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Wednesday, July 3, 2019


On the 4th of July - we all must be American - united and with our heart in the right place - this "Independence" come with a sacrifice - and service to the nation with humility.

As a world power - boasting about our military - is not what our military does - our military works hard to do due diligence - and in the trenches - you do not turn to your fellow soldier and ask him what party he or she affiliates with.

The President has not spend one single day - serving his Nation - in the military before he became President - and got there illegally - he was put in the White House - by our enemies - and for all practical purposes - he is a traitor.

We do not want to spend millions of dollars - to display - our military hardware and software - brag about our our blood and sweat - tax payers money - has gone to acquire bombs, missiles, ships, planes, ammunition of all sorts - our blood and sweat - and we the people - pay our taxes.


This President chooses not to pay taxes - he chooses cheat, hoodwink, bluff - to lie - in fact lying is his " middle name ".

He is constantly bad mouthing Germany, Iran, Syria, China, any nation that comes to his mind - because in his sick mind - he must be the center of attention.

38 Psychiatrists and Psychologists - all professional men and women - signed a document - stating in very clear terms - the sitting President in not fit - to be the President of the United States. He has a problem - he is sick - mentally sick - calls himself a genius - when he is a buffoon.

We all should have learned a lesson after World War II - but have not. The President on the 75th Anniversary "D-Day" - kept our veterans and military waiting - while - he was bad mouthing the Democrats - and pandering to Fox News.

It is so sad that the Democrats cannot unite to bring down this President and the Republican Party that has lost its senses.

It is only recently that the Republican Party - realizes that the current President - is a " mad man ".

We citizens must not permit this President to act like a Dictator.

He has not served one single day in the military.

One has just to ask General James Mattis - the most respected General in our Nation - what he thinks of this President.

Other Nations may want to parade their military to boost their egos - we in America do not need that - our Veterans who laid their lives - suffered - today suffer most than others.

We have so many Veterans taking their own lives - and our President has NO clue about the suffering and the many suicides.

This President has NOT paid his taxes, he loves Dictators, he loves abusing women.

The President - is a rogue President - and our Nations terms, rules, and regulation - pertaining to swearing in a President - must be revisited.

This is the first and last rogue President - that must be tolerated - in 2020 - we must do all in our power - to vote him out - good riddance of very bad rubbish.

I served three Generals - what is more - served on a military base on the West Coast of America - known for its superb military - training. 

Our soldiers were the best - and I had the opportunity - to know some of the best soldiers - and loved every single second of my association with women and men- stellar soldiers.

I did all in my power to serve our soldiers and our Nation.

This President wheeling and dealing with Dictators - be it Vladimir Putin from Russia - Xi Jinping from China - Kim un Jung from North Korea - others too many to name - is something we citizens have not seen before.

We revere the office of the President of the United States - so it is difficult to see someone to makes his abode in the White House - tweet sensitive information, make decisions without consulting is advisors, fire his Secretary of States and others - even the head of Federal Bureau of Investigation - and have no second thoughts. 

The man as I have said many times - is an egoistical maniac.

Our President thinks he knows best - when he is a fool - and has tarnished the name of our Nation - the United States of America.

It will be very difficult for this sitting President not to chide the Democrats - defy the common thinking - about being neutral - and side with no party - on July 4, 2019.

He should not make unsavory remarks - more like a a rally - campaigning - I know he will make statements - and not read from a prepared statement - he will insult many those gathered - in front of the Lincoln Memorial. on July 4, 2019.

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