some 75 MG - over head transmission line.

Naomi Kelly loves spending millions on Consultants - who provide her reports - that are to her liking. She has done this with the Millennium Building.

Some sordid report on our Energy needs - the Jefferson - Martin transmission brining in 960  MW - the Pittsburg - Potrero Sub-Station - some 400 MW - and some little so call clean energy - that is need but has yet to be addressed - as viable and sustainable - with empirical data.

Juliet Ellis -
a weasel who keeps causing havoc -
her time is coming - mark my words.

Juliet Ellis, Susan Leal, Naomi Kelly, and Barbara Hale - have no place  making important decisions - linked to energy and clean water - and they continue to mock standards - and still pussyfoot around with glee.

Trying to waste millions of dollars - and always bringing these issues - before the Budget Committee - the Chair reminding SFPUC presenters - they will be questioned.

That - when the matter comes before the SF Board of Supervisors - these large amounts - millions of dollars - all tax payers money.

More with little accountability and less transparency  - linked to the proposed brand new Transmission Line.

The large amount paid to the CAISO - a retroactive payment - will be questioned by the SF Board of Supervisors - time will tell.

Richard Sylar -
he understood the issues -
he should by the decent advocates -
he helped STOP placing 3 combustion turbines -
where now stands a sub-station by SF Marin Street.

Thank God at that time we had Richard Skylar who listened to the advocates - and shed light on the SF Public Utilities Commission - where complete darkness - was the norm - at that time.

It has been three years now - and we have seen no progress with the Digesters - a $3 billion project.

The Digesters - that create the secondary effluents - will not operate - without a very high consumption of energy available.

In the past the Digesters - used Methane Gas - impacting the surrounding community.

Not once has this fact been mentioned - when we go before the SF Public Utilities Commission - representing the community .

The Community Benefits are doled out by Juliet Ellis and Dwayne Jones - to nefarious - entities.

The $6 Billion dollar Sewer System Improvement Project is now $10 Billion. 5% of this amount - $600 million is money - to be set aside as Community Benefits.

Time to enact the RICO ACT - the crooks send to jail for a long, long time.

Dwayne Jones -
a corrupt individual -
who has adversely impacted the lives
of our infants, children, youth, young adults -
our Elders, those with compromised health -
more our mentally and physically challenged.

Dwayne Jones who declared himself the Gate Keeper - will soon land in jail - and meet the Jail Keeper - and learn a lesson - for the rest of his sordid life.

Dwayne Jones using Community Benefits money - calls himself a Business man and an entrepreneur.

The man is a crook - blacklisted by the SF Housing Authority - and audited by the Internal Revenue Services - when he worked for Platinum Consultants.

Doling out Community Benefits - who gives him this authority?

We want to know - all those involved must be charged and will be by the RICO ACT.

This man must be debarred from wheeling and dealing in the Bayview Hunters Point - a transplant and parasite from Los Angeles.

The Digesters a $3 billion project - that has been delayed by 2 years.

Where is the planning - goals and date lines.

Today - with the tariffs on construction materials - the projects will cost more than 50% more - if not 75% - so who will pay - if not the tax payers?

The SF Public Utilities Commission wants to play a role in distributing electricity in San Francisco - hoodwinking the public at large.

Under - Barbara Hale - again and again lying - but right now - SF Public Utilities Commission - is heading and will drown in the " cesspool " of its own creation. Despicable.

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