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Thursday, July 25, 2019


It is simply amazing to watch and hear the SF Politicians - arguing how best to solve the " homeless situation " we decent San Franciscans - are experiencing - getting worse every day.

The homeless pleading - to sleep for few hours - in some safe place. Many of them - have not slept peacefully for days on end - and some for weeks on end. 

This viral disease " toxic stress " is spreading faster that any one can keep track of this disease - adversely impacting our lives every where - on our streets, in our institutions, our Churches, our Schools, our Hospitals - at SF City Hall - every where.

Shamann Walton - the " jail bird " -
singing the blue - 
but not for long - Vallejo beckons you.

Nothing good will come from " Walton Shamann" a jail bird - who considers himself reformed - had a poor up bringing - and has hoodwinked others - lying, bluffing, cheating.

Here - in San Francisco - where we accept " trash " - from outside - and accept " recycled trash " - and think it is  kosher.

The thousands on units - with large rooms - mostly Public Housing in the Southeast - all built by the Department of Defense (DoD) - on Public Land - paid a hundred percent - four times, over.

Housing and Urban Department (HUD) took over the units - from DoD - here in San Francisco - turned it over to the SF Housing Authority - that Mayor Edwin Mah deactivated - only to create another mess - the SF Mayor's Office of Housing. 

The late Edwin Mah Lee -
stacks of cash - stacked sky-high -
off shore banks and more .......

Some of us still remember Olton Lee.

The main mess Mayor Edwin Mah Lee created was the Mayor's Office of Housing and Work Force. 

This entity has been playing with the lives of innocent people - its DAHLIA program a JOKE - lack of " career jobs " - the curricula CityBuild uses stolen - this and more - does not seem to faze the buffoons.

Public Land belongs to everyone - and the minute we turn to the Big Developers and talk about private and government partnership - all hell breaks loose. 

Such is the case with our major Public Housing more at Sunnydale, Oakdale, Huntersview, Potrero Hill - properties now managed by Mercy Housing, Bridge Developers, the John Stewart Company - who is fooling whom?

Dividing the properties - creating HOPESF - turning over large Public Housing domains - to demonic Property Mangers and Developers - like Mercy Housing, the John Stewart Company, Bridge Developers - one worse than the other.

Recently at the SF City Hall - Sandra Fewer from District 4 - took on the Mayor's Office of Housing and those minions - that having been pulling wool over our eyes - talking from both sides of their mouth.

Right now in San Francisco we have over 30,000 homes vacant - the home owner prefer to keep them vacant - rather than rent them.

More deal with rogue renters - who have a tendency to destroy property that does not belong to them.

We have over 40,000 vacant market rate units - be it high priced $5000 for a one bed room - $8000 for a two bed room - you could buy these condominiums - and many techies buy them and rent them as " summer homes ".

This photograph epitomizes it all -
one evil and the other more evil -
greed is written all over their faces -
both have adversely impacted thousands.

Much like the thousands of homes that were once Public Housing - more and more our SF City and County and very corrupt Mayors starting from Mayor Willie L. Brown Jr. a Black rogue Mayor -  who even today has his finger - in every pie -  a scum bag - second to none.

The others Mayors that followed him - are even worse - Gavin Newsom who played all sorts of games with the homeless. 

Gavin Newsom's gimmick giving an indigent a measly $58 and a roof over one's head.

Christening the program  -  " Care not Cash ". 

As you might imagine - this concept - was flushed down the commode - faster than it was conceived. Those who suffered most and continue to suffer - the poor, the indigent, those that are called - homeless.

Mayor Edwin Mah Lee - was involved with the Big Developers - stacking large sums of money - off shore banks -  his minions too had a part of that share too.

Law Enforcement is still trying to tally up the amounts - this and more - may not shock those that dealing with cloak and dagger games -  " dark money ".

The paradox is that Willie Brown and his failing eye-sight - Edwin Lee and his premature death - both have failed us - pretending to be " public servants " .

Using and fostering sordid  clandestine ploys, machinations, and shenanigans to - screw us all.

Millions of dollars were accepted from the filthy rich - to buy  E1 Visas - that gave the Chinese from Mainland China  - a chance to buy a home - invest in a business -what is more a Visa to live in the United States.

Part of the money from the E1 Visas - supposedly, were meant to help " Inner City Youth " - the SF City is aware of all this hoodwinking - but what is important to know - part of the scheme.

Once these filthy Chinese came in - they moved to richer pastures - Hillsborough, Santa Barbara - other areas - where they have plenty of money to spend and live a luxurious life - most of them millionaires and billionaires.

Shamann Walton is deep in " dark money " - so he is living like a "hog" .

When you live like a "hog" - one has a tendency to think like a " hog". 

It does not bother Shamann Walton - to work with Lennar Urban aka 5 Point Holdings LLP - taking over $10 million in donations - vouching to increase the height limits - building tall building on land prone to severe liquefaction and flooding.

Such nonsense is tolerate by us all - who should know better - but have tolerate Shamann Walton's nonsense. He is everywhere fighting JUl and he lost the case.

Closing  the Juvenile in San Francisco - without a viable and sustainable plan.

Now he wants the City to pay the businesses on Van Ness - cash money.

He is fervently pushing for Cannabis Clubs - and celebrates his " birthday " with childhood thugs - who still hang around him - from time to time. 

This and more only in San Francisco.

Shamann Walton is a  chronic " Jail Bird " - that if we do not STOP this crazy, evil, man - thousands will suffer.

Recently Shamann Walton had a BBQ - thinking the community would attend it -  no one did.

Accept  a few politicians - and this one singular incident - should be an eye opener - to the chronic - jail bird. The community does not respect you - so, stopping throwing BBQs sponsored by others - who have NO clue - that you are deep into " dark money ".

Today thousands of the units - all Public Housing - are under the control of Property Managers.

Poor people do not comprehend  - about the " evil designs " - how they are preyed upon and have been preyed upon - by folks like - Malia Cohen, London Breed, Shamann Walton, Dwayne Jones.

Veronica Hunnicutt, Eloise Payton, Oscar James, Linda Richardson, and others too many to name - each of them - will get their reward here on Earth.

Can you imagine charging poor people $2800 for a one bed room - $3500 for two bed room - in public housing.

The Property Managers that I have mentioned - raking millions - laughing all the way to the bank.

Mercy Housing owes the City and County of San Francisco - over $600 million. 

It is the same with the John Stewart Company who has received millions in grants - favored by Willie L. Brown Jr, then Gavin Newsom, Edwin Mah Lee, and the present crooked folks who occupy Room 200.

A simply audit will reveal the TRUTH.

A hearing has to be held - on the role of the SF Mayor, the City Administrator, the Department of SF Planning.

The Department of Building Inspection, the SF Controller, the SF Mayor's Office of Housing and Workforce - every City Department - that has failed to address Quality of Life issues - failed to serve the tax payers.

Thousands of children have died in San Francisco - living on contaminated land - and adversely impacted. 

Can we put a price on one one child - that this City and County of San Francisco has " with intent " - allowed to die?

Now multiply that by the many thousands - add it up and delve into the moral compass - the evil and sordid actions of those that are " GREEDY " - that talk the talk - but have failed to walk the walk.

Mayor London Breed is a political whore - I said that on day one - nothing much has changed.

London Breed  thinks she can change her colors - like a chameleon.

The paradox is that she cannot sleep in peace - her actions - come to haunt her - even as she will drown in the " cesspool " of her own making".

The audacity of London Breed to try to allow Big Developers to build on Public Land - and think that the SF Board of Supervisors and others - would embrace her evil plan? 

The 55th year anniversary of the Human Right Commission that started in the Bayview as a Committee - was celebrated recently - at SF City Hall - Sheryl Evans Davis - trying to say something - and making NO sense what so ever.

London Breed has placed her own friends - practicing nepotism to the hilt.

The House Negroes -  keep practicing the " crab mentality " - have no clue they are down to 2% - most of them living day to day - more hour to hour - the - " living dead ". 

You heard it first here - it is a shame when an opportunity is given - the first thing SOME of these House Negros - scumbags do - is act like the inherent " thugs " - that is deep in their DNA.

It is a shame to see so many Blacks - live in tents.

More in filthy, stinking, unhygienic, horrible conditions - while Shamann Walton - talks from both sides of this mouth - he should go to Vallejo and stay there - good riddance of very bad rubbish.

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