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Monday, July 15, 2019


We have been protesting -
for decades - the lying politicians -
the House Negros -
are the worst - with their " crab mentality ".

The Human Rights Committee was first formed in the Bayview Hunters Point in the early 1960s. It went to become the Human Rights Commission.

This fact is not mentioned by the ignorant - and among them the Executive Director appointed by Mayor London Breed - was is not qualified and more is not educated on issues. She is a panderer.

She was there when the awards given by her and others like her - where given to some organizations - to honor them - and they returned awards.

Some even threw the awards on the floor - in Room 250 - the August Chambers - of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. This incident - recorded on TV and videos available as proof - shame on the SF Human Right Commission.

The hypocrisy of the current Human Right Commission - knows no bounds - saturated by liked minded Queer folks - who do not give a damn - that San Francisco is diverse - encouraged by a good for nothing Sheryl Evan Davis - from the Western Addition. 

I have never seen Sheryl Evan Davis in the trenched fighting of the real issues - she has always worked and pandered to the MACHINE.

Those who who really fought for Equal Rights in San Francisco remember the Blacks - mostly from the Bayview Hunters Point who - protested before the many Mels Drive-in - demanding jobs for Black and got them.

Protesting at the many car sale and display stores - on Van Ness that had on display -  brand new cars - of a kind.

The owners or franchise did not hire Blacks.

The franchise were quick to sell brand new cars to Black - but failed to hire Blacks - men or women to be sales person.

All this changed and Blacks were hired - not a whimper about this from the current Human Rights Executive Director and those minions - working under her - she is a puppet on a string- Sheryl Evans Davis.

The present Executive Director Sheryl Evans Davis - appointed by her good friend Mayor London Breed  - is just a puppet who does not know - anything about history - and less about the real issues affecting Blacks - who are 3% of the current population of San Francisco.

Once 25% of San Francisco - consisted of Black - gentrification has prospered in San Francisco.

The Unfinished Agenda - the Out Migration - the many documents reveal the Injustice when it come to Environmental Issues - the lack of Quality of Life issues - have not been addressed by the Human Rights Commission - with Blue Prints that work - and goals that are attained.

Once we had a working Human Rights Commission - all that stopped some 20 years ago - with an infusion of QUEER issues prioritized - and all other matters - fell by the way side.

The Human Right Commission - once had working Compliance Officers no more.

All this changed with the formation of the Contract Monitoring Division - which has NO working commission - a policy making body - that is necessary for accountability.

Some years ago a brand new Contract Compliance Division was formed - and this Contract Compliance Division - has NO commission - as I have mentioned and repeat here - one more time

So who makes the policy decisions? Where are the checks and balances? Where is the transparency and for sure where is the ACCOUNTABILITY?

Naomi Kelly -
the City Administrator -
the Contract Monitoring Division -
comes under her jurisdiction -
so does the Human Right Commission.

The Contract Monitoring Division comes under Naomi Kelly - and no one in our City understands the workings of this Contract Monitoring Division.

More - when it comes to compliance linked to Big Developers - Contractors - hiring and importing their entire crew from outside San Francisco.

This nonsense has been going since 2009.

For years - the current Director - of the Contract Monitoring Division - was an acting Director - and only in the three years was he promoted to a full Director - and hopefully is permanent.

He is a veteran and has served at least three tours - and yet again and again - we fail to respect our Veterans. This City and County of San Francisco is a JOKE.

We had a atrocities committed
in our City and County of San Francisco -
not a whimper from the Human Rights Commission -

This woman Vicki -
has cause trauma and discriminated -
her named mentioned at every 
meeting - where people testify about discrimination -
who are these monsters that we hire 
and pay them with our tax payers money.

Now at the eleventh hour there is a proposal to create a Committee to handle Racial Equity issues.

The paradox is that even at the recent hearing - to created this committee to address Racial Issues and Discrimination - the Chair Gordon Mar, the other members Aaron Peskin, and the good for nothing Shamann Walton, and Sandra Fewer.

Again and again those giving testimony - more Black - spelt it out clearly - blatant discrimination - in your face - being perpetuated -  by most of our City Departments.

The empirical data is there - where is the clout to do something - about the on going suffering, trauma, despair - with no light seen at the end of the tunnel?

One Black woman - mentioned how she was tortured by the District Attorney Office - where she worked - they called her 
" Ugly Negro"  if fact the used the other "N" - word.

She protested and they made things worse for her - and finally they fired her.

Even though she has some disability - they fired her without taking into consideration her on going desirability.

She is now suffering - and the only reason -  for being born Black.

All this in San Francisco - where the worst folks who perpetuated the discrimination - are House Negros.

We had another Black woman who worked for 40 years for the San Francisco Police Department. 

She even addressed Sandra Fewer - who was sitting next to Aaron Peskin at the dais - and reminded Sandra Fewer a Board Supervisor - about the times they worked together - and that she was a good worker.

Once these vultures target you - here in San Francisco - and some of of SF City Departments  - they destroy you.

Be it at the SF Public Utilities Commission, the SF District Attorney Office.

The SF Police Department - and many other SF City Departments - it does not matter which City and County of San Francisco City Department.

Now here is the question which many asked - where is the accountability - linked to the Human Rights Commission?

For  sure we cannot get it from the Executive Director Sheryl Evans Davis and Mayor London Breed - both chronic sell outs - not to be trusted .

Did I mention it was worst when Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr was Mayor - when he target someone - he saw that they lost their job - and what is more benefits.

Willie L Brown Jr. hired Naomi Kelly and London Breed.

Both of them -  today treat others with disdain.

Be it very diplomatically - pandering and showering praises on their minions - while blatantly discriminating - against those who speak Truth to Power.

We  tax payers - pay there salaries the Mayor London Breed makes $366,000 and Naomi Kelly - the City Administrator who has the position for 10 years - makes over $350,00  with benefits.

Most of the time whiling away their time - I see it all the time - one cutting ribbons and doing her shopping - the other wheeling and dealing - on tax payers time.

The Humans Right Commission is celebrating their 55 anniversary - or so they say - and the Human Rights Commission - in the last 20 years for sure - has done nothing - but created a den for the Queer folks - and given them some help - and more vague talk.

know for sure the Transgenders - suffer the most - even though the Transgender - fought for their right - much before anyone.

But -  that is how - San Francisco plays down - those that are advocates - and more those those that truly love San Francisco. 

The Human Right Commission is a JOKE - it must be shut down and those who work there - must fade into oblivion. 

Some of them like Zula Jones have already made headlines for their utter corruption - it is the same now - even worse.

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