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Sunday, July 28, 2019


We have seen banners - as shown above -
promising the world - and giving the people -
who need help most - stale bread crumbs.

In the Bayview Hunters Point area - never, ever - have we seen the "  great divide " - the blatant disparity - the many outside vultures - making hay - while the sun shines.

Greed is something that does not permit one to have their heart in the right place.

"Greedy Folks " -  have NO place in the Bayview Hunters Point - not at this very moment when thousands are suffering and more slowly dying.

More and more those that say they are from the area - but we have NOT seen them fight for the people in the trenches.

For the longest time these outsiders - and those brainwashed to think that " money " is everything - are trying to hoodwink us all - in broad daylight. 

Well, we have been watching you all - like a hawk - and we are united - and will confront you all at the appropriate time - with facts and empirical data.

We will bring the might of justice and fair play - to deal with the crooks - and this has been done before - in the Bayview Hunters Point - with Parcel A and the contamination - with Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - where depleted Uranium was first tested in the 1950s -  and the people have won.

When people are hurting - working two and three jobs to make a living - no one should pull wool over their eyes. 

When people are fight to survive - have medical bills, cannot afford childcare - no one should fail to embrace them and help them - with empathy and compassion.

When people in the Bayview Hunters Point are going to bed hungry - more our infants, children, youth, Elders - we must address hunger - on a War Footing.

When our children and youth cannot go to our Public Schools - and not witness violence - gang activity, guns and knives brought to the schools and other safe haven - we ask where are our priorities ?

When our environment is foul - our clean drinking water pipes eroded and over 95 years old - and not replaced - how can we drink - clean drinking water.

When our homes have fungi - and we live close to a Superfund Site - get no help from the SF Health Department - and more our City and County of San Francisco - does not have a Toxicologist on board - most are not aware of this fact - what does it say about this group - that suddenly has go up from its slumber - and now wants to form the African American Arts and Culture District?

Our infants, children, youth, young adults, Elders, those with compromised health, more our physically and mentally challenged - slowly dying - we must address the above situation on a war footing.

Here is Willie L. Brown Jr. -
Diane Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi -
beaming with glee - while the Assistant 
Secretary of Defense - covering Parcel A -
to the City and County of San Francisco .

We fail to comprehend that the MACHINE is there not to help the people - the community at large - but the crooks - and Willie L. Brown has his finger - in every pie.

Single - handedly from day one - Willie L. Brown Jr. instead of helping Blacks - has done all in his power - to destroy whatever good the advocates in the Bayview Hunters Point contributed and built.

For the ignorant of which we have many - read this press announcement detailing by name - who endorsed the conveying Parcel A - that now most considered very contaminated and adversely impacting the health - of those living on Parcel A :

These JOKERS who think they can fool us all - pull wool over our eyes - and think that they can get their way - these jokers - sorry ass jokers are sadly - mistaken.

God sees it all - and though right now it looks like those who are " evil " are winning - we have a few honest people - who have been doing God's work - and the TRUTH - always comes away - victorious.

Anyone who has their heart in the right place - can think for themselves  - ponder and come to any conclusion - worth the salt.

Spending millions of Art work - and dreaming about African American culture - more the mundane aspect - does no one good - fake art and culture - that is not viable and sustainable.

Community Benefits money must directly impact our infants, children, youth and young adults, our Elders, those with compromise health - in short all those that cannot defend themselves, have failed on bad time - and need much need help. We humans must help one another - with our heart in the right place.

Community Benefits is not an ATM - with the crooks having the card to the ATM - to with draw the money set aside - and do as they - please. Where is the Transparency and Accountability?

These sordid concepts linked to the African American Art and Culture District - do not have a viable and sustainable Blue Print - vetted by the community at large.

The crooks from the " inner circle " have concepts and ideas that are NO help to those suffering - the vulnerable in our community.

We cannot permit despicable JOKERS - to use community benefits - to the detriment of the lives of our community - slowly dying of - " Toxic Stress ".

We know these artists who some speak off are more from other areas -  art however pleasing to the eye - will not aid the hungry, those that need medical help.

Our infants and children who need child care, our homeless who need a roof over their head, our mentally challenged who need " wrap around services ".

Our youth and young adults who need " career jobs" and when I say youth and young adults - we must keep in the mind the Latinos, the Asians, the Native Americans - the Polynesian who have been left out - stale bred crumbs thrown in their direction.

The Usos are being informed - and when the time come - there will be no excuses - people power counts - and I have been working with the Polynesian family for decades - and have had the patience of Job - tolerating the on going nonsense - in roads made to buy some with stale bread crumbs.

The Whites, the Blacks - others - we must look deeply at the demographics - and find out who is doing well in school and college - and who is not?

The Bayview Opera House is a den of thieves. 

We exposed the thieves - they operate under 12L - and their main purpose in not Arts and Culture but Economy Development.

The SF Sunshine Taskforce - adjudicated the matter and voted 9-0 against the Board of Directors of the Bayview Opera House and its Manage Barbara Ockel.

It is the same with the group that is trying to form a African American Arts and Culture District - at this late date - the inner circle are " not to be trusted " - all of them are selfish.

Most of them have not served the community and most of them are NOT respected by the community.

 I know some of them - chronic sellouts - this is a clarion call - STOP  your nonsense.

We will STOP you in your tracks - trying to waste " community benefits " - using the money for nefarious activities.

Before our eyes on the Third Street corridor - we see outsiders getting money to open restaurants.

We do not have people - decent people - to go and visit these restaurants.

The result in a couple of months - these restaurants - have closed.

No one  knows how those who got $300,000 on a platter - will account for the grants - given to those who pander to the evil.

The Walgreens has closed its doors - the Walgreen that cater to the Seniors and those that need a Walgreen Store - with easy access and sound transportation - the Walgreen Store at the Evan Shopping Center.

The plan is to operate a Cannabis Club - does this one singular fact - point in  the right  direction?

Who really is in charge of the situation at hand?

One of the first things on the agenda of the inner circle - who gathered to form the " African American Arts and Culture District " - in the Bayview Hunters Point - was to have a picnic for the OGs.

The - the idea sounds good - but these idiots - have no clue -
 what the word " picnic "  - boldly spelled   " Pick a Nigger".

Postcards would be sent to come to the picnic - and at this so called picnic - Blacks would be lynched.

The inner group forming the African American Arts Culture District " in the Bayview Hunters Point - has no clue of their own history - typical of  folks who do not know their history - and more want to talk the talk - but cannot walk the walk.

This inner group - has NO clue that the word " picnic" is derogatory - in todays world such mundane gatherings - are for those who have time to waste.

BBQs held to brain wash and win folks over - folks who are not educated on issues.

Folks who cannot think for themselves.

The inner circle - sordid to the core  - offering some stale burgers.

Cheap hog meat called hot-dogs, and chicken saturated with hormones - this nonsense has been going on for years - and those who are hungry - think they are fed - when in reality they are used and abused.

 Actions so mundane in these pressing times - that this type of concepts and ideas - point to the abject shallowness of the inner group - Ellouise Patton, Barbara Ockel, April Spears, Cheri L. Miller, Oscar James, and a host of other sellouts - that we will have to address.

Innocent people like a " dirty rag " and thrown into the garbage.

We are celebrating the 55th year of the Human Right Commission - the Human Rights Committee was first formed in the Bayview - and no mention - has been made of this fact.

Bayview Hunters Point advocates to this day - have focused on the people - the folks that side with the City and County of San Francisco - the Mayors Office of Housing and Community Development - will be challenged on this issue and should be prepared to answer.

The African American Arts and Culture District - its inner circle - is mandated to notice each and every meeting - in a meaningful manner - and has not done so.

Conniving and sending emails to a select few - and by passing the community at large - the African American Arts and Culture District - should have been formed some 25 years ago. 

Barbara Ockel -
behind all these meetings -
her salary $200,000 - managing Black culture -
who is behind this nonsense -
having this person - manage the Bayview Opera House -
the site that once was managed by Blacks.

At that time some of us - dug deep in our pockets - to rehab and upgrade the Bayview Opera House - now managed by Barbara Ockel - who hails from Germany - and is a racist.

The Bayview Opera House is mandated  to notice meetings - and has been audit by the Controller Office - and all its faulty ways exposed - in several audits. 

The Bayview is run under the 12L dictates - and has failed to pay its taxes. 

It is being investigated by the Internal Revenue Service.

The African American Arts and Culture District - inner group cannot have its meeting at the Bayview Library - the meeting has to notice in a meaningful manner - and if this is done the ploys, machinations, and shenanigans will be exposed for all the world to see.

In the meantime our infants, children, youth, young adults, Elders, those with compromised health - more our mentally and physically challenged are slowly dying - some call it - 
" Toxic Stress ".

I represent the First People of San Francisco the Muwekma Ohlone - I know the crooks behind the African American Arts and Culture District - there is nothing holistic about them - they have BLOOD on their hands. Believe you me.

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