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Wednesday, July 31, 2019


We will never forget -
until justice is done - our patience is running out -
the passing of Joseph Taeotui  -
must NOT been in vain -
we the people - will NOT been treated with disdain.

Life is for the living - not the living dead.

In life Joseph Taeotui - aka " Jungle " understood the finer aspects of life - he was intelligent enough to comprehend - that bringing people together and communicating - was essential to making good things - happen.

For all the talk -
the City and County of San Francisco -
has NOT addressed the killings and shootings -
the Mayor London Breed - nonchalant -
but not for too long.

Jungle was a connoisseur of the better things in the hood - he knew that those who " hurt " in the hood - need help.

He often challenged me to help those that need help - and I did not in my power to stand tall and represent - he and others helped me in this endeavor.

Jungle felt the pain of those suffering - the youth and young adults needing help, not only the Polynesian community but folks from all walks of life,

We worked helping those facing poor housing, lack of facilities, those needing " wrap around services".

Today we see more  violence everywhere - because the political leaders are busy -wheeling and dealing.

Make no mistake - for all the noise - the District 10 Supervisor - Shamann Walton - has been fast asleep at the cockpit - and at this eleventh hour - he has missed the boat, the bus, the train, and the plane.

Shamann Walton - a " jail bird - is not to be trusted ".

Again, at this late date gathering some cronies - on the steps of City Hall -  stating that so far this month - July 2019 - there have been 7 killings.

Of course there have been 7 killings - what about the hundreds of killings all Blacks - all these many years - that he has done nothing about - and more has not participated in the many meetings and events to address violence - and bring about changes - with solutions. 

I have never, ever seen this clown - fighting with us in the trenches - he hangs around with some folks - who are not respected in our community.

What is more - Shamann Walton  - has NO clue about the fundamental issues - that lead to these killings.

Shamann Walton has no training to address "cultural competency" - less understands " implicit bias  " - even less the role of the SF Police Department - that has a record being under " Court Order " - for the longest time then any other Police Department in the Nation.

At one time our City and County of San Francisco had the Mayor's  Office of Criminal Justice - no more.

Mayor Edwin Mah Lee -
since deceased - he got rid of the -
Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice -
appointed Diana Aroche -
Director of Violence Prevention.

Mayor Edwin Mah - abolished this office - and took over the functions of this office that was work - arbitrarily.

Mayor London Breed has one point person Maduli Williams -
Shamann Walton must sit down with Mayor London Breed -
and together - address the situation at hand. Stop barking up the wrong tree - and think - you can fool - all the people - all the time.

Once we had Community Response Network (CRN) - I supported these group - that addressed violence.

CRN - did NOT have the funding to exercise the essential elements - sound Case Managers, Wellness Centers with Doctors, Registered Nurses, certified Social workers, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - a holistic plan to bring about healing to the situation at hand.

Sophie Maxwell when she was the Supervisor did nothing much - to stem the killings and shootings - more pertaining to Blacks and Black on Black violence - all over San Francisco - but more in District 10.

It was the same with Malia Cohen - with her ignorance and arrogance - she did nothing much. She could talk the talk - but failed to walk the walk. There were more Black and Black shootings and killings - and not once did she have a plan in place - to address the situation at hand.

Malia Cohen was quick to put down the Police Officers Association - that has led to the bad blood - there must always be communication with an element - that some may not consider important - you cannot teach idiots - how to do business. Malia Cohen treated the cancer - and now has disappeared. 

Shamann Walton -
the good for nothing -
District 10 Supervisor -
wheeling and dealing is his forte -
time will tell.

There is a deep connection between Sophie Maxwell, Malia Cohen and Shamann Walton who really hails from Vallejo - he ran for office - to make money - and has so far - a lot of wealth.

He has taken money from LENNAR  - more than $10 million dollars - and there is more.

Again and again instead of having a Blue Plan to address Quality of Life issues - he has decided to do what he wants to do. 

He took on JUL the eCigarette giant - a billion dollar corporation - made a lot of noise - and nothing has come of that effort.

Youth, young adults, others - can go to other counties and get what they want - much like those that cross over to other States and get guns.

The man is constantly telling people what to do and what not to do - Shamann Walton has failed to represent - and you can see the man is a confused as ever - mean and always - angry - most with himself and his past.

No one can control the human urge to do harm - we must create avenues, have spaces - to address human values - and heal the wounds of our infants, children, youth, young adults, Elders, those with compromised health - and more our mentally and physically challenged.

Toxic Stress is all over Bayview Hunters Point - but Shamann Walton would not know that - he lives in Visitation Valley - and has always been cozy with Potrero Hill - come to San Bruno Avenue to wheel and deal - the man is a mess.

Conducts business that the Starbucks at the Evan Shopping Center - the folks that talk to him - say Shamann Walton has nothing to offer - but say go somewhere else.

Shamann Walton is as fake as they come.

Artificial in his demeanor that he himself needs a lot of psychological help. The man is a maniac - head strong - and buys people to do his bidding.

Shamann Walton has focused to bring good things to Potrero Hill - and with intent - done nothing much for the rest of District 10 - Hunters Point, Oakdale, Little Hollywood, Visitation Valley.

The 3rd Street Corridor - the area in and around the Produce Market - closer to Marin Street that entire area - and even in large measure Dog Patch.

Even less the area surround the Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant - he has No clue about the Sewer Systems Improvement Project .

Dwayne Jones - 
goes as a Philantropist and Businessman -
he is a crook - and the titles he gives himself -
are to hoodwink the people -
he is being watched closely and his time is coming.

Dwayne Jones who lives in Oakland - is involved with Community Benefits - and Shamann Walton - takes orders from Dwayne Jones and Juliet Ellis - two despicable individuals that have been charged with crimes - both are being watched by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Suddenly Shamann Walton has awoken from his slumber - at this late hour - because there has been an increase in shooting and killing - more Black on Black killings.

What has Shamann Walton done to bring justice to the Polynesian community - and more to Joseph Taeotui aka Jungle. 

What has he done to bring justice to Amare Jackson - who had a Case Manager at Young Community Developers (YCD) - where Shamann Walton had a say - and Shamann Walton has been involved in ploys, machinations, and shenanigans - and has not taken responsibility for the many mistakes he made when he worked for YCD.

At one meeting outside the Kezar Stadium - as I was present to pay my respect to Joseph Teaotui -  Shamann Walton 
tried to take me on - trying to accuse of something - I did not take the bait - I had some patience.

My Polynesian Brothers - would listen to me and do my bidding - but the poor man and his side kick Percy Burch - did not know - what Shamann Walton was getting into.

The Bayview Hunters point - at one time had stellar and astute leaders -  Shamann Walton comes no where near - as I said he was brought up wrong - and is a jail bird.

He has no manners, less etiquette -  the way he talks - uttering words slow, cannot speak proper grammatical English, and his ideas and concepts - thuggish - more to win brownie points.

Trained as a Nutritionist and having some drab certificate in Political Science - he bring nothing to the table - for one simple reason - the man has not being brought up right - and does not have a heart.

He dress in a suit - but his DNA is one of a thug. Quick to loose his temper - it is just a matter of time - when someone will deal with him and bring him to his knees.

Several of the Brothers have told me - that is is arrogant and rude - all I do is keep quiet - but not for long.

The Bayview Hunters Point has changed drastically - and Blacks are in the minority.

Black are more prone to hurt and suffer - when it comes  -  to education, having sound and good housing, transportation, safety - health issues , having opportunities to  improve themselves - participating in a meaningful manner - on issues that matter.

Under Shamann Walton nefarious entities are working hard behind the scene to create the African American Arts and Culture District - linked to the Bayview Hunters Point and District 10.

The planned African American Arts and Culture District  -  has NO logo, it has NO website

It  does not even have a 501 c 3 - Non-Profit status - under Shamann Walton nefarious entities are - hoodwinking the community - in broad daylight.

Recently Amos Brown and some others arranged a meeting - Shamann Walton should have been there at the 3rd Baptist Church - the Chief of Police William Scott was there, other Blacks were there.

But - Shamann Walton was NOT there - because no one - worth the salt considers him an asset to bring safety, health and progress to the Black community.

Shamann Walton's concept to shut down the Juvenile Center in San Francisco - is really a ploy - to use the land surrounding the Juvenile Center - to build - housing.

Right now we do not have any one Non-Profit capable of handling - youth that need guidance - the Juvenile Center - has some stability and staff that can produce some results.

Shamann Walton was the President of the SF Unified School Board - and on his watch - a report was released - Black Students in the SF Unified School District - in Special Education classes - were doing better than those Black students in regular classes.

What does this say about leadership and Shamann Walton?

Shamann Walton has failed miserably to stop the utter nonsense and pandemonium going on at Willie L. Brown Jr. Middle School and Visitacion Elementary School.

At Visitacion Valley Elementary school three times a Black student in Grade One - was assaulted four times.

The twins - girls from his class - stomped on his head - and the young boy - was taken to SF General Hospital. 

The matter was brought to the attention of Shamann Walton he ignored the case.

We went to the SF Unified School District Board Meeting - 555 Franklin Street - no results. 

The young student - who is now being brought up - by his grandmother - is suffering. 

There are hundred of such cases - all over District 10 - for all the talk Shamann Walton has NO  - walk.

Shamann Walton has been talking about the Navigation Center for months on end.

Now suddenly his concept of having a  Navigation Center by Highway 280 and Evans  - for not more than 100 folks at a time - with " wrap around services " - is taking shape.

We have over 7,000 homeless in the Bayview Hunters Point area - many sleeping in cars, others in tents - here, there and everywhere.

Many Elders - slowly dying - taken to the brand new morgue - by Heron's Head park - no one claim the bodies at the morgue. Does Shamann Walton - know about this - and other things of importance ? No.

In all the time Shamann Walton has been in office - he has NOT lifted a finger to help Mother Brown and that operation - that has gone out of its way to accommodate the poor, feed help and clothe them.

 In fact Shamann Walton has stopped Mother Brown getting funding.

We must have a hearing on Shamann Walton - and put a STOp to the nonsense - so that all those that are suffering - because this clown and his minions - think they can get away with murder.

The Asians, the Latinos, the Whites, the Native Americans, the decent Blacks - others in the Bayview Hunters Point - have been left out.

Some few crooked Blacks - the ones behind the African American Arts and Culture District - the crooked Citizens Advisory Committees - the same crooks on all the committees - doing the " devil work ".

We the people united will never, ever be defeated.

Shamann Walton - you and your minions are put on notice.

STOP trying to win brownie point - you do not have the vetted Blue Print - to bring about progressive changes.

You do not have the required leadership - that we need in District 10.

What is important to note  - you Shamann Walton have NO  heart and the proven spirituality - to do right.

You stutter and talk the talk but you Shamann Walton - cannot walk the walk.

You are stubborn, headstrong, cannot discern, and each time you open your mouth - you shove your foot inside your mouth.

Learn  to work with others - more in District 10 - you are a outsider - for all your talk  - no one worth the salt respects you - and more cares to listen to you.

Your follower are those that can be bribed and sooner not later - you will fall - flat on your face - you and your lackeys.

This is a clarion call - to those that read this article - you all must step up and do right. 

Do not be bullied by this " jail bird " - who is a utter failure - and will take our community down - and take us backwards.

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