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Tuesday, July 30, 2019


Amos Brown -
his days are numbered -
he could have done better -
but chose with intent - to do less -
yesterday's dog and pony show - 
held at 3rd Baptist Church says it all.

We once had the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice - no reason was given by Mayor Edwin Mah Lee - to completely abolish the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice.

Following that debacle we had the Committee on Safety -  it held some critical meetings - at SF City Hall - when Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi was a Supervisor and showed keen interest.

Mayor Edwin Mah Lee -
he got rid off the 
Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice -

Understand - that Mayor Edwin Mah Lee - he received millions as much as $300 million from the Federal and State sources - and did nothing much when it came to preventing Violence.

He embraced Diana Aroche and a few others.

Outsourced - millions to HealthRight360 - headquartered in Los Angeles - to see to some arbitrary machinations.

Created - Street Violence Intervention Program - with no clean, healthy, and environmental conducive premises to operate. 

Before I intervened and help restore normalcy - and accommodate SVIP at 5 Thomas Mellon, at Executive Park.

I have been following Violence Prevention for 35 years - from the days of RAP established in the Mission, then CRN (Community Response Network) - and now Street Violence Intervention Program (SVIP).

I had to step in - and worked with several members of SVIP - to help establish and better establish the operation of SVIP at 5 Thomas Mellon at Executive Park.

One important component the Polynesian - who still play an important part - but most second fiddle - this City will use like a " dirt rag " and throw you in the garbage can.

The same operation (SVIP) has now moved to 150 Executive Park.

Today -  SVIP is working on a transition or sorts - to the SF Health Department - that has always managed the funding of Violence Prevention.

Today at the City and County of San Francisco - Mayor London Breed has NO clue - what is happening at ground zero - when it comes to Violence Prevention.

Joseph Taeotui -
extreme right of this photograph -
 I remember him fondly -
and ask you all to pray for closure -
we will not STOP - until there is a closure.

We saw this clearly with the ambush and death of Joseph Teootui - better known as "Jungle".

Soon August 24, 2019 it will be a year - since his untimely death.

As I keep saying - there has been no closure - and I have been mentioning the fact -  those that know about his case - and can do something - are mum.

I remember being at my office with another Brother - and rushing to the SF General Hospital and Trauma Center - where " Jungle" was being attended to - on life support. 

We knew a  bullet lodged in his head - caused his brain to swell - doctors were hard pressed to save his life - I knew some of the doctors.

The nurses who knew me at SF General Hospital - giving the latest report.

I vividly report a message sent by the SF Police Department - that Jungle had died - when we all knew he was still alive - the doctors working on him - to save his life. All this in the early hours - which sent mixed signals.

Hundreds of his fellow Polynesian and other supporters keeping vigil - something that amazed everyone - even the SF General Hospital Administrators.

The Administrators  - who permitted us a location to ourselves - to keep our vigil in honor of Jungle.

We kept a vigil and did what we had to do - kept the area clean and accessible to all traffic - people coming in droves - to and fro to the hospital - many of them to pay their respects to Jungle.

The paradox was that Jungle worked for SVIP - and was well known all over San Francisco. 

A man of peace - we had several lengthy talks - and one last one - for over an hour - a week before the untimely and deadly - ambush that lead to his death.

The killer walks the streets - and the SF Police Department  know who he is - others know too.

This case and other cases - haunt those that fight for justice - while others - pretend they are doing something - about the situation.

The SF Mayor's Office has one person a Black person - who has NO clue about Violence Prevention - he was seen yesterday at the meeting held at the Third Baptist Church - he came in late - who not acknowledged by anyone - and left.

If you try to find any information about Violence Prevention on the new SF City and County of San Francisco website - you will reach a outdated website established by Mayor Edwin Mah Lee - Interrupt, Predict, and Organize.

For all practical purposes - millions are sent to the SF Health Department - and there is NO real representation - linked to Violence Prevention - at the SF Mayor Office Room 200.

Amos Brown at this eleventh hour wants to do something - it is too late. 

Follow the money - the most money given to address Violence Prevention is given to HealthRight360 - that use SVIP to do its work.

Amos Brown and the NAACP can invite the Chief of Police, other department heads - and bark up the tree - nothing much will happen. 

Amos Brown wants some money to stay active - he talks a good talk - but when it comes to action - there is nothing - but, hot air.

Blacks will never learn - even at this late hour - Blacks are 
" doing in " other Blacks - the " crab mentality " is alive in San Francisco among many - Blacks.

The Mayor of San Francisco is Black, the City Administrator is Black, the Chief of Police is Black.

The head of the SF Unified School District is Black.

There are other Blacks heads of their Departments, on the many Commission the Mayor has placed - mostly incompetent people - that includes the SF Police Commission.

Mayor London Breed -
talks from both sides of her mouth -
she has failed in her duties -
more, to address Quality of Life issues.

Mayor London Breed is openly defying our City and more the sentiments of the people.

Mayor London Breed  does not give a rat's ass - she chose to cut some ribbon to open a Cafe Envy at Yosemite - rather than spend a few minutes - to respect Joseph Taeotui - who she knew - before Jungle was laid to rest.

We will NOT forget this fact - a woman who does not have her priorities - right. 

Those surrounding her - have dug a deep hole - and created a cesspool - that stinks to high heaven.

On the day of the funeral for Joseph Taeotui - London Breed chose to attend a sordid event - she chose to be present to cut  a ribbon to open " Cafe Envy " that gets NO business today. 

Ms. Canada over 100 years old -
evicted without cause -
her belongings and document stolen -
while she was at the hospital -
she died of shock and despondency -
we remember her - those in Government -
including London Breed - did nothing to help her -
some one has BLOOD - on their hands.

It is the same with Ms Canada an over 100 years old Black woman was was adversely impacted and evicted. Her documents and belongings stolen - by those that broke into her home - while she was rushed to the hospital.

London Breed was the SF President of the Board - she did nothing to help Ms. Canada - even as London Breed pays lip service today - barking up the wrong tree - each and every day.

Mother Brown and her operation has been deprived funding in the Bayview Hunters Point area.

Shamann Walton -
a diabolical person -
for the last 9 months he has been talking -
about a Navigation Center -
Navigation Centers - denigrate human values -
the " jail bird " would not know it.

We hear today that Shamann Walton is trying to open a Navigation Center.

We - have been hearing about this for the last 9 months.

Shamann Walton has the money - and Navigation Centers are NO way to address Quality of Life issues.

Shamann Walton has taken millions from Lennar.

He is wheeling and dealing with Mercy Housing - and other Developers - but not for long. Time is running out.

I heard the many speak yesterday - at the Third Baptist Church -  mostly people who have no clue about Violence Prevention.

I got two invitations and marked my calendar - to attend the meeting at Third Baptist Church.

Amos Brown saw me standing near the door - and acknowledged me - to my surprise. 

I listened well - and my heart was very heavy.

For all the talk - there is no action.

All those Amos Brown called to the front - at public comment - none of them worked in the trenches - at ground zero - to stem Violence all over San Francisco. 

One stated " fat checks " sent his way. Another wanted some space open at night for youth that are homeless. Another wanted money to help other get jobs. Most avoided to address the issue at hand - Violence Prevention.

None of them attended the many funerals, none of them work with the families more mothers who have lost their children - daily. 

None of them have spent time in the hospitals - helping the families - as and when some is shot - other shot and die.

None of them deal with funeral expenses - and getting families moved - to a safe haven.

These meetings - addressing Violence Prevention - must be held in at a central place.

More  - at City Hall - so that all can come and witness the ploys, machinations, and shenanigans.

Assistant SF Chief of Police Toney Chaplin -
he is heading to his new job -
Chief of Police - Hayward City.
Thank you for your service 
and friendship - God Bless you and your family.

Before I left I met Assistant SF Chief of Police Toney Chaplin from the SF Police Department - he is leaving to become the Police Chief of Hayward City. 

Assistant SF Chief of Police Toney Chaplin has known me for a long time - he reads my blogs - and expressed his sentiment to me - personally - " thank you for doing God's work " he said to me.

Amos Brown must step down and turn over the torch to the younger generation.

I saw - Rev Townsend whisper sweet nothings in Amos Brown ear - Amos Brown at this eleventh hour wants to win brownie points and money - for his retirement - and is making the wrong moves.

I saw Aurelious Walker another sellout - who has retired - and should stay away from the Bayview Hunters Point - when will these folks learn ?

It is amazing how they work - man of God they say - the shepherd have been known for committing adultery, bring children into this world - and paying off - to keep the matter hush - hush.

I went into the lion den - to see what was happening.

There  was a fake lion - grown old - his mane withered away - he tried to roar - but could not do so - he spoke but no one was listening.

We must have our heart in the right place - and this is very difficult in today's world.

This violence stemming from the Black population - has its roots in lack of spirituality, lack of anger management, our failure not to address the " incarceration system".

Black on Black violence - stems from deep hatred - and psychologist and psychiatrists - have addressed these issues in depth - family values, spirituality, knowing right from wrong, discipline, less blink and more discipline.

I was born in Nairobi, Kenya - I should know better - I have many Black friends - I am a supporter of the Buffalo Soldier, I served in the Army - Sixth Army and Presidio of San Francisco - I paid my dues.

As the Director of Environmental Justice Advocacy I have fought in the trenches and seen it all. I can smell a rat - from a long distance - and I saw many a rat - at the Third Baptist Church - STOP hoodwinking the people.

Our failure to stand tall and represent - why is it so many of our Black children - fail in our Public Schools and not in our Parochial and Private schools?

Why is it the pastors - cannot attract youth and young adults to their empty churches?

Why is it with a Black population at 3%  and dwindling - we still have over 50% of those incarcerated in our jails - Black?

What has Mayor London Breed done for Blacks lately ?

What has the City Administrator Naomi Kelly done for Blacks lately more our infants, children, youth, young adults who are Black ?

What has Chief William Scott done for Blacks lately?

What has the Superintendent of the SF Unified School  - Vincent Matthews - District done for Black lately - besides  boldly lying - at the meeting held at Third Baptist Church - July 29, 2019?

Vincent Matthews - stood up and lied yesterday? 

A Black principal was fired from Visitacion Valley Elementary School.

Amos Brown knows about this - and did not have the guts to mention this fact to the Superintendent - when Vincent Matthews was lying through his teeth ?

I know more about the situation at hand - and went out of my way to meet Amos Brown - who could do nothing - at all.

Our heart must be in the right place - we cannot take anyone to a better place - unless in humility we have our heart in the right place.

STOP these dog and pony shows - even as Blacks in droves live San Francisco - and many Blacks who once lived in homes - now live in tents - on the streets of San Francisco.

It is simply pathetic to see - so many Blacks suffer and slowly die - on the streets of San Francisco - we must face this really - with a Blue Print that has funding in place - and not dream about funding - with stellar leadership.

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