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Thursday, March 31, 2022



Ukrainian soldiers destroy hundreds of Russian tanks - capturing hundreds more Russian tanks - intact. Using captured tanks against the Russians. Aided by Javeline missiles, Drones - other weapons - arms and ammunition provided by the Free World. 

The current situation in Ukraine - seems to favor the Ukrainians - the Russians have suffered significant casualties - fifteen thousand Russians killed and many maimed and seriously wounded.

Eight plus Russian General killed. Think about this fact.

Hundreds of Russian tanks were destroyed - the Ukrainian soldiers armed with Javeline missiles and other more sophisticated drones - sending the Russian soldiers for cover. 

The aid from the Free World came late - better late than never.

The Russians improvising - twigs, tree branches, hay, carpets - all to camouflage - from the Ukrainians. Drones spot the Russian vehicles and tanks - and take them out - hundreds of tanks - are destroyed.

We have seen the Russians use twigs, branches, hay - to camouflage their vehicles and tanks.

All this makes one wonder - who is leading the Russian soldiers, primarily conscripts - who were going for some war games - only to be embroiled in a real war.

The free world was too slow to help the Ukrainians - we should have made a sound needs assessment - and provided the Ukrainians with the necessary tools - a long time ago -  we did not.

At one time, Ukrainians had 1900 nuclear missiles that the Free World and the Soviet Union - persuaded - Ukraine to hand over these missiles to the Soviet Union - behind this scheme of sorts were the United States and Britain.

After Russia and the United States - Ukraine had the third most nuclear missiles. Can we see how we step in to disarm - and then leave Ukraine - holding an empty bag.

Ukraine was assured that if any nation attacked them, the United States and Britain- NATO would come to the rescue of Ukraine. 

Ukraine requested to join NATO - decades ago - NATO kicking the can down the street.

When the time came for Ukraine to ask for a " no-fly zone" - NATO and more, the United States said NO.

What makes it suitable for the Russians to fly over Ukraine and bomb civilians, schools, hospitals, child centers, churches, civilians standing in line for food - what has happened to our world and world order?

We went to the United Nations - the Security Council - to hold Russia responsible for " genocide " and attained nothing.

Russia exercised its VETO power - an antiquated tool - and shot down resolution after resolution.

The VETO exercised by the Super Powers does justice to no nation any good - it must go - gone with the wind.

This is not 1945 - the pathetic behavior of the Security Council and allowing Russia to prolong a pressing issue - cries to heaven for help.

The United Nations could do better - the Security Council - pathetic - kicking the can down the street - thousands of innocent Ukrainians dead - over three hundred children. Russia and Vladimir Putin - " crimes against humanity. "

Today, the Security Council is inept and significant amendments - linked to the shabby operation of the Security Council - are in order. 

The United Nations had to gather the General Assembly - an emergency notice to meet - to circumvent the Security Council.

The General Assembly voted 141-to 4 - condemning the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, a rogue nation - its leader Vladimir Putin.

Those voting for Russia - North Korea, Eritrea, Syria, and Belarus.

China can help  - we must stop pussy footing with China - China is out to create a great mess - waiting to pounce on Twawan.

Vladimir Putin and his bench men - cannot be trusted - not for a second.

In any war, the children suffer. The infants, the children, the youth, the elders, those with compromised must not suffer - the United Nations has let us down, so has NATO - the others who talk the talk fail to walk the walk.

Our Elders must be treated with respect.

There is cancer that can be removed - time to STOP the carnage, the trauma, the upheaval of Europe. Economic woes, Food security, untold death, and suffering. Time is running out.


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