Sheryl Evan Davis has been told by London Breed to resign.
Mayor London Breed - admits the buck stops at her door - the Black Wall Street wheeling and doling - is corruption - and all corruption must be dealt with:
It is a crying shame when it is brought to the attention of the SF Controller - those departments doling our taxpayers' money. This nonsense has been going on for years - it must be nipped in the bud.
The SF Controller has stated that no one is above the law.
Again - one is above the law.
Sheryl Evan Davis has long been known to dole out taxpayers' money to those she and London Breed favor.
In the last four years, Sheryl Evan Davis has taken upon herself as the Director of the Human Rights Commission to carry out programs and be involved in operations and events that have nothing to do with her duties as the Director of the Human Rights Commission.
We found the truth only because the SF Standard used the Freedom of Act and brought the issue to the SF Controller's Office for adjudication.
Sheryl Evan Davis, a person who has hurt thousands, must be ashamed of herself. Doling out money left, right, and center.
She gives out gift certificates at workshops that have nothing to do with her Office, the Human Rights Commission.
Her pretense of being a poet and a person of integrity, when the opposite was true, is a disappointment and an anathema.
SF Controller takes control of SF Human Rights Commission - after Sheryl Evan Davis is fired:
I have posted on this blog all the corruption for the last four years, the wheeling and dealing - going on under the auspicious of Sheryl Evan Davis and others, mostly Blacks - wasting taxpayers' money.
A staggering $300 million, sanctioned by the SF Board of Supervisors, was diverted from essential services like the SF Police Department - and SF City Departments - to supposedly aid the SF Black community.
The Dream Keepers Program has stalled, and the blaming game is on - who misused the millions and why?:
However, the Dream Keepers initiative, led by Sheryl Evan Davis, saw most of this money squandered, a blatant misuse of our hard-earned taxpayers' money.
One Non-Profit linked to the Dream Keeper - spending money on cigars and other things - not in keeping with the grant - received.
Under the leadership of London Breed and Shamann Walton, their projects favored - non-profits while leaving others equally good, standing out in the cold.
This selective favoritism is a stark reminder of our city's unfair practices.
The SF Controller's Office was Sheryl Evan Davis, much like the SF Public Utilities Commission Community Benefits - which was poorly handled when Harlan Kelly and Juliet were there - using Dwayne Jones - the point person for the City and County of San Francisco.
Only when actions are revealed by the SF Marina Times, the Examiner, and the SF Standard—only when an article on corruption is printed—has corruption reached saturation point in San Francisco - the City and County of San Francisco acts.
Why does the SF Controller not look into the ploys, machinations, and shenanigans linked to Young Community Developers, who are now into Property management and pretend they are doing Workforce management?
Check this out:
Why do so many who suffer from an inferiority complex, do not want to work hard, are loud-mouthed, and love almost everything handed on a platter?
Why do we have so many of these folks selling drugs - drugs that kill people, like Fentanyl?
Some even misuse cannabis - when cannabis helps many - as medicine to help ease their pain.
I have been monitoring quality-of-life issues for over 50 years.
Today, San Francisco is going to the hogs. Corruption has reached a saturation point - over thirty SF City employees are waiting to be indicted.
The Hunters Point Naval Shipyard is a superfund site - depleted uranium was tested at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - the Precautionary Principle - states the contamination must be abated and mitigated - that no project can go forward - when it is known that any living being - is adversely impacted.
I attended a circus at SF City Hall, Room 400, where the SF Planning Commission meeting was held.
Seeing the Commissioners go at each other was disgusting, having no respect for the many citizens. The room was packed, and all seats were taken.
Waiting patiently for the day's hearing - the Candlestick and Hunters Point Naval Shipyard - impending projects.
The first 45 minutes passed with the SF Planning Commission arguing about a subject that was not on the agenda.
And what is more - not noticed. These jackasses have no clue - about standards or etiquette, and they are shameless, to say the least.
Many sellouts were there—some in favor of building housing on contaminated land—in an area encompassing Candlestick Stick, where the land and air are polluted.
Depleted. Uranium was tested at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.
Some idiots will never ever understand - it is simply wrong to build homes on contaminated land.
Lennar Urban is a rogue developer who now operates under 5 Points Holding LLC—the same snake but with a different head.
The primarily Black sellouts will never, ever get it - stop taking money from the crooks - and stop adversely impacting the community.
In the first Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA), which is linked to parcel A, Lennar Urban promised 900 rental units.
After the DDA was signed—I attended all the meetings.
Two weeks later, at a meeting in Visitation Valley held by the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce, the head, Michael Cohen, told those gathered that an amendment had been made to the DDA—the 900 rental units could no longer be accommodated.
Nothing much has changed. The same old crooks attended the meetings spewing diatribes on the take - they will burn in hell.
Thousands of infants, children, youth, men, women, our elders - and others with compromised health have died - in and around Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and Candlestick Point.
By the way, Candlestick Park by the Bay was once a garbage dump. The State of California chose to make Candlestick Dump a state Park.
Methane gas spews in the air today, and the rabbits and ducks are stunned. I saw this firsthand.
The only State Park in San Francisco has the distinction of being a dump site—spewing methane and other toxic gases into the air—near Candlestick Point and the neighboring areas.
The land is prone to liquefaction, contamination, and pollution.
The land was stolen from the Indigenous people - two hills dynamited - containing serpentine rock.
Serpentine Rock - when crushed, releases Asbestos - dirt containing human remains of the Ohlone - taken from the destroyed hills - and used as infill - in what today is called Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.
I noticed how nonchalant they were while explaining to the SF Planning Commission. They think they know everything, and this arrogance will bring them down.
These sellouts, mostly Blacks, are a disgrace to the human race. Imagine these idiots want to build housing on land that is toxic and contaminated - with very poor abatement and mitigation.
The Mayor of San Francisco - London Breed - hogging herself - bursting at the seams - appointing Commissioners who have no clue what is happening - to the constituents of the Bayview Hunters Point area.
Less Shamann Walton took a trip to Bogota the land of the Cartels - to check out the Columbian Hooters.
The man hails from Vallejo, and I have not seen him in the trenches in the past 50 years - I know him to be a jailbird who has not reformed.
The corruption in San Francisco has reached saturation point - firing Sheryl Davis is just the tip of the iceberg:
Two corrupt individuals, Shamann Walton and Dwayne Jones, have ripped off the community. Where do they find such goons?
Shamann Walton and Dwayne Jones are from the same fabric - crooks that have never, ever lifted a finger to help the community and the many infants, children, youth, men and women, our beloved Elders, and those with compromised help who need help.
Why do we tolerate such riff-raff, such corrupt folks that wheel and deal - and amass wealth to fill their own coffers.
San Francisco has suffered a lot - the SF Planning Commission - failing to serve the citizens and constituents of San Francisco.
San Francisco lacks a healthy tree canopy - we use treated, clean drinking water to flush our toilet.
We have over 4000 toxic hotspots all over San Francisco.
We have tons of Methane gas spewing in the air—one tone of Methane gas equals twenty-two tons of Carbon Dioxide.
We keep building thousands of units in San Francisco—we do not care where we will get clean drinking water or where the sewer will be treated.
The SF Planning Commission needs to preserve the quality of life issues.
Thousands suffer from Asthma, more infants, children, youth, our Elders, and other chronic diseases - the contaminated air and other pollution harm those with compromised health.
The SF Planning Commission behaves like a Cabal - an ignorant and arrogant Cabal at that.
When will the SF Commission learn not to be petty - learn to address issues that are on the agenda - and not think - they can discuss any sordid issue - for a long time.
The public gets two minutes to speak - the SF Planning Commission - talks too much and must be limited to one minute.
The Bayview Hunters Point is inundated with outsiders who work with crooks like Veronica Hunnicutt, who was at the meeting with Linda Richardson, Aurelius Walker, and others in favor of the projects—trying to represent the community and having no authority to do so.
The Carpenters' Union from Northern California could not care less about the community.
No good Union will work in any contaminated location and put its members in harm's way.
The Carpenters' Union from Northern California has no standards and has come to San Francisco to deprive our workers.
We have been following such nonsense for some time now.
Of course, those who take bribes linked to the projects—make hay while the sunshine is shining —do not give a hoot about the Bayview Hunters Point community.
The many sellouts on 5 Points Holding LLC's payroll —mostly Black—should be ashamed of themselves.
These sellouts, mostly Black, must be ashamed of themselves.
The SF Planning Commission needs to be united. There is a lot of infighting, and that was displayed yesterday.
I spoke about this issue, and I hope something holistic is done.
SF Planning Commission has failed San Franciscans, and they must do right by serving San Francisco's citizens or step down and fade into oblivion.
The Hunters Point Naval Shipyard and Candlestick project will not be completed in the next 40 years.
One has to look at the timelines each phase takes - on an average of 10 years - four phases 40 years.
Lennar, a rogue company that has failed us all in the Bayview Hunters Point, aka 5 Points Holding LCC, cannot be trusted.
We have witnessed this madness for over 30 years: making promises to the community and failing to abide by them.
We must now wait for another 40 years before we see some action.
The project will not happen.
5 Points Holding LCC will sell its rights and bid farewell, failing to serve those salivating.
Waiting for Godot!