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Saturday, March 5, 2022



The Russians may try their best - soon, they will be met with Javeline missiles and other war ammunition. The Russians will witness the tenacity and fortitude of the Ukrainians once and for all. The Russians are now resorting to depriving the Ukrainians of drinking water and electricity. God sees it all.


Any way you look at the Ukraine situation - the question decent human beings ask - who will speak for the infants, the children, the youth, the elders, the women - the beloved elders - those with compromised health - now forced to leave Ukraine.

The United Nations has been stalled and cannot truly control the rogue Nation headed by Vladimir Putin - a demon, an autocrat, who has blood on his hands.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) once relied on the United States, a Super Power. No more - we saw what Donald Trump did - when he was in power - he abused his power and tried to destroy NATO.

We, the United States, continue to give this bastard a pass - even now - we allow him to talk from both sides of his mouth.

We allowed Donald the Liar to further sign a treaty with the Taliban, who are not a nation - and Presiden Joe Biden - followed Donald, the Liar - left Afghanistan in a mess.

All - the time Vladamir Putin - allowed Donald the Liar - to prepare the way for Vladimir Putin - to invade Ukraine - and left unchecked Putin de Puto - will Poland and the rest of NATO.

The world is shocked by how millions of infants, children, youth, and elders suffer.

Never - ever - we said will such atrocities happen - as happened during World War II happen again.

That is why the United Nations was formed in San Francisco - October 24, 1945 - the Charter signed at the War Memorial - in San Francisco.

As with the rest of the United States, most are busy surviving during this pandemic here in San Francisco.

No one knows what is happening in Ukraine - here in the United States, our Nation is divided. 

The Democrats and the Republicans are putting themselves first and the citizens of the United States on the back burner. This nonsense must STOP - and will stop - after the national elections.

The Liar and Traitor 

Putin de Puto.

Antony Bliken - US State Department - in a mess.

Antony Blinken - talks from both sides of his mouth - he should step down - the United States State Department - is a mess - from the days of Afghanistan -leaving millions to die - to now - Ukraine - more millions slowly dying - while Antony Blinken - talking in circles - we know President Joe Biden is a weak leader - while Antony Blinken pretends to flex his muscles - the man has no balls -  anyone can kick the can down the street. 


Antony Bliken has let us down once again - he talks too much and does not have the ability or the capacity to do a good job.

Antony Bliken failed in Iraq and Libya, and we all know in Afghanistan. Vladimir Putin saw this and took advantage of the United States - that says it is a Super Power - but cannot checkmate Russia.

The Javelin missiles help some - the shoulder-held missiles help some - the United States can do more - but as usual - talks too much - declare a " no-fly-zone " over Ukraine. Use the United Nations Resolution - the one endorsed by the General Assembly. After announcing the " no-fly-zone" - signed by NATO - the United States, Britain, and France - send this message to Vladimir Putin - let us see - who breaks the no-fly-zone - we should have done this a long time ago.  

Can Salesforce, Google, Facebook, Intel, Bill Gates, others - impress on our weak in the knees President Joe Biden - to allow 50,000 Ukraine children and the mothers of fathers - another 50,000 Afghan children and their mothers and fathers - immigrate to the United States.

We can request Canada too - to accommodate the children.

Both Canada and the United States have vast land stolen from the indigenous people - the same here in the United States.

Chief Sitting Bull - welcomes the children and peace.

Chief Joseph welcomes peace and progress.

Frederick Douglass welcomed peace and progress.

The indigenous people lived here on Turtle Island for over 23,000 years - remains and artifacts - all carbon dated.

Let us start with this small number - and create a Liberty City - roads and squares - named after Afghanistan and Ukraine roads and cities.

Let us do this on a War Footing - our retired Special Forces - can lay down the logistics, including the retired Generals - who will and can step up - Liberty Cities.

We have vast federal lands here in California - the 5th largest economy globally. 

We have vast federal land in other States - ready to lease land  - if there is money to fund the recourses with wrap-around services.

Reinforcements were sent to Ukraine.

Satellite showing bombs dropped - cluster bombs by the Russian autocrat - Putin de Puto.

Putin de Puto has no shame - attacking seniors.

General Milley time to step up and act.

Give Afghan children a break.

We will fight for you all - infants, children, youth - mothers, and fathers from Ukraine - God Bless you all.

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of a Liberty City. Where did you get the fabulous photos?!
