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Monday, July 1, 2019


One would think - in the year 2019 - a leader who boasts that America is Great - would endorse empathy and compassion - as an integral part of his interaction - worldwide. Values that we Americans have adhered to - since our Nation was formed.

Past Presidents have represented the United States and more the values we stand for - more, the people of the United States of America. We the people ....

In keeping with our Constitution of the United States and the principles endorsed by all those Nations - who endorsed the formation of the United Nations - after World War II.

Nations such as Russian, North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia - are known to curtail "freedom" - imprison, torture, murder, and kill those that " speak Truth to Power ".

While the United States will tolerate those Nations who curtail " freedom" - we the people will not tolerate blatant killings, imprisoning, torturing demeaning human rights. We the people know our rights - and will die to preserve our Freedom.

The incumbent President has NOT served his Nation. So, he talks the talk - but has NO clue about war - and less about the thousands that have died - to preserve our Freedom.

The - incumbent President has joined the ranks of those very "evil ".

Endorsing - the dictators, murderers, killers - North Korea - imprisons those that its Dictator - incarcerates. kills, tortures, murders -  throws three generations of a family - all innocent - to be eaten by hungry wild dogs.

Recently we saw a journalist hailing from Saudi Arabia - who immigrated to the United States - a citizen of the United States - ambushed and killed in Turkey.

He was at the Saudi Arabian consulate - seeking some documents - on behalf of his wife - who was waiting our the consulate - only to learn after hours - that her husband was murdered.

Murder on orders from the reigning head - of the Saudi Arabian - head of state.

The Federal Bureau and Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency - both have confirmed the role of the Saudi Arabian head - ordering the killing of the American Journalist. 

The evil deed happened in Turkey - and the Turkish government - has proof of the deed and evidence that leads to the head of the Saudi Arabian - authorities. The video has been studied by the authorities -  and the clear proof is there - but justice is moving as a snail's pace.

The President of China - is a President for Life -
here is trying to accommodate someone -
that he will take for a ride 
he is just waiting for the right time -
President Xi Jinping - will have the final laugh.

China continues to imprison innocent people who practice religion - that the Chinese government feels they should not practice - and this fact has been known to the world.

Organs are harvested from these innocent people of faith.

The Chinese Government - feels they have no right practicing religion -  that the Community Party - has the sole authority to say what is right and what is wrong - when it comes to matters linked to religion.

China continues to steal our intellectual property - demand that to do business in China - one must hand over freely - even thought it is by " duress" - the " intellectual property " of any business doing business in China.

Forced by the recent tariffs and stiff penalties linked to " Intellectual Property " - make other commitments - following the rules and regulation - governed by the United States - all this and more - has touched a nerve.

The Chinese are beginning to realize - that the United States too - can retaliate - and recently one of China's main telecommunication company - is losing ground - and has been brought to its knees.

China has hacked the Federal - Office of Personnel Management - compromised the records - many having very high clearance - millions of us Federal Workers - and to date the U.S. Government has been aghast - but that is the extend of the frustration - all this happened in 2013.

The Chinese hackers have hacked the Internal Revenue Service, numerous banking institutions - stealing billions of dollars - and even the Pentagon.

Right now we are in a position - to place viruses to disrupt the digital and cyber services in China.

The same with Iran and Russia. While these actions cannot be condoned - in a worse chase scenario - they will be exercised to send a clear message. 

The Unites States will not be intimidated.

Vladimir Putin - is a President for Life -
Putin directed his thugs to interfere in our elections -
he may have also - funded the Republican Candidates -
the incumbent President - who illegally won the election -
illegally resides in the White House.

If you disagree with Putin - as did some 30 plus journalists - he had all of them killed.

One was thrown from a tall building - he landed on the ground and died from trauma.

Putin belonged to the KGB - he rules the "thugs" who commit these crimes - God see it all - even though Putin pretends to be some what religious.

Others in Russia are ambushed and killed.

Video footage is available - but there is no justice in Russia. 

The courts take their orders from the Russian Communist government - that frowns on freedom.

Freedom that we all enjoy - and must not take for granted in the United States of America. 

Our incumbent egoistical maniac President - has lost his mind.

He keeps calling the " Media" - fake news - but he is as fake as it comes - using "Twitter" to announce decisions he has made - on the spot - without consulting anyone.

It is a shame after all the help we gave Russia during World War II - Russia keeps screwing us casting their Vote against the United States -  in the United Nations - using their Veto power.

Hacking us - more our banking institutions - and has stolen billions of dollars. 

We too now are taking some action - as I note before - but this cat and mouse game - does not lead to amicable relations.

Russian  will lose - as it has lost before - you cannot treat the Russian people with disdain for long - they will revolt.

Here in the United States - more and more - citizens of the United Stares - do not vote - less than 50% voted in the last General Elections.

This time around the " Me Too Movement " - and other movements are working hard to gather signatures and creating " Platforms " - to keep our Constitution in place - speaking Truth to Power.

What is important to note - our heart has to be in the right place.

We have to have stellar - standards, morals, and ethics matter - many of our politicians lack these values and that is the crux of the problem.

Turtle Island -
now known as America

This land belongs to the Native Americans - each and every square inch. Once known as Turtle Island.

The Native Americans favor the indigenous people.

The Whites such as the one residing in the White House - who is known to be a liar.

He is a chronic cheater, immoral to the core - but more - one that speaks with a " forked tongue " who  must be ousted - sooner not later.

The time has come to speak the Truth to power - to use the power of the vote - to oust the "evil"   that has inundated places - and contaminated most things that matter.

Those - Congresspeople and Senators who pander to the lobbyists - who pay to play - wheel and deal - are an anathema - to the human race.

We have the same type in San Francisco - having access to tons of money - "dark money".

We are watching them London Breed, Shamann Walton, Malia Cohen, Scott Wiener, others too many to mention - but there is ample proof on their shenanigans, ploys and machinations.

California is the fifth largest economy in the world - and our leaders keep harping about the White House naming the idiot - umpteen times - as if he can really impede our success.

We in California can attain all our goals.

The leadership we have in California is poor and that has that issues has to be address on a War Footing.

It is impossible for these "good for nothing " spineless, political leaders  - jackasses - who are NO good - because their heart is NOT in the right place.

Those that with intent harm our infants, children, youth, young adults, our beloved Elders.

Those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically challenged - we must be clear on this one singular issue - those that harm that cannot defend themselves will fall FLAT on their FACE.

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