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Sunday, February 28, 2021



Again and again crooks are guiding how to win a bid  - any prime contractor or sub-contractor favored by SF Public Utilities Commission - are provided the answers as the appear for the Selection  - we advocates have brought this corruption to the attention of the SF Public Utilities Commission - the Commission seems not to care - they will fall flat on their face.

March 3, 2021 at 10:30 am we have an agenda item coming before the Budget and Finance Committee. SF Board of Supervisor Matt Haney, Asha Safai, and Gordon - will hear Agenda 2 #200934.

HDR Engineering, Inc - is requesting an increase in its agreement linked to the Headworks Facility Project - an increase amounting to $10 million for a total not to exceed an amount $27 million. 

More with a time extension of one year - for a total term of 7 years subject to the Board of Supervisors approval pursuant to Charter, Section  9.118. (Public Utilities Commission).

Learn more about HDR Engineering which has a cozy relationship with Harlan Kelly,  Juliet Ellies, and Julie Labonte.

Read this interim - independent - audit :

Julie Labonte - now works for HDR use to work for  San Francisco Public Utilities Commission - went to work for AECOM and receive a $500,000 bonus - and more now from HDR.

Learn more about HDR and Juliet Labonte : 

Technically HDR Engineering, Inc has failed to comply with certain rules and regulations - mandates laid by the City and County of San Francisco.

There are several loop holes that must be filled - one acting as a conduit - to make money for oneself - here in terms of getting bonus - large sum of money $500,000 - as was the case when Julie Labonte left AECOM after giving them access to information  - aiding and abetting - wheeling and dealing.

It is totally wrong to pay large amounts of money to some one who has deep dark connection with SF Public Utilities Commission - such as someone like Julie Labonte. Her enablers Harlan Kelly and Juliet Ellis. Now may be the Acting General Manager - who has replaced Harlan Kelly.

Julie Labonte has provided deep assistance to AECOM and took a $500,000 bonus. This has also been the case with HDR - pay to play. 

Such nuances are not known to most - more, our SF Board of Supervisors - who have been rubber stamping - projects.

In this case HDR Engineering has a $17 million  project -  has asked for $10 million more - bring the total if approved to $27 million.

For sure HDR Engineering and will come for more and more - that has been the trend of corrupt entities of which HDR is one.

If - one, truly understands - how things operate on this particular project - the Headworks - with other sub contractors - and the influence of Julie Labonte

We have SFPUC staff who can follow specs and the plans - making sure any qualified and vetted contractor - follows the requirements.

An amount and amendment to the contract of $10 million and more - technically, has to come before the SF Board of Supervisors. 

Mostly - the SF Board of Supervisors - hear the issue - and approve the amount.

Many - a time - not even making a comment - less questioning the issues at hand - with the exception of Supervisor Aaron Peskin.

Are the SF Board of Supervisors really representing us all?

One must listening the " virtual meetings " - pathetic - and a waste of time. 

No one seems to be listening to the Public Comment - a measly two minutes given - the communication system is disarray.

In recent years - some entities have spent the amount - more than $10 million and then brought the matter to the SF Board of Supervisors - the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.

As I mentioned only one Supervisor has the guts to ask the right questions - and that is Supervisor Aaron Peskin.

Juliet Ellis and Harlan Kelly - do not work for the SF Public Utilities anymore - but the evil seeds they have planted - still haunt everything they have touched. Both, have had deep connection with HDR Engineering and Julie Labonte who once worked for SF Public Utilities Commission.

The Sewer System Improvement Project asked the tax payers a sum of $6 billion ( yes 6 billion ). Now it has reached $12 billion and before you know it - it will be $20 billion. Why?

A general lay out of the Headworks Structure -  the $6 Billion Sewer System Improvement Project of which 
the Headworks is just one part - has now reach $12 Billion - all tax payers money - is assumed to reach $20 Billion - who is hood winking whom?

HDR had engaged Juliet Labonte as a conduit much as AECOM and others have done. 

We know that Julie Labonte received $500,000 bonus beside her regular salary during the 3 year contract.

How much has she agreed to be paid -  bonus, this time around - with HDR Engineering - is a question that we want to know?

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has looked into the many Consultants the likes of Susan Leal, Dwayne Jones, and Julie Labonte and others.

These consultants all have worked for SF Public Utilities Commission - an Enterprise Department  - that think they are NOT subject to ethics, standards and morals.

These consultants have offices at 525 Golden Gate Avenue - and when Juliet Ellis and Harlan Kelly were working ( both have since resigned linked to corruption cases ) - these consultant were given access to anything and everything.

Other employees such as Masood Ordikhani, a consultant Dwayne Jones who works for AECOM -  are raking in million - linked to our Community Benefits. Why?

Using Covid-19 as a ploy - the upper echelon of the SF Public Utilities Commission -  have hired consultants - all of them corrupt.

Every single consultant were deeply connected with Juliet Ellis and Harlan Kelly. 

The SF employees need work and these consultants have NO experience and more love to take junkets, spend money on mundane things - and have been having a gala time all this time.

Harvey Rose's office initiated an audit - nothing much has come from that audit. 

We want know more about the $300 million - linked to Community Benefits. We the tax payers want accountability - linked to the $300 million dollars - and have yet to review an audit that makes sense.

We have SF Public Utilities staff - who are fed up with the consultants - with the exception of the Project Manager who worked for Juliet Ellis - is now the Project Manger of the Phelps Raw Sewage Plant - a job he took after Karen Kubick left. 

This corrupt man - has been giving many contracts to his former company he worked before - the fox guarding the chicken coop. 

Right at the top of his article - is a clear diagram that spells out the details - for the SF Board of Supervisors who cannot do the heavy lifting.

We know who the crooks are - the Federal Bureau of Investigation knows who the crooks are -and how they are hood winking the tax payers in broad daylight. 

What is our SF City Attorney and our SF Controller doing about the sad state of affairs? Nothing!

How can they sleep every night - when millions are wasted - tax payers money?

Wheeling and dealing - is inherent - how SF Public Utilities Commission does business - using tax payers money - when
will it STOP? 

The virtual meetings held - are devoid of transparency and accountability. 

The meetings are drab, too much diatribe, the SF Board of Supervisors have no clue - what really is happening.

HDR Engineering - starting a project -  at $17 million - now asking for $10 million more - for a total sum of $27 million. Soon - it will be $20 million - I guarantee you.

If some of us can figure our these ploys, machinations and shenanigans why cannot the City Attorney Dennis Herrera?

Why cannot Ben Rosenfield the Controller do something about it?

Why cannot our Ethics Commission - who are kicking the can down the street.

Some of us have been attending the virtual meetings held by the SF Public Utilities Commission.

At the last virtual meeting - we the tax payers had to remind the SF Public Utilities Commission they are not doing their job.

One Commissioner use the F word - than - has the audacity to order the Secretary of the SF Public Commission - to remind the public to be civil.

The public is civil - time to time - the nonsense we hear is over bearing - and some of us have got angry - but have never used the F bomb - one SFPUC Commissioner did and we have a tape to verify the fact.

The corruption at the SF Public Utilities today - is worse - and the blatant corruption has reached saturation point.

Here is the Budget and Finance agenda - March 3, 2021 - at 10:30 am - it will be a virtual meeting. Stop the corruption - stand tall and represent :

Read this independent audit - kicking the can down the street:

Friday, February 26, 2021


 San Francisco City College has touched thousands of students - here at home and all over the world. 

The home of the Black Students Union, the Ethnic Studies, offering one of a kind courses Media, Dance, Nursing,  Photography, Culinary Studies, Automotive Repairing, Criminology - you get the picture.

Much like the current COVID-19 pandemic that has so many adverse impacts - vaccines are created to keep the pandemic at bay - with much success. 

At San Francisco City College - there is another type of pandemic - that has sent shills down the spine of those that need help most. 

The confusion prevailing at SF City Hall - and the Board of Trustees the Chancellor confused, confounded, and most of all astounded.

Right now everyone knows - SF City College - is facing a tsunami - so many problems and the most important issue - smashing its sordid face - 25% have moved away.

The man in charge of finances - has a grip on the situation - he says - but no one wants to "trust him " - the Chancellor has lackeys - pandering to him - these lackeys attend the SF City College Trustee Board - and add fire to fuel.

Good leaders know the way, show the way and go the way.

No sound entity waits at the last moment - the eleventh hour - to shout out - the house is on fire - its fiduciary responsibilities thrown asunder - pulling their teeth and hair - and finding themselves drowning slowly but surely - in the cesspool of their own creation.

Some years ago we found out some entity with roots in Texas trying to take over SF City College. Creating a situation by first attacking the very soul of the SF City College.

Lighting hit SF City College when the State of California Accreditation Commission that controls the Community Colleges and Jr. Colleges - informed SF City College - their accreditation status - was in need of repair - a Notice of Violation issued - and most everyone was stunned.

The Student Representative was attacked for speaking Truth to Power and trying her best to represent the students at large. Asking how this Accreditation came about and what would happen to so many students - who were fleeing SF City College? 

The SF City College - Board of Trustees - were paralyzed - and amidst all the ploys, machinations, and shenanigans - some of us advocates - had to quickly - set aside our own projects - and join the students from SF City College - who were is dire straits to help them out.

The City and County of San Francisco -  its City Attorney Dennis Herrera - agreed to the take on the  State of California Accreditation Commission.

The City and County of San Francisco on behalf of the SF City College  - took the State of California Accreditation Commision to court - and won the case.

The attempt to take over SF City College - by nefarious entities - was exposed- the many false charges - set aside - and most things - put on track.

Most of those who thought they knew who was behind these atrocities -  have NO clue - about at the real culprits. Right now they are bidding their time - they want SF City College to fail.

As much as we worked hard to help SF City College - justice as we truly understand - moves slowly.

We did what we could - in the given situation - with  Senator Mark Leno,  SF Board of Supervisors Jane Kim and numerous other stellar and astute advocates - Shanell Williams  - the SF City College student representative - and thousands of San Franciscans - rallying to the cause. A historic moment - that most of us have forgotten.

The many teachers from SF City College told shoulder to shoulder with us.

Some - heads of Departments from SF City College - thousands of others - a long list  - stood shoulder to shoulder - understanding this was a worthy and paramount cause.

Bottom line - Lady Justice deemed it fit - that SF City College - should be saved - giving all an opportunity - to prove ourselves - worthy of SF City College's - great, legacy.

The victory brought about some immediate actions - all those in position to do outreach tried there best to back the students who still at SF City College - supporting them in many ways - it was a grassroots movement.

Many of the students were close to their graduation - and had to transfer to other colleges - while SF City College and those in charge - were put things on track.

The SF City and County of San Francisco - agreed to set aside some money - for tuition.

At one time - so many San Franciscans remember attending SF City College - tuition free. This was years ago.

San Francisco City College helped create a Middle Class is San Francisco - and the San Francisco State University too - since eroded - and we seem not to care too much.

The  economic disparity in San Francisco has been compared to Rwanda a third world nation - San Francisco boasts many billionaires - thousands of millionaires. 

How San Francisco City College comes today to face such a conundrum - a bevy of issues - that mostly stem from very poor leadership.

Here and there rampant - lack of transparency and accountability - after all we went through is mind boggling.

We had put things on track - fought for some money - to help the students, handed over an operation - that was going to fail.

Some of us detected the outside influence - truly wanting to decimate SF City College - and take control of the land for housing.

Powerful entities some established here in San Francisco. 

Others in Texas - had a Blue Print to decimate SF City College.

The power of the people, united - brought about a solution.

It was a movement that worked - and soon we saw it erode away. Why? Who is constantly putting the hurdles in our way? Where is the leadership?

The San Francisco Board of Trustee - should not be a place for triads and vetting - take that garbage somewhere else.

It is not a place for those mentally challenged - to get an opportunity to exercise some therapy that does the public at large NO good - more in the middle of a pandemic.

The SF City College Board of Trustees tolerate too much rambling, too much diatribe - and the public listening to such tirades are fed up and it does a great disservice to some of us who spent thousands of person hours - to help the students.

Take your therapy to some Social Worker, some Psychologist, some Psychiatrist, some Pastor, Shamann , Monk who can soothe the demons that trouble you - a disturbing pain that should not be spread on a virtual meeting.

These tirades and shooting arrows in the air - are disturbing - and some one must set the ground rules.

In a pandemic a flood of mentally challenged have leashed out at innocent people. Do not get me wrong - normal people when they hear harsh, rabid comments - are traumatized.

Seasoned advocates and trained can control the situation - issues that have nothing directly to do with the situation at hand - the fiduciary responsibility gone hay wire at SF City College. 

San Francisco City College staff and others loosing their jobs. Classes cut to the minimal. A whole array of issues that only those who handle important jobs - and have a higher responsibility comprehend and execute.

You would not allow a dish washer who has no training and skills to prepare a gourmet dish - serve some one who is paying for her or his food - and allow a dish washer - to take a chance to please some one when right of the bat - you know that will not happen.

Students in large measure have NO clue of some very powerful people with connections - who are preying on the students - while wheeling and dealing with upper management.

For over 40 years - I have been tracking - some entities - and these so called Chancellors - we had one who had a chauffeur drive him every time he came to San Francisco - may three time a week - full paid for being given a royal treatment.

Where do they find such Chancellors who live in a mansion - South Lake Tahoe - while pretending they are helping students who need help in San Francisco - more San Francisco City College.

You do not need be a Rocket Scientist to know that San Francisco City College has precious real estate - and some one is salivating - waiting for the right time - to make the right move - this has happened before.

The deeper we studied the problem the last time around - the deeper we entered the dark world. 

Some wrote a nasty letter to Shanell Williams - threatening her - this was brought to my attention and I took care of the issue at hand.

Shanell Williams has since circumvented the situation at hand - and at yesterday's virtual meeting - has to speak for the students - to the utter astonishment of the lackey who was trying to say something and said nothing at all. The Deputy Chancellor a woman had to come to his rescue - and he thanked her for that.

A couple of time Dr. Rajen Vurdien referred to the same lack - to explain to all attending the virtual meeting - the model and the key factor taken into account to cut staffing positions both permanent and temporary, the consolidation of classes and other pertinent and salient factors.

Dr. Rajen Vurdien did not shy from stating freely - a the virtual meeting - with glee - that upper management, others - folks like Administrators - were making too much - time to cut their salaries.

I have met such clowns before - no student, no professors, no administrator - should be informed at the eleventh hour - about cuts and crucial defunding of programs - without meaningful deliberations.

Today San Francisco City College in embedded with corrupt individuals - some on the SF City College Board of Trustees.

One Trustee kept suggesting - the Federal Government and the Stimulus Funds set aside - for precise situations - should be used - only to be told - take it easy. The man was hungry to rake in millions at the expense of the Federal governments. 

I once read the Independent a local paper - it closed its doors - and that and other incidents - make the intrigues - and the situation at hand - all the more - plausible. What?

Some know about these issues - I am talking about - but most think - the current issues can be solved.

 It is not about the issues - it is about very corrupt individuals embedded in the system - the higher echelon - trying to hoodwink us all - in broad daylight.

Yesterday February 25, 2021 I attended a virtual meeting that started at 4 pm and went passed mid-night. The SF City College Board Trustee meeting for a hour up until 5 pm - the start of the meeting - and then going into Closed Session for three hours.

Coming out from Closed Session - and then every agenda item was contentious.

Public Comment on the agenda items was taken - a measly one minute given - to express so much - most cut short.

Those who called at Public Comment  - begged, cried,  cajoled - and pleaded that classes should not be cut - programs close forever - in some cases classes have NO teachers - the position - gone, gone forever.

Plans are afoot to cut the San Francisco City College - current budget - by 20%.

Some drab formula - maintaining the buildings and salaries - are foremost - and money set aside for these two functions.

The model then prioritizing the rest of the issues - and reducing classes, getting rid of Full Time Employment (FTEs) - temporary positions - and it goes on and on. 

They kept saying it is all data driven - have you heard data many a time - is garbage in - garbage out. The San Francisco City College - has primitive software that they are full aware of.

Have poor bandwidth - and Internet - have even poor maga data processing software and more hardware to collect pertinent and relevant - information.

SF City College has always catered to the Arts - its Media, Dance, Journalism, Photography, Nurses, Criminology, the Sciences, Ethnic Studies, and so many one of kind classes .

San Francisco City College is the envy of colleges and universities - all over the Nation and aboard. On my travels many stellar educationist, others who hold prominent position - all over the Untied States and in many countries - have lauded San Francisco City College.

If only they knew what is happening to their Alma Mater and who in in charge - the many ploys, shenanigans, and machinations - that we all endure - but NOT for long.

Many World Leaders - and I know many of them  who studied at San Francisco City College - are in touch with me.  What am I so say - to them but tell them the Truth.

We who live here in San Francisco - know some about SF City College but we do not know - that this gem is about - to go over the cliff.

As I mentioned above I attended this long, drab, contentious - Virtual Meeting - it revealed to me - the core problem - about some in the  inner circle - who think they can hoodwink us in broad daylight.

The miscreants will fall flat of their face.

They miscreants - decision makers - have failed when it come to the so called ploy to build " affordable housing " on land that was meant to build an Arts Building. 

The back and forth - has forced the developers - to move away. 

Some  "build in design concept " -  that does not work - when there is NO clarity - and less in this pandemic when most building material have become very expensive - in many cases - construction material in short supply - costing 120% percent  higher.

Concrete, steel, other building material shave gone up by 80% and will to up and not down.

Promises made to the students, others plotting - salivating - to get into the affordable housing - near and adjacent to the Balboa Reservoir - their dreams and aspiration - shatter - and these miscreants think nothing much - they will fall flat of their face.

San Francisco City College has failed us all - making deals - as is the case with  the 1550 Evans Project - the SF Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) which is a seasoned -  corrupt entity.

Its former Manager - Harlan Kelly indicted - the former Assistant Manager for External Affairs - the main person who brought SF City College - to work with SFPUC.

Juliet Ellis - resigned in disgrace - all because the Federal Bureau of Investigation - investigated and found these two scoundrels - corrupt, using tax payers money - for their own personal nefarious activities.

Using slated Community Benefits for private projects - doling out money - grant $300,000 to some entities - without due process. 

Community Benefits money was planned to be used for the 1550 Evans and Third Street project. 

The FBI investigation has stalled some moves - and the future will reveal more.

Umpteen cases - conflict of interests - much like those at SF City College - the higher echelon.

So called leaders who lack spirituality, less empathy and compassion, and for sure have no morals, less ethics, and for sure  absolutely No - standards.

The SFPUC wants to partner with SF City College which is sinking - SFPUC itself is in deep trouble - investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation - so what is there to say.

Two good for nothing entities - who have created a mess - now partnering to created a contaminated cesspool.

When the cesspool is created - both entities will drown - in an operation of their own making.

The San Francisco City College Trustees may pass the Resolution - the matter may go to the Courts - more money will be wasted - with the pandemic hanging around - Court Cases take a long time - much like the Balboa Reservoir fiasco - those who thought in a couple of years - they might move in some affordable units - now, are leaking their chops.

I read a Resolution of the San Francisco Community College District - requesting the City and County of San Francisco transfer ownership of site of proposed 1550 Evans Street Education Facility.

WHEREAS the City and County has asked the District to invest Proposition A bond funds in the construction of the Education Center.

WHEREAS the District  affirms its committeemen to the Bay View Hunters Point community and supports additional investment in college facilities and supporting educational and career training programs in Bay View Hunters Point.

WHEREAS - the District has been advised that it is unclear if the District has the legal authority to spend Proposition A bond funds  of school facilities constructed on land that is not owned by the District. 

WHEREAS - in order to permit the lawful expenditure of Proposition A bonds funds to pay for a portion of the construction costs of the Educational Center, the District requires a fee interest ownership of the portion of parcel know as 1550 Evans Street on which the Educational Center is proposed to be constructed.

WHEREAS - the District desires to request that the City and County transfer fee ownership of the real property footprint of the Educational Center to District so that Proposition A bond funds can be lawfully contributed toward the construction of the Educational Center and the expansion of educational opportunities for the residents of the Bay View Hunter Point Community.

We are in the middle of a pandemic and here we have San Francisco City College - the SF Board Trustees - the San Francisco Community College District - wheeling and dealing - having NO clue what so ever - the adverse impacts inherent in this deal that stinks to high heaven.

The Virtual Meeting on February 25, 2021 started at 4 pm and went on pass midnight - paying NO considering to those that want to speak on the above agenda items 9A.

I waited, and waited, and waited pass midnight - and then simply forgot about the call that I was promised - which would permit me to speak.

Is this some new - drama after drams - deeper and deeper - we must be vigilant - and on our guard. 

Education is paramount to all - even Seniors were just getting ready to learn more - when COVID-19 pandemic - decided to visit us all - we wear a MASK and stay at home. Go out for essential work - only.

Our students needs must met - our students need information and the right to a sound education. 

Right now we have so called managers - professionals - who are looking at profits - large profits - and if they work for outsiders - they plan the right situation - for a complete take over - of San Francisco City College property.

We must remind these charlatans - San Francisco City College - as is San Francisco State University - both institutions have served thousands of San Franciscans - for decades - as I said created a sound Middle Class that is vanishing - right before our eyes.

This is Muwekma Ohlone Land. I represent the Muwekma Ohlone on all matters that are linked with Quality of Life issues - Education, Health, Safety, Transportation, Communication - and have participated and monitored the pertinent issues linked to San Francisco City College - for 35 years. 

Monday, February 22, 2021


 Judge Merrick Garland a nominee to fill the post of the U.S. Attorney General. We look forward to restoring - law and order.

We are a Republic and we treasure our Freedom.

This - at a time when for the last four years - the last two U.S. Attorney Generals - worked as the lawyer for the man in the White House - that we the people got sent packing - away from the White House - forever.

America today stands at odds - fanatics, maniacs, racists of the worst order, domestic terrorists  - some 70 million strong - confused - want to destroy our democracy. 

Thousands from this large group - assaulted our Capitol Hill - January 6, 2021 - prior to that a large crowd were encouraged to attack Capitol Hill - by none other than DT - a despicable person - who happened to be our Commander in Chief.

We treasure our Freedom and we the people do not believe in License.

There is Freedom and there is License - abuse of Freedom is License.

These fanatics - that I have mentioned above - steeped with conspiracy theories - trying to decipher signals sent by A-Anon and other lackeys encouraging destruction and other vile concepts.

We must ask ourselves what has happened to the United States?

Why do we favor a certain segment of the population - who invaded this Nation - once called Turtle Island - who did not live here 500 years ago.

Most came to this land without documents - and most important to note were NOT invited - they came there uninvited and have since been like parasites - greed to the core - and they think they are the masters - truth be told - they are the scum of the Earth.

These followers of conspiracy theories - have divided our Nation.

Once divided it takes a long time to heal - the healing must begin - but again and again we see impediments put before - holistic plans - to help our citizens - more in this pandemic - that has killed over 500,000 that is half a million people.

More people have died today from the pandemic - put then those who died in World War I, World War II,  Korean War, the Viet-Nam War - and yet we still have some sordid politicians - that will stall sound legislation - and polices to help one another.

Today - Americans are confused, perplexed, astounded, confounded - and at a loss for words. 

Too many decent Americans are shocked and we must do all in our power - to bring about healing in a meaningful manner.

Besides the raging pandemic - today we are dealing with natural disaster - today Texas is in a mess - no electricity for days on end - no clean drinking water - even after some electricity has been restored.

Thousands of homes inundated with water - from burst pipes and heavy snow and more - our Nation is being tested on many levels - mostly adversely impacting - the poor and those that have little.

Most of our Citizens suffering - have worked hard - have pride in their work - but now for over a year - we have no good jobs to offer those who took pride in their work.

Thousands of small businesses have gone out of business - they will not come again - there was a time - these small businesses were promised monitory help - it did not come.

Large Corporations - big businesses got the Stimulus Money - and those small businesses that need the money most - were left to fend for themselves - they spent all their savings - and finally closed their operations. Never, ever to open their doors and do business.

Capitol Hill

Never, ever did we think we would see fanatics crash Capitol Hill - fanatics scaling the walls - all of them White - entering Capitol Hill - destroying and stealing property.

Many of these scoundrels defecating and urinating - and yet they want to call themselves Americans. They are not Americans and for sure they are not mannered citizens.

The above incidents must be adjudicated - the U.S. Attorney General - must set standards and norms that can deal with the pandemonium we have all witnessed.

Many of us shocked - many wondering if America - will ever rise from the ashes - like the Phoenix - get back on track.

In the past we have seen regimes the Third Reich - and Adolf Hitler in Germany. Kill millions and bring misery to millions all over the world.

The Brown Shirts and Mussolini in Italy.

Chairman  Mao in China sending millions to camps to be brain washed - and in China the government owns all the land.

Other dictators in South America, some dictators in Africa - these dictators - each one of them left a stench.

These dictators murdered, maimed, brainwashed fellow citizens - and all of them failed - miserably.

Today the Supreme Court ruled that the Supreme Court will not stop any court from ordering and subpoenaing - tax forms - and will reveal the very essence of the man DT.

DT  lived in the White House - for four years - and ordered the destruction and normalcy of our Republic. He sent the fanatics to STOP the transfer from one administration to another - January 6, 2021.

Our Republic is bleeding and one factor that stands out the death of over 500,000 victims of COVID-19 pandemic.

All 500,000 victims we hold dear - and we must remember these lost lives - all the days of our life. 

In America we serve our Nation as best we can - and when it come to American lives - each one has a duty to stand up and uphold our Constitution - life, liberty, justice, equality, honor and respect.

The recent natural disasters keep hitting our Nation and revealing - flaws - our Nations infrastructure in peril and disrepair.

Texas - will take years to weatherize its GRID - and has failed us and more Texans.

Today the victims in Texas who suffered so much - have received electric bills - amounts in the thousands of dollars - when before these bill were in the hundreds. 

Such are the evil ways of private companies and corporations - who leech on innocent people - and all this and more must STOP.

Today it is Texas - tomorrow - it will be California.

When the peaceful transfer of our government is in danger - hurdles put forward - by fanatics - screaming and shouting - " hang Mike Pence ".

Others - shouting vulgar language - all these by hooligans - storming Capitol Hill  - crowding the corridors of Capitol Hill - destroying property - planting the Confederate Flags - the flag of our enemies - stealing information from the meeting rooms and more. 

Fanatics and hooligans - trying to stop the peaceful transfer - from one Administration to another.

Wake up America we must put a STOP to this nonsense - nip the nonsense in the bud.

Thank God 230 of these hooligans and scoundrels have been arrested.

We must be fully aware that they are 70 million others - who do not want peace and want to attack those that do not believe and agree with those that are fanatics - and believe in conspiracies.

Those Democrats, Independents, others wondering - what is going on in America? 

Who are these forces who are not with us and do not respect our shared values - embedded in our Constitution?

Domestic enemies - terrorists - who must be severely dealt with. 

Nominated for U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland.
We look forward to his being appointed and putting things back on track - he has bipartisan support - we wish him well.

Our Justice Department has been torn asunder - stellar and astute Civil Servants - Career Professionals - left the Justice Department never to return - again.

I hope and pray Attorney General Merrick Garland and his office will heal the wounds and put things back on track.

Blacks and other segments of our population - have NOT been treated fairly - that is putting it lightly. 

The time has come to revisit the 12th, 13th, and 14th Amendments. 

In  the context of Equality and Justice - the U.S. Attorney General can play an important role.

The current Administration for all the talk can address the chronic situation and bring about healing - more so when millions of decent "people of color" - voted for President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris.

We the people are NOT going to give any entity a pass - to do they they will and fail the citizens who have voted for them - and are now - dragging their legs.

We support Rep. Deb Haaland - she will be the very first United States  Secretary of Interior. We know she will speak Truth to Power. 

We are following  the hearing and have so far seen the Great Spirit guide Rep. Deb Haaland. We know our time has come - and we are ready to do and contribute to progress - as was done for thousands of years. Aho.

What we are stating very clearly is that one can talk about Equality and Justice - but it is quite another thing - to exercise and adjudicate.

For too long have we witnessed situations like what happened to Mr George Floyd and others like Oscar Grant in the Bay Area.

We are fully aware of the lynches and terror by the KKK and others.

The Justice Department can monitor the discrimination at work - opportunities denied - the list is long - more, now during the pandemic. 

Over 3 million women do not have jobs - because of the pandemic.

Millions - of our infants, children, youth, young adults - Elders are suffering -  we must reach out and some of us are doing so.

Our economy must  be restored - much as we have done and did in 2008 and 2009.

America is strong because its people are valiant and have never, ever given up. 

We have the tenacity and fortitude - second to none.

This is the moment to allow " people of color " - to participate fairly - put NO hurdles just because of the color of their skin.

Given the opportunity without hurdles - anyone can perform - the problem lies in depriving decent, hard working, people of color - getting the opportunities.

Equal pay for women and men - for the same work done - be it people of color - or anyone.

This is the moment to Federally Recognize all the Tribes in America - once the land was called Turtle Island - today the United States of America.

There can be NO unity - unless our indigenous people are honored and respected. 

President Andrew Jacks he has blood on his hands.

We must as a Nation apologize for the criminal deeds of some one like President Andrew Jackson a scumbag and a coward.

This man took upon himself to burn villages, rape, steal, and move indigenous people miles aways - trials and tribulation - that cry to heaven to this day. We do not forget such atrocities - we must seek restitution and more - from those that still condone such - horrific actions.

The United States must treat the Sovereign Nations the likes of the Lakota Nation - with respect - more - respect Mother Earth.

The Six Nations and the Iroquois Confederacy - who influenced the Constitution of the United States. It is time we publicly acknowledge this fact.

Our Tribes in the United States are the glue that keeps our Nation together - the Great Spirit sees it all. 

America is experiencing Climate Change - we keep polluting and contaminating the land, the air, the water, the forests, the water-shed - in short Mother Earth.

For over 15,000 years the indigenous tribes lived and protected our land and its resources. 

That was until the strangers came and screwed things for all - even to this day.

Greed Corporations do not own the land we live on - Turtle Island also known as the United States of America.

It is wrong that one tenth of one percent own ninety eight percent of all the wealth - we must address this chronic situation.

We must re-create the Middle Class - and those that have more money - more money that they can spend - must pay their taxes.

We have a narrow window of opportunity - we worked hard to put this administration in place - we must not beg - we have stated our platform - it is as clear as can be laid out. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021



Dr Charles Chu is a microbiologist - sequencing is his forte

what is mind blogging in San Francisco  for all our

talk we are short on our walk - Dr. Charles works in SF.

The current pandemic is playing havoc with those who purport to be experts - very little sequencing is done in San Francisco. When it comes to testing - far below - what is needed.

Mayor London Breed for all her talk - is NOT a leader. 

She is a barker - and those that bark up the wrong tree - are of No use to anyone.

London Breed has NO manners - and most of what she says - is mundane. 

London Breed opens her mouth - and within seconds - she is all over the place - talking utter - rubbish. 

The United States once had some standard and status when it came to sequencing -  all things DNA - we are now 34th in the world.

Far - below England, Germany, France and many other nations including India and China - who are contributing to testing new variants and quality - sequencing.

Vaccines are critical to build some resistance -  many experts want all of us to take the first vaccine for now - and if one is lucky to take both the vaccines needed - all the better.

I got my first vaccine and soon will get my second dose. 

I wear my mask, maintain strict hygiene - and go out - only if the work is essential.

We must face this pandemic is a manner where as intelligent human beings are in control - not, the other way around. 

Stop bitching too much - we have little time for that.

Take the vaccine - wear the mask properly - eat right - meditate and go to places where you fell comfortable. 

If you can uplift someone - all the better - we are in this mess together - stop - pointing fingers - look at the glass - half full rather then half empty - all the time.

A Senior getting his first shot - so many 

other Seniors - waiting for their shot - we pray and hope.

Once you get your vaccination - most get little reaction - linked to the first one.  I did not get any reaction - so I cannot speak on that count.

The second one may bring some fever -  some get flu like symptoms - that force them to sleep and some even get a fever. Mostly within a day or two - this reaction - goes away.

The experts say the body is fortified and when the second vaccine triggers the alarm - the body is ready to fight the virus - this is a sign that the vaccine is working. I read this from the experts.

Some who react from the vaccine - mostly the second one  - are forced to stay at home - unable to stand and feel giddy and all this and more is a bit of a nuisance. Again I have witnessed this from the ones close to me.

Having something light like soup - helps - and drinking water helps.

 Most important rest and have positive thoughts - the reaction is needed to know - if the vaccine works. All will be well.

All in all  - what is important to note - one's has a fire wall -  one's body builds much needed resistance - to the COVID-19 virus.

The COVID-19 is here to stay - the variants are many - and so far - the scientists are many some headway - but there is a lot to know - and time will tell.

Sequencing and testing is critical - to find new variants -
and stay ready to help each other - the experts whisper -
they do not have the resources -  the money - and 
the Biden Administration - is ready to help  -it is a new day.

We are living in a world where with Climate Change, Natural disasters - like huge fires, Earthquakes - pandemics will adversely all human beings worldwide - we have seen it in the United States with c - 500,000 deaths. That is half a million - plus.

128 million plus are exposed to COVID-19 virus in the United States.

Deaths in Italy, Spain, Brazil, Russia, Peru - China, India, Nigeria, Guatemala - in many other countries.

 The poorer Nations - cannot afford vaccines - the United States has pledged $4 Billion, and so has England, France, Germany, China - and other nations. 

The Great Master said " blessed are the poor for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven ".

We must remember we are in this all together - and this is not a time to waste billions on arms and ammunitions. 

Jet fighters and other missiles costing over a million dollars each - missiles that can be sent to any target from hundreds of miles away.

We need world leaders who have empathy and compassion. 

Those that do not - will fall on their face - we haver no time - but to lead and make good stuff - happen.

The United States has wasted trillions of dollars - nations like Saudi Arabia has been buying our weapons, our jets and using them on Yemen.

We keep punishing Iran - the people of Iran are innocent .

I do not know much about the current Clerics in Iran - and that part of the equation - even though I visited Iran in the 1970s.

I know the innocent people will revolt - and the blood shed - will be horrendous.

Innocent, hardworking Iranians and others that are taken advantage of  - people can only take so much of the nonsense - and then all hell will break loose.

It is NOT right to punish the innocent people of Iran.

Iran has a rich civilization going back thousands of years - it did not help that we reneged and got out from treaties signed with Iran - and now may want to join the party - it does not work like that - really.

Much like we got out of the World Health Organization - and now are back - Americans at home are confused - and more the world - who think we American have lost our mind.

It does not help watching fanatics - climbing our Capitol Hill walls - pillaging, defecating, urinating, mostly Whites - who lost their mind - and have created the worst type of divisiveness - ever.

Turtle Island - what is now the United States -
the strangers came and screwed it all - 
stole, raped, pillaged, and continue to cheat and steal -
to this day - foster discrimination and more.

The Founding Fathers and the Constitution.

The Founding took time to under Democracy and learned it from the Six Nations - indigenous tribes.

The Iroquois and others who practiced Democracy - in a Matriarchal System - where indigineous women leaders - led and led wisely. Matriarchs who had wisdom.

Here is some information that puts the facts into some meaningful context - how the U.S. Constitution - came to be :

It is a shame that we took the best from the indigenous people of this land and now the strangers - behave as if they all deranged.

Imagine  the Founding Fathers - seeing their own kind - climbing the walls of Capitol Hill. Failing to abide by the Constitution - the Constitution as it was created - for the times it was created.

Going into Capitol Hill and destroying what most of us revere and respect.

This is what happens - when idiots start believing people who have lost their mind. Fanatics are hovering all over the place - much as they did around Mussolini and the Brown Shirts - Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich.  

Fanatics have always tried to destroy what is good - we saw this before and we will see it - in the future.

If we are NOT educated on issues -  if we do not stand for what is right. We will fail and those that are demonic in nature - will destroy all - and slave most - slave their mind - and slowly but steadily - their being.

Much as we see in China to - everyone is watched - most must do and act as they are told to. No one owns land or property as we do here in the United States - in China. There are other places to Russian is one - and you can find the rest of the Nations - we must learn fast - and act fast - to save our FREEDOM.

There is freedom and there is license - abuse of FREEDOM is LICENSE.

Soon one in every 160 Americans will die. It fact is is a really the COVID-19 virus is here and taking life.  Think about that.

Not long ago we had an "idiot " who told us the sun will come out and the virus will go away.

Thank God the "idiot " has gone away.

Missing is this equation millions of women have lost their jobs - over 3 million. Strong women who have been the back bone of our economy - under paid and most of what they do - not recognized.

We seem to under our economy - but for some strange reason - women are not paid - for equal work - done by men.

Missing in this equation our infants, children, youth, young adults - our Elders and those with compromised are suffering and slowly dying.

Over 3 million children have been exposed to COVID-19 here in the United  - many slowly dying. 

Once you fall prey to the current Pandemic - no one knows how badly one suffers.

Each -  human beings is different - and each human being - suffers - that must we know. 

God bless America and the world. Aho.