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Friday, April 1, 2022


This fuel depot inside Russia - the city of Belgorod - was targeted by Ukrainian soldiers. The Russians and Vladimir Putin - getting a dose of this own medication. There is more to come. Things are turning around for the Ukrainian soldiers - Glory to Ukraine.


At last, the Ukrainian soldiers fighting for their country - their hearts in the right place - chasing the Russians.

Many - of the Russian conscripts surrendered to the Ukrainian soldiers.

Russian soldiers helping Ukraine. The Russian soldiers - sabotage their own tanks, shooting down Russian planes.

Many fail to realize - Ukrainians and Russian - have known each other for hundreds of years. Now, they are forced to fight one another.

All this and more tells us that Vladimir Putin - his world is coming tumbling - down.

This is the Chernobyl Nuclear plant - overrun by the Russians - forcing the Ukraine operators to work - for days on end - the nuclear rods - at this closed nuclear power - needed continuous cooling. We learn that the Russian has suffered from radiation and has no news about the Ukrainian operators. We are also learning the Russian have left - being chased out by the approaching Ukrainian soldiers.

We all know about the Chernobyl Nuclear plant - that failed decades ago. 

The damage was severe - it took years to keep the nuclear rods in place - cooling the rods - and repair the damaged Chernobyl nuclear plant.

It was visited by the Internation Nuclear Inspectors - other regulatory national and international entities. It took years - to bring the nuclear plant under control.

The Russians have now created a mess - at the Chernobyl nuclear plant. First, forcing the Ukrainian operators to work under duress - for days. Then perhaps - not know what to do - when the operators gave up.

We will learn more - it may have taken some lives. Some of us get verified reports - it is challenging to get sound notifications from Mariupol and more from a captured nuclear plant like Chernobyl.

Vladamir Putin has created a mess - putting thousands of innocent people in harm's way.

Vladimir Putin - a monomaniac, does not care what happens to others - he seems to think - he is the center of the universe. Time will tell.

President Zelensky addressed the Australian parliament.

President Zelensky has spoken to all the major free nations - and addressed the many parliaments.

The entire free world - has a clear picture that Ukrainians will fight for their freedom.

The United States has been on the forefront - we could have stepped into this fray earlier - took our time - and now the military is delivering.

In the United States, our leadership is faltering  - one step forward - ten steps behind. 

More with Antony Blinken- failing in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and Ukraine.

The Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his government have promised Ukraine armored vehicles. Other Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Turkey provided drones that helped the Ukrainians take out many Russian tanks and other equipment.

The recent Jeveline missiles and other more sophisticated missiles and jamming technology provided by NATO and the United States.

Britain is doing their share, and so is Germany - though late in the game.

Sweden, Denmark, France, and other nations are all doing what they can - and then there is Food Security.

 Food Security addressed on a War Footing. Thanks to the generosity of Poland and the free world. 

Other NATO nations like Germany, Sweden, Norway, France, and Italy - there is a lot of compassion to spread -around Europe when the need -arises.

Ukraine has revealed to NATO countries and Britain, France, and the United States - that things in Europe - will change drastically.

No nation must rely on Russia to provide essential natural gas and petroleum. Russia, under Vladimir Putin - is a pariah nation.

Precious metals and wheat and other essential materials - from Russia.

Vladimir Putin has murdered thousands of Ukrainians - hundreds of children.

Vladimir Putin and Russia are not signatories - to " Genocide" and " Crimes against Humanity." The laymen take agreements and treaties for granted and think it applies to all.

Russia has made sure that it stays away from treaties and agreements - linked to humanity - so that it can do what Lenin did, other autocrats - preparing the way for Vladimir Putin. 

Putin understands brute force - impaling will do him - good.

It is the same when it comes to the United States.

The United States refuses to apologize to the indigenous people -
President Andrew Jackson and others - participated in genocide.

Remove the indigenous people from the land - here in the United States.

Indigenous land we have stolen - our government has remorse.
The United States refuses to give all indigenous people Federal Recognition here in the United States. Making indigenous people who have lived here in the United States - once better known as Turtle Island for over twenty-three thousand - years.

Russia must be removed from all those entities that most civilized nations belong to - first removed from the United Nations - more its Veto right as a Super Power - at the inept United Nations - Security Council.

The sanctions work some, but the Ruble is up to the pre-invasion times - and all this and more is worrisome.

The Russian Sergei Lavrov is not to be trusted - partnering with India. India has some serious problems at home - when it comes to freedom of expression - targeting Muslims - Christians - the rich Indians - getting the best education - from Catholic-run Universities. 

China and India are pussyfooting with Russia. 

Russia has expressed that it does not adhere to the rules and regulations of the world.

It has gone beyond to rape, kill, maim, level down cities, use cluster bombs, hypersonic missiles, chemical bombs - now threatening us with nuclear weapons.

Russian bombing Ukraine - it will continue - soon.

We cannot trust China and Xi Jinping.
We must stop importing garbage from China - trinkets and many things we can manufacture here at home. The many Chinese spies and those living here in the United States want to destroy our freedom. China flooding our cities with Fenathol and opioids, killing thousands every year. Wake up, America.

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine!




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