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Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Headquarters - San Francisco Public Utilities
Commission - at 525 Golden Gate Avenue -
San Francisco  - the wheeling and dealing -
abject corruption - knows NO bounds.

The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) has lost several important cases against Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E). More, cases on the way - without doing their homework - SFPUC again and again - fall into the trap - wasting millions of dollars - losing so many court cases.

At the many SFPU Commission meetings - the SFPUC Commission goes into " close session" often to discuss its many lost Court Cases to PG&E.

The Public is kept out - and when the session begins - the SF Public Utilities Commission - all consent NOT to disclose anything to the public at large.

This nonsense has been going on for years. 

We the tax payers pay our taxes, the salaries of these corrupt folks - these vermin waste our hard earned taxes - there is NO transparency and accountability - the SF Public Utilities Commission is an anathema. A disgrace to the human race.

PG&E has a monopoly over electricity and natural gas - in Northern California.

It has also in recent months incurred horrendous damages to its equipment, overhead high powered transmission lines, and operations.

The two main large fires - that made National News - impacted thousands - known as the Napa Fire and the Butte County Fire.

SFPUC has failed the tax payers and constituents of San Francisco and in recent years the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA) - when it comes to steady distribution linked to clean drinking water - and agreements signed that cannot be kept.

It has been over two years - from time to time  - in many areas - we experience foul smell.

An access of chloramine -  the taste of the once Hetch Hetchy clean drinking water is no more.

Along the way from Hetch Hetchy - water is added - and in some locations - ground water - that is subject to contamination and a higher detection of Lead, Mercury and Nitrates.

SFPUC has not maintain standards linked to the Water System Improvement Project (WSIP).

Wasting millions on Mountain Tunnel - even after millions were spent on an initial inspection by Jacobs - in recent times over $140 million plus will be spent - to fix cracks and crevices.

The  Calaveras Dam - millions of dollars over the above the budget.

The Irvington Tunnel Project - more millions - hoodwinking the public in broad daylight.

The many clean drinking water pipes are old - over 90 years old and have not been replaced. Millions of gallons of water leech - and as much as I have been stating this fact - no one wants to deal with the issue at hand.

Daily millions of gallons - clean drinking water are leeching into the ground - and  no one want to deal with this issue.

We have too many skyscrapers in San Francisco - all these dense building and other buildings - use clean drinking water to flush their toilets. 

Juliet Ellis - charged by the 
Fair Political and Practices Commission -
she was fined and mandated to return 
$200,000 to Green For All - 
a non-profit that she worked out and was
on the Board of Directors.

We are in the year 2019 and no one - wants to address this fact. These jackasses can talk from both sides of the mouth - and have failed to maintain standards - they must step down - now.

More some one like Juliet Ellis.

The two Assistant General Managers the primary one linked to the Infrastructure and Construction the secondary linked to External Affairs and and added title Chief Strategist - her name is Juliet Ellis - have failed the tax payers.

Again and again the drab presentations - present by the SFPUC staff -  do not reveal the truth - and the recent presentations have been pathetic - to say the least. 

Some SFPUC presenters are bold enough to lie - and when the Freedom of Information Action is used - they authorities that be - created all sorts of excuses not to shed light on the many nefarious activities - and the SFPUC hide under the dirty rug.

Barbara Hale once worked for the 
California Public Utilities Commission -
she was brought to SFPUC -
by Susan Leal and has failed to serve the tax payers.

Barbara Hale has just realized that she cannot handle PG&E and it just a matter of time - before she throws the towel and fades into oblivion. 

San Francisco Clean Power is going No where.

Mostly - because SF Clean Power had to work with PG&E to provide its service - and for some time has been able to hoodwink the public but not at this moment.

PG&E in recent months have sent several important notices - warning all customers that it serves including SF Clean Power customers - that it will - turn off its main electrical power - at the many sub-stations - to avoid fires such as we witnessed at Napa and Butte County.

Further more PG&E has stated that to turn on the power - it may take days - and that San Francisco per se - could see total " black outs " for days on end.

Now, this has not happened in a long time - we have had some " black outs " for some hours but not for days on end.

Also PG&E has revealed a general plan - where the power will come on gradually - so as not to " impact the circuit breakers " keeping in mind - the likelihood of fires - from surges that are not monitored.

The SF Public Utilities Commission staff - leading the charge Barbara Hale - make general statements - the increase in SF Clean Power accountants - other vague statements.

We wait for the time when we experience the  " black outs " - and need emergency services. 

Also when PG&E increases its rates and the SF Clean Power increase the rates too.

A time will come - when SF Clean Power - will not be able to provide the services - and more handle the huge operation expenses.

Right now on many fronts the SF Public Utilities Commission is in a flux - they talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.

The Sewer System Improvement Project is moving at a very slow pace.

The Phelps Raw Sewage Treatment Plant has had several Notice of Violations (NOVs) none of them have been discussed at the SF Public Utilities Commission. 

Watch out for Greg Norby 

Greg Norby the Assistant General Manager linked to the Waste Water Enterprises - has replaced Tommy Moala - and does not know how to handle the situation at hand. More the many Notice of Violations - that mandate the plant be shut down.

It is the same at the Ocean Waste Water Treatment plant - the entire Computer System shut down. It took the SF Public Utilities Commission three days - to fix the antiquated computer system and the " software " that has to be up graded.

Harlan Kelly the General Manger makes over $350,000 a year, Willian Carlin over $260,000. 

Juliet Ellis over $230,000 with benefits, so does Barbara Hale, and a host of other corrupt and crooked SFPUC employees - we all pay their salaries.

In the private industry - all of them would be fired - taking into account the standard of work executed - too many cost over runs.

The Sewer System Improvement Project started with a $6 Billion sum - and now will cost over $12 Billion and more.

Again the SFPUC Staff come before the SF Board of Supervisors - before the SF Public Utilities Commission and hoodwink the public with presentations - that are full of lies - and fake projections.

Monday, August 26, 2019


We human beings more those that are Greedy - love to clear cut large areas of vital forests -  that all life need to flourish and survive.

Many of these trees have been in place for hundreds of years - and more for thousands of years in one location. Add to that fauna, flors, birds, insects, frogs, the millions of species of all kinds of life - and we begin to understand - our Mother Earth works for us  all.

Some human beings fail to understand - that we human being - homo sapiens - rely and depend on breathing " clean air " -  need clean drinking water and air - now becoming - a vital necessity  - to our very human - survival.

Missing in the current discussion - Brazil has had in recent years - had many changes in their government at home.

Very little is known to the world - how recent governments have changed - and how past leaders have been lingering in jail - some of them on trumped up charges.

The present Brazilian President thought he could avoid the nefarious activities happening linked to the Amazon Forests.

Even as some nations are willing to help Brazil - in their deep need for help. The Brazilian President wants an apology from the President of France - which he will NOT get.

Goes to show you how dictators and morons impact our world. Add to the on going adverse impacts - when it comes to pollution and contamination -  that we have one - in the White House.

Time to form the Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern Command to fight fire - here in the United States - North America and South America.

The United States can take the lead the equip the needed  Boeing 747s that go into retirement - but can be operated of another 10 years.

Help put out fires where the planes are needed - planes that can carry huge amount of retardants and complete the mission.

The United States having the experience of logistics, state of the art - Global Positioning Equipment, Communication expertise, Maintenance excellence - a Global Fund that fund and support this Global Firefighting Mission - to area that need it - year round.

As I said Amazon, Google, FaceBook, Walmart, Bank of America, Discover Card, Chase Bank - other banks and financial institution that prey on people - in short all these entities that rake in million -  other corporations can and will support this cause that impacts all humanity. 

Time will tell.

The Amazon Forests - provide over 20% of our Earth's clean air - to help millions of human beings and other life - breathe easy and survive.

The President of Brazil today has realized that he must adhered to some - rules and regulations.

The same holds good for the United States - when it comes to our Carbon Footprint - that United States are contributed to Climate Change - it is all connected.

The G7 has made a measly $20 million to contain the Amazon raging fire - Actor Leonardo Dicaprio has contributed $5 million.

How about the the giant Amazon  - that is raking billions - make a worthwhile contribution.

Facebook, FaceBook, Google, others - all to help Mother Earth - establish a Fund - that can curtail the raging fires - all over the world.

We all know that many good things happened at the Paris Agreement.

It is alway good when the leading nations of the world - agree to something - and a start is made.

It is a horrible things for the Unites States not to agree to the one of a kind meetings on Climate Change where we failed to agree - be it at the Climate Change meeting held in Japan and South Africa - then to get out of a agreement and the  vital Climate Change Paris meeting.  


The present man we have in charge at the White House - is a clown - and wants to be at the center of attention.

We see it at all the meetings he has had - more his wheeling and dealing - with North Korea, Canada, the last G7 meeting, the Paris Climate Agreement, the back and forth with Canada and the G7 nations - now.

At recent Press Meeting I witnessed on CNN - the man is just talking about his own sordid achievements - he must be charged and " impeached " - so that before he fails in 2020 - he comes to his senses.

Climate Change is something some of us - environmentalists - have been monitoring for over 40 years and I have known others that I know - environmentalist for over 60 years.

Camp Oceti Sakowin - North Dakota -
we went from San Francisco -
to show our solidarity -
with the Lakota Nation and honor 
Chief Sitting Bull who united the Lakota Nation.

Water is Life - and some of us who went to North Dakota to stand in solidarity with the Lakota Nation - honor our respected and good friend that I have deep feelings for - and have not met - because he lived far before my time - Chief Sitting Bull - Chief Sitting Bull - united the Lakota Nation.

I speak about the fact above to state categorically - that much before the White Persons landed on Turtle Island - the Native American Tribes - lived  on Turtle Island - for over 13,000 years - some anthropologist and archeologists say - 15,000 years - Carbon Dated.

now want to honor and connect the indigenous people - who still live in the Amazon Forests.

These indigenous people - loved by the Great Spirit - for all the time they have lived - have protected and nurtured the Amazonia Forests for thousands of years.

Only for the invaders in this case the Portuguese come and destroy - contaminate and pollute - their Sacred Land and domain.

For other nations - including the United States - to participate in nefarious trade - timber and lumber, coffee, all sorts of minerals, in recent times oil - hurting Mother Earth.

The One Percent that control 95 percent of the United States - an area consisting an area 3,717,812.8 square miles - and a  growing population of about 340 million.

We - meaning, the United States of America - do not have a population of 2 billion as does China. 

India that has over 1 and half billion, Indonesia that has a large population in the millions.

The point I am making here is that in the United States - we have a very large area - plus Alaska and other territories - mostly stolen.

We bought  California, Alaska and Texas and other areas and sill we want - more.

Now, we want to buy Greenland - and we can keep on dreaming.

The United States - has a small population when compared with other nations - worldwide.

Yet we continue to contaminate and pollute what we have and contribute more to the existing Carbon Footprint. 

We must create a website - where we post our data - the contamination and pollution in real time - tallying all the many factors - that we leave out - spewing fake data - when it comes to contamination and pollution.

Yet we the United States have the audacity to pollute and contaminate - and contribute a lot to the Caron Footprint -  ashamedly so - using fossil fuel.

Bombing - the environment with mercury, lead, atomic elements cesium, plutonium, and so on - dangerous particulates and more.

Never once have we apologized to the Native Americans whose land we stole - we stole their land and what is worse we contaminated it - and continue to contaminate and pollute it - and thumb our nose - and think that all is well.

We need to apologize to the world for being a nefarious partner - and contributing actively to the Carbon Footprint - in recent times - triggering tariffs - that further divide and world and cause divisiveness.

The sitting President picking fights with the leaders of other nation - NATO as a whole - as if he the school yard bully - acting like a brat.

As pompous as he is - the U.S. President is taking the entire Nation down the drain - into the cesspool of his own - creation.

The raging Amazonia Fire - is just the tip of the iceberg.

The people of the Untied States have an opportunity - in 2020 - to rid off a stinking source of putrid smell.

The source one egoistical maniac - you all know - who he is.

We must always remember to honor the Native Americans - call upon them - as they do - when they meet anywhere - call upon the Great Spirit - turn to the four corners - and always mention the Host Nation - where they meet to conduct their business.

Saturday, August 24, 2019


We have some one in the White House who thinks the entire world - revolves - around him and his mind that is constantly in a dire flux - he lies, imagines, hallucinates and he absolutely,  believes that at all times - he must be the center of attraction.

These tariffs that he places on nations - in recent times  nations like China hurt us all.

We the people - who pay the taxes - are adversely impacted by these one sided tariffs. 

Every home, every adult who works - will pay more - on an average $1800 per year.

Our contemporary economy today - has many factors that have not come together like a perfect storm ever since our Nation was founded.

While the Federal Bank is doing its best - many citizens in the Untied States say that they are satisfied with the job market.

Many of these who say so - have stocks and shares that are doing well - and will do will on the long run. Some 15% of our population that is about 340 million.

When it comes to some segments of the United States population - that believe is fair trade - if the tides goes against them - created by these tariffs - all hell breaks loose.

Right now the farmers are being royally screwed - the paradox they favored and voted for the egoistical maniac. The tariffs are too much to bear and the farmers - do not know who to turn to. 

Farming and the product they sell from hogs, to beef, to grain, wine, pistachios, almonds,  to all sorts of fruits, vegetables, and so on - is a huge economy that has hit bottom.

President Xi Jinping of China -
a dictator for life -
if you oppose the government - you just disappear -
yet our Nation for decades has capitulated 
to the Communist.

Americans are so naive that they have NO idea - long before President became the head of today Community Party. The Chinese Community Party - purged millions of decent and innocent Chinese. Many of them landlords, many of them middle class to being the message closer to home - and over and above anyone who opposed the Chinese Communist Party with its headquarters in Beijing. 

China is a communist nation - its President Xi Jinping is a dictator for life.

President Xi Jinping - has lived in the United States as a student - and visited us - enough to known that these tariffs do not come from the " people of the United States " - but some one who has lost his mind - who is illogical in common terms - we may call him crazy - crazy..

We just cannot carry on on any level and front - linked to a healthy economy - opposing our friendly nations, increasing tariffs on a whim, during our economy by adversely large segments of  our population.

The recession is here - and as the egoistical maniac - carries his tirades and tantrums on TWITTER - we all will suffer.

There is a rainbow on the horizon - the egoistical maniac will not win the 2020 Elections.

Hopefully he will be charged and will face a prison term - where he can write his memoirs.

Speaker of the House - Nancy Pelosi -
she keeps kicking the can down the street -
the impeachment process should have begun -
a year ago - time will tell.

Nancy Pelosi could have started the " impeachment process "   - one year ago.

However - she chooses to play it safe - and that is poor leadership. 

The young Turks in the Democratic Party have capitulated to the " Speaker of the House " - and that is a big mistake.

Over 55% of the citizens of the United States - want this egoistical maniac - impeached. He has made the office of the President of  the United States - a laughing stock - for all the world to see the absurdity of a Super Power - denigrated.

China has hurt the feeling of the egoistical maniac - his daughter Ivanka - has had her clothing designs, other business endeavors - thrown to the wind.

Ivanka's inventory removed - from the many stores where they were displayed.

Her husband Kushner is on the " shit list " - all his demonic deals - mostly " Real Estate " - put on the back burner. 

Kushner and his family owe millions - if not billions in taxes - and had hoped for the Chinese to give him succor - he got a hot rod up his fucking ass - and deserve it - he had it coming. 

Kushner deserves this treatment - this slick, evil weasel, who thinks - he is has the power of a world ambassador - who in reality - is not worthy to get minimum clearance - he is a tool for the Zionists.

This one act by China - depriving Ivanka to do business - where both Ivanka and Kushner that put all their eggs in one basket - has triggered the worst -  dilemma - in the White House and the many dens - where wheeling and deal is going on - on a Mafia level.

The  egoistical maniac - has fire coming from his ears, eyes, and other crevices - the egoistical maniac - has been throwing tantrums - and his tweets keep coming in droves - more, daily in the wee mornings.

We the United States - once repeated by the world for our empathy and compassion - standing for humanity and human rights - are all dashed.

The office of the President of the United States as represent by the one in the White House - has dashed all hopes, and there is so much bitterness - that some of it adversely the citizens of the United States - we are the laughing stock of the entire world. 

We are a Republic - our checks and balances have been neutralized by this maniac - the aging Electoral System pitting itself against the Popular Vote - and met with a new front - one man has totally toppled the Conservative Republican Party.

The paradox the man was a Democracy - who became a Republic - to become the head of a type Republic Party - that is back by White Nationalists steeped with Nazi principles of hate and destruction against anyone that opposes them.

The head of the Federal Reserve Back - Jerome Hyden Powell was chided and mocked - this is not what we do to the head of the Federal Reserve Bank.

The Federal Reserve Bank  - which is a private entity and was created by law by President Woodrow Wilson - December 13, 1913.

Today G7 Nations are meeting in France and while we in America are talking about the large fires linked to the Amazon - that supplies us with over 20% of our oxygen.

The G7 Nation will talk - but let us see what they do.

The egotistical egoist will not open his mouth - even though the Unites States proffers breathing a substantial portion of the 20% of the Amazonian Oxygen - that we take for granted.

20% of the Oxygen we breathe - 
comes from the Amazonian Forests -
that act like huge lungs -
helping our breathing and we do not give a second thought -
some greedy bastards - will clear cut forest -
contaminated and polluted and not give a damn.

It bothers me - for all our talk -
we do not have a plan - on a War Footing -
for those Nations now at the G7
and others who can help - rush the necessary -
triage, communication, firefighting, eco friendly
know how and vetted models - to address the deep 
concerns of Mother Earth.

With all the talk about Climate Change - today our political leaders from the Republican Party in the United States - are contributing to Climate Change - with their lack of comprehension - when it came to the real Carbon Footprint. Much like we do here in San Francisco.  Too much talk and less walk.

Not once has the real Carbon Footprint being tallied in San Francisco - with all the " hot air " about the many so called Environmentalists - who make their home in San Francisco - and those evil minions who serve the sordid and evil Mayor of San Francisco - obese, spineless, and not educated on issues.

There is talk about Climate Change - statements made in general terms - but Mother Earth - as all indigenous people love, know, comprehend and live - is far removed from the real facts - from those that are poles apart - strangers that are greedy to the hilt.

Those that favor skyscrapers, congestion, second worst in the Nation behind Los Angeles.

Clear cutting redwood forest, wasting millions of treated water to flush our toilets in San Francisco.

The increase in killings and violence in San Francisco, lack of Quality of Life issues in San Francisco - building  homes on a Superfund Site at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard  and more.

Right here in San Francisco - with very corrupt politicians actively contributing to GREED - they have BLOOD on their hands.

No one has the right to put our infants, children, youth, young adults, Elders, those with compromised health, more those mentally and physically challenged  - in harms way. Our SF Board of Supervisors and Mayor do - looking at Quality of Life issues - with a tainted and biased eyeglass.

California has the 5th largest economy in the world.

Using our own State of California resources we can bring about equality and foster equity - you cannot do that with the many Black sell outs in San Francisco - making over $250,000 a year - and instead of helping those that need help - working against them and favoring Big Developers.

The disparity in San Francisco has been compared to Rwanda - a Third World nation in Central Africa - of course our San Francisco Politicians do not comprehend this singular factor.

Our SF Broad of Supervisors for all their parochial way of looking at any subject - gave themselves a raise - patting their own behind - they did not even mention it to the public at large - we found it from the documents - the Budget and  Appropriation Document linked to the City and County of San Francisco and the Salary Ordinance.

It does not bother the SF Board of Supervisors and our Mayor London Breed who is a " political whore " selling herself on SFGOV TV channel 26 and 78 - trying to fool all the people all the time.

Our City and County of San Francisco - is all Ohlone Land - each and every square inch - stolen - there is NOT single legal document - where the Ohlone signed over - any land - the shame of this sacrilege - does NOT bother those that have stunned their conscience - political whores and pimps.

Mayor London Breed -
a good for nothing - nit wit  -
that loves to open her wide mouth and spew diatribe.

In all the time she has been in office - there is not one piece of legislation she has worked on with the help of her minions - that addresses fair play and justice.

 Not one single document with short term goals and long term goals. 

She love to screw the innocent over - spewing diatribe - opening that big  dirty mouth -  blowing that hot wind - that is what it is - HOT AIR!