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Tuesday, July 23, 2019


Our communities - those families that work - two and three jobs - where " toxic stress " in now the norm - are desperate - those adversely impacted - need urgent help - in San Francisco - more and more - there is no hep to be found.

Our Non-Profits take the money - but fail to provide the need services - to our infants, children, youth, young adults, those with compromised health - the parents - more single parents - are crying to heaven for help.

In the mean time our SF Broad of Supervisors have given themselves a pay increase.  They think very little about this action - having not had the guts to come before the tax payers who pay their salaries. 

The increase in salary that they do not deserve.

SF City Budget is over $12.7 Billion , yes BILLION - when it comes to Quality of Life issues - there is little to be found - more when it comes to Standards - Standards that can be measured.

The Bullying in our SF Unified School Districts - must STOP.

The Safety Resource Officers (SROs) are understaffed and what is important to note - they are not trained - as they must.

The Blue Print in our SF Unified School District follow some vague concepts linked to  " Restorative Justice " - started in New Zealand - this concept is steeped in the " Village " concept where consensus is found in abundance.

The Tribes or Tribal system - is steeped in " spirituality ".

Are SF Unified School District is devoid of spirituality - and there is an introduction of all sorts of " unwanted and ill deserved - introduce to life -styles " that confuse and foster confusion in the youth - and  many of them reveal this to me in person.

Actions count more - genuine love - and all this and more is not found - in our " Concrete Jungles " and so called centers of learning.

All of us must ask ourselves - how many time a day - do we look at our children and tell them that we love them. 

You will be surprised at the answers you get - many just look at their children - and hardly take the time  -  to say they Love them - and less are concerned what the children have to say to them - reporting some salient and pertinent activities of the day and so on and so forth.

Underlying you have Non-Profits and others - preying on our children, youth, and young adults - they do not have qualified Case Managers - they receive a lot of money - and one glaring example is Young Community Developers (YCD).

I revealed the details when a youth - who worked for IPO - organization the Mayor Edwin Mah Lee touted - where the youth were paid stipends with no health benefits. 

Made to clean garbage - under our freeways - offend clearing feces and other hazardous materials - and not a whimper from those that should know better.

Amare Jackson 
this case is pending -
we want to know - who killed him -
in broad daylight - for all the talk there is no walk.

Amare Jackson was shot in front of his home - 56 times.

When - I did my investigative investigation - I found he was assigned a Case Manager - that did not do justice to Amare Jackson. That case manager worked for Young Community Developers - a rogue Non-Profit that gets millions - as much as $10 million and does nothing at all for the community at large.

Even after Amare Jackson's shooting and killing - no Case Manger- came forward to acknowledge they had something to do with Amare Jackson - the Case Manager worked for Young Community Developers.

Our SF Police Department has some Memoranda of Understanding with  the SF Unified School District - the SF Unified School District (SFUSD) comes under the State of California. 

The SFUSD Board -  has failed to monitor, audit, and what is important hold the culprits the SF Unified School Board - accountable.

Daily blatant crimes are committed - and these jerks - shirk their duties and some of them must go to JAIL.

Again and again Blacks, Latinos, Polynesian, others mostly people of color -  in our SFUSD schools - Elementary, Middle, and High School - are becoming victims.

Stemming - from rampant and blatant bullying in the Public schools.

Lack of Safety, teachers with poor teaching skills, the turn over of the schools - creating havoc - with NO continuity, lack of standards, and those in charge of monitoring - failing to take accountability and transparency in consideration - so important when it comes to  " Standards " - those in-charge fast asleep at the cockpit.

Yesterday, I had to attend a meeting at the Alameda Juvenile Center - and saw first hand - how any young person - who needs just a little help at the right time - can be incarcerated.

I saw first hand how some one not knowing the process can be taken for a wild ride. I was amazed how any young person - was given an introduction - and made to adhere to a format that does not jive with present evolution and state of affair in our contemporary society.

Once her or his character is tarnished - any of these youth once on parole - a whole can of worms is opened. If the youth default - they go into a deeper hole - if they continue to repeat - they are doomed for life.

The parents who do not comprehend the process - often throw their hands up - and give up.

I had to address the attorney assigned to the case who was over loaded with cases and could not attend  the entire session. 

I had to address the Parole Office - she was there - for the assigned Parole Office - again revealing - that the system is over loaded - and where needed - some one must fill in.

This parole officer - said the " artificial remedies " are short lived - and her remarks - hit the nail on the head.

Our youth and young adults - are told to do this and that - without going them any " wrap around services ". No long term programs with nurturing - only short term - services - in and out - and in and out of jail to go - come out and go in again, and again, and again.

This is the same in San Francisco - our Court System is a JOKE.

The paper work - the long hours in Court - the lack of consideration - more when a youth or young adult is incarcerated - and has no family members to support her or him and more when the family members are not educated on issues.

For -  anyone attending the Court, participating in the many " family sessions " - waiting as the " youth " attend other session.

The family members and others supporters cannot attend the sessions - meant only for those impacted  - but must wait in the hall was for hours.

This has been happening for  years - and must be changed - the shifting from place to place - like musical chairs - creates paper work and work for those that in the system - those that take pleasure in incarcerating others - even if the crime is not a felony per se.

The public at large - kept in the dark - our tax payers money spent on buffoons - who think they can fool all the people - all the time.

At some of these private sessions, lengthy processes read to the victims - ( who are already traumatized ).

These session are  nerve breaking - and can take a heavy toll on the health of any normal, healthy, human being.

The Judges in San Francisco and other areas - consider these ploys, machinations, and shenanigans very necessary and  " essential " - the process is a pain in the butt - better known in many circles - " the modern slave plantation ".

We in America jail or incarcerate 10% of our population - we  have a population of 340 million.

Among the jailed population are our youth, young adults, and decent citizens - who are not given the opportunity - to have a lawyer.

An attorney, some one who can represent and defend - help the victim  to heal and contribute to society.

Most of those charges are citizens of the the United States of America.

If once in the United States - you are targeted and have a record - more a felony - if you are a " person of color " - you are doomed.

That is  - unless that are processes and quality lawyers - having empathy and compassion - who serve the community - if you as a victim -  have the luxury and opportunity to have these very rare - opportunities.

For over 35 years - I had direct access to the SF Sheriff be it Michael Hennessey, Ross Mirkarimi - the Public Defender - Jeff Adachi who passed recently - the over 15 SF Police Chiefs - who personally knew me.

In recent years - all these contacts - have been replaced - with others.

At my age I cannot perform and be as agile as I was before.

What is baffling - the system has changed for the worse - every change in the SF Public Defender Office at the top throws a curve ball.

The same when it happens with the SF District Attorney's Office.

The Sheriff Office in recent years - has had many changes.

Also the revelation of dirty, stinking, conditions - and added to that " gladiator " fights - among those incarcerated - and this and more - is too much to bear - and a disgrace to the human race.

Our Non-Profits have not been able to make a needs assessment - what is more most of them do not have Standard Operating Procedures.

I see these organization most Non-Profits and some receiving large grants - because they do the dirty work for the SF City and County of San Francisco - to cover up - other dirty, deeds.

The recent SF Mayors starting with Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr., then Gavin Newsom, followed by Edwin Mah Lee, leading to Mayor London Breed - all of them " with INTENT " - have compromised Quality of Life issues.

Our youth are precious - and our political leaders - and others in the many schools and organizations - that inter-face with with our youth - seem not to fully comprehend that many youth have reached " saturation point " - when it comes to there personal " welfare and being ".

Our Wellness Centers must be fortified with help from seasoned and trained Social Workers and Counsellors - with Psychologists and Psychiatrists on stand by.

Our -hospitals - lending help - as part of the " charity care " - exercise caution by the hospitals - they make a lot money - do not care to give a little help where it is need.

More - when in comes to our infants, children, youth, and young adults. 

I often to to SF General Hospital, Kaiser Hospital, Saint Mary Hospital, California Pacific Medical Centers, Mission Bay and many hospitals with that complex and more.

Recently I had to go to the University of California  Mark Benioff Children Hospital - to visit someone who is very dear to my heart.

I commend those with a vision who offer so much to our infants, children, youth and youth adults - the many donors - those with a vision more with empathy and compassion - to do God work. In some hospitals - charity care is given generously - one of them is SF Children's Hospital at Mission Bay.

The many doctors, nurses, volunteers, the workers like the janitors, cooks, the maintenance workers, those attending to the landscape, the engineers, others too many to mention - all play a role.

The hard working, dedicated doctors who take upon themselves - to go beyond the call of duty - to serve and keep so many alive and healthy.

God sees it all  -  these " angels " make up - for those who must lead but fail to lead - mostly our sordid politicians who must not be trusted - they talk the talk but fail to walk the walk.

I call upon my good friends from the Latino population, the Asian population, the Polynesian population, the Black Population, the Native American population.

The Whites and others - we are now experiencing some serious situations - linked to our infants, our children, youth, young adults - seniors, those with compromised health - this is " clarion call ".

Each one of you can have focus groups to address the uniques situation - more that adversely impact the segments of the population - I have mentioned.

Life is precious - and we adults are put in a unique position to stand up and represent.

We cannot represent - if our heart is not in the right place. 

Only when our heart is in the right place can we take other to a better place - God sees it all. God bless you all.

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