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Monday, February 28, 2022


Ukraine - long live Ukraine!


Russia has resorted to attacking Ukraine with cluster bombs - this one act is heinous, and Russian must be charged - crimes against humanity. It must be ostracized.

The role of the Security Council has been compromised by Russia using its right to use its veto - the only opposing vote - eighty-one nations voting in favor of Ukraine and against the invasion of Russia.

Russia has failed to do right and should have recused itself - but has chosen with the intent to lie and go against the rules and regulation - well spelled out by the United Nations - more after invading Ukraine - much as it did in 2014.

The United Nations formed in San Francisco, California - October 24, 1945 - the United Nations created the charter signed at the War Memorial - in San Francisco. 

The General Assembly has now gathered - today, February 28, 2022 - to adjudicate - the situation at hand.

The General Assembly - will vote in favor of Ukraine and against Russia - Russia's invasion of Ukraine with any just cause or provocation.

The use of the veto in the United Nations must now be removed - its purpose has been misused - and had it not been for the General Assembly to meet and to the right - the United Nations would serve no worthy purpose.

The world supports Ukraine and all Ukrainian women and men who have taken arms - and kept the Russian at bay. 

Vladimir Putin - is evil, and his latest statement to use nuclear weapons - and his recent use of cluster bombs - is a disgrace to the human race.

Please read the articles established by the United Nations:

Please refer to Article 24 - it clearly states that all member nations abide by the United Nations Charter and Article 24.

If nothing is done soon to stem the ongoing invasion - the Russians withdrawing their tanks and other war equipment - leaving Ukraine in toto - and staying entirely out and beyond the boundaries of Ukraine.

Russia is committing crimes against humanity - and the United Nations and the Hague are aware of this fact - there is already a monitor who is witnessing the crimes from the Hague - and all this and more - has disturbed the work and decent human beings.

I listened intently to the many members of the General Assembly - and admire the tenacity and fortitude - of the General Assembly except for Russian - who have spoken truth to power. 

Belarus has agreed to side with Russia - and against Ukraine - this decision by Belarus is uncalled for - and the United Nations and many of its members of United Nations - have called upon Belarus - to follow the principles of the United Nations.

No sovereign nation that values its freedom should not be accosted by invasion and more illegal atrocities.

The use of cluster bombs - using missiles to target civilians - and commit horrendous crimes - adversely impacting infants, children, women, our Elders, and those with compromised health. 

We thank all nations who have come to the aid of Ukraine at the eleventh hour - this much need help - will help keep Russia and its evil actions a bay.

The support by the United Nations and the member nations is critical - time is running out - and we must stand shoulder to shoulder with the Ukrainian people.

The United Nations must work to keep the peace - and towards this end - the United Nations - cannot allow Russia and Vladimir Putin -to perpetrate genocide on the innocent people of Ukraine - more the infants, children, youth, and Elders. 

Sunday, February 27, 2022



Ukrainians, each of them - able-bodied carry weapons to defend the Motherland. Ukrainians have shown the world that our freedom is precious. Here in America, the fanatics - are moving in the opposite direction - many favor Vladimir Putin - that is a crying shame.

We must respect our Elders - those that harm infants, children, our Elders, are evil. Vladimir Putin - is having second thoughts - Putin wants to negotiate. In the interim - today - Ukrainians will be replenished with missiles and other much-needed war equipment to ward off the evil Vladimir Putin and his lackeys. 

Ukraine has shown that when one understands true freedom, any nation can keep the evil that autocracy brings at bay.

Ukrainians have tenacity and fortitude  - they are untied as one large family - they work united - and have shown the world - how we must be united.

The flag of the United States.

Here in the United States, the Republicans are divisive and want to destroy all the good that exists in the United States.

The United States military has stated clearly and made it very clear our United States constitution is what the United States military adheres to - panders to no one else.

This one factor is necessary to comprehend and understand - keep at bay the fanatics - who love to destroy and desecrate here in the United States.

This January 6, 2022, we saw what happened at Capitol Hill in Washington DC.  

The flag of Ukraine.

Kudos to the Ukrainians who, by using the baseline requirements - have kept the Russians at bay - for now.

Ukrainians - taking some causalities - but inflicting a blow to the Russians - many young Russian soldiers - who do not like being sent to fight their sisters and brothers.

The Russian people in Moscow and other places are protesting. 

We must distinguish who is on our side - the side of true freedom - and those that will not tolerate dictatorship and blatant - autocracy.

America and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) could have done better - they have not truly stood shoulder to shoulder.

Now, at the eleventh hour - those that underestimated the Ukrainians - fully understand - the Ukrainians are unique - they have witnessed war for decades - most recently in 2014.

America and NATO should have put a blueprint to help Ukraine to enable them to defend their Motherland - the Ukrainians need shoulder missiles other much-needed equipment.

For a nation - to resort to Molotov cocktails - and take on tanks with a knee - has brought memories of past events - the world over.

When one person can make a difference and send a strong message - of defiance against those that are evil - that counts. 

Every breath counts - our world has been turned turpsy curvy - by a few loudmouth fanatics - we must stand united and silence them - now.

The Security Council at the United Nations

It is a shame that in the year 2022 - we still have not learned anything much. The United Nations was formed in San Francisco on October 24, 1945 - here in San Francisco. Most San Franciscans have no clue about that.

Many do not know that the Charter was signed at the War Memorial on Van Ness in San Francisco. We have a United Nations Plaza today - that area is desecrated by the filth - and the Mayor of San Francisco - has no clue what I am talking about.

When the matter came before the Security Council - the Chair who happened to be Russian - vetoed the resolution - forcing the United States and NATO to take measures and support Ukraine.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations made it very clear - that he did not like how the Chair of the Security Council, a Russian - was biased and used his veto power - for all the wrong reasons.

When 51 nations formed the United Nations - all hope that we would be able to address -  any nation invading another country - without cause - this happened recently when Vladimir Putin - invaded Ukraine.

Today, Vladimir Putin wants to negotiate - I do not trust him.

On the other hand, I predicted that Vladamir Putin would fall on his face, and today would be that day. 

At that time, I saw Ukrainians wining but did not know-how.

I know now that by today - the Ukrainians will be empowered - not only by weapons and other equipment - but - there will be some sort of truce. 

I never expected Germany to support Ukraine with weapons - this is the first time they have done that in over 75 years.

The United States has promised $350 million - and Ukrainians - have other Ukrainians abroad who have the money and can help - the Great Spirit sees it all. Aho.

I believe each of us must do something - I want our infants, children, youth, women, our Elders, those with compromised health - to be safe. 

I have written about this to inform all that we will have failed ourselves and humanity if we do not stand tall and represent.

I have good friends all over the world who support me. Thanks for your support, and thanks for understanding - in the year 2022, we much not tolerate - crimes against humanity. 

We must not tolerate - " crimes against humanity " this time around; the Hague is ready to charge Vladimir Putin and his lackeys. Aho.


Saturday, February 26, 2022



We must hold Vladimir Putin accountable - crimes against humanity - crimes against humanity - let us not capitulate to the thug - Vladimir Putin.

Ukrainians are leaving Ukraine in droves - with the clothes and little else - to save their lives and more their infants, children, youth, the Elders, those with compromised health - and this horror has been imposed on them by Vladimir Putin - a thug.

This is not a time to talk - this is a time for dire action - we can gather airpower and STOP the invasion - already - the Ukrainians have stalled the progress of the Russian tanks - it is now or never. 

It is simply horrific that Russia is using tanks and heavy air power to kill and maim and try to reach Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine - the Russians were stalled for some time - bridges blown up - other obstacles put in the way of the Russian tanks.

Ukraine has several nuclear power plants - and not far from these power plants -  Chernobyl that we all remember - specialized engineers - have been keeping the plant under control - and now the Russians are bossing them - which may cause a meltdown.

Vladimir Putin does not give a damn - among those who will be most impacted living in the Donbas region.

Donbas has a sizeable Russian population with an alliance to Russia - they all speak the Russian language.

What has this Elder done - to put her in harm's way - the world is watching - what are we doing on a War Footing - even the Pope is fast asleep  - he could send an emissary to Vladimir Putin - with a solid letter to stop this madness.

The Ukraine army was tested before in 2014 - this time, they are better armed - the Ukrainian soldiers have shoulder carrying missiles - that can disarm tanks and other military vehicles - and hold the thug Russians sent by Vladimir Putin at bay.

The United States understands war, and during and after World War II assisted and helped Europe - the United States has supported the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Right this very minute - the Ukrainian people need our help - we can use our airpower - this is an emergency - this is about life and death - and not some convoluted legalese - casting a dark shadow.

This situation will create over 5 million refugees - amid a pandemic - and here is a demon - Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov  - participating in killing and maiming innocent Ukrainians - crimes against humanity.  

There must be a mechanism for the World Courts - to meet and send out a clarion call - and adjudicate this pressing matter on a War Footing - crimes against infants, children, youth, women, our Elders - those with compromised health - those what are on a fixed income - and have no place to go. What is so difficult to comprehend. 

Missiles landing in the bedroom - targeting civilians - Vladimir Putin must be ashamed of himself - ruthless bastard.

Can anyone send a message to Vladimir Putin - that the time has come for him to STOP this nonsense today - Vladimir Putin will fall on his face today. Makes no bones about this fact.

Friday, February 25, 2022



The flag of the United States.

October 24, 1945, soon after World War II was winding down - 51 nations gathered at the War Memorial in San Francisco - to sign the United Nations Charter.

Plans were afoot to locate the U.N. Headquarters at the San Francisco Presidio of San Francisco.

Sixth Army and Presidio of San Francisco - had done well in the Pacific Rim and in other parts during the World War II push to deal with the Third Reich, Italy, and Japan.

The Rockferllas in New York had the money to suggest and move the United Nations to New York, and that happened with the United Nations having their first building in 1947.

War is not for the faint of heart.

When we go to war, we must use every diplomatic means - to bring about a truce, peace, and create time to think and pause - war primarily affects those who cannot defend themselves.

We know thousands, and maybe millions of civilians may die - including infants, children, women, our Elders, those with compromised health - doing the needs assessment - after any battle is daunting.

I participated with the logistics and other support during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. Paradoxically, today few remember that war - it lasts a short time - compared to North Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan.

It was a WAR none the less - with few casualties - and long-term adverse impacts to our soldiers - women and men - exposed to the dangerous chemicals.

Recently we had President Joe Biden agree to remove our troops from Afghanistan - by August 31, 2021. Based on an agreement Donald Trump an egoistical maniac, made with the Taliban - that has NO sound national status.

Americans may not comprehend the extent of this madness - but anyway one looks at it - it sets the tone for what is happening today - in Ukraine - and how the world looks upon the United States - supposedly a Super Power.

The Taliban made a mess of Afghanistan - the United States a Super Power - made a bigger mess of Afghanistan after operating military activities for over 20 years - with nothing much to show in terms of stability and helping the Afghans in a meaningful way.

Please read this agreement signed between the United States - a Super Power and the Taliban, thugs. Thugs with NO ability to rule, less understand the process, no nation worth the salt will acknowledge the Taliban:

Over 5 million Ukrainians will become refugees - the world has become used to the word " refugees. " Reminiscent of Dafur. Cambodia, Sudan, Syria, Afghanistan, and now Ukraine. Living in camps - stressed out - the United Nations - more the Security Council with China and Russia with VETO powers - these two Super Powers - have blood on their hands.

Vladimir Putin and his thugs - continue to use missiles to damage building over 250 people, including Ukrainian soldiers, have died - soon it will be house to house - hand fights with the Russian soldiers - and when the Russian soldiers meet heavy casualties - the Russians will simply - bomb the locations - where there is resistance - those primarily impacted infants, children, Elders, those with compromised health - is someone listening? 

Today and tomorrow, we have a very narrow window of opportunity to bring about a cease-fire - the Pope, President Joe Biden, the leaders from France, Italy, Germany - others - who can do better - are pussyfooting - this is about life and death. 

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - must go to the World Courts and charge Vladimir Putin and Sergio Lavroc  - Putin's sidekick - who speaks English - and is pompous - crimes against humanity.

Our Media - the western media - love their commentaries - remote control. They did this during Desert Storm/ Desert Shield - the Iraq war - Afghanistan - the Media, to say the least - is dubious - shallow and inept.

Pompous, jackass - Sergei Lavrov acts as Vladimir Putin sidekick - Vladimir Putin and Sergei Lavrov - must be charged in the World Courts - crimes against humanity.

We have no single world leader in handling this matter - we seem to tolerate war and ignore the United Nations.

It is time we visit the United Nations and the power given to the Five to have Veto Power. In recent times China and Russia - have shown their defiance and bias openly.

I noticed this recently at the United Nations Security Council - the Chair was from Russia - acting like a fool.

We are talking about war - involving death in the thousands. Millions are becoming refugees impacting other nations in the middle of a pandemic. 

We seem to enjoy - those becoming homeless - innocent folks from Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan - now Ukraine.

Ukraine already suffered several times before and after World War II - we seem not to read about history - the untold suffering imposed on Ukraine. 

NATO, United States, France, Germany, Italy, Canada - others should have made a sound " needs assessment " - it seems - we wait for the eleventh hour to do something - and his mentality must STOP.

Russia can be STOP - by targeting the source - it is not impossible to take out Vladimir Putin and his stooges - this fuck nonsense of sanctions - will not work.

Russian hackers have stolen over 200 billion - that the United States will not disclose or reveal - of course, America has the ability - to print money - the dollar is still - Almighty - but for how long?

We have information where Vladamir Putin is located - we have data - from those close to Vladamir Putin - we must topple this egoistical maniac who is worse than Adolf Hitler.

Imagine the Ukrainians are putting up a fight and stalling the progress of the Russian tanks - now we need to provide the necessary - shoulder-held missiles - that can take out the tanks.
Now we need to get the aid - through Poland - or other routes - better known to the CIA.

NATO has to act now - and act with force - with the United States making up for the mistake we made in Afghanistan- now is the time, and time is running out.

We have today and tomorrow to knock Vladimir Putin to the ground - and we are in the 21st century - and act as if we are in the 1940s - with lack of logistical plans, strategies that are not working - we can defeat the Russian - and must win by any means necessary. 

I can see Vladimir Putin sweating - paranoid - screaming and shouting - that he wants the Russian troops to move faster - and this is not happening. Vladamir Putin is a loser - but more than that, a coward.

In an emergency, we can use our bombers and use 5000 lbs bombs - to create deep craters - and stall the tanks. A short distance from the tanks, the bombs themselves will drive the Russian tank operators - bunkers. 

You may not know this - Vladimir Putin - is capable of bombing the Chernobyl Nuclear plant - that still has not to been capped - we cannot take such risks. We must not allow this egoistical maniac to live one single day -  we must take this paranoid nut - out. Take Putin - out!


Thursday, February 24, 2022



In the days to come, thousands of innocent Ukrainians will suffer - just because they do not want to be under any autocratic government - under a " thug " like Vladimir Putin - who now must be taken out - make no bones - the Russian people detest him - but can do little - we can bring him to his knees now - the man is suffering from acute paranoia. We cannot negotiate with a mad person.

History has not been kind to Ukraine - over the hundred and fifty years, the Ukrainians have suffered just because of their location. Stalin starved the Ukrainians and then blamed the Ukrainians themselves.

For the last 30 years - the people of Ukraine have managed to vote for Democracy - no mean feat - while most of Europe and the United States, England, Canada, and others have been watching the Ukraine situation - with little or no concern. 

We know something about history - the exact thing that is happening today in Ukraine happened before - during World War II - with Hitler attacking nations with provocation and taking over governments - purging the Jews and causing untold harm to those who confronted the Nazis - the Third Reich.

Hundreds of Russian tanks surround Ukraine - added missiles, including hypersonic missiles that radar cannot detect. Vladimir Putin threatening Ukraine with cyber-attacks - and even threatening to use nuclear weapons. President Joe Biden has no clue about the danger and consequences of cyberattacks - and less about hypersonic missiles - the Russians already are in Ukraine and in control of the airports and more.

These makeshift trenches at the most allow anyone to watch over the movement of the troops at ground zero. What makes this type of monitoring better are the use of tanks with missiles to wipe out Russian tanks - other shoulder-held missiles - and drones that can reveal the GPS of the enemy and keep them at bay. 

Vladimir Putin is a liar. Much like Donald Trump. Much like the Republicans who are now making small talk. The Republicans never expected Vladimir Putin - to invade Ukraine - in this manner. No one expected  Vladimir Putin - to use hundreds of missiles to cause damage and control of strategic locations and targets - airports, government buildings, electric grids, any facilities - that hampers the Ukraine government.

As the hours go by - hundreds of innocent people will die - innocent people that we could have saved through good diplomatic talks - we the United States tried some - but failed miserably.

Again, we must go to the fiasco in Afghanistan that revealed to the world - that we, the United States, could invade any nation.

Stay for 20 years - as we did in Afghanistan - leave it in a mess - and really leave it - in a worse condition - without keeping our promise to help those we promised to help.

We left billions of dollars of guns, ammunition, tanks, other equipment - that we could have donated to nations like Ukraine.

We did not. We left it for the Taliban to use - even our military uniforms - and no one gives a damn - why we do this - and why do we invade other nations - who have not attacked us - anyway.

This photograph reveals some damage - soon we will see more - and with it human casualties and more. We must do all in our power - to STOP this carnage - and use our might to make a point.

The Russians have hundreds of tanks - Ukraine lacks equipment - and this and other needed equipment should have been in place - a long time ago. Again and again, the Ukrainian Government for help - the United States could have done better - had we done a sound needs assessment - he laughs best who laughs last.


Last night - I head the member nations - on the Security Council - 
each one repeating what Vladamir Putin must do - while the Five members with Veto powers - pussyfooting - the worst among them Mainland China and Russia - the chair a Russian - adjudicating a Russian issue - and openly siding with Russia.

United Nations was formed in San Francisco - and the Charter signed at the War Memorial - on the Van Ness side - San Francisco City Hall overlooking the War Memorial.

Plans were afoot to headquarters the United Nations at the Presidio of San Francisco - an open military base - Sixth U.S. Army and Presidio of San Francisco - in place.
This did not happen - the Rockefellers had the money and convinced the rich and famous - to move the headquarters to New York. The initial building in New York was completed in 1949.

The Security Council met last night and did their best.

Last night I heard the Security Council members making their arguments. Even the African nations, Ghana and Kenya  - speak truth to power. The Irish delegate making her point - even the United Emirates - pressing forward. The Big Five are not united - more, they do not embrace what the United Nations was created - in San Francisco - October 24, 1945 - in San Francisco, California.

The United Nations - some 51 nations agreed - never again could any government invade another country - without first going through a process to bring about peace - the United Nations would be that body - and has been in place - all these many years.

Today we have a mad man Vladamir Putin - paranoiac consumes this demon -  Vladamir Putin does not care about the infants, the children, women, our Elders - those with compromised health.

The Russian people themselves do not like him.
 He is a dictator - his way of the high course - a thug of the first order. 

A KGB agent that we should have had nothing to do with.

 Yet George Bush invited the demon to his farm in Texas.

 Donald Trump sold him our secrets - today, we are dealing with Lucifer himself.


Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Vladimir Putin, the consummate liar, choreographs his appearances - thinking he can fool all the people all the time - no way. A known thug and liar - we must deal with this cancer - now.

The sanctions came too late - and Vladimir Putin has already stashed billion, and now - right now - he is selling millions of gallons of petroleum barrels - at a higher rate. 

The United States has lost its standing on the world map - President Joe Biden was too slow sending a more vital message to Vladimir Putin - a thug - a bully - and a person with no character - a liar of the worst order.  

We have learned nothing much from the horrific results of World War II,  Korean War, the Viet Nam War, the other recent wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria - and other places too many to name.

We look at a situation as and when it happens - too late. We do not take the time to do a needs assessment and stop things from catching on fire too quickly.

There is little one can do once there is a raging inferno except watch the cinders burn and the ashes spread around. 

Psaki - the White House Press representative - tries her best putting her best foot forward - has little knowledge about the diabolic Vladimir Putin - and his ability to lie to President Joe Biden and get away with murder.

Luhansk and Donetsk, and Crimea are part of Ukraine - there are many treaties signed that state this fact. Vladimir Putin does not want to adhere to this fact. He wants Ukraine under his control, on his terms -  Putin will NOT be able to do this - this time. We need to kick his ass this time and tell him when we will do this.

We may not know this, but those in the know - are fully aware that for the longest time - we have harbored  Russian oligarchy - Putin's inner friends who act on his behalf and rack in billions.

The new rules now allow the United States to freeze the primary account and anyone related to the primary account. This is moving in the right direction - we do not know - if Vladimir Putin and his cronies - early on moved vast amounts of money - billions as much as 120 billion dollars - and stashed this money - in other, sordid dens. 

Six months ago - August 31, 2021 - President Joe Biden agreed to leave Afghanistan - denying thousands of decent Afghans - promised to leave Afghanistan. Today - we are shifting our attention to Ukraine, and soon we will have to deal with refugees again. These crimes against humanity - committed by the Superpowers, be it Russia or the United States - are not adjudicated with the facts that stand out and must be dealt with - with fair play and stern justice - by the Hague and other worthy judges.

President Joe Biden did not have to adhere to the agreement made by Donald Trump with the Taliban.

The Taliban are not recognized by anyone - not the United Nations - they are thugs of the highest order. The Taliban are criminals - they will never, ever prosper. They will fall on their face - as I stated six months ago.

President Joe Biden left Afghanistan in a mess - the deaths of the infants, children, youth, Elders, those with compromised health - those dying daily - is upon him.

In other words, he has BLOOD on his hands.


Fewer of us remember the bombing of the Bora Bora mountains. Soon - we will see the bombing in and around Ukraine - thousands will die - they should not die - but they will die.

We in the United States have poor leadership. Additionally, we do not have Congress and the Senate willing to stand united to serve our nation. We must get rid of these unworthy - scumbags - let them rot elsewhere  - have disgraced themselves and the human race.  

Franciso Da Costa - Director Environmental Justice Advocacy

I have traveled the world and seen Eastern Europe and Europe for myself - in the late 1970s.

I visited Europe ten years ago - and got a better feel of Europe - again. I keep in touch with my contact all over the world.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is poised to deal with Vladimir Putin. That is thirty nations strong.

Vladimir Putin is a thug - and the only way to deal with a thug of his kind - is to take him down.

General Floyd Austin
Secretary of Defense - United States

We have a very narrow window to deal with Vladimir Putin - and the United States military must act now.

The Russian people are at his mercy and have suffered too much - and there is more to come.

The time is come to take down the thug and clear the way.

The demon himself - compromised our nation.

Sold out nation to the enemies - one of them Putin.

The time has come to have sound leadership and undo the harm done by the demon himself - Donald Trump.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022



Ukraine soldiers love their nation - have held the government to Democratic values - are determined to keep Vladamir Putin at bay - this time around, Putin will learn his lesson. 

There was a time in America - for the love of the United States Constitution - our government set aside their petty difference and united - no more.

Mitch O'Connell keeps on acting like a brat - and those Republicans who have lost their mind - talk in circles.

The Democrats have brought this cancer on themselves - more Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer - one like a reed blowing in the wind - that is Nancy Pelosi. 

Chuck Schumer in the Senate who cannot bring his marginalized Senate - to vote with a win.

The Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), some thirty nations strong - are ready to teach Putin a lesson - this time around is not like before - Putin in 2014 messing with Crimea - then messing with Donetsk and Luhansk - in the Donbas region.

Most have forgotten about Chernobyl - the nuclear explosion of this nuclear plant - that adversely impacted the entire Donbas region.

The Donbas region is occupied mainly by Russians who have chosen to side with Russia - they could side with Ukraine - but by choosing to side with Russia, they will reap the fruits of their decision - saturated with hate.

Looking at this map, we have to pay attention to Poland and its neighbors. Russia cannot invade any nation and think they will get some tacit approval for a second. Putin is living in the past - the days of Rasputin are over - and we are far removed from the days of Lenin and Stalin.

The Russians have sent their tank into the Donbas area:

Vladamir Putin thinks that he will win by flexing his muscles.

This is not like posing with a white tiger - taking one shirt off - and thinking no end to himself.

Putin is a fool - because this time - if he harms the infants, the children, the many Elders - the innocent people of Ukraine - he will have to deal with a rain of fire. Crime against humanity.

Ukraine has been on stand by for thirty years - they also saw some action in 2014.

Ukraine is not part of NATO - Ukraine has been close to the United States and some countries like France, Germany, England - others too - so it is not as if Ukraine is alone.

No nation worth the salt - will hack the banks, the other critical department of any government - surround the government with tanks and missiles - and talk of help the nation that is being bullied.

President Joe Biden has lost it - he lost it with Afghanistan - and early on, I made it clear - Joe Biden is no stellar leader - he beats around the bush - kick the can down the street.

We remember D-Day and the thousands who died opposing Hitler and his minion - only for Vladamir Putin to resurrect another scenario - in Donbas - a figment of his imagination - the era of Lenin and Stalin are over  - Putin can dream - wake up and experience his worst nightmare. 


The tanks are moving in - it is easy to get into a war - difficult to get out of wartime will tell :

It is now left to our military - within twenty-four hours - to put Putin on notice. 

We must fight fire with fire - and send a robust military message to Putin.

Secretary of Defense Floyd Austin

Secretary of State - one step forward, five steps backward

Antony Blinken

General Mark Milley 

This is one time we - the free world - must send a powerful message to Vladamir Putin.

We must put our values and very high standards on display for all the world to see - we do not want to see another Afghanistan. 

We have 10,000 United States troops aligned with other friendly nations in the European theatre - ready to stand shoulder to shoulder and deliver.

Vladamir Putin must understand the capacity and ability of NATO soldiers, both women, and men, to make a difference before Putin acts foolishly.

The Germans have decided we do not want the Russian Nord Stream Two  - let us make it clear to Putin that he can have that pipeline in place if he behaves.

Putin misbehaves, and his gas pipeline is entirely obliterated.

This is also the time to inform our International Court - and this invasion of Ukraine by Russia - will involve thousands of dead - crimes against humanity - this is important - as we have the calculation - and the types of missiles that will come to play.

Vladamir Putin keeps on bully - he is also paranoid - he thinks someone will take him down, which may be true.

We, the free world, must make it very clear to Vladamir Putin  - that his paranoia will not STOP us.

If he makes one single mistake - our warnings - verified by Putin's Generals - the world will know once and for all - who is in charge.

Finally, the Russian people do not want war.

Today in Russia, most Russians could have a better life - if they get rid of Vladamir Putin - an autocrat and demon.

The world courts must step up and send a letter to the free world leaders and Russia - the imminent possibility of crime against humanity.

If infants, children, Elders, those with compromised health - someone will have BLOOD on their hands - who could that entity be?

If the battle starts in any form, millions will suffer - one idiot - Putin has no right - to start this war - with a military force - dubious in nature. Aho.